3.9: God of Light

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Facing these attendants who respect the Son of God, Lan Qin also obeys The person set him up to appease him, and then let everyone go down, saying that he had something important to discuss with his savior.

Umiu doesn't like to talk, but Lan Qin is obviously used to and likes the silence of his partner. He watched Umiu look around the room, obviously observing his previous living environment.

But this must disappoint Wumiu. After all, this is not the real place where he lived. If Wumiu wants to find any traces here, I am afraid it will be impossible.

And Wu Miao was also looking around, then pursed his lips, and said, "There is no breath of you here."

But Wu Miao didn't think too much, after all, according to what the attendants said, the Holy Son had been away for a long time. For a period of time, I had been traveling outside for more than a month before I strayed into the abyss, not to mention that there were countless times of cleaning.

Lan Qin walked over and pinched the back of Wu Miao's hand, saying that the Central Vatican is the most holy and clean place, where only the God of Light can leave a breath, and the others are naturally not qualified and have no ability to keep their own breath for too long .

When Wu Miao heard Lan Qin talking about the God of Light, he sneered subconsciously, and faced Lan Qin's puzzled gaze, he said what he knew.

"The God of Light fell hundreds of years ago, so there is no such thing as a God of Light in this world now." After Wu Miao finished speaking, he pondered for a moment, as if he was worried that Lan Qin would be sad, so he added, "But The power of the Holy Light left by the God of Light is still enough for the Holy See to prosper for three or four hundred years, so you don't have to worry too much."

In fact, what Umiu wants to say is that if his lover needs it, He can do it After humans completely lost the protection of the God of Light, they took over to protect humans.

It's just that he thought that he was actually the God of Darkness, and those abyssal demons who threatened the safety of human beings were transformed by his power. If he said that he wanted to protect human beings, it seemed a bit too outrageous and unbelievable.

So the Lord of the Abyss frowned, but still did not make such a promise.

After all, more than half of the abyssal power that he cannot control is overflowing from human beings. It can be said that human beings will have the threat of abyssal demons, which are created by human beings themselves.

Wu Miao turned this idea around in his heart, did not say it rashly, but stretched out his hand to hold the hand of his lover Lanqin tightly, and then silently made a decision: if he could not find a suitable one for his lover Godhead, then He will follow his lover after decades.

In this way, following the fall of the God of Light, the God of Darkness will also fall, and the world will restore the balance of power as soon as possible.

As the incarnation of the abyss representing the God of Darkness, Umiu can clearly see that the power of the world is now out of balance, and darkness is stronger than light. If darkness is allowed to continue to grow stronger, then human beings will suffer the most complete disaster .

In the past, the Lord of the Abyss didn't care about this. As long as it didn't disturb his sleep, no matter how chaotic the abyss was, it had nothing to do with him.

But now his lover is a human being, and he is also the most sympathetic son of the common people. This makes the Lord of the Abyss inevitably have a strange idea about the human race, as if he does not want human beings to go to the abyss of destruction.

If Lan Qin knew what was going on in Wu Miao's mind at this time, he would definitely be able to find the most suitable adjective, that is, Aiwujiwu.

As a tasker, Lan Qin would naturally not be saddened by the fall of the God of Light, but as the holy son of the Holy See, he would of course feel depressed for a long time after hearing such sad news.

Lan Qin was also very conscientious, even though he had only one partner by his side, he still performed the emotional transition from surprise-shock-doubt-sadness, and finally shed a lot of tears silently for the unfortunately fallen God of Light.

After Wu Miao wiped his tears obviously at a loss, Lanqin stopped his tears with a depressed and sad expression, and then said that he would go to the temple to pray.

"I haven't prayed for the God of Light in the temple for a long time. Even if the God of Light has already... But what should be done is still to be done. I am really sad now. I am afraid that if I don't go to the temple tonight If you can't fall asleep..." Lan Qin praised his acting skills

in his heart while saying this . After talking about his admiration for the God of Light, and then expressing his pain and sorrow for the fall of the God of Light, Lan Qin made a very strong decision to go to the temple to pray.

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