8.6: The Dragon is Coming

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Just when Lan Qin was thinking about who poisoned the original owner's father, the original owner The cheap stepmother suddenly turned pale and held her chest and spit out a big mouthful of black blood. The two cheap brothers who were supporting their father saw that their mother was also vomiting blood, and the situation seemed to be worse than that of their father, so they immediately stretched out their hands. Hold their mother by the arm.

It was the original owner's father who twitched all over his body that woke up the more rational brother among the two brothers. Although his expression was very anxious, he still supported his father steadily.

The younger brother, who was more domineering and domineering, hugged his mother and called the doctor in a panic, "Mom! What's wrong with you, mother? Don't scare me, mother..." Such panic is

obviously He cared about his mother very much, but no matter how worried and flustered he was, when the queen called the court doctor over with a little panic, his mother was still pale to the point of horror, as if she was dying.

This noble lady who is tightly embraced by her youngest son, her luxurious diamond headdress, gemstone necklace, and that beautiful and luxurious dress are still shining brightly, but her life has come to an end.

I saw her whole body twitching a few times, her eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe it, her hands held her son tightly, her lips moved, but she died without saying a word .

The mother's eyes were full of hatred and disbelief, and she looked straight ahead, as if she was glaring at the enemy who killed her. The youngest son, Amberrit Lane, followed his mother's sight with moist eyes and an angry expression. In the past, I saw Lan Chin with an indifferent face.

Does his mother mean that this man killed her?

Ryan didn't think too much, the court doctors came over soon, because the queen personally summoned them, and there were five court doctors who came, but when they diagnosed the Viscount and Viscountess of Amberrit who suddenly vomited blood , but could only shake his head regretfully.

The queen had already given the little princess to her eldest son, and she went with the king to watch the situation of Viscount Amberlett and his wife.

After hearing the doctor say that they were poisoned, and that the viscountess had passed away, and the viscount was still alive, but he couldn't last long, the queen was shocked.

After all, the Viscountess and Viscounts Amberlett have always been in the palace, and the food and drinks that can be imported are all at the banquet. If the Viscounts and Viscounts were poisoned, other guests must also be poisoned.

The guests who had been watching were also flustered, and some were too afraid of death, and even dragged the court doctor to diagnose themselves on the spot to see if there were signs of poisoning.

The court doctors knew that they could not offend anyone at the palace banquet, so they were very good-natured and diagnosed them one by one. Of course, the five court doctors first diagnosed the king, queen, two princes, and the little princess first, and made sure After the host at the banquet was fine, he began to diagnose the guests one by one.

As an older brother, Amberett Raven, although he was burdened with his mother's death, he cared more about his father's life and death at this time. If his father died under such circumstances, the two brothers had just grown up, so they would definitely He was asked to compete with his uncles for the status and property of the Amberlet family.

At this time, even if their father is about to die, they must persist until the power of Amberlet is handed over to them!

"Graceful and noble king and queen, I beg you to save my father!"

Amberett Raven cried out in grief. In his arms, his father was still spitting out black blood from time to time. His face looked as if he was going to die in the next second, and he couldn't say anything at all.

After the king and queen made sure that their family and some distinguished guests were all right, they breathed a sigh of relief for the time being.

Before they had time to react to the affairs of the Amberritt family, the Dark Witch, who had been ignored by everyone, could no longer bear being treated coldly.

"I said, isn't it a little too impolite for you to treat me, a distinguished guest from afar, like this?!" The

dark witch's expression was extremely ugly. She looked at the woman's corpse lying on the floor of the gorgeous palace, There was a middle-aged man whose breath was so weak that he could only breathe a sigh of relief. He laughed at the futility of these two people in his heart

, but on the surface he still had a haughty look of 'everyone present is rubbish'.

Originally, this stupid couple asked her to cooperate for the purpose of eradicating the so-called eldest son. The Dark Witch didn't think anything of it. She just wanted to make the Kingdom of Goss uneasy, so she also looked forward to bad luck for anyone in the Kingdom of Goss. .

Now that the unlucky people were replaced by two stupid ordinary people, the Dark Witch was not surprised, but she had agreed to kill one or two people before she appeared on the stage, but this time it happened after she appeared on the stage.

Such an accident that deviated from the plan really annoyed the Dark Witch.

If it weren't for the death of the couple who made a deal with her before, the Dark Witch would never let go of anyone who dared to sabotage her plan!

The dead are completely useless to the dark witch, after all, she is neither a necromancer who can drive skeletons, nor a demon who likes to devour souls.

The fairy godmother was keenly aware of the dark witch's unkindness and the dark witch's attention to the dead viscount couple, so the fairy godmother held a magic wand, frowned and asked if the dark witch did this.

"Lilitha, are you responsible for the deaths of these two people?"

The fairy godmother is naturally very familiar with her enemy's killing methods, but she doesn't understand why Lilisa chose such two people to demonstrate at this time.

Faced with such an inquiry, the Dark Witch thought about it carefully. She provided the poison. The medicine was also taught by her. Therefore, it seems that there is nothing wrong with her doing it.

"That's right, I did it. Let this be my birthday present to the little princess!"

The Dark Witch said maliciously, and looked at the little princess Amelia with a lifeless gaze - this is her favorite thing at present, as long as it is something she likes, Lilitha will destroy it one by one!

All at the party could feel the simmering contest between the Fairy Godmother and the Dark Witch, assessing each other's strengths and planning to kill each other with one blow.

The fairy godmother was completely concerned about the life and death of a viscount, and she couldn't waste any magic power, because the survival of Amelia and the entire Kingdom of Goss would depend on the next battle.

Lan Qin didn't look at the death scene of the couple again, but silently withdrew to the outside of the crowd, and naturally stayed away from the center of the battle.

He didn't even see his partner's face, so he couldn't just die here for no reason because of passerby A's bad luck.

And more importantly, Lan Qin didn't think that the Fairy Godmother would not be able to defeat the Dark Witch. After all, this is a magical world, and evil must not be able to defeat justice.

It's just that some unlucky ghosts may be sacrificed in the process of fighting between justice and evil.

Lanchin didn't want to be one of those unlucky people.

If he hadn't finished his hymn to the little princess, he could have left the scene and escaped now.

Only a small part of everyone at the banquet paid attention to the accidental death of the viscount and his wife, and most of the attention was still on the confrontation between the fairy godmother and the dark witch.

Just when the audience was silent and the war was about to break out, there were bursts of exclamations and shouts and screams outside the palace.

The safety of the royal palace is entrusted to the knights to guard. Generally, the knights are warriors who have undergone rigorous training and selection, and have experienced many battles. If even such knights panic, then things will be extremely bad.

Hearing the commotion outside at the banquet also caused a commotion. Although the Dark Witch is worthy of being feared now, what happened outside the palace may be equally serious.

The king's expression has become extremely solemn and dignified. If he had not to maintain the king's demeanor, he would have wanted to ask loudly what happened outside.

The knight in the palace was originally holding a sword to guard against the dark witch, but when he heard the movement outside the palace, someone came out to check, but the person who checked didn't know why he didn't come back for a long time.

Although the Dark Witch doesn't know who is here now, if it is someone who also wants to destroy the Goss Palace, then she is definitely welcome.


to the Dark Witch's relaxation, the Fairy Godmother even clenched her hand holding the magic wand - if it was a fairy or elf like her, such a situation would never happen.

Could it be that the ones coming from outside are the helpers invited by the Dark Witch?

The fairy godmother knew very well that according to the arrogance of the dark witch Lilisa, she would not seek help. But they haven't seen each other for more than ten years, if Lilisa has changed and is no longer the Lilisa she knew, then things will get very bad.

Just when everyone was suspicious and fearful, the knight who went out to check the situation finally ran back holding his crooked helmet. His long sword and shield were missing, but fortunately there were no wounds on his body.

It's just that the knight commander suddenly had a very bad premonition when he saw his subordinates' expressions of extreme panic and fear.

And what the knight quickly said confirmed the conjecture of the knight commander.

"Dear King and Queen, a giant dragon is coming outside, outside the palace! And, and it's a very huge black dragon!" The

knight said with an extremely frightened expression.

Everyone at the banquet didn't care about a knight's panic, because they were equally panicked at this moment-no one can defeat a full-grown black dragon, even the most heroic dragon slayer!

Because the black dragon is the most powerful dragon in the dragon clan, and it is also the most violent and likes to kill everywhere.

Generally speaking, an ordinary dragon can destroy a city, while a black dragon can destroy a country.

"Why... our country obviously doesn't have adult princesses."

"Don't dragons only like treasures and beauties? There are no beautiful princesses in the Kingdom of Goss. Why do dragons come?" "I've

only heard about other princesses. Why is the black dragon coming to snatch the princess? This is too unreasonable..." "


There was a lot of discussion at the banquet, but no matter what they thought, they found it unbelievable that the black dragon's Arrival is still inevitable.

Not knowing what their king was going to do with a fabled black dragon, the queen turned to the most powerful fairy godmother here.

The fairy godmother received the queen's help-seeking eyes, she took away the hand holding the magic wand, and looked at the dark witch in disbelief, "You actually found a black dragon to help you? How is this possible..." The fairy godmother could

n't It is believed that the dark witch has something that can impress the black dragon, and what is even more frightening is that it is impossible for anyone to find the black dragon-after all, the black dragon has always existed in legends.

The Dark Witch is actually a little confused now, but this doesn't stop her from bluffing, "I have precious treasures that you don't have, so I can naturally bring the black dragon over as a partner!" When the fairy godmother heard this, she immediately felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy


Everyone present also looked ugly, and only Lan Qin looked out of the palace with joy and anxiety, trying to see the black dragon.

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