5.2: Chalet

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Lanqin knows that he can't stay in place and wait to die, and he can't just mess around Let's go, otherwise he has no water and food, I'm afraid he will starve to death here before being caught up by those perverted dungeon bosses.

And according to the thrilling level of the infinite flow world of "Please Close Your Eyes in the Dark", this snow field must not only be dangerous like the murderous ogre, otherwise there will be 25 players at the beginning and they will never die so quickly .

Not to mention that there are many experienced old players among the 25 people.

But now Lan Qin looked at the black watch permanently bound to each player's wrist, only to find that there was only one surviving player left.

If Lan Chin hadn't come over, passer-by A would have been lost in the endless snow, and then frozen to death with endless fear.

According to the original correct world plot, Passerby A should have been brutally killed by the dungeon boss, and then the stump was cut to pieces, some were eaten, some were kept as spoils of war, and some were discarded at will in this icy world.

As for the reason why the two protagonists were able to know that their younger brother was dead, it was because they entered this copy called "Snowy Night" and accidentally discovered the diamond necklace frozen under the snow and ice.

And this diamond necklace is exactly the same as the one that the protagonist Lan Yue is wearing around his neck. This is a diamond necklace designed by their parents for their children. Lan Yue will never forget it.

It was also after discovering this necklace that Lan Yue could guess that his brother might be dead, but because he hadn't actually seen his brother's body, Lan Yue was always unwilling to believe it.

But until he died in battle with his boyfriend Yan Li, he was still not sure whether his brother was dead or alive.

Lan Chin didn't sympathize with the protagonist, but he couldn't bear to think that this was another destroyed world. He didn't even know whether to pray that the biggest villain in the world was his partner, after all, it would be much easier to save the world.

Well, it's as easy as picking something out of a bag.

But now the most important thing for him is to survive this dungeon, otherwise everything will be a mirror image.

The details of the mission didn't say in detail where the way out of this dungeon is, but it just led the protagonist to discover the diamond necklace and was devastated. As for how to clear the dungeon, it was too much to say.

However, Lan Qin went through all the clues he got, and focused on the place where the protagonist picked up the diamond necklace-it was not too far from the log cabin where the boss of the instance was located, and there was an obvious sign that there was a tree.

Lan Chin thought about it carefully, but he didn't see the existence of that tree in his memory, but since the protagonist met a tree, it meant that the tree must be very important, maybe it was the key to clearing the level.

Although he wasn't sure, there was no other way. In this almost endless snow field, walking casually would be a dead end.

And as a player, the most important thing is not to escape, but to quickly find a way to clear the level, and then leave this dangerous instance.

After thinking about the next thing to do in his mind, Lan Chin checked the time on the game watch again. The time flow rate of the infinite streaming game of "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark" is completely different from the real world. It is implemented for seven hours. With regard to the one-hour cycle system at night, although there are still 24 hours in a day, the time left for players to rest is only three hours.

If players want to find a way to clear the level, they have to take advantage of the three hours of the night, because during the three to seven hours of the day, they basically have to run around for their lives and avoid being chased by the dungeon boss.

I don't know if it's lucky, but now Lan Qin came to check the time on his watch, and found that there were still about two hours before dark.

He, a traveler who went out skiing with his classmates, has been running away for several hours, but none of the dungeon bosses has caught up with him. Considering that he is the only survivor of the twenty or so players, it can be seen that those dungeon bosses are doing something right now. something happened.

And those dungeon bosses didn't catch up, maybe because there was enough 'food' on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was because the way for the players to clear the level was next to the cabin where they lived, so they had nothing to fear, and they were not the prey that escaped by accident


As long as the player desires to clear the level and wants to survive, he must return to the cabin to find food and ways to clear the level.

In fact, Lan Qin also suspected that the dungeon name of "Thriller Snow Night" might be a cover-up. After all, according to the habit of those dungeon bosses not going out hunting on snowy nights, snowy nights should be very safe.

Could there be something more dangerous than those murderous ogres in the snowy night?

Lan Qin thought about it, but he didn't come to a firm conclusion, because during the three days after entering the dungeon, so many players also searched for it from various sources. In the hands of those ugly-faced and violent-tempered dungeon bosses.

As for why passerby A can survive to the end, it is nothing more than because he is very cowardly and very lucky, so he can survive to the end.

But no amount of good luck is obviously coming to an end, that's why Passerby A died in this dungeon.

Lan Qin stood there and thought about everything, and then turned around resolutely and returned to the cabin. Fortunately, although passer-by A is a young master from a wealthy background, his body is so delicate that he can't distinguish his five grains from his body, but at least his mind is still very good. It's so good, I remember very clearly the road I have traveled.

So Lan Qin sneaked back along the escape route, and kept his ears up nervously, always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

Although those dungeon bosses are probably still having a carnival party, for the sake of his life, he still has to be cautious.

This dungeon is in the cold winter season, but fortunately there is no snow or strong wind, otherwise Lan Qin felt that he would freeze to death on the way back.

And it was precisely because he was not sure whether it would be windy or snowy, Lan Qin had to take two steps, then stood on the spot, turned around and bent back to smooth out the footprints behind him, lest those dungeon bosses would find out that he was there so soon. Courage to return to the cabin.

According to his performance in the player group before, he was so frightened that he shed tears at every turn, Passerby A absolutely did not have a calm head to think about how to pass the level, and it was even more impossible to return to the dangerous cabin.

So if he returns to the cabin now, as long as he is not found, he will be safe for the time being.

With this calculation in mind, Lan Chin has more motivation to go back.

After walking hard for two hours, it happened to be back to the cabin before dark.

Lan Chin hid on a snowy slope to observe the situation of the cabin. Looking at the bright yellow light coming out of the cabin, as well as the faint music and cheers from the gramophone, he could tell that these dungeon bosses were really I'm having a party.

When the seven hours on the player's watch arrive, the originally bright sky is like being covered with a black cloth by a god, and it takes only a few seconds for it to completely darken.

It is precisely because there is no sun during the day and no moon and stars at night that players never feel that these dungeons are the real world.

As the night approached, the cheers in the wooden house gradually diminished or even disappeared, leaving only the phonograph music still singing:

"I would like to love you in the dark, only worry that you will not love me this monster..."

The hoarse and mellow male voice sang in a low voice, as if he was expressing his deep feelings to the lover he fell in love with at first sight.

Lan Chin felt creepy when he heard it. Could it be that those murderous ogres still yearn for love in their hearts?

It's unbelievable to think about it!

But even if these ogres really have such thoughts, it has nothing to do with the players. After all, only brainless 'prey' will sympathize with and consider cruel hunters.

The dungeon world is completely dark, only the wooden house where the ogre is and the player's watch are on. Lan Qin stayed there for a while, and after confirming that there was no other movement in the wooden house except for the singing of the phonograph, He got up and

walked .

Of course, before entering the wooden house, he kept observing the surroundings of the wooden house, just to find the tree mentioned in the task details.

But until he walked to the window of the wooden house, he still didn't see the shadow of the tree.

The time when Passerby A entered the dungeon was not much different from the time when the two protagonists entered the dungeon, not to mention that from the perspective of the protagonists, the tree was so tall that the canopy could not be seen.

Even trees that grow at an abnormal speed should exist at this time.

Lan Qin didn't see the big tree, so he gently grasped the horizontal bar of the wooden window with both hands and looked into the room. After finding that the ogres with missing noses and one eye were all lying on the ground and sleeping soundly, he raised his hand. When I got up, my heart was half relieved.

Of course, Lan Qin could only try his best to avoid looking at the crowd of people who were eaten raw by these ogres, grilled on the grill, or hung up to dry.

According to the regulations, during this dark hour, these terrifying dungeon bosses will not wake up - of course, the premise is that the player does not attack them.

If the players are smart and want to use this to get rid of the dungeon boss, they will wake up immediately, enter a berserk state, and then go to sleep again after killing all the players present.

Lanqin, who had witnessed the horrific and bloody scene with his own eyes, just wanted to quickly find a way to clear the level, and he didn't want to bother this group of devoid of humanity perverts.

But after turning the wooden house around a few times and still not finding any clues, Lan Qin had to look inside the wooden house.

The most dangerous place is the safest place, and the clues of the copy are likely to be hidden in the most dangerous wooden house.

Looking at the night time displayed on the watch, it was already fifteen minutes past, Lan Chin collected himself, and decided to take a gamble and enter the wooden house for a carpet search.

I only hope that he can pass the customs and leave alive, otherwise he will have to reunite with his partner in the next mission world.

Lan Qin recited his partner's name in his heart, and then carefully opened the wooden door of the wooden house with a 'creak' sound.

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