4.18: Love Me Please

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Because there is Lanqin's request, and Si doesn't want those and The outsiders who were connected with his sweetheart continued to stay in Ganshui Town, so Si personally left the clan and asked Ou to clean up those outsiders.

When Lao Ou heard the order of the great witch, saying that he was going to deal with those foreigners, his mind was in a daze. At first he thought that the great witch wanted to kill all those foreigners, but then the great witch said that he wanted Lao Ou to kill them himself. After feeding those six foreigners with Wangyou Gu and sending them out of Ganshui Town, Lao Ou knew what to do.

Old Ou was not without doubts and worries in his heart, but he didn't care too much about the fate of those six foreigners. Although he knew about his two sons and daughters doing new Gu experiments on those foreigners, but since the big witch After speaking, it is natural to send the stranger away as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if one day the big witch sees the outsiders who are still stranded in Ganshui Town, and then becomes angry, violent and unstable, and let the poisonous Gu in the clan land escape, that would be the real disaster.

Therefore, everyone in the Wu clan tried their best to complete what the big witch wanted to do, instead of giving the big witch a chance to be in a bad mood.

Yu and Lan were reluctant to part with these outsiders. After all, they still had to observe the experimentation of the new Gu. For this reason, they secretly discussed with their relatives to see if they could send these outsiders out a few days later. Half a month to test the new Gu is almost here.

On the other hand, Lao Ou didn't have any interest in raising his eyelids. He just fiddled a few times to get out the new Gu in the bodies of those foreigners, and then frowned and threw it aside.

"You new Gu are just like playing house. At most, they can make the skin of these foreigners become sallow and dull, or they often suffer from insomnia. What is the use? The big witch is not a simple character. His poison Gu may spread throughout Ganshui Town, will we follow orders, do you think the big witch will not know?"

Both Yu and Lan were trained by their father to dare not look up. Originally they wanted to ask about Lan Qin's situation, but now that the big witch would order to throw these outsiders out in advance, they knew that they were brought into the clan land Lanchin certainly did not end well.

Regardless of whether the experiment of the new Gu refined by the great witch was successful or not, Lan Qin could no longer leave Ganshui Town anyway.

Yu and Lan also discussed in private why the big witch only picked Lan Qin. Lan knew exactly what kind of beauties men would like, not to mention that Teacher Lan Qin was an unparalleled beauty, so she felt that the big witch came out that time. Maybe the real intention was to pick Gu people, but after seeing the beauty Lan Qin, it became a wife picker!

Especially two days ago, their own father helped to prepare so many new clothes and bedding, as well as several jugs of fine wine, which looked like they were about to tie the knot.

Maybe the big witch is a bridegroom every night in the clan land, and he is extremely happy!

It can be said that Lan's rebellious words really shocked Yu Dan for a long time, because just like their own father said, the big witch knows everything.

If the big witch heard this, the whole family would probably lose their benefits.

Lan was reprimanded by his brother Yu, and knew the seriousness of the matter, so he could only keep silent sullenly, and no longer expressed his opinion on it.

It's just that for the rest of their lives, the brothers and sisters could never forget that beauty who was like a flash in the pan, even though they never saw Lan Qin again for decades.

However, when their father was alive, new clothes, new bedding, and some daily necessities were continuously sent to the clan land, as well as the great witch who never came out to pick out Gu people, so they could know that Lan Qin was actually Alive, and probably alive and well.

After their father passed away at the age of eighty, Yu and Lan took over the responsibilities of their own father according to the clan regulations, and served the great witch in the clan field with all their heart and responsibilities.

Of course, they also had a kind of expectation, that is, to see Lan Qin again, but until the current great witch died and the new great witch appeared, they failed to do so.

However, according to the personality of the Great Witch Priest, his and Lan Qin's remains will definitely be buried in the clan land of the Witch Clan.

Both Yu and Lan are well aware of this, and in the remaining years of their lives, they also have to use crutches. With the support of their grandchildren, they went down to participate in the

sacrificial , just to be able to visit Ren who left the most profound mark in their lives.

But that's all for later, now according to their father's order, they have to stuff the Wangyou Gu into the mouths of these foreigners one by one.

Yu and Lan were not interested in caring about the feelings of these outsiders, so when their father turned around to prepare the dry food to send them out, they took sharp daggers and cut the palms of these outsiders neatly. Injury, and then poured the small jar containing Wangyou Gu face down on these outsiders.

Wangyou Gu smelled the smell of human blood, and soon fell out of the small jar, and quickly squirmed towards the wound of the living person. Within two minutes, the few foreigners lying on the ground in a coma were all planted with forgetfulness. Worry Gu.

After checking to make sure that everyone has Wangyou Gu in their bodies, Yu and Lan went to report to their father, and each dragged a foreigner for a few times before putting him in the cart brought by his father. superior.

"Daddy, do you want my brother and I to go with you?"

Lan pointed to a few foreigners on the cart, and asked thoughtfully.

And Lao Ou's eyes skipped over the faces of the foreigners lying in the rows, and focused on Fan Huaqing's solid muscles. He is already an old man in his fifties, so he still has to be careful.

Thinking of this, Lao Ou nodded and agreed with his two sons and daughters to send these foreigners out with him.

When Yu and Lan heard that their father agreed to go out with them to see the outside world, they were overjoyed on the spot, and immediately pulled one side of the scooter by themselves, quickly pulling him out of the town.

Lao Ou looked at his two sons and daughters who were excited as if they were about to go out in spring, and really didn't know how to tell them that the outside world was not good or happy, after all, they were hardworking workers everywhere.

Yu and Lan don't care whether the outside world is fun or not, they just want to go out to play because they are curious.

But it was only because they went out for the first time, so they were happy. When they took over their father's duties and went out to find suitable people to test new Gu for the clansmen, they wanted to scold people every day. After all, this was just working in disguise. I feel unhappy even thinking about it!

Regardless of how much you once liked it, as long as it becomes a job, it will be difficult for people to be happy.

They should have known a long time ago that no one in the clan is rushing to do something, and it will definitely not be a good thing!


Fu Ze and the other six people woke up at a place more than 20 kilometers away from Ganshui Town, their minds were actually very confused. Why would they actually sleep together in the wilderness.

Fu Ze, who was the first to wake up, felt as if he had forgotten something very important, but every time he thought about it carefully, he didn't remember anything, and instead felt extremely headache.

After trying to remember a few times and getting a headache a few times, Fu Ze learned to relax and stop thinking about what he had experienced.

Anyway, his girlfriend Li Xingruo and his good buddy Xu Yiming are by his side, and they are still unharmed, so what is there for him to be dissatisfied with?

As the leading teachers, Fan Huaqing and Chen Qiao had to work harder. When they found out that there was a missing teacher Lan Qin in the team, they panicked for a moment, but staying in this barren mountain for a long time was not the right choice.

Especially since they were still completely unfamiliar with this place, the six of them discussed it and decided to go down the mountain first, and then call the police before looking for Lan Qin, who was missing.

The two teachers who led the team had no objections, and the accompanying students even less had any objections, after all, they were not familiar with those Lanqin teachers.

Xu Yiming didn't know why when he thought of Teacher Lan Qin, his mind was full of a blurry face, but even though he couldn't see that face clearly, he could know that it was the missing teacher Lan Qin, and he was still 100%. I'm sure that face is still very beautiful.

As for how beautiful it was, Xu Yiming couldn't imagine it.

"I hope Teacher Lan Qin is okay..."

Xu Yiming muttered to himself, walking in a daze.

And Zhou Huiyun, who was walking on the side, was also in a daze, "Yeah, I just hope that the beauty of

Lanzhou is safe... Wait, why did I call Teacher Lan Qin to be the beauty of Lanzhou? It's so strange..."

Li Xingruo looked at his friends She felt that there must be some special experience between them and the missing teacher Lan Qin, but they all abnormally forgot.

No matter how hard they tried to recall, they couldn't remember.

Thinking like this, Li Xingruo's whole face was in a trance, and he almost turned his foot even when he was walking.

Seeing his girlfriend in such a bad state, Fu Ze quickly took the backpack from his girlfriend's back and helped him carry it.

But when he took his girlfriend's backpack, Fu Ze felt that such a thing was a little familiar, as if there was another person saying "thank you" to him in a soft and pleasant tone, but when he thought about it carefully, there was nothing.

In fact, Fu Ze felt empty in his heart, he always felt that they might have really forgotten a very important person, but obviously they hadn't forgotten the existence of Teacher Lan Qin.

So what's going on?

Maybe after they went out and successfully called the police, and then waited for the police to find the missing teacher Lan Qin, they would know what was going on.

This is the thought of everyone present.

But at this time, they never imagined that they will be in this class for a lifetime.


Lan Qin has been living with his partner in the village of the Wu tribe. The life here is very peaceful and peaceful. Some people may not be able to bear it, but Lan Qin feels very good.

Sometimes the weather is fine, and when the sky is clear and cloudless, he will take out the drawing board to draw. The purpose of coming to Ganshui Town was to sketch, but now he can draw for a lifetime.

Of course, occasionally he would draw Si's portraits, but because he was not very good at portraits, Lan Qin didn't do well at first.

But Si always praised Lan Qin's painting very clumsily.

Lan Qin naturally wouldn't believe what Si said with his eyes closed, but it didn't matter, he had a lifetime to learn how to draw portraits of his partner.

And from time to time, he can go up and down the mountain with Si to catch all kinds of small insects and snakes to refine new Gu. Of course, there are not many such opportunities, probably because Si doesn't want those new Gu to hurt Lan Qin again.

But Lan Qin didn't care too much, because if he was lucky, he could still go out with Si, and then arrest some Wu clan members who violated the regulations and put them in confinement.

And on a certain outing, Lan Chin and the others happened to meet the hero and heroine who were walking on the street with their children.

Lan Qin stared at the hero and heroine for a long time. After confirming that the halo of the protagonist on their heads had completely dimmed and slowly disappeared under his gaze, he knew that the mission world had really stabilized.

But Lan Qin, who breathed a sigh of relief, really didn't expect his partner to think that his gaze was planning to escape, so after Lan Qin had a good time and followed him back to the clan, he was caught by his partner again. Severely 'taught' several times.

In this regard, Lan Qin only felt that he was wronged.

But who told this to be his partner, of course Lan Chin had no choice but to forgive him!

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