- Pollution Area No.13 - 6.1: New World

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After Lanqin left the task world of "Please close your eyes when it gets dark" , I just quietly accompanied my partner until the time was up for ten minutes, and then I gently kissed the prototype of my partner - the huge flower, and then turned and left.

Because of his pickiness about food, and the fact that the long-lived species will not die without eating, Lan Qin has reason to believe that he may be the first human being "eaten" by his partner.

Lanqin is very clear why his partner hides his body in flowers, it must be to prevent other creatures from seeing him, so he subconsciously hides his lover.

At the moment of leaving, the giant flower with almost invisible roots stood in the game center of the inner world. Usually there are countless human players going up and down here, but now there is only one flower left. A flower that looks dangerous.

This flower is still vibrant and bright, but Lan Chin knows that it won't be long before this flower will wither and fall.

When Lan Qin thought of such a scene, his heart ached like a knife.

This kind of heartache made Lanqin unable to calm down when his soul returned to the system space. After checking the message left by the system 1122 in a restless mood, the general content still encouraged him to work hard and do the task hard, so that he could be resurrected as soon as possible. be human.

Lan Qin didn't stay in the system space too much, he wanted to see his partner very much now, so he didn't choose carefully, but chose a mission world at random, and then decided to enter.

But even if it was chosen randomly, Lan Qin still took a look at the name of the mission world - "Pollution Area No. 13".

Maybe it's a high-tech interstellar world, or maybe it's a doomsday era, Lan Qin thinks it doesn't matter, as long as he can reunite with his partner as soon as possible.

A blinding white light flashed, and Lan Chin settled down, knowing that he had successfully arrived at the mission world.

When Lanqin saw the scene again, he kept paying attention to the surrounding situation, and then found that he was in an elevator, and the elevator was slowly descending, and there were several people from the mission world standing beside him.

Before he came, it seemed that someone was making a report. Lan Qin was not sure if that person was reporting to him, so he kept silent very cautiously.

Of course, if he used his face to make a serious and indifferent expression of silence, it would obviously be a high-altitude flower that is inviolable and inviolable, making others feel charming and freezing.

The assistant in charge of reporting the recent situation in the training room saw the indifferent expression on Dr. Lan Qin's face, and became so nervous that a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Did he just say something that shouldn't be said? Otherwise, why would the doctor look like this?

After having such doubts in my heart, the voice of the assistant's report became intermittent, and even stuttered a bit.

The assistant's performance made other people in the elevator feel a little bit sweaty for him, after all, Dr. Lanchin has always had a bad temper.

Apart from having a little patience and love for those monsters with research value, Dr. Lanchin is very disgusted with other species, even for his colleagues and subordinates, he never makes an extra expression or says a word talk.

Now Dr. Lanqin doesn't even nod and say yes. Could it be that the accident in the training room really made Dr. Lanqin very angry, even to the point where he is not even interested in giving them a look? !

"Lan, Dr. Lanqin, I, am I wrong?"

Assistant Modi asked carefully, fearing that Dr. Lanqin would fire him immediately! Although Dr. Lan Chin dismissed him, he can still work under other doctors, but how can those doctors compare with Dr. Lan Chin? !

Although Dr. Lanqin is a bit cold-tempered, he often blows air-conditioning to cool down, but he neither beats and scolds his subordinates, nor uses the reagents he accidentally researched on his subordinates, and occasionally gives them a raise , so Modi still likes to work with Dr. Lanchin very much.

Another doctor in the elevator, Kimberly, saw that the new assistant was so nervous, she couldn't help feeling sorry for her. After all, this young assistant with doggy eyes was really pretty

. If you don't have this type of assistant down there, it's better to just go there.

Dr. Kimberly thought about this, and then she considered how to speak, because her colleague, Dr. Lan Qin, is the most important doctor in the institute. It can be said that as long as there is no such thing as replacing the director of the institute, as soon as Lan Qin brought it up will be passed immediately.

So unless she is absolutely sure, Kimberly is not willing to fight Lan Qin.

"Dr. Lanqin, since this little assistant doesn't please you, why don't you just send it to me, anyway, I also have a lot of experience in teaching the young man."

Assistant Modi heard that Dr. Kimberly Actually wanting to go by himself, his face turned red and white, and the expression on his face was extremely tangled.

He doesn't really want to work with Dr. Kimberly, because I heard from other assistants that Dr. Kimberly often has unspoken rules for the people under her hands, no matter whether it's a man or a woman, as long as they are good-looking, as long as they can get under her hands , will immediately be unspoken rules.

Of course, if you want to refuse, you can refuse, but you have to bear the trouble of being put on small shoes by your boss.

Of course, Modi doesn't want to live that kind of painful life in the future, and how can men be ruled by unspoken rules? !

After hearing what the assistant and the female doctor said, Lan Qin knew that the assistant was reporting to him just now, so he didn't pause much, but walked out first when the elevator reached the -30th floor.

After walking a few steps, he went back to look at the stunned assistant in the elevator with a cold face, and said in a very flat tone, "Follow, don't waste my time." Assistant Mo Di saw Dr. Lan Chin leaving first

. Go out, and then another colleague walked out and gave him a helpless look. He thought he was given to Dr. Kimberly to play with.

When all thoughts were lost, Dr. Lanchin turned back and called him to follow up. Although the tone was very cold, it was like the Gospel of Allah in Modi's ears, which directly made Modi's eyes shine.

"Okay, okay, Dr. Lanchin, I'm coming!"

Modi replied repeatedly, bowed to Dr. Kimberly, and then quickly ran out of the elevator.

Being rejected by Lan Qin so coldly, Kimberly didn't feel annoyed, but she couldn't help feeling a few words after seeing the back of the little assistant and Lan Qin's group leaving, "Obviously everyone eats the same food. Food, and doing similar jobs, why is Dr. Lanqin so good-looking? And even the people under him are also good-looking, it's really hard to understand, alas!" The assistant next to Kimberly

heard After hearing what his boss said, his expression remained unchanged, but he complained directly in his heart: Every time the institute recruits new recruits, Dr. Lan Chin is the first to choose them first, and the ones with the best abilities and the best looks must be in the Dr. Lanchin over there!

More importantly, just looking at Dr. Lan Qin's own beautiful face, he must also like good-looking people more, so the selection must be based on both ability and appearance!

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