1.28: Die in the same hole

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The second time I saw a few people I saw at the door of Room 804 Strangers, Lan Chin only felt that they had gone to the wrong place. After all, he had been working hard at work and had no time to commit crimes.

As for Li Yan, a family husband who hardly goes out, it is even more impossible.

But in Lan Qin's heart, there are ghosts and gods who are as pure and caring as a bird, but in the eyes of these celestial masters who came from afar, they have another hideous face.

Zhang Yundao was on the alert, watching every move of the ghost king standing behind Lan Qin, a young man, while introducing himself to Lan Qin, who seemed to be the head of the family.

When he heard that these people were special staff members of the government, and they were also celestial masters who often appeared among wealthy people, Lan Qin's first reaction was to not believe it, and then he wondered if Li Yan's identity as a ghost had been leaked?

But after seeing the IDs of these five or six people, Lan Chin was a little unsure if his guess was right.

"Can we go in first, and then sit down and explain the situation to you in detail?"

Lan Qin: "Oh, yes... of course."

Lan Qin pushed Li Yan behind him aside as he spoke, and he The meaning is to let Li Yan find a reason to hide. Although he didn't know what happened to the staff of these special departments, he always felt that there would be something to do with ghosts and gods.

In particular, the boss's wife was killed and the boss got mentally ill in their magazine. These two things are normal when viewed separately, but they are related together, and the time of occurrence is the same. No matter how you look at it, there is a bit of supernatural element in it.

Zhang Yundao and others sat down on the sofa, but because there was a ghost king staring at him with unfriendly eyes, they were all so frightened that they sat on half their buttocks, and they were always vigilant. Once they found something wrong, they would rush out the door immediately.

"May I ask why you came to our house?"

Lan Qin asked in a friendly manner, and by the way, he winked at Li Yan who was standing by the sofa. He was implying that Li Yan should go to the kitchen first. Or a bedroom waiting for him to take care of things.

But apparently his partner might have misunderstood it, and walked into the kitchen after nodding to him, and came out with a pot of hot tea and several teacups.

During this process, Lan Qin was quite worried, staring at Li Yan as he walked, worried that his feet would float off the ground as he walked.

Fortunately, Li Yan still knows not to reveal her inhuman identity in front of outsiders.

Although Lan Qin was a little regretful that his wink was not received by Li Yan, he must not directly express his dissatisfaction with this tacit understanding in front of outsiders, and at the same time he had to give Li Yan a reason for his warm hospitality.

"This is jasmine green tea made by my lover himself. I wonder if you can get used to drinking it."

Lan Qin said while trying to take the teapot from Li Yan's hand, and pour tea for these people.

But Li Yan refused to pass the teapot to Lan Qin, but set the teacups himself, filled them one by one, and placed them in front of these people.

Zhang Yundao watched the ghost king pour tea for them, and tried to control his eyes not to stare too much, and then showed his feet, making the ghost king hostile to them.

Zhou Yuanhang felt that this scene was enough for him to brag about for the rest of his life, if he could go out alive today.

Zhang Yundao and others did not dare to drink the tea poured by the ghost king, so they quickly reached out to take it, then said thank you, and carefully placed it on the coffee table in front of them.

Zhou Yuanhang really wanted to drink the tea here. After all, this was the tea poured by the ghost king who was once in a millennium. He should not miss this opportunity. Maybe he could only meet this once in his life.

As Zhou Yuanhang's master, Zhang Yundao knew that this guy was thinking of some bad idea when his apprentice pouted, so he quickly stepped on his apprentice's foot under the coffee table, and then Zhang Yundao told Lan Qin the purpose of their visit today.

When Lan Qin heard Zhang Yundao's introduction that their true identities were celestial masters, his heart skipped a beat. He was worried that these celestial masters would come here this time to catch Li Yan, right?

Turning his head to look at Li Yan, Lan Qin felt relieved when he found that he was still unmoved.

It's impossible that Li Yan, a

thousand-year-old ghost, can't deal with a few celestial masters.

Although it is not appropriate to think so, Lan Qin still hopes that Li Yan can win.

After all, Lan Qin only understands Li Yan, not what kind of people these celestial masters are. If there is a conflict, he can ensure that Li Yan will not do anything to these celestial masters after winning, but he cannot guarantee These celestial masters won't do anything bad to Li Yan after they win.

"...We came here this time to ask what plans you have for the future, such as work or life plans and arrangements. In fact, we want to know whether you will continue to work and live in City A, or whether you have plans Do you want to go back to your hometown W City?"

Lan Qin didn't understand what these celestial masters meant by asking this question, and he didn't think the government would pay so much attention to his work and life as an ordinary person, even though he, an ordinary person, still has a Very unusual object.

Listening to these celestial masters saying a lot, the main meaning is that they are concerned about whether he and his partner will continue to stay in City A, or plan to go to other places. But in general, it was a lot of nonsense, and they still didn't talk about their real intentions.

Lan Qin didn't want to waste time with these celestial masters anymore, because he also carefully noticed Li Yan's displeasure, and this displeasure was aimed at these celestial masters who appeared suddenly.

If this stalemate continues, I am afraid that conflicts and conflicts may arise.

This was not what Lan Qin wanted to see, so he directly asked Zhang Yundao their real purpose.

"Whether it's work or life, I really have no plans to leave City A in the future. At most, I will go back to my hometown City W to celebrate the New Year at the end of this year. By the way, I will also bring my lover back to see my mother. Besides, It should be that there is no big plan."

Zhang Yundao heard Lan Qin's words, and said straight to his heart, 'That's right! ', but seeing Lan Qin's behavior of "lovers" one by one, he still felt a bit absurd-everyone talked about ghosts these days, but it turned out that this outstanding young man still regarded the king of ghosts as his lover, which was really unheard of.

What's more frightening is that this young man doesn't look like he doesn't know the identity of the ghost king, but Zhang Yundao finds it puzzling that he is so addicted to the different ways of love between humans and ghosts after knowing the identity of the ghost king.

From the eyes of the celestial masters on this trip, one is a living person who looks like a bright moon and stars, and the other is a ghost king who has long been a handful of dust. The gap between them is so huge, it is like a pure and innocent white clouds and darkened dust.

Zhang Yundao and the others had a lot of persuasive words in their hearts and wanted to say to Lan Qin, a young man, but because there was a ghost king watching him with a strange look of smiling, Zhang Yundao had to suppress such thoughts first.

"Comrade Tianshi, I know that your work is very heavy on weekdays. In fact, what is the purpose of your coming here today, you can tell it directly. I really believe in my lover...my partner will not do some harm. Society or things that endanger human beings, and I know that you should have checked our tracks, and you should be able to see that he came to City A recently, and he lived in seclusion for more than half a month when he came here, and he has not been to any place at all. , let alone do anything illegal."

Of course Zhang Yundao knew that Lan Qin hadn't done anything bad, and they didn't even catch the ghost king.

But leaving a ghost king to move freely outside like this really makes everyone in the know unable to eat or sleep well. Every day, they think about what terrible things they will do if the ghost king suddenly loses control.

What Lan Qin said was very straightforward, Zhang Yundao decided to take a gamble, and then asked about all the unusual things that happened recently.

"We did find out that this... came out of Qin Shiling at the same time as you more than half a month ago. Before that, a man surnamed Xu called the police after you left, saying that his surname was Qin. My boyfriend and two classmates from the same school disappeared in Qin Shiling. But when we sent people over there, we found nothing wrong in Qin Shiling, not even the horror that the man surnamed Xu said The village Shiling Village and the so-called ancient tomb were not found."

Zhang Yundao said straight to the point, they were actually guessing that the ghost king might have come

out of the tomb of subduing the dragon and the tiger, but if this is the case, then the ghost king's The origin and strength may be even more terrifying than they imagined.

Listening to Zhang Yundao's words, Lan Qin guessed that Xu Yi was the one who called the police. As for the missing man surnamed Qin, he must be Qin Ziwei.

But when he heard that Qin Ziwei was missing, and only Xu Yi left Qin Shiling alone, Lan Qin frowned slightly. He actually didn't think there would be any accidents for the two protagonists, but he still stayed behind when he got in the car and left Qin Shiling. some food and water.

It's not that he thinks the protagonist will need the help of a passer-by, it's just a subconscious act of helping others.

As for Xu Yi's other two classmates, Lan Qin knew from Yang Jian that they were killed by the villagers of Shiling Village, and there was not much discrepancy between them.

Zhang Yundao saw that Lan Qin's expression changed slightly, but he still didn't speak, so he continued to speak while watching his words.

"What happened recently is that your neighbor's family 804 raised several little ghosts, and because of the influence of the... , and also their biological father. Of course, the 804 kid and their biological mother have been taken back by us to deal with, but there is no great danger."

Lan Qin nodded and said that he had met the hostess of Room 804 once, but he really did not expect that what he saw at that time was actually a little ghost in the arms of that woman.

After asking Tianshi Zhang a few words, knowing that the hostess of 804 was fine, Lan Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

But Li Yan, who was sitting next to Lan Qin, squeezed his sweetheart's hand, and conveyed his dissatisfaction to his sweetheart with his eyes and actions.


Lan Qin put Li Yan's hand back without changing his face, pretending that there was no show of affection just now in front of everyone.

Zhou Yuanhang, who had been silent for a long time, widened his eyes, and was very surprised at the scene of this precious ghost king and human beings falling in love. Of course, seeing his master and uncles talking to this beautiful Mr. Lan for so long, he felt very sad. is thirsty.

Zhou Yuanhang wanted to drink a cup of tea, but he was a little afraid of Master, so he looked left and right, and saw that Master and Uncle Master were both ready to speak, and didn't pay attention to his side, Zhou Yuanhang was sneaky Sui reached out to grab the half-full teacup.

After tentatively getting the teacup, and finding that the master didn't pay attention to him, Zhou Yuanhang immediately drank the cold jasmine green tea in one gulp, and finally put the teacup back furtively.

A sip of cold tea is not good in this autumn season, but because it is the tea brewed and poured by the ghost king himself, Zhou Yuanhang still feels flattered, and decides in his heart that after going out, he will blow it up with his friends of the same age .

At this time, Zhang Yundao had already mentioned the incident where dozens of corpses were found buried under wild fruit trees in the suburbs. Lan Qin hadn't reacted at this time, but Li Yan, who had always been indifferent, changed his expression drastically, and quickly opened his mouth to talk to Lan Qin. explain.

"I asked the brats below to pick those wild fruits elsewhere, and there was absolutely no trace of living blood or the smell of dead bodies."

Lan Qin who had just reacted: "..."

Silently glaring at Li Yan, who was a little flustered, Lan Qin turned to talk to Zhang Tianshi.

"My partner and I just went there for a camping picnic, and were not involved in the murder and burial incident."

Zhang Yundao said that they knew, of course they knew that Lan Qin and the ghost king did not do anything illegal, but there were some things It's not that if you don't take the initiative, you won't have an impact.

"Mr. Lan, many things are not yours... If your partner doesn't take the initiative to do it, then there will be no impact at all. For example, your neighbor room 804 was affected. According to our investigation, there are many other people, because Your partner has been seriously affected. These effects may be good or bad, but it is difficult to control." "So

we came here this time to discuss with you and see if you are Willing to move house, or change jobs. Of course, we don't mean to let you leave City A, but we hope to provide you with a fixed job and place of residence, and we are

a little

listened When you get here, you know that the government wants them to live in a remote place, or in a place specially arranged by the government. It is best to stay away from the crowd to avoid causing trouble to others.

But Lan Qin was a little surprised that Li Yan, a ghost, would have such a big influence on the neighbors. He thought that as long as Li Yan didn't go to places with too many people, or go out to work, it wouldn't have much influence.

But listening to what these celestial masters said, it was completely different.

Although there was a lot of confusion in his heart, Lan Qin still didn't ask Li Yan directly in front of outsiders, but just said as naturally as possible that he still needed to discuss it with his partner.

Zhang Yun said that of course they didn't dare to urge the ghost king and his lover, after all, they mustered up a lot of courage and made a lot of preparations when they came here, and at the same time they also predicted a lot of bad results. Now they can get such a peaceful answer, they are already very satisfied.

It can be said that this has exceeded their best expectations.

Zhang Yundao and the others didn't stay for too long, and got up to leave soon, but before leaving, they emphasized again that the government would satisfy Lanqin's conditions to the greatest extent, and promised various preferential policies.

Lan Qin could feel the seriousness of these celestial masters, so he replied very seriously that they would definitely consider it seriously.

Zhang Yundao left the landline numbers of relevant government departments and his own phone number, and told Lan Qin to contact them as soon as possible if he really thought about it.

Lan Qin nodded and said that he would consider it as soon as possible.

After sending Zhang Yundao and others away, Lan Qin began to question Li Yan about their neighbors. Not a small thing.

What Lan Qin wanted to know most was what Li Yan had been doing outside behind his back for more than half a month.

Li Yan saw that what he did behind the scenes was almost exposed, so he quickly explained that he had not done anything illegal or criminal. In order to live conveniently in this modern world, Li Yan naturally took the time to understand the laws and regulations here, so everything he did in the past half a month was indeed within the scope of the law.

"Then you said you were working outside, what exactly do you do? It's this time, don't try to fool me." Lan Qin

thought of Li Yan's work, and was a little worried that there would be something bad about it. in.

Li Yan couldn't let his sweetheart misunderstand him like this, and immediately stopped hiding it for the sake of surprise, but directly said that he was a part-time celestial master and took orders to catch ghosts.

"...I don't do it myself very much. I basically let the little devils do it."

Lan Qin was shocked. It's shocking enough for this ghost to be a celestial master to catch ghosts, let alone this ghost let the people below do it. The ghost goes to catch the ghost, and then sits and waits to collect the money.

This is really outrageous.

Especially when he learned that the income from ghost hunting can easily be several million, Lan Qin felt very puzzled.

These days, he also knows that the object wants to save money to replace them with a new home, but now that he heard that this single business can get several million, or after-tax money, he is curious whether his object is fancy What kind of new house did you have to save for so long?

On this question, Li Yan faltered a bit, and finally spoke out in embarrassment under Lan Qin's pressing.

It turned out that Li Yan, a ghost, wanted to buy the entire mountain forest of Qin Shiling, and then spend money to build a palace that conforms to the aesthetics of the Great Qin Dynasty as a new house, so that Lan Qin can also experience the luxurious life of the ancient feudal society.

Lan Qin couldn't think of this possibility at all: "..."

Lan Qin knew that Li Yan, who was a noble prince in life and a ghost god after death, might be a bit condescending in his rented house, but he absolutely Unexpectedly, this ghost still has the idea of ​​living in the big palace.

"Don't you think your idea is a little unrealistic?"

Lan Qin couldn't help asking such a question, but Li Yan didn't think there was any problem at all.

"Qin Shiling was the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty thousands of years ago

, and my tomb has always been placed underground in Qin Shiling, so I think this area, at least this area must belong to me. But I also researched it now According to the law, if I want to really occupy Qin Shiling and build a luxurious palace on it, I have to spend 10 billion to buy the land. I have calculated carefully, and it takes about 100 billion to buy the land and build the palace. 100 million, which adds up to about 20 billion, and I have only saved 5 billion now." "

So Qinqin, if you give me a little more time, I will earn enough 20 billion soon, and then I will let you live longer than now." The palaces left in the society must be luxurious and beautiful palaces."

Li Yan said it very aggressively and confidently, but Lan Qin felt that it was completely unnecessary.

For Li Yan's idea of ​​buying land to build a palace, and then taking out all the funerary objects from the tomb of Jianglong Fuhu to make decorations, Lan Qin only found it inconceivable and also felt helpless.

It took more than ten minutes to get rid of Li Yan's deposit of 20 billion yuan, but seeing Li Yan's expression, Lan Qin felt that this was just a temporary stop.

Lan Qin felt very sad, but before he finished worrying, Li Yan proposed a seemingly good idea based on Lan Qin's worries.

According to Li Yan's idea, since the government and those celestial masters want them to live in seclusion, they should simply let the government assign Qin Shiling to them and give them positive approval to build a palace on Qin Shiling. alright.

Lan Qin only felt that his partner was whimsical, but Li Yan was very persistent, and immediately picked up the mobile phone to call those celestial masters, and directly proposed such a condition like a lion's mouth.

Lan Qin was dumbfounded, Lan Qin couldn't respond, and Lan Qin watched dumbfounded.

Lan Qin felt that such a condition must not be agreed to, and Zhang Yundao's hesitant answer also confirmed this point.

Lan Qin, who was already thinking about how to persuade Li Yan to give up this idea, never expected that Zhang Yundao would call an hour later, saying that the government had agreed to their conditions and would approve their application two hours later.


They didn't submit an application at all!

But Zhang Yundao said that this is not a big problem, as long as this ghost king can be invited out, so that everyone can be free from the influence of the ghost king, let alone a piece of land in the mountains and forests, they are willing to set aside the northern part of city A for the ghost king. demon.

No one knows better than their celestial masters how terrifying a ghost king can be, and according to their investigation, this ghost king may still exist for a thousand years, longer than the few ghost kings that have ever appeared.

Zhang Yun said that they suspected that the ghost king might have reached the level of ghosts and gods.

That's even worse, because ghosts and gods have the ability to control all ghosts. If they die in conflict with ghosts and gods, their ghosts will be managed by ghosts and gods. As ghosts and gods, they can even decide the reincarnation of ghosts.

Zhang Yundao is not sure whether this Li Yan is a ghost king or a ghost god, but combined with the confession of Xu Yi, the only survivor who escaped from Qin Shiling, they are very afraid of Li Yan, the prince of the Great Qin Dynasty who died thousands of years ago. After all, Prince Yan is very capable.

Such a character was a dragon and a phoenix among human beings in life, and will be a ghost hero who will do his part after death.

If you really want to do it, the human side will only suffer a lot!

Especially this Prince Yan himself has 100,000 ghost soldiers and ghost generals. They dare not imagine how terrifying and frightening this ghost soldier and ghost who has been practicing for thousands of years will be.

But fortunately, the Prince Yan, who is suspected of being a ghost god, did not show hatred for human beings or want to destroy the world. They also gathered together for a meeting to discuss. After the discussion failed to come up with any decent results, they had to pretend to be stupid and pretend they didn't know.

Now that it has been investigated that Prince Yan has done nothing wrong, and even those seemingly weird incidents are only passively affected, they decided to adopt a tactful attitude to come to discuss with him.

And the result of the discussion is also very good, as long as they hand over a haunted Qin Shiling, and turn a blind eye to agree to Prince Yan's construction of the palace, they can get a ghost king or ghost king who is friendly to humans. spirits.

This is a very worthwhile transaction for all human beings.


Qin thinks things are developing too strangely, at least until now he still can't figure out why he suddenly doesn't have to work as a social animal, and then he has the ownership of Qin Shiling for free, and can personally supervise the construction of the magnificent palace from time to time progress this series of things.

As a close friend of Lan Qin, Yang Jian naturally knew that Lan Qin resigned because he was lucky to win a lottery of 10 million yuan, and then went to travel around the world with his new husband. Yang Jian could only leave it with hatred Envious of the tears of jealousy, and often called Lan Qin and complained why he did not have this good luck.

Hearing Yang Jian's words, Lan Qin felt complicated. If Yang Jian knew that his deposit was actually 20 billion instead of the simple 10 million, he might drive Fan Jinzhong crazy.

Being taken care of by the state...ah no, the fact of being supported and helped by the state cannot be revealed to Yang Jian. Lan Qin has to accept Yang Jian's praises such as "koi possession", "best lucky guy" and so on, and is separated by Yang Jian from time to time Use your phone for luck.

Yang Jian often called Lan Qin, sometimes talking about the details of his previous boss's mental illness, saying that the exploiting capitalist boss went back to the villa and changed his slippers at the entrance, only to find that the slippers were still warm, standing in the empty and spacious dormitory Here, Boss Zi feels that his home is very strange, and always feels as if someone is about to kidnap him and want to extort his hundreds of millions of property.

"Of course, this is just nonsense after the boss lost his mind. Our entire office even organized a group to visit the boss in a mental hospital. Now maybe it should be called the former boss. Then we found that he was always shouting that the ghost in red wants to kill him. He also said that the female ghost in red is the proprietress, and of course she is also the former proprietress now." "

I think it really looks like she was frightened into a mental disorder, but this also shows that he has a ghost in his heart, maybe he killed his wife. And compared to his deceased wife, his situation is much better, at least with his daughter, who is now the boss of the magazine, he will not have to worry about his future life." Yang Jian said with emotion, but Lan

Qin There is a strange feeling, as if the boss's daughter threw the boss in the mental hospital like this, she is actually punishing him.

Lan Qin felt that he could know that the boss's wife's death was caused by the boss, so it didn't make sense that the boss' daughter would not find out, especially when he inherited hundreds of millions of property.

Yang Jian also said that after the magazine got a new boss, everything is booming. "In fact, many welfare mechanisms have been established in the magazine, which is much better than that stupid capitalist who only knows how to make big cakes. Now I think the former boss It's a good thing to go crazy and live in a mental hospital, at least I haven't made a plan to leave my wife and children and take my mistress and mistress to have a good time."

People who work in the magazine think that the proprietress is very good, and often give the staff of the office editorial department Buying food, and the five social insurances and one housing fund are clearly paid, but after the boss cheated, the magazine has been in a mess. Fortunately, the matter can be resolved so quickly.

And now the new boss doesn't do much about those father's little lovers, and only paid a little fee to get rid of them.

When Lan Qin heard the follow-up situation of the boss's family, he just listened to it, but didn't comment too much. After all, he has resigned for so long, so it is not very suitable to evaluate such internal matters.

In fact, Yang Jian just shared it casually, and didn't ask Lan Qin to express any opinions.


Qin once asked Li Yan about Qin Ziwei's situation, but Li Yan gave an answer that Qin Ziwei went where he should go. At this time, Lan Qin knew that Qin Ziwei, one of the protagonists, must have had an accident and probably died.

Generally speaking, the death of the protagonist will lead to the collapse of a mission world, but Lan Qin feels that this mission world seems to be developing in a good direction, at least under the rule of ghosts and gods, Lan Qin has rarely seen it in the news There have been incidents of ghosts killing people.

In order to confirm this conjecture, Lan Qin also called to inquire about Zhang Yundao and Zhang Tianshi. After receiving an affirmative answer, Lan Qin knew that the mission world was really developing for the better.

From Zhang Tianshi, Lan Qin knew that Xu Yi's current situation is very good. Although Xu Yi was forced to move the whole family because of the fact that he was the only one who came back from a trip with his boyfriend and classmates

, but at least now Xu Yi has found a job. And also lead a stable and peaceful life.

So now this mission world has not collapsed because of the death of a protagonist, probably because there is still a protagonist alive, and this protagonist is still living a good life.

After Lan Qin got to know Xu Yi's recent situation, he never paid attention to the protagonist again, but accidents always came very quickly. On a certain day, he directly ran into Xu Yi who was walking in a hurry on the street.

The two people who met face to face at that time were very surprised. Lan Qin was surprised that Xu Yi's whole family moved to City Q and worked there, so how could he suddenly appear in City A?

Xu Yi was also surprised by Lan Qin's appearance, of course he was surprised that Lan Qin was actually still alive and seemed to be doing well.

Especially when Xu Yi saw that ghost appeared next to Lan Qin, and behaved ambiguously and mildly towards Lan Qin, Xu Yi, who was busy with business trips, was in a trance.

Xu Yi couldn't help thinking back to his last life, he and his boyfriend Ziwei, and the tragedy of human beings all over the world, could it be because of the lack of a Lanqin?

Because according to the memories of Xu Yi's last life, at this time City A has long been reduced to ghosts, and then the number of undead people is rising rapidly, and the order of the whole world is in shambles, and human beings are about to enter the era of undead.

But looking back at this life, although he lost his prestige, the world is developing for the better, especially the number of murders by evil spirits that should have been rampant, is actually decreasing day by day.

While Xu Yi felt unbelievable, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The world will not go to destruction, Xu Yi is naturally very happy.

But thinking of her boyfriend Qin Ziwei who is still missing and declared a missing person, and will even become a dead person after a while, Xu Yi feels a little sad and disappointed.

Lan Qin was picked up by Li Yan, who was worried about him. He knew what happened for a minute or two when he saw Xu Yi. Even before he could react, he couldn't see Xu Yi who was covered by the crowd.

But even in this short-lived side, Lan Qin still clearly saw that the halo of the originally shining golden protagonist had become dim, and even when Lan Qin wanted to take a closer look, it slowly disappeared on top of Xu Yi's head In this regard, Xu Yi is not much different from other passers-by around him.

So Xu Yi has changed from a protagonist to an ordinary person?

Lan Qin was thinking about this all the way home, and even Li Yan was a little absent-minded when talking to him.

It's just that Lan Qin couldn't figure out the matter involving the protagonist, especially when System 1122 wasn't around, so Lan Qin couldn't think about it.

However, after seeing the handsome and extraordinary Li Yan beside him, Lan Qin suddenly had a strange idea - what role does this ghost of his family play in the mission world?

According to the supernatural powers of ghosts and gods, even if they are not important supporting roles, they should be very powerful background boards. But the two protagonists both appeared in Qin Shiling, and were persecuted by the villagers of Shiling Village, which is a bit of a villain no matter how you look at it.

Will ghosts and gods take villains in the mission world?

As soon as Lan Qin made this conjecture, he was taken aback.

After all, they are a passer-by and a villainous boss, and they are still together, which is awkward no matter how you look at it...

Lan Qin has been thinking about this matter for a long time, but he still hasn't come to any reliable conclusions, and finally he has to let it go.

The world is changing for the better not only by Lan Qin, but also by Yang Jian, an ordinary office worker. He also said that now he dares to go out to eat barbecue with his wife late at night, and sighed that if Lan Qin hadn't won a lottery and went on a trip, he would definitely He wants to find Lanqin and his wife to go out for drinks and barbecue every day.

Lan Chin: "..."

This is unnecessary.

While the construction of Qin Shiling's luxurious palace was in full swing, and the end of the year was approaching, Lan Qin had to take Li Yan, the object, back to his hometown of W City to celebrate the New Year, and at the same time introduce the object to his family.

In Passerby A's memory, Lan Qin knew that his biological mother, Xu Hui, was the only close relative in his hometown. As for his biological father, he died of a serious illness many years ago, and he had no other brothers and sisters. The aspect of family members can be said to be very simple


Although strictly speaking, this is not Lan Qin's biological mother, but since he has accepted this task and assumed this identity, he will naturally do his best to support Xu Hui's retirement.

In my memory, Xu Hui is a hard-working, capable, tough and kind woman, and she also dotes on the only son who has been raised so hard. Basically, the son can support whatever he wants, but Lan Qin is still a little worried about his mother. Xu Hui couldn't accept having a 'male daughter-in-law'.

In order to avoid the congestion of the Spring Festival travel rush, Lan Qin took Li Yan to drive home a few days in advance, because Li Yan had already gone to learn to drive in advance to test his driver's license, so Li Yan was more likely to be driving along the way.

Lan Qin sat leisurely in the co-pilot, and occasionally chatted with Li Yan who was driving. The car was accompanied by gentle car music, and the trunk and back seat were filled with gifts and special products carefully selected by Li Yan for Xu Hui.

Lan Qin felt that it was impossible for his mother to reject this "daughter-in-law" who was excellent in all aspects. After all, all kinds of sugar-coated shells were prepared, and when she saw Xu Hui herself, she began to coax her with sweet words.

Sure enough, only His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is willing to condescend to please others, then absolutely no one can resist.

Xu Hui is very satisfied with this 'male daughter-in-law', even overly satisfied, sometimes to the point of ignoring Lan Qin.

Lan Qin: "..."

Well, it's better to have a good relationship than to be cold.

Because Xu Hui was very satisfied with Li Yan, Li Yan was able to live in Lanqin's room, and during the week or two before and after the Chinese New Year, he would share the bed with his beloved, and even have sex with him.

The sound of firecrackers in the New Year is endless, and the festive and beautiful atmosphere envelopes this small village. This is a completely different scene from Shiling Village, full of vitality.

And Lanchin was enjoying himself with his partner.

The moon was so shy that it hid in the clouds, but in this warm and charming room, a slender and slender hand stretched out struggling under the soft and festive quilt, and was immediately squeezed by another big hand that was blue and white but had slender finger bones. Hold tight, and recapture into the damp comforter.

This year is a very beautiful and happy New Year, and this kind of happiness will continue year after year until Lan Qin's life comes to an end.

At that time, the ghosts and gods who had lived in the gorgeous palace and Lanqin on the ground for a long time took his beloved back into his tomb, and then died with his beloved.

After falling into a long sleep again, he only waits for his lover to break into Qin Shiling again one day and wake him up with love.


world of heavenly masters has always paid close attention to the matter of Li Yan and human beings being in love with each other, especially as the human world is getting better and better, they know that the prince Yan who was once suspected by them to be either a ghost god or a ghost king is indeed spirits.

For this reason, the Tianshi world and the government were still trembling with fear for a long time. After discovering that the ghosts and gods were only obsessed with traveling and showing affection with their partner Lan Qin all day long, they turned their vigilance and surveillance on the surface to their secret attention from time to time.

Day after day, year after year of attention made them understand the importance of Lan Qin, a young man with outstanding looks, to ghosts and gods. At first they were very fortunate and relieved.

After all, if ghosts and gods belong to each other and love each other, the threat to human beings and the world will be greatly reduced, and they will even benefit human beings in turn.

But as time passed and Lan Qin began to grow old, they began to worry that once Lan Qin passed away, the ghost who lost the treasure might become a hidden danger to world peace.

But fortunately, the development of things was not too bad. At least in the end, the ghosts and gods just took the corpses of themselves and Lanqin into the tomb of subduing dragons and subduing tigers, and never came out again.

They all know that this is a couple who have loved each other for decades, but it is still difficult to disappear the fear and fear of ghosts and gods, because during the decades of working together, they can be said to have a deep understanding of ghosts and gods. experience.

In order to prevent the loss of their beloved, the ghosts and gods who fell into a deep sleep were awakened by some evil-minded human beings who committed suicide. Zhou Yuanhang, who has become one of the best masters in the world of celestial masters, led several celestial masters to set taboos on Qin Shiling.

This taboo is only for outsiders, and will not cause any trouble to ghosts and gods.

Zhou Yuanhang even asked for orders to come over to guard the tomb, and strictly ordered his apprentices, and even future disciples and grandchildren, to pay attention to guarding the tomb, and must not let some ignorant people disturb the purity of ghosts and gods and his beloved.

As a result, Qin Shiling has become a place that no one dares to set foot on, but the stories about ghosts and gods and their lovers will always remain in the hearts of some people.

Even if time passes, it will not be forgotten.

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