4.15: I can not

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"Snake Gu is the most obscene and evil Gu, and the victims are all It is very difficult to bear the pain of the attack of the snake gu, so to avoid the pain of the attack of the snake gu every time on a full moon night, the only way is to have sex with someone, and it must be for a whole night." Lan Qin said

After listening to Si talk about the usefulness and solution of this snake Gu, he was immediately stunned, and when he realized what kind of situation this was, his face became hot with a 'boom'.

It seems that his previous evaluation of Si Tianzhen's simplicity and ignorance of world affairs is really correct, how could he say such a thing in broad daylight? !

Sure enough, even if his partner came to a new mission world and got a new villain identity, he was still that gangster inside!

Even though he and his partner have already entered into the old couple state that they are familiar with each other, Lan Chin still feels embarrassed to say this kind of thing directly.

In particular, it was his fault that Si took one bite at a time, and was unable to make an antidote for Lanqin.

Lan Qin looked at Si's remorseful expression, and felt a little helpless in his heart. After all, the effect of this snake Gu is still very useful, because there are indeed many people in the outside world who have unspeakable secrets in certain aspects.

And this kind of effect is similar to aphrodisiac and aphrodisiac. He has never heard of any antidote for these two things.

After all, in essence, these are sex products and health care products.

After Si told the usefulness of the snake Gu, he kept looking at Lan Qin anxiously, and when he found that Lan Qin was only blushing but did not speak, he became even more flustered.

If it wasn't for Lan Qin's obvious love for snake Gu, he would definitely bring the real 'sinner' to justice!

Of course, facing this snake Gu that Lan Qin loved at this time, Si already regretted bringing it to Lan Qin.

Normally, outsiders would not like a snake Gu, let alone be in close contact with a snake Gu, and speak softly.

It would be considered calm not to use a big stone to kill the snake Gu while shouting 'there is a snake' and 'help' when seeing the snake Gu.

At least the woman brought back by the great witch yelled like this, as if she encountered a group of terrifying beasts that could eat people.

Although at that time Si was the apprentice of the former great witch, or it can be said that he was the adopted son, he had contact with the great witch and the woman brought back by the great witch, but he didn't know much about that woman.

All he knew was that one day the great witch suddenly killed the woman, and then He Si, who was still looking haggard, said that she was going to die.

At that time, the priest saw that the wound on the big witch's stomach, which was probably stabbed by the woman, was still oozing blood, so he asked the big witch calmly if he needed to use herbs to stop the bleeding.

But the great witch laughed a few times, and then said that Si would definitely be the longest-lived and most accomplished great witch of the witch clan.

At that time, the priest did not refute the words of the great witch, and even turned around and left very calmly when the great witch asked him to go out to wait at the door and asked him to bury himself with the dead woman.

Probably because of being abused by his biological mother since he was a child, Si is indifferent to everyone, including himself, and his only hobby is refining new Gu.

But even this refinement of new Gu was just learned from the side of the former great witch, and then learned it by ear, not that Si really liked to do it.

However, Si felt that he had no place to go and nothing else to do, so he stayed and became the Great Witch of the Witch Clan, which at least proved that he had lived.

Si never thought about how long he would live, he just stayed in the clan land casually, and refined new Gu step by step, never caring about other people and other things.

But this peace was broken after all.

It's like the former great witch who lived indifferently for many years, but when he went out to arrest the fugitives, he also did a series of unreasonable things because he met his beloved.

Si is sometimes bored in his spare time, and he also guesses that the big witch killed the woman, maybe it was because the woman often shouted to leave Ganshui Town, and then went to find someone.

That person's name frequently appeared in that woman's mouth, and Si felt that he must be

someone very important to her, but the big witch might be very disgusted, and every time he heard that name, he would fly into a rage.

So what exactly is that name?

Si occasionally thinks back, but finds that he can't remember clearly, but probably his surname is Fu, so he can't remember the specific name.

It's no wonder that Si, after all, the Wu people use only one character for their names, while outsiders always like to use two characters, or three or four characters.

In the eyes of everyone in the Wu Clan, this is a waste of those beautiful words.

It is enough for a person to have one word in his life to represent his uniqueness, and any extra is a waste.

But although he couldn't remember the names of those outsiders, he could remember Lan Qin's name very accurately.

Lanchin, Lanchin, this name must be the most beautiful name in the world.

Si thought like this, and a smile appeared on his face.

But Lan Qin felt that things were not going well, but he could only bite the bullet and ask Si how to suppress the effect of snake Gu.

But Si, who heard Lan Qin's question, looked blank. He really didn't understand what to suppress, and it was impossible to suppress it.

"Snake. Sex. Ben. Prostitution, if suppressed forcibly, it will only become more and more serious, and it will even occur more rapidly on the next full moon night, so my suggestion is to block it rather than sparse it..."

Si spoke clearly and logically, Lan Qin quickly interrupted him.

Lan Qin felt that it was a bit embarrassing to say it directly, especially since he had a special guess about Si.

According to the content in the mission details, Si's new batch of Gu is mainly for refining Ruthless Gu, but he happened to be hit by a Snake Gu... Let's not talk about why Si suddenly refined Snake Gu for

this purpose, just looking at it Just now, Lan Qin felt that something was wrong with the way Si dealt with the snake Gu.

For example, this snake Gu was used to treat Si's own problems, and then accidentally used it on him? Or is it that there is nothing wrong with Si at all, the reason why he refines the snake Gu is that he has nothing to do, and after he comes, the snake Gu bites him?

Lan Qin didn't really think it was the latter, but because his partner did have a precedent, this made Lan Qin feel a sense of admiration for the priest after reacting.

Lan Chin: I thought you didn't lift, but in the end you did small tricks behind my back. This is simply too much!

If Si wants to fall in love with him and establish a deeper relationship, Lan Qin certainly thinks there is no problem, but if Si is doing some small tricks, Lan Qin feels that it is a bit inappropriate.

So Lan Qin didn't talk nonsense, but directly asked if there was a solution once and for all.

"The method you just said, it's okay to use it once or twice. But I'm not in good health, and I'm still weak. If I have a snake gu in my body for a long time, and it happens every time the moon is full, I'm afraid that I will Died young, so..."

When Sizai heard that Lan Qin was in poor health and was afraid of dying young, his face changed drastically, and even a worry expression appeared directly.

Lan Qin sighed in his heart, finally he was no longer cold and expressionless.

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