8.4: Stalker

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But even if Lan Qin and the system 1122 have various guesses, they still have to go to the palace Participating in the heroine's birthday party, because of the existence of the bard, Passerby A, the main function is to use a hymn to sing the beauty of the heroine predicted by the fairy godmother to the entire Yinzhou continent.

Lan Qin is very sure that if he doesn't want to go to the palace to attend the birthday party, he is afraid that the task will fail in the next second, and then he will be taken back to the system space by system 1122.

Although he already knew that under the surveillance of System 1122, he probably would not have a chance to fall in love with his partner again, but things didn't come to an end, and Lan Qin still didn't want to give up easily.

For the unknown person who is following him today, Lan Qin has a little bit of thought to be on guard, just because his most important plot is in the palace, and the person who is following him does not even know the identity of the system 1122, so he can only Put it down for now.

During the daytime of the next day, Lan Qin did not leave the hostel except to go out for dinner.

System 1122 is very satisfied with this, although it is said that passer-by A will not live for too long, but this is not the reason for the host to act badly.

Before the system 1122, there were hosts under the control of system 1122 who often performed badly because they were too bad. Before waiting for the plot to happen, they died and returned to the system space.

And hosts who haven't accumulated any energy and merit are generally unable to cast a good pregnancy, but some hosts are dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water, not at all.

After the system 1122 has been tricked by such a host, it becomes more vigilant in choosing a host. It does not choose those who do not have close relatives, friends and beloved ones, do not choose those who do not have unfulfilled wishes, and do not choose those who are not self-motivated...

The system will also make it clear to the host in advance what treatment will be given to the host who is too lazy and too bad, just to prevent the host from regretting it.

In addition, there are many hosts under the system at the same time, which is also to prevent the hosts from being unwilling to work, and then there will be a gap period in the work of the system.

For most systems that are career-crazed, it is absolutely unacceptable to have a gap in work.

System 1122 was very concerned about the fact that it couldn't find out the despicable existence that was stalking secretly. Even when Lan Qin didn't care too much, it couldn't help but ramble about analyzing what that existence might be.

【"...This is just an ordinary Western fantasy world. At most, there is a bit of technological development, and it has entered the steam age, but how can there be anything that I can't detect? I can even detect the hero and heroine of this mission world It's so clear, why can't even detect a stalker?"]

System 1122 said very puzzled, and Lan Qin heard that system 1122 could detect even the male and female protagonists, but they couldn't detect the follower at all. The person behind him, this can only explain one problem, that is, the person who followed him is very likely to be a more powerful existence than the hero and heroine.

Lan Qin suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his heart, who can be more powerful than the hero and heroine, who else but the villain? And his partner has always been a villain, so could the person who followed him before be his partner?

If this is the case, it can explain why the powerful existence did not harm him after following him, but stayed near the hostel for a while before leaving suddenly.

But Lan Qin also knew that this was just his own guess, and he couldn't come up with conclusive evidence for the time being, so it wasn't easy to do something under the nose of System 1122.

And if he guessed wrong, he would put himself in danger. Before reuniting with his partner, Lan Qin didn't want to take unnecessary risks.

If the stalker was really his partner, Lan Chin felt that he didn't need to take the initiative, since his partner would always come to him and love him anyway.

Thinking of the happy time with his partner before, Lan Chin couldn't help but put on a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the host's expression, system 1122 asked Lan Qin strangely what he was thinking of, and why he laughed so strangely all of a sudden.

Lan Qin: "..."

["I just think that I will be able to participate in the Diligence Award in the future, so I am a little happy."]

Lan Qin gave a very

perfunctory answer, but the system 1122 did not doubt this at all, but just let Lan Qin get ready to participate earlier Birthday party tonight.

【"It's better to go there early, and then take a safer position."】

System 1122 also accepted the guess that passerby A might be accidentally selected by the dark witch. After all, such outrageous and unlucky things happened to passerby A, In fact, it is not outrageous.

Of course, Lan Qin also knew that it was normal for such unlucky things to happen to Passerby A. After all, he even had the mission experience of being stabbed to death by gangsters while walking on the road in the previous mission world.

That is to say, the system has the pain-sensing shutdown protection for the host, otherwise Lan Qin would have left a psychological shadow on it.

Lan Chin sighed about his working life before he met his partner, and then finished the dinner served by the hostel attendant-he couldn't eat the food in the palace, but he didn't want to be hungry, so naturally he had to fill his stomach first .

System 1122 is not the kind of system that will squeeze the host without a bottom line. After watching the host eat dinner, it looks a little curiously at the two sets of luxurious dresses placed on the chair beside the bed, and is a little curious which one the host will wear. set.

Lan Qin glanced over, and it was reasonable to say that he chose gold, 【"Because I like gold the most."】

System 1122: 【"Then why do you still buy a blue dress? Isn't it a waste of money?"】

Lan Qin: ["I chose blue, of course because the original owner likes blue the most."]

System 1122 understood that the host was following passerby A's character design, so he didn't ask any further.

Lan Chin didn't explain any further. Although he bought blue, he didn't necessarily have to wear blue to go out. After all, the style of his blue dress might suddenly not be liked by him, or it might be that the blue dress was stained. up.

Anyway, there are many reasons for him not to wear a blue suit.

So Lan Chin did not choose the blue dress.


about 6:30 in the evening, Lan Qin walked out of the gate of the hostel wearing a golden dress. In order to avoid accidents at this distance before getting on the carriage, Lan Qin also wore a golden mask on his face.

It's just that his dress and demeanor are obviously very eye-catching.

The carriage arrived at the palace, and after the invitation was handed out, the carriage was able to arrive not far in front of the palace where the birthday banquet was held.

Lan Qin got out of the car after taking off his mask, and by the way, he gave the groom ten gold coins and asked him to wait here until the banquet was over.

Although Lan Chin didn't think he would stay until the end of the banquet, the necessary procedures still needed to go.

Lan Qin, who walked into the banquet palace with elegant gait, didn't notice anything wrong with the groom at all. After he left, the groom kept staring at his master's slender and graceful back, and parked the carriage in the parking place of the palace according to the regulations until he couldn't see it. He left with something in his hand.

No one will care about the whereabouts of an ordinary groom. After all, the birthday party will last at least three hours. At this time, whether the carriage should drive away or go to a secluded place to rest is also in compliance with the regulations.

Lan Qin walked into the palace where the banquet was held. The banquet started at 7:30, and he came before 7:00, which is indeed early.

This also led to his entry not attracting much attention, but even if it was only noticed by some people, it caused an uproar.

These guests who also came early, as well as the envoys responsible for the various arrangements of the banquet, were all discussing this famous bard, and most of them were saying that his beauty was as beautiful as his poems.

Lan Chin ignored them all, but stood in a relatively secluded place, watching every guest who came in.

Perhaps the murderer who killed the original owner was among these guests, and the vigilance of Lan Qin and System 1122 was raised to the highest level.

As more and more distinguished guests arrived, the voices discussing various things gradually increased. Of course, among these voices, most of them were still discussing the protagonist of tonight-the little princess Amelia of the Kingdom of Goss.

However, among these voices, there is still a small part discussing the beauty of Lan Chin, the bard, and how to impress this famous poet.

In fact,

many subjects of the Kingdom of Goss can't tell what's so special about such an ordinary oriental appearance, and even often can't tell the difference between them, and at the same time, such face blindness symptoms will also appear in the oriental In the crowd, after all, face blindness itself is mutual.

But this young bard named Lan Chin is different, and the reason is very simple, because he is so beautiful!

His figure is slender and elegant, his temperament is dignified and cold with a touch of melancholy, his delicate and perfect face makes people think of the most superior oriental porcelain at a glance.

And the skin on the exposed face, neck, and hands was as white as snow in winter, and it seemed like silky milk, and it was smooth and delicate, without any blemishes, not even a little freckles that they often have.

Not to mention that he can also compose and recite poems. He has a beautiful face in the prosperous age and is also funny. Talking with him is even more pleasant.

When Lanqin came to the banquet, he followed the original owner's plan, and had some superficial socializing with various big figures at the banquet. Not their style.

If there are beauties they like, these romantic nobles prefer to write love poems or letters expressing love, and then let special newsboys deliver the letters carrying their love to their door. This is the relationship among nobles. love mode.

Compared with the enthusiasm encountered by the original owner when he was traveling outside, this is obviously more acceptable to Lan Qin, and the most important point is that after today, he will leave Mesfante immediately.

Lan Qin stared at the face of a certain nobleman with his family. It can be said that he was very familiar with this person.

There is also a reason why the original owner didn't like to stay in this city, because 'his' biological father's family was in Mesfante, and originally 'his' father, who was a nobleman, had to overcome all difficulties in order to marry his commoner beauty from the east .

But the happy life of a family of three was soon shattered when 'his' father met true love again.

Later, the original owner's mother, who was hurt by love, died in depression, but the original owner's father married his new lover back in an upright manner.

The original owner must also hold a grudge, otherwise, he would not have abandoned his father's surname after growing up and becoming independent, and changed his own name to an oriental name similar to his mother's.

Perhaps the original owner wanted to use this behavior to avenge his father, but apparently the father who had already given birth to two sons didn't care about the original owner at all.

Lan Qin looked at the original owner's father two or three times after entering the banquet, but each time he only saw the original owner's father taking care of his wife, or talking to his newly grown son, anyway, he didn't even glance at him. Look towards Lan Chin.

It's like Lan Chin, the eldest son, doesn't deserve his attention at all.

Seeing this situation, Lan Qin glanced around at the cheap stepmother and cheap brother. At this moment, he suddenly had a bold guess.

Could it be that the accidental death of the original owner had something to do with these few people? This family is the murderer who killed the original owner?

After all, according to the laws of the Kingdom of Goss, the original owner, as the eldest son of the Amberrit family, is fully entitled to at least one-third of the inheritance of his biological father, Amberrit Kelling.

If the original owner was good enough and capable, he could even become the heir of Amberritt and inherit everything from the Amberritt family.

Although it is obvious that the original owner did not have this idea, is it possible that the original owner's stepmother, younger brother, and even the original owner's father think that the original owner has this idea?

After all, according to the degree of fame of the original owner, it seems that there is no chance of winning.

Especially when the original owner came back when his two younger brothers were about to reach adulthood. Although it was apparent that he came back at the invitation of the palace, in the eyes of some people, it was the original owner who came back to grab the power and property of the Amberlett family. .

With this guess in his mind, Lan Qin silently stayed away from the family. After all, some people became mad, and it was difficult for him to resist alone.

System 1122 volunteered to help monitor the family, but what neither Lan Chin nor the system expected was that accidents would always come very suddenly.

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