5.16: Peace Day

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After learning that the two protagonists are downloading a dungeon, Lan Qin is not idle Instead, he and his partner Tianji housed the elites sent by the heads of governments in the real world.

Compared with the randomly selected players, this batch of new players is more powerful.

After all, even if you play the most common survival game, you still need to specialize in skills.

However, even if there are new powerful players entering the inner world of "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark", it is impossible for the players who were unfortunately selected to leave the game for the time being. In order to ensure 100% that the dungeon boss will not invade the real world through that channel , Lan Chin directly asked his partner to block that passage.

The first step to success is not to skip any details, so many people are betting their lives on saving the world, he will never allow any accidents to happen.

Of course, in order to let the real world know the situation in the dungeon, Lan Qin will also let his partner choose some suitable players to download the dungeon scene for all human beings in the real world to watch directly. As for how to mobilize the second and third batches of people to come in and download the dungeon after seeing such a cruel and dangerous dungeon situation, that is a headache for the head of the government.

Lan Qin felt that he was not the nanny of all human beings, so naturally he would not help with everything, and the reason why he did the live broadcast was to be able to write a letter to the housekeeper or make a phone call to report that he was safe.

The war between humans and alien invaders has been fought for ten years, until finally all the invaders who intend to occupy the blue star have been defeated, the players who survived in "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark" They were also sent back to the real world one after another.

And outside the real world, the whole world celebrates the joy of millions of people, and welcomes their hero's triumphant return with warm admiration.

Lan Qin also happened to take this opportunity to go home with his brother, and of course they all brought their partners, and had a reunion dinner with the housekeeper grandpa who stayed behind at Lan's house.

During the ten years of fighting, Lan Qin and his partner naturally met with his elder brothers Lan Yue and Yan Li, and even played dungeons together, but because of their different habits of clearing dungeons, they did not form a team together. Instead, two or two teams make copies.

It was the first time for Lan Yue to drink heartily. After all, in the dungeon world of "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark", everyone's minds are full of survival and saving the world, and there is no extra thought to enjoy it.

As for the three-day rest time after clearing the dungeon, it is not enough to sleep, so how can I have the time to enjoy the fancy things? !

But fortunately, they humans still won in the end!

"Cheers to the victory of all mankind!"

Lan Yue was the first to raise the glass in his hand, his partner Yan Li, his younger brother Lan Qin, his younger brother's partner Tianji, and the housekeeper who was still in good spirits also raised their glasses. His own wine glass-"Cheers to the victory of all mankind!"

It stands to reason that the butler is very old and should not drink anymore, but because this victory has been long-awaited and hard-won, he still insists on drinking a glass, Lan Yue and Lanqin couldn't get it together, so they had to pour a glass of wine with the lowest alcohol content for the housekeeper's grandfather.

After everyone drank the clinking wine, they sat down and continued to eat dishes. Sweet and sour pork ribs, Buddha jumping over the wall, pheasant mushroom soup, seafood stewed noodles, etc. smell.

After eating a chopstick, Lan Yue couldn't help but store up tears, but his always strong character prevented him from crying in public. Instead, he was overjoyed. My friend Yan Li picked up their favorite dishes.

Yan Li, who was last in line: "..."

Although he was the last one to get the dish from his lover, it was also his favorite sweet and sour pork ribs, so Yue Yue must also love him very much!

Yan Li thought about it like this, and then happily ate the chopsticks of food into his mouth.

Lan Yue: "Today is really a good day. Looking back on my previous life in the game, it is really like a dream! But fortunately, we are all safe and triumphant, let's make another toast for ourselves! Of course, Grandpa Butler, you have a drink Or just drink tea, and your health is the most important thing."

Hearing what the young master said, the butler grandpa was not only happy that the young master cared about him

, but also a bit stubborn, thinking that he could have another drink.

After knowing that the two young masters are working hard to save the world in the infinite streaming game called "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark", the old housekeeper can be regarded as quitting all hobbies that are not good for health, just because he is afraid that he will not have enough. He spent so much energy on managing the Lan family, that the two young masters lost their huge family property after their triumphant return.

At that time, even if he dies, he will have no face to see Mrs. Madam when he goes underground!

For people of the older generation like the butler, after learning about the existence of such a weird game, and the gods and men informed the government of this matter, they are even more determined that there are ghosts and gods in this world.

During those ten years, he had to go to famous Taoist temples to worship from time to time, and he also donated countless money, just to make this war win as soon as possible.

Fortunately, he finally won now, otherwise he was really worried that his old bones would not see the day when human beings won.

As Lan Qin, who knew the inside story, this war was only a phased victory, and the invaders who coveted Blue Star would not only be those, maybe in the next few hundred years, or thousands of years, There will be a new batch of invaders coming to Blue Star.

But no matter when new enemies will come again, or they will never come back, Blue Star already has the strength to resist foreign enemies, and as for the world consciousness, it also has certain experience in dealing with these things.

Lan Qin was already very satisfied when he saw such a situation.

After all, it was much better than he expected.

In the original task details, although Lan Yue is an accomplished president in his career, he is also extremely intelligent, so he can be said to be a typical winner in life. But as the protagonist, his parents died in a car accident, and the only relative was his younger brother, but his younger brother also disappeared for no reason. On the way to find his younger brother, he entered the world of "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark" with his lover, and finally died very unfortunately. in the copy.

And the tragic ending of the protagonist is a metaphor for the tragic ending of the human world, in short, it is another destroyed mission world.

Lan Yue, the protagonist, looks cold and abstinent on the outside, but from many details, it can be seen that he is a very emotional person, so after discovering that his brother disappeared for no reason, he has been investigating and even asked for his identity It is the object of the police to help find it together.

It just so happens that the other protagonist, Yan Li, is also investigating cases of people disappearing for no reason. As for the first encounter between the two protagonists, it was because Lan Yue's parents were kidnapped and died in a car accident with the kidnappers. At that time, the car exploded and only four bodies were found beyond recognition. There is Yan Li.

At the beginning, Lan Yue didn't believe that her parents were dead, nor did she believe that her younger brother was dead, so she and Yan Li followed up the investigation, and they knew each other and loved each other during the process.

Based on the truth that his partner once said, Lan Qin clearly knew that the biological parents of the brothers were indeed innocent and were drawn into the infinite stream world of "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark". die.

Then passer-by A's younger brother 'Lan Chin' was also pulled in and killed. Combined with the fact that the last two protagonists also entered and died, this is really an unlucky family.

Lan Qin thought with a sigh in his heart.

But fortunately, this mission world is still under the interference of him and his partner, and the two protagonists have safely cleared the level from the infinite flow world, which is considered a good thing.

Of course the best thing is that the real world is temporarily saved.

Thinking of this, Lan Qin used his chopsticks to pick up some dishes for his partner, and Tianji ate the dishes his wife personally picked up for him, his heart was so beautiful that it was about to bubble.

If it weren't for the parents here, He really wanted to give his wife a passionate kiss!

Looking at the sweet eyes of his younger brother and the young couple, Lan Yue's vague worries dissipated a lot. He is not a stupid person, especially because he still has the memory of his previous life.

After being reborn, Lan Yue was very afraid that his younger brother had encountered an accident in a place he didn't know, but after reuniting with his younger brother in the E-level copy of "Horror Office Worker", he knew that everything was heading towards a Unpredictable direction is developing rapidly.

Lan Yue is no

stranger -he had seen this face in his last life, but at that time, Tianji was just a bystander, watching the boss of the dungeon with a cold eye. massacre.

Originally, Lan Yue was still very wary of this man who didn't know his identity, but after seeing how this man licked... how he took care of his younger brother Lan Qin in the dungeon, Lan Yue felt that he thought this man was It is a guess that the status is higher than that of the dungeon boss, it is simply a joke in the world!

In private, Lan Yue had discussed this matter with his partner, and after contacting the inside story from the new players who came in from the real world, they agreed that the so-called ghost was his brother and his brother's boyfriend.

Don't ask Lan Yue how to identify him, Lan Yue always has a unique way of identifying his younger brother.

Lan Yue knew that he knew it, but he always felt that it was a bit outrageous for his younger brother to hug the golden thigh of the world's biggest boss of "Darkness, Please Close Your Eyes" and make himself an in-law.

For this reason, Lan Yue was still worried all the time, he couldn't even sleep soundly, and couldn't eat well.

It's just that the human world is still safe, and Lan Yue is also very clear that this man whose identity is a mystery and whose strength cannot be speculated has been committed to killing the monsters that invaded from alien planets and protecting the real world of human beings.

Lan Yue knew that Tiantian was very willing to do this, largely to protect his younger brother, but no matter what, it would benefit all mankind.

We must know that without the help of Tianji in the previous life, human beings can be regarded as retreating steadily. It is also unclear what the human world will look like after he and Yan Li die.

But since it is already a matter of the previous life, he has no way of knowing, so focus on the present and try to live the hard-won peaceful life well!

Thinking of this, Lan Yue happily poured himself a full glass of red wine.

Seeing his lover drinking so much wine, Yan Li wanted to dissuade him, but considering that today is such a good celebration day, he doesn't need to be too strict.

Anyway, the whole world is celebrating now, and today will become the Human Peace Day that the whole world celebrates every year, so it is okay to drink two more glasses.

And compared with the world situation in the present and the last life, Yan Li himself was very happy, so he couldn't help but also drank two glasses of red wine.

In the end, Lan Yue was the most drunk person, but under the care of his lover, it was nothing.

Lan Qin was rarely drunk, Tianji looked at his wife's drunken face with a thin layer of blush, and the light in his eyes couldn't be hidden-since his wife was drunk, he must personally help her take a bath and change clothes , by the way, take a long-awaited mandarin duck bath with my wife hehehe!

As for the arrangement after taking a bath, He also has a rough plan.

Thinking of this, Tianjijiu couldn't wait to take his wife upstairs.

The old housekeeper is someone who has been there. Seeing the expressions of the two young couples, he knew what would happen later. Fortunately, he is an old man with deaf ears, and the sound insulation effect of the rooms on the second and third floors is also very good.

"You all go upstairs, Xiao Wang and I will clean up here, and you can have a good rest tonight." As soon as the

old housekeeper spoke, Tianji and Yan Li looked at each other, and then went up with their treasures upstairs.

Because Lan Yue was so drunk that he couldn't even walk steadily, Yan Li picked him up and went up to the master bedroom on the second floor in three steps and two steps. It looks like it's going to be a long night tonight.

On the other hand, Tianji was talking to his wife who was only slightly drunk, while walking to the third floor - there is a home elevator from the first floor to the third floor, but he wants to walk with his wife, and he can give it to him by the way. Wife hangover hangover.

He didn't dare to do too much when his wife was drunk. After all, the serious consequences of cheating on his wife for fun were still vivid in his memory. He couldn't sleep in the same bed with his wife for ten days. The harshest punishment ever!

Of course, some coaxing was done along the way. If the wife could agree to it, it would not be too much. Naturally, the wife would not punish him after waking up.

The old housekeeper watched the two

young couples walking upstairs, and shook his head with emotion, but his face was full of smiles, "Master and Madam, you can feel at ease when you see this scene in the sky. Daddy The young master and the young master are very happy, now you don't have to worry about it anymore."


On the second day, when Lan Qin woke up, he felt that something was wrong, for example, his whole body was tired and numb, as if he had run away It was like running a marathon all night, and even a little movement made me sore.

When he opened his eyes and saw his partner walking in with a small tray, with a very satisfied and lazy expression on his face, Lan Chin could probably know what happened.

"Wife, it's already twelve o'clock at noon, get up and eat something before going to bed, otherwise your body won't be able to bear it." Tianji

put the tray on the bedside cabinet, and then wanted to come and put his wife hugged.

Lan Qin just wanted to slap his partner away with a slap, but when he raised his hand, he found that even his arm was sore and limp. It was difficult to lift his face, let alone the target.


Lan Qin was so angry that he looked at his hand that he couldn't lift, and then found that even his arms and fingers were covered with red and purple marks, as if he had rubbed against a pile of stones!

Looking at his bare arms covered with love marks, Lan Qin had a bad feeling about his body under the quilt.

So when his partner helped him up, Lan Qin looked down at his naked body with difficulty, and then found that his fair skin was covered with red and purple marks, pinched, kissed, kneeled, scarred and stained The red seal is like a mottled canvas, there is no good skin or flesh at all!

Seeing this outrageous scene, Lan Qin only felt that his body was getting more sore, almost falling apart.


Lan Qin opened his mouth to curse, but found that he was even hoarse!

It's simply too much!

Facing his wife's condemning eyes, Tianji felt guilty, very guilty.

Originally, He just wanted to do something a little too much to his wife, but who made his wife so active and well-behaved last night, whether he used the prototype to wrap her whole body tightly to invade, or swallowed her Sucking. Sucking in the flowers, my wife doesn't refuse him, and even asks me to do whatever I want...

"Cough, cough, wife, you yelled for too long last night, so it's normal to have a hoarse voice now, let me brush your teeth first Just wash your face and drink a cup of honey water to moisten your throat later."

Tianji said very considerately, and those doggy eyes never left his wife for a second.

Although Lan Qin wanted to scold him very much, the most important thing now was to moisten his throat, so Lan Qin did not refuse his partner's service.

But after brushing his teeth and washing his face, and drinking a cup of honey water and a bowl of fragrant chicken porridge, Lan Qin began to settle accounts with his partner!

But Tianji didn't think there was anything wrong with him. After all, his wife was willing last night. A qualified husband would not force his wife, but it is the husband's duty to satisfy his wife.

"Honey, you really did it voluntarily! You still told me to hurry up and get harder, and told me to cum all over your..." "

You, you... shut up!"

Lan Qin was so unrestrained by his partner The words made his face flushed, and of course, following his partner's explicit description, he also slowly recalled the intense situation last night-he was indeed very happy, so he didn't refuse his partner's various proposals.

But this doesn't mean that his partner can be so presumptuous and have all kinds of fun!

If it hadn't been cleaned for the second time last night, his whole body would be sticky now, and he might even emit a floral scent that could attract a lot of bees and butterflies!

As a long-lived species whose prototype is a gigantic piranha, he is clearly aware of his own condition and his weak constitution, but he still goes too far!

It's like marking his body as a territory!

If it was still the situation in the last mission world, he might be covered in this guy's smell from head to toe now!

How could Lan Qin not be angry? !

In the copy of the game before, he was asked to kill some swamp monsters covered in disgusting slime. He said that he had a serious cleanliness and could not touch such dirty things, so he refused to do it. In the end, the two protagonists did it .

As a result, the obsession with cleanliness is gone now, and he licked him up and down over and over again. Lan Qin felt that he was going to suffer from kidney deficiency.

Maybe it's time to give your waist and kidneys a break.

Lan Qin thought about this matter, and he always ignored his partner's confession.

Because of his wife's attitude, Tianji thought he had escaped a catastrophe, but he didn't expect that a more serious punishment was yet to come.

But even if there is a disagreement in some aspects, Lan Chin still lives happily in this mission world.

Lan Chin felt happy, and the world consciousness also felt very happy!

After all, before it thought that the real world was about to end, and it had to follow suit, but it didn't expect things to turn around.

The previously difficult high-latitude long-lived species obviously didn't have any sense of its real world, and it was just playing for the consciousness of the world.

Now that there are big bosses actively working for it, the world consciousness only feels very gratified, and is very grateful to Lan Qin for coming, and pats the chest of Lan Qin's young couple to promise that Lan Qin will live a long life!

A long life of a hundred years is still too short for Tianji, but this is the extreme that the world consciousness can achieve. If you want to increase the life span of human beings, that is not what the world consciousness can do.

The World Consciousness also feels very wronged, it is just a small waste, otherwise it would not be pressed and beaten by those alien invaders.

Lan Qin didn't think there was anything wrong, a long life was enough for him.

Sure enough, Lan Qin lived to be a hundred years old, and he realized that something was going to happen just after his birthday.

But at that time, he had already sent away his elder brother Lan Yue and his elder brother's boyfriend Yan Li, and even divided all the properties of the Lan family into two, donating half to the country free of charge, and donating the other half to charity.

With everything that needs to be dealt with, it's just him and his partner in the end.

On this day, the sky was clear and the breeze was gentle. It was rare for Lan Qin to sit in the garden with his partner and bask in the sun.

While basking in the mild sun, Lan Chin recalled their sweet past with his partner.

"Honey, don't be sad for my departure, because we will meet again soon."

Tianji seemed to know something, although his eyes were crying all the time, he still smiled and said that he would go to him as soon as possible of.

Lan Qin looked at his partner's pair of dog eyes that had accompanied him all his life, and in the end he gently put a very nostalgic kiss on them.

Lanchin breathed his last after kissing his partner.

Tianji looked at his wife's peaceful sleeping face for a while, until the world consciousness felt a little bad, and when he came out tremblingly and asked if there was anything he needed to do, Tianji picked up his wife, then turned around and disappeared into the original land.

In this way, the world consciousness witnessed with his own eyes that Tianji trapped himself and Lanqin in the infinite flow world of "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark", and at the same time mercifully connected all the places where monsters could crawl to the infinite flow world, and The infinite stream world is completely closed to ensure the absolute safety of the real world.

Seeing this scene, the world consciousness silently bowed in the direction they left.

Thank you for everything you do for the real world, I will always remember you.

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