5.5: Three copies

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The player dormitory is a very simple place, just a bed and a bathroom, There are no other things, and you need to pay one point a day for rent, but fortunately, it is an independent room, which avoids the trouble of living in a Datong shop.

Maybe the game is also worried that some players will go crazy and do things that will hurt their roommates, so all of them are made into separate rooms.

The rent is still calculated according to the time the player actually lives in the room. For example, if you come back and rest for three days, you will be charged three days' rent.

As for the next rent payment, that is to wait for the number of days the player wants to live in after clearing the dungeon and then pay the rent for how many days.

It can be said that it is very user-friendly. If the player unfortunately dies in the instance, the room will be treated as a vacant room and rented out to new unlucky players.

Lan Qin returned to the room, although he was so tired that he wanted to fall asleep, but thinking of the dust on his body, he decided to buy a set of clean clothes and take a shower before going to bed.

There are many kinds of products in the player mall, which are dazzling. If some players don't want to go out, they can also buy fast food directly on it. Basically, one-click purchase of goods can be delivered to the player's place immediately.

Of course, such a player mall is also forbidden to be used in dungeons.

There are many styles of clothes in the player mall, and they are also of high quality and low price. Lan Chin bought a set of pajamas, two sets of daily clothes, and a new set of toiletries.

Although the body is still the same, it is better to change the bath towel and toothbrush, anyway, he does not lack those two or three points.

Because he wasn't interested in going out these three days, he spent another five points to buy some fast food, such as self-heating hot pot, self-heating rice and so on.

Holding the pajamas that appeared out of thin air, Lan Chin went into the bathroom and took a comfortable bath. Thanks to the temperature in the game world that is like spring all the year round and the hot water that disappears 24 hours a day, at least now his life is still very good .

The only bad thing is that it can only last until the next copy.

After taking a shower, Lan Chin wiped his hair half dry with a towel, and then brushed his teeth with new toothpaste. After brushing his teeth, his hair was almost dry.

Feel free to let the mall recycle the changed dirty clothes. Looking at the room that will always be kept clean and tidy, Lan Qin just wants to feel that this game world is really high-tech.

If there is no thrilling pass through the dungeon, I am afraid that everyone will yearn for such a life.

But no matter how much you think about these things, it won't help. You still have to focus on the present and live every minute of your life well.

Not too sleepy after taking a shower and brushing his teeth, Lan Qin went to the player mall to see if there were any good and cheap items that could be missed. After a few rounds, he found that even the lowest-level defensive items needed One hundred points, and he had 472 points left after eating and drinking.

Even if this is a bit rich for a novice player with only 200 initial points, Ke Lanqin always feels that it is not very useful to buy these items.

For example, in the dungeon he just cleared, the task is to live to the seventh day. At the beginning, all the players thought it was to get rid of the ten ogres, but after losing the lives of 24 players, Lan Qin finally Knowing that the way they clear the customs is definitely not like this.

The endless and icy snow field, a group of hungry ogres, and no suitable food for the player, made it impossible for the player to persist until the seventh day hungry.

Therefore, the survival required by the dungeon is definitely not a mandatory requirement for the player to live to the seventh day, but to allow the player to meet the conditions of being able to live to the seventh day. If the game system determines that the measures taken by the player can ensure that the player can live to the seventh day, You can leave early.

Combined with the three-hour safety time every day and the fact that the ogres would fall into a deep sleep, Lan Qin boldly assumed that the way to clear the level was actually on the ogres.

It is known that killing all ogres is almost impossible, so they can only be locked up so that they can no longer come out to hunt and kill.

And there is only one warm wooden house in the vast snow, so the wooden house must

be a cage that can lock up the ogre.

That wooden house, that wooden door, is like a holy cage that can lock up demons, as long as the player finds the silver key from the ogre at a safe time every day, and tries to get it, and finally puts all the ogre Stay in the wooden house and close the wooden door, then the player can pass the level.

And this is the way to outwit the customs.

Of course, this is the way Lan Chin reversed after successfully clearing the level, but it would be very difficult for him to think of this way when he first entered the dungeon.

Because the game not only digs traps on the dungeon name, but also arranges ten ferocious ogres to attract the attention of all players, making everyone think that the way to pass the level is to kill all the ogres.

It is obvious that the player is not the opponent of the ogre who is powerful and holds guns.

Lan Qin pinched his eyebrows, exited the expensive props section, and went to the special price area instead, and then found that the special price area was basically things that ordinary players didn't need, such as a mechanical dog with points, two Integral mechanical cats and more.

Thinking of the simple faces of the service robots in the beef noodle restaurant just now, Lan Qin had no expectations for the appearance of the so-called mechanical dogs, mechanical cats and other mechanical supplies.

"Close Your Eyes When It's Dark" is an infinite streaming game with great technology, but its aesthetics are really not good.

After shopping around in the mall, he still couldn't find anything suitable. Lan Qin didn't give up. He checked the products in the special price section to the end, and then saw that there were plants and flowers for sale.

Lan Qin curiously clicked in, and saw that many plants and flowers were selling special prices, such as cactus cactus for 0.5 points, hydrangea daffodils for 1 point, and roses of various colors for 2 points... Lan Qin was dazzled by what he saw, and finally it was flowers. I bought a pot of cactus cactus and hydrangea daffodils with a few points.

The reason why he bought four pots was because it said buy four get one free, and there was an unused shelf in his room that he didn't know when he bought it back.

Fortunately, this shelf only has two layers, and it is still made of white plastic, otherwise he would have to recall the wooden cabinet full of human heads.

After the payment was successful, five pots of vigorous plants appeared in Lan Qin's room out of thin air, and what made Lan Qin happy was that the gift was actually a pot of red roses. Although there were only two sporadic ones, it was still very cost-effective up.

He spent 3 points to buy these four pots of plants, and then was given a pot of red roses with 2 points by the system, which is equivalent to that he bought five pots of plants for only 1 point, and rounded up, there was no flower for 1 point.

It seems that he still has a little luck on his body.

Lan Chin thought so, and then exited the special offer area, went to the player forum to look at other players' shared posts.

Although it's random to play a dungeon with someone, but if you are really lucky and can randomly get the content of the dungeon you have seen on the player forum, then you are definitely the chosen one.

Even the dungeons that have been cleared by the player will be modified to a certain extent. For example, the D-level dungeon of "Thriller Snow Night", after being cleared by him, the game system may modify the dungeon task to kill all the dungeon bosses. Given the difficulty of this task If it is too large, it may be upgraded to a C-level dungeon or a B-level dungeon.

But sharing itself is the nature of human beings. Even if they know that their sharing may not be useful, there are still people who are willing and enthusiastic to share at length on player forums.

For such shared posts, as long as no one insults the game or insults the system in the post, generally speaking, the system will not impose punishments such as sealing and banning the post.

Although Passerby A had cleared two dungeons before Lan Qin came, but because the young master of the rich family suddenly encountered such a horrible and unfortunate thing, it is already very good if he can hold back from crying and calling his brother for help, let alone asking him to help him. Go to the player forum to share your customs clearance experience.

But now that Lan Qin is here, and with the dungeon he just cleared, he has already cleared three dungeons. Anyway, he has nothing to do now, so it's better to help others.

Lan Qin thought about it, and then changed the default nickname of the player on the forum to 'Jin Lan', roughly said the name of the dungeon, the situation of the dungeon, and the way to clear the customs, and then sent the experience post of these three dungeons


After doing this, Lan Chin already felt sleepy, and didn't pay attention to whether the experience sharing post he sent had any players' attention and reply. He just quickly clicked on the player's watch to close the forum, and finally fell asleep on the bed.

Regardless of whether the sky will collapse or the earth will collapse next, he just wants to sleep well now.

Lan Qin, who fell asleep peacefully, did not expect that his seemingly ordinary experience sharing post would set off a wave of kneeling and praying for blessings in the player forum.

And the reason is very simple, the dungeons shared by the players on the player forum will definitely be captured by the game system, and then they will be put into the players after major modifications, but these three are only the dungeons shared by E-level players. But it hasn't changed at all!

For example, the D-level dungeon of "Thriller Snow Night", no matter how many times the player has downloaded it, it is still an ordinary D-level dungeon, and the task is still ordinary to survive until the seventh day. Get the key, and then close the wooden door.

In the end, the player who successfully completed the task can watch the dungeon boss sleep soundly in the wooden house through the window, or be so anxious and angry that he jumps and curses, but the player can pass the level unscathed.

All players who are lucky enough to be randomly matched to these three copies will return to the player forum to make a wish after clearing the level, and beg this big player named 'Jinlan' to share more of his customs clearance experience.

This is not an ordinary dungeon experience, this is simply a life-saving weapon given by the boss!

Because the number of players willing to kneel and thank gradually increased, this ordinary sharing post became a hot post in the end. Every new player who came to the player forum would be enthusiastically popularized, and then recite the full text of this post.

After all, if you are really lucky enough to go to these three dungeons, you will definitely go on vacation, and by the way, you can torture a wave of dungeon bosses who hate dogs, so don't be too happy!

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