5.14: Brother

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After Tianji remembered what he had missed, he was so sad and remorseful that he could not wait Beating his chest and stamping his feet, he walked to his wife with a dejected expression only when he saw that his wife had already put on her clothes and shoes and was about to go out.

"Wife, you promised to take a mandarin duck bath with me, does it still count?"

Looking at the expectant and cautious eyes of his partner, Lan Qin laughed in his heart, but on the surface he said calmly, " What I promised was to take a bath with you in that D-level dungeon called "Dead End", and after clearing the level, it will most likely be invalidated." Hearing his wife's answer, Tianji almost let out a 'wow' sound of grievance

. Crying, but Lan Qin could no longer hold back the smile on his face when he saw his partner being so wronged that he was about to cry into a fat tiger of two hundred catties.


Lan Qin burst out laughing, in Tianji's view, Lan Qin's cheerful laugh was like blooming flowers on the flourishing branches, and he immediately looked straight at him.

It wasn't until Lanqin laughed enough that he whispered a little coyly, "My wife, don't smile so beautifully outside, or someone will be so bold as to try to rob me of your wife..." I'm afraid I can make those

people The skull was pinched and exploded!

He didn't say the last sentence directly, but Lan Qin can also think that according to his partner's possessiveness, he might throw those bold people into the world of "Please close your eyes when it gets dark" to accept the world Beat.

"Of course what I promised you still counts. I'm not the kind of person who breaks promises. I was just joking with you just now." Lan Qin stretched out his fingers and tapped his partner's face lightly, thinking of his partner He has always been impatient, so he added, "But this matter has to be done after saving the world."

After all, he doesn't have the heart to do those things now.

After Tianji heard his wife say that the promise was still valid, his dog eyes lit up immediately, and he was even so happy that he hugged Lan Qin and turned around on the spot for a few times, and only lightly stepped on Lan Qin's voice put him down.

However, after getting an affirmative answer, Tianji's love for his wife became even stronger. If there is an instrument that can measure love, it may explode by now!

"My wife, you're so kind!"

After Tianji said this, he kissed Lan Qin heavily on the face, and even made a "popping" sound.

Lan Qin: "..."

Seeing the ecstatic doggy eyes of his partner, Lan Qin still silently decided to accept it, just because he was worried that there would be marks on his face, and he squinted at his partner, planning to go to the bathroom to look in the mirror .

But Tianji couldn't wait to contract out the matter of saving the world, and it would be best to contract it to the most powerful country, so that he could be with his wife as soon as possible!

Tianji is generally very reliable in doing things. Although the kiss just now sounded very strong, but for some reason, he knew that his wife's skin was tender and fair, so he controlled it so that it did not leave a mark.

But this is only based on the premise that the wife will go out later, if it is in the situation of taking a mandarin duck bath, He will definitely kiss all kinds of marks on the wife from head to toe hehehe.

Just from his partner's rippling expression, Lan Chin could tell that he was thinking about something indescribable again.

But how to say, just get used to it.

With the cheating artifact of a partner, Lanchin didn't need to spend much effort to convince the governments of the real world to believe his statement, and immediately convened a world conference to discuss how to save the world.

And this world meeting, Lan Qin and Tianji also participated, it was at this meeting that Lan Qin knew that his partner was so possessive that he kept hiding his appearance from outsiders.

When Lanqin found out and asked about it, he also said very confidently that because his wife was so beautiful, if someone saw her and then fell in love at first sight and entangled her endlessly, he didn't think it was wrong to kill someone.

Although he didn't know how his partner dealt with those who angered him, as long as he thought of Jenny who burped in less than two minutes in the copy of "Dead End", Lan Qin knew


Moreover, Lan Chin didn't like people staring at his face all the time, so he also had a laissez-faire attitude towards his partner's behavior.

Then again, it is precisely because of this that the governments of various countries treat him with fear and vigilance. It is estimated that he and his partner are treated as gods or ghosts.

No matter what these people think of them as beings, anyway, the final World Conference is a successful conclusion.

Of course, two arrogant small countries raised objections on the way, and questioned Lan Qin and his partner on the spot for scaremongering, and then he was immediately thrown into "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark" by his partner, and went straight to download copy.

Lan Qin is convinced of his partner's operation. After all, those two small countries so swear that the destruction of the world cannot exist, and openly call them liars. Let them experience the horror of a powerful enemy. .

Anyway, it's all about saving the whole world and all mankind. There must be people who will be sacrificed in this process, so let's let them be the first batch.

After all, mankind still has a long and tortuous road to go.

In order to stop other people with floating thoughts, Lan Chin discussed with his partner, and very "intimately" started a live broadcast, so that all the heads of government at the World Conference, as well as human beings all over the world can directly watch the cruelty of the dungeon .

Of course, during this process, the black history of the few people who were thrown in cursing Niaoyu while being frightened by the dungeon boss to pee out was obviously seen by all human beings.

However, this is something that must be experienced so that all human beings can directly understand what a dungeon is. I believe everyone can understand it.

A few unlucky ones who were ruthlessly thrown in: "..."

[Tears burst out suddenly.JPG]

Explained the crises faced by the real world to the governments of various countries, and roughly talked about ways to save the world. Lanqin is not in a hurry to answer the question of going back to other countries to discuss it.

After all, it is the politicians who are most anxious.

If all human beings are going to be extinct, then no matter how powerful or powerful they are, they have to become the food in the mouth of the dungeon boss.

No one mentioned the matter of bringing those unlucky ones back safely. After all, they were not the only ones who struggled hard in the dungeon world, and it was obvious that these unlucky ones had offended these two. Ghosts are so powerful, what if they make such a request and get angered?

And it's just a few people, it's really not important compared to the whole world and all mankind.

After solving this matter, Lan Qin thought that he should go home and have a look. After all, he still has a brother in his identity, and this brother is also the protagonist of the mission world.

For such an important matter as saving the world, as the protagonist, you must not be absent.

Lan Qin and Tianji discussed going home to visit his brother, Tianji agreed with both hands and feet, because his wife's brother is his brother, and now it's all about seeing his parents!

Tianji, who has a very detailed understanding of human etiquette, is going to buy some generous gifts immediately, otherwise it would be too rude to come to the door empty-handed like this!

Lan Qin was also very satisfied with his partner's attitude of attaching great importance to it, so he took a little time to go to a luxury store with his partner to pick out some suitable gifts, such as ties, watches, cufflinks, etc. In addition, there are some high-end gifts Health care products, if Lan Qin hadn't stopped his partner at the right time, the entire mall might have been bought.

As for where the money comes from, Tianji said that it is very simple, just get some gold and diamonds from the strata, and then exchange them directly with the treasury.

Lan Chin: "..."

I just hope that the state personnel will not be too shocked to see that the treasury has less money, but gold and diamonds, which are more valuable than money, appear out of thin air.


Lan Qin returned home with Tianji, who was carrying a large bag and a small bag, he found that there was only one housekeeper grandpa in the old house.

In his memory, this housekeeper grandpa could be said to be the one who watched Lan Yue and Lan Qin brothers grow up. Although he was said to be a housekeeper, he was almost the same as his relatives.

When the butler saw that the young master who had been missing for more than half a month

appeared at the door of the old house safe and sound, he quickly asked Weimen to let him in, and took Lan Qin's hand without even caring that he had not yet entered the hall. Weeping in grief.

"Young master, you finally came back safely! Where have you been these days? Do you know how hard it is for the young master to find you?!" The butler was crying as he spoke, as if thinking of something sad.

Lan Qin, who had already asked his partner to remove the blindfold, was a little at a loss and patted the butler's hunched back to comfort him. In his impression, the butler always looked like a gentleman with a straight waist, and now he was in such an emotional state. That is, it appeared at the funeral of the Lan family couple.

"Grandpa housekeeper, don't be too sad. Didn't I come back safely? In fact, it was because of me... my friend's help. Didn't I go home as soon as I was safe? By the way, grandpa housekeeper, Where is my brother? Today is Saturday, my brother is still working overtime in the company, right?"

Lan Qin comforted the housekeeper while patting his grandfather on the back, leading people into the house, but along the way he found that Something was not right, for example, the usual gardeners and servants were gone, and this old house of the Lan family, which existed for a hundred years, seemed to suddenly become very quiet and lifeless.

Seeing such a scene, Lan Qin suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, what the housekeeper said next confirmed Lan Qin's bad premonition.

"Young master... The young master, he, he is also missing! Just three days ago, the young master said that he found a little trace of you, the young master, and then asked that Yan police officer to investigate together... But just like that, The young master and Officer Yan are gone, I'm afraid, I'm afraid something happened!" The

grandpa housekeeper said, and the tears that had stopped could not be controlled at all. The housekeeper, plus seeing the two brothers of the Lan family growing from a small group to adults, he can be regarded as loving these two brothers as his own grandsons.

As a result, the young master disappeared, and the eldest master also disappeared in the process of searching for the young master. This was a great blow to an old man who was almost seventy years old.

"Just now I watched the TV news and found out that the government said that some kind of disaster is coming, that is, there are aliens who want to invade Blue Star, and those aliens have been arresting humans to play that horror game for decades, I suspected that you were arrested just now, young master, but now you can come back safely, young master!" "

But the young master and that police officer Yan, I dare not think about it! Are they really arrested? Caught in it? I heard some people say that it is a very dangerous game. If the young master really goes in, will it...will he never be able to come out again..." Lan Qin was worried when he heard the butler's

grandfather In other words, considering that the protagonist in the mission details was pulled into the inner world by "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark", as for the police officer Yan, it should be the other protagonist Yan Li.

Thinking of this, Lan Qin looked at his partner with doubts. Didn't he say that his brother didn't enter the dungeon?

How come such disappearances still happen now?

Facing his wife's questioning eyes, Tianji was also anxious. When he investigated before, he really didn't find the name 'Lan Yue'! How could the person disappear in such a short time? !

This is totally impossible!

Tianji gave his wife a look of "Wife, you have to trust me", and then began to think about where to find his brother for his wife.

He only has jurisdiction over the game center and the dungeon world, but he only has a theoretical understanding of the real world. If he really wants to find the two missing people in the vast crowd, he must let the world consciousness help.

The big deal is that he owes the world consciousness a favor, and he is busy helping to save the world. Although the starting point is for his wife, it is also for the benefit of the world consciousness, and the world consciousness owes him.

Tianji, who was thinking about when to wake up the world consciousness, only felt a bit of headache. After all, no matter how powerful the world consciousness is, he can only help find people

. Kind of unlikely.

The wife shouldn't take her anger on him, right?

After all, it was the sudden disappearance of those two people, and it had nothing to do with him.

Lan Qin comforted the housekeeper's grandpa in a gentle voice, and then sent him away by saying that he was hungry and wanted to eat the seafood noodles cooked by the housekeeper's grandfather. After only himself and his partner were left in the hall, Lan Qin went straight to the point He asked Tianji if his two elder brothers were involved in the game "Please close your eyes when it gets dark".

Tianji immediately said no, "I've done the investigation, wife, don't worry!"

Lan Qin frowned, thought for a while, and then asked Tianji when he did the investigation.

"It was almost three days ago. At that time, I just met your wife for the first time!"

Tianji replied subconsciously and honestly. The behavior in "Snow Night"?

He looked at his wife carefully, worried that she would be angry.

But Lan Qin didn't have the time to think about the coincidence of this time. He just smiled and asked Tianji, "Honey, you did the investigation almost three days ago, and my brother disappeared three days ago. Do you think there is something wrong?"


Tianji was so absorbed in his wife's smile that he didn't realize what was wrong at all, but after thinking for a while, he also found something wrong.


Isn't it? How could things be so coincidental? !

"Wife, it shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?"

Tianji looked at Lan Qin innocently with those doggy eyes, just to make his wife believe him. But Lan Qin was very skeptical because he knew that Lan Yue was the protagonist, " What if it

is really such a coincidence?


If He does not work reliably, he is finished!

Although Tianji didn't want such an unfortunate thing to happen, he still checked the player list again under the urging of his wife, and then he really found the name "Lan Yue".

Tianji: "..."

Why did this happen? Obviously everyone doesn't want it!

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