8.21: True Colors

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The domain of the God of Light has long been changed with the restoration of the power of the God of Light It must be like spring all year round and the climate is pleasant, otherwise Lan Qin would not be able to walk in the ice and snow with only one or two pieces of clothing.

After his partner woke up, Lan Chin was really relieved, especially that his partner had fully recovered in just a day or two, and could even run around the field with Lan Chin on his back or in his arms.

Lan Qin tried to ask his partner what happened during the previous period, and his partner did not hide anything, but just casually told the fierce scene of the battle between the gods, and by the way told the news that the God of Light was seriously injured and would sleep for a while.

They have lived in the realm of the God of Light for so long. Although his relationship with the God of Light is average, he is also a god who is related to his partner by blood, so he can't be too indifferent.

"Is the God of Light okay?"

Lanqin asked with great concern, and the person being questioned was the God of Light himself, but the God of Light still had an ugly expression on his face. Still he eased his expression, and said very coldly that the "God of Light" was fine.

"He is such a god who is so high and doesn't care about others. My dear, you don't need to worry about him too much. Anyway, his injuries are much lighter than mine." The implication of the

God of Light is 'God of Light' just If you want to sleep in, there is no problem.

After Lan Qin heard this, he didn't have any doubts. He just thought that the God of Light had fallen asleep, but they were still having fun in the realm of the God of Light, especially when his partner wanted to do those ambiguous things... It really made Lan Qin feel very uncomfortable

. Excuse me.

I heard that the gods are almost all omniscient existences, if they really do something inappropriate here, and then they are seen and heard by the God of Light, wouldn't it be a live performance?

Lan Qin absolutely cannot allow himself to fall into such a terrible end!

So Lan Qin hurriedly told his partner about leaving here. Of course, the reason could not be the one he was worried about. He just said that he wanted to go back to their home-the lair they had lived in for more than a year. It was indeed their love. lair.

In fact, the God of Light didn't want to go back to the lair that belonged exclusively to Ausonia and his lover. It was a place that symbolized their love, and the God of Light didn't even care to take a look at it.

And more importantly, in the past year, the God of Light has already felt a lot of loving emotions, and he doesn't want to experience it in person.

Ke Lanqin's attitude was very tough, and he insisted on leaving the realm of the God of Light and then returning to the lair.

Of course, seeing that his partner was in a bad mood, Lan Chin also took a step back, instead of directly asking to go back to the lair, he chose to go on honeymoon with his partner first.

"Osonia, didn't you say that you wanted to travel the entire Yinzhou Continent with me? Isn't this a very good opportunity?"

Lan Qin leaned in his partner's arms, and hugged his partner's neck very intimately, It's rare to act like a baby and make your partner listen to him.

"Osonia, even if we are guests on the side of the God of Light, we can't stay here all the time. This is really too rude."

Lan Qin rambled a lot, with a serious attitude and a soft tone, directly The God of Light couldn't hold on for long, and soon agreed to go to various parts of the Yinzhou Continent for their honeymoon together.

Fortunately, Ausonia did not hold a wedding with Lan Qin. This honeymoon is actually just a trip, otherwise the God of Light felt that he would definitely go crazy.

He didn't know his mind before, that's why he endured that guy from Ausonia to monopolize Lanqin. Now that he has come to his senses, it is impossible for him to let Ausonia participate again.

As long as his strength is fully recovered, there is no need to keep the existence of Ausonia, even if it is a simple memory, the God of Light does not plan to keep it.

As long as everything in Ausonia is erased, Lan Chin will belong to Him completely!

The God of Light thought so, and at the same time he did so.

It's just that I still want to wait for a while, so that this matter can really be resolved.

And Ausonia has fallen, and even the soul has returned to the body, so he doesn't need to worry at all.

Lan Qin's purpose was to leave the realm of the God of Light, and then hug and hold high with his partner, but how could he have thought that his partner would have been outsourced long ago.

But fortunately, both of them are his partners, and there is not much difference when they are seriously pursued.

But if Lanqin finds out about the murder of the two partners, the Guangming God, who is probably the culprit, will have to be punished by his sweetheart.

It's just that no one can expose what the God of Light has done, but it allows Him to be safe and sound with a negative distance from his sweetheart.

Lan Qin felt a little strange, but he just felt that his partner was too clingy. Although he was very clingy before, he didn't follow him all the time, squeezed in even to take a bath, and extended Lan Qin's bath time without limit.

But for his partner, Lan Chin's patience and tolerance are very high, but he didn't have any resistance to it.

Of course, there may have been resistance, but they were all suppressed by powerful partners.

Lan Qin and the God of Light traveled to many places on the Yinzhou Continent together. During this trip, Lan Qin experienced for the first time his partner's thoughtfulness and knowledge. No matter where they went or what creatures they saw, his Partners can explain in detail one by one.

Accompanied by his partner, Lan Qin soon had the most detailed understanding of Yinzhou Continent, and during this trip, Lan Qin also had a very happy time.

Unknowingly, Lan Chin had been in this mission world for almost five years, and during this time, System 1122 had nothing to do with it.

This made Lan Qin happy that System 1122 was unaware, but also a little frightened.

At this time, Lan Qin only remembered that he had been with the God of Light after he had fooled System 1122 away, and that he had been on a honeymoon tour in Yinzhou Continent for the past few years.

Lanqin has also paid attention to and understood the situation of the heroine and the heroine. He naturally knows that the heroine, the little princess, is considered unknown by many people in the Kingdom of Goss. Some ministers even asked the king and queen to keep the little princess The princess was expelled from the country.

It's just that the king and queen have been unwilling to send their little daughter away, but because the rumors are getting stronger and stronger, more and more people request to expel the little princess, which also leads to such a dilemma for the king and queen.

In the end, the helpless king and queen had to send the little princess away, and the person who picked up the little princess was the fairy godmother of the little princess.

Lan Qin did not participate in the handling of this matter, because he found that the rumors against the heroine actually started to spread from the Litulu Kingdom where the heroine lives, and the person who spread the rumor the most viciously broke away from the Litulu Kingdom. Nothing to do.

The King and Queen of the Kingdom of Goss were unable to personally investigate and deal with those people due to the pressure of public opinion, but Lan Qin and the God of Light had no scruples in this regard.

Although the God of Light doesn't understand why his lover pays so much attention to the little princess of the Kingdom of Goss, but considering that Lan Qin was born and raised in this kingdom, the God of Light seems to have a very good feeling for the Kingdom of Goss. impression.

Both Hell and Litulu Kingdom lost their big backer, the Deceitful Demon King, so they didn't dare to be presumptuous in a short period of time. Instead, they would choose to hang on in order to continue to survive.

After losing the troublesome existences of Hell Demon and Litulu Kingdom, Yinzhou Continent immediately ushered in an unprecedented tranquility, and creatures of all races were able to thrive.

And I heard that the deceitful demon king on the other side of hell has been killed by the God of Light, and the God of Light is the god of the Kingdom of Goss. If nothing unexpected, this is the only remaining god in their Yinzhou Continent.

As a result, creatures of all races who desperately needed the protection of the gods flocked to the Kingdom of Goss to settle down, and they also actively wanted to contribute to the development and prosperity of the Kingdom of Goss.

This has brought a steady stream of development vitality to the Kingdom of Goss.

Lan Qin also focused on the two kingdoms where the hero and heroine lived, and Lan Qin was also very satisfied with the decline of the Kingdom of Litulu and the rise of the Kingdom of Goss.

After all, Lanchin likes the kingdom of Goss on the heroine's side more than the ambitious and merciless tyrant's behavior.

And the God of Light naturally obeys his lover's decision in everything

. Although he originally chose the Kingdom of Goss, he just chose randomly, but he didn't expect to be liked by his lover just right.

This was a pleasant surprise.

At the same time, it also shows that he is the most suitable god for Lanqin.

The God of Light felt that life was wonderful, and many creatures in Yinzhou Continent also felt that the future was bright. In the end, only the deceitful demon king who fell silently was injured.

In the past few years, Lan Qin always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something important, but looking at his partner right in front of him and his very happy life, he didn't think of anything.

But how could Lanqin think that every time he would think of the deceitful demon king Ausonia, his memory would be erased by the God of Light again, so until finally Lanqin's life came to an end, even the Kingdom of Goss, which has always been about benevolence and righteousness, became He couldn't even remember the strongest country in Yinzhou Continent.

After Lan Qin took his last breath, he didn't choose to stay for ten minutes, because he was really worried that the system 1122 would suddenly appear and find out about his paid relationship.

Compared with this short ten minutes, the reunion in the next mission world moved Lanqin's heart even more.

The God of Light witnessed the death of his lover with his own eyes, and he didn't grieve or shed tears. He just hugged his lover with a very cold expression, and then walked into his own domain, and never walked out of the place where his beloved was buried. field of.

The Kingdom of Goss and the Yinzhou Continent, which have lost the protection of the gods forever, have already embarked on the era of technological development under the leadership of the empress Amelia, and no longer need gods to bless them.

Perhaps when the world is developing stably, the existence of gods is not necessary.

After all, life always finds its own way.


soon as Lan Qin returned to the system space, he immediately wanted to choose the last mission world to enter, and then was stopped by the system 1122, which was late.

System 1122 was excited like never before, and couldn't wait to share a piece of good news with Lan Chin-the god at the center of the universe system woke up, and the selection of the Diligence Award was also brought forward.

"So host, you don't need to do this task right away, go to the system center with me to participate in the competition first, and then continue to do the task after the competition is over! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, maybe we can still see the god who came to inspect, then But God! Oh my god, I'm so happy..."

System 1122 said a lot, and Lan Qin had only one thought in his mind, that the reunion with his partner was delayed!

Lan Qin frowned inwardly, thinking that it was really unlucky that the legendary cosmic god would not wake up sooner or later, but chose this time.

"Host, I'm sorry, I haven't been able to accompany you to complete that mission world during this period of time, because I have to be busy arranging the system center. This is an important task given to me by my immediate boss! It's all to welcome the awakening and coming of God, host you You shouldn't blame me, right?"

"Oh, yes, right, after God woke up, he issued an order, that is, to forgive those hosts and systems who rebelled because of falling in love, but because they all committed rebellion. For treason, if you want to get free, you have to complete about 100 million tasks..."

"I really don't understand why they can't think about it so much, and they would fall in love with a somatic species. How could the aesthetics of humans and the system be the same? Of course, I don't mean that you, the host, are not good-looking, but the gods of our system still want to It's more mellow..."

"And it's not good. In the future, both the host and the system want to fall in love. Who can work seriously? I don't know why God suddenly issued such a strange order..." Lan

Qin He listened silently to the nagging of System 1122, and did not interrupt or refute. Of course, he was also very excited after hearing the news-if the Cosmic System Center does not prohibit the host from falling in love with the system, then his partner It seems that it can also be put on the bright side.

It's just that Lan Qin was always worried that this was a trap, so he held back for the time being and didn't tell System 1122 directly. But after thinking about it, if the

Universe System Center is not nervous about falling in love, then he can also go to participate in the selection of the Diligence Award first, and wait until he returns. Seeing my parents and brother, and continuing

to fall in love will not delay things.

But at this moment, Lan Qin could not have imagined that when he went to the system center in this way, he would meet someone he hadn't expected at all.

That was the elder brother who was inseparable from him and grew up together.

What surprised Lan Qin was that his brother was actually the God at the center of the universe system.

Lan Chin felt that this was completely illogical!

But soon something that shocked Lanqin even more happened again. The supreme and omnipotent god in the mouth of the system 1122 was actually his partner in a paid relationship!

Although, whether it is his elder brother or his partner, they are just one of the distractions of this god.

It's just that there are more distractions related to him, but it is completely no different from the body of God.

Facing the god who suddenly appeared in front of him, Lan Qin seemed to want him to be responsible, and there was only one word "muddled" on his face and heart.

What makes Lan Qin feel better is that when God was his brother, he was not his biological brother, but the child of a deceased friend adopted by his biological parents.

This is probably the only thing Lan Qin feels gratified about.

Otherwise, he would have to worry that his parents would beat the mandarin ducks.

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