6.9: Happy Reunion

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"Hello, director."

Kimberly took the lead and said, while the other doctors were watching Seeing that the director came to them condescendingly, he hurriedly stood up like a pupil caught by the teaching director, and said hello to the director repeatedly.

"Hello, director!"

Assistant Modi had never been in such close contact with his idol, the director Fu Zhizhang, and now he was suddenly face to face with the director after two or three steps, and he was so excited that he wanted to Fainted.

It's just that the only reason left in his mind prevented him from doing such a shameful thing. The hands placed neatly on both sides of the trousers quickly pinched himself through the clothes, and then his eyes sparkled, and he shouted in a clear voice "The director is good!".

Fu Zhizhang is very familiar with such high-profile situations, and just nodding his head as a signal can make the person who greets him so happy that he can't find his way.

But after the joy was over, everyone present noticed a problem, that is, why didn't Dr. Lan Chin say hello to the director?

Assistant Modi looked at Dr. Lanqin most anxiously, worrying that Dr. Lanqin didn't feel the need to say hello to the director.

Although the director is very impartial and selfless, this greeting itself is a matter of politeness. Dr. Lan Qin should not be caught in the public eye, right? !

If Dr. Lan Chin really forgot, as an assistant, he has to remind him immediately!

Everyone looked over with concern or worry, but found that Dr. Lan Qin didn't seem to see the director, or was he staring at the director in a daze?

It can't be the latter!

But Lan Qin is very clear that he is the latter, and it is not because of any reason, but because he finally reunited with his beloved partner.

Lan Qin never imagined that his partner was actually a human this time, and he was also a human being in a high position. The director is not a villain, and more precisely, he is still a decent person on the human side.

Wait, this time the hero and heroine of the mission world was to destroy the human world, and they did succeed in the end. Isn't the director who wants to maintain the survival of human beings in turn the relative villain?

What is a villain? The villain is against the protagonist, whatever the protagonist wants to do, the villain will oppose it.

After such an analysis, Lan Qin can fully accept that his partner is a decent person, and it is also a human thing.

He remembered that the director's name was Fu Zhizhang. It was okay if he didn't know it before, but after he realized it, he felt that the name was very good.

Lan Qin stared fixedly at Fu Zhizhang for a long time, but he didn't respond as he should, but his assistant, Modi, couldn't keep looking at him like this. Even facing the director's deep and sharp eyes, he bravely reached out and tugged Dr. Lanchin's shirt sleeve.

"Dr. Lanqin, this is the director."

So Dr. Lanqin, please say hello quickly, and after a few polite words, we can slip away!

Lan Modi tried his best to convey what he wanted to say with his eyes, but Lan Qin, who was receiving the information, didn't pay any attention to his assistant, but suddenly stretched out a hand and looked directly at Fu Zhizhang's Eyes, with a shallow smile, said, "I am Lan Qin, hello, Director Fu."

Although Fu Zhizhang's eyes were a little tired, they were full of chilling sharpness. Those who watched him looked away in fear.

But after Lan Qin realized that this was his partner, he was not afraid at all.

After all, even if his partner is a ferocious tiger, he will only be a paper tiger in front of him.

And just looking at his partner's superior appearance, he will only be very happy, and feel that a partner with a completely different appearance from the previous mission world is very delicious.

Thin gray short sleeves and black trousers, the back and chest muscles are very strong, and the lines are beautiful and smooth, and the abdominal muscles are also faintly visible.

As for the two exposed arms, the biceps are well developed, and the wheat-colored skin shines brightly under the light.

This is an explosive and aggressive body that is mesmerizing at first sight.

With a high nose bridge,

double eyelids , and a taller height than many people, Fu Zhizhang has a sense of oppression and wildness that cannot be ignored when standing there, as well as the mystery, stability and solemnity of a mature man.

The whole person is like an immobile iceberg, even if you step on the ice, you never know what the part that sinks in the deep sea will look like.

It has to be said that such a partner not only brought Lan Chin the joy of reunion after a long absence, but also a very exciting and novel feeling.

In Lan Qin's eyes, Fu Zhizhang was so perfect and charming, and in Fu Zhizhang's eyes, the very famous Dr. Lan Qin made him fall in love at first sight and haunt his dreams.

When Lan Qin walked into the entrance of the banquet just now, he noticed it immediately, and he still watched Lan Qin walking here with his eyes all the way. After realizing that Lan Qin's figure was about to be covered by the crowd, he hurried over immediately.

At that time, because of the light from the chandelier, Lan Qin, who stepped into the noisy banquet, seemed to be stained with thin gold rims.

Fu Zhizhang only thought he was so good-looking, with beautiful big eyes, a small mole on the left earlobe, slender hands and feet, and a slender waist.

And the skin that is as transparent as white jade, and the bright lips that open and close, would be more perfect if they were not talking to others.

Fu Zhizhang's eyes are completely inseparable from that face, let alone that bright red lips, which are the most natural rosy without any cosmetics.

If he had the courage to continue kissing here, those lips would definitely become more red because of his kiss.

This conjecture is so fascinating and so tempting that even monsters can't help but want to try it out.

This kind of thought made Fu Zhizhang's mood extremely restless. The tail and wings that he had worked so hard to hide, as well as the ears that disgusted him the most, seemed to be stimulated irresistibly, eager to reveal them. .

But Fu Zhizhang knew that this was absolutely impossible!

As long as he dared to reveal his monster identity, everyone here, including Lan Qin, would cast hatred at him.

So absolutely not!

In Fu Zhizhang's eyes, Lan Qin is extremely attractive but also extremely indifferent. The top button of his shirt has always been well-dressed and decent, and his gold-rimmed glasses are only It will press on the delicate and straight bridge of the nose, covering up all the emotions, and is extraordinarily cold and abstinent.

Even looking at him, he was staring at him with a pair of clear eyes, his bones were clear and cold to the extreme, but it made him, a monster, unconsciously desire.

"Hello, Dr. Lanqin, I'm Fu Zhizhang."

It's a pleasure to meet you, and it's a pleasure to shake hands with you.

This was what Fu Zhizhang couldn't finish, but looking at Lan Qin's eyes, he felt that Lan Qin and his eyes conveyed the same meaning.

It's just that Fu Zhizhang is very clear that this is just an illusion.

Because he knew very well that Dr. Lanchin would neither fall in love with a person, nor would he fall in love with a hideous monster.

It's just that Fu Zhizhang's eyes fell on the hand that he held tightly, the delicate snow-white skin and flesh, if some red marks could be printed on it, it would be like blooming the thin red of begonia on the wrist bone of a beauty, branding it Make his own mark.

He really felt that the extremely bright color was the most suitable for the hand of this white jade, and it also carried an indelible color, smell and fragrance, like the imprint left by an evil dragon hiding a treasure.

Even though there are many people or monsters around here coveting, those who also want to leave traces of his treasures will be given a blatant warning from him not to covet them!

Fu Zhizhang's heart was full of ups and downs, and he was even more reluctant to let go of the hand that was holding him. He even had to use his big hand to measure the other's hand, but when he lowered his big hand, he found that there was a piece of delicate and smooth skin on the wrist , It feels like touching a piece of beautiful jade, and it seems to be touching a lump of fat, which makes him unable to put it down.

The person is beautiful and the hands are beautiful. Dr. Lanqin's fingers are very beautiful. Fu Zhizhang thought to himself, while imagining what it would be like to suck, suck, lick, and lick these fingers in his mouth It's a good taste, while smiling and shaking hands with people politely.

Of course, the handshake scene of the two bosses in the No. 13 Research Institute attracted the attention of the audience, but as the two bosses shook hands for longer and longer, everyone couldn't help but feel that the atmosphere was a bit scary.

They haven't let go yet, so it's not like they are competing with each other, right?

Doesn't it mean that the relationship between the director and Dr. Lan Chin is still very good? Although both of them were cold and frigid like icebergs, the atmosphere they used to get along was quite good.

Why are they suddenly competing now?

Could it be that the relationship between the director and Dr. Lanchin has deteriorated without their knowledge? This looks very abnormal.

The No. 13 Research Institute has finally achieved its current achievements. These two big bosses must not have any irreversible conflicts!

The leaders of the No. 13 base also thought the same way, but Fu Zhizhang and Lan Qin both had strange tempers and strong strengths, and it was hard to deal with either of them, so they could only stand there with a polite and embarrassed smile on their faces. Peripherals, and then signaled his subordinates to ease with his eyes.

Just try not to break everyone's peace.

But no matter how hard everyone present thought, it was impossible for them to think that these two people who seemed to be competing were actually flirting under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Lan Chin could feel the oppression of this height of 1.9 meters, and even just standing closer to him, he could feel the strong hormone, which was directly transmitted from the scorching body temperature to the air, and then to his body. in the body.

Fu Zhizhang not only has bigger palms than himself, but also has rough fingers with thick calluses from holding guns for a long time. When he stroked his palms all the way to his wrists, he felt a tingling sensation in his skin. heart.

If it weren't for the fact that he was still in a public place where everyone was watching, the rascal would probably be able to touch him from his wrist to his elbow, and reach into his long shirt to touch his shoulder and collarbone.

Lan Qin felt that his partner this time was really enthusiastic enough, so he was also very happy to give positive feedback, so he scratched Fu Zhizhang's palm a few times with his fingers.


Fu Zhizhang only felt that he had been hinted at something extraordinary.

Fu Zhizhang looked at Lan Qin's face suddenly, only to find that this person still had a cold expression of "I don't know you well", but the fingers were still gently twitching in his palm.

This extremely contrasting scene made Fu Zhizhang couldn't help rolling his throat a few times, almost as if there was a burst of fire burning from the depths of his body.

If he wanted to take care of each other's image, Fu Zhizhang decided to kill Dr. Lan Qin who dared to tease him on the spot.

Don't tell him what to do step by step, since he has got hints from his sweetheart, he, a monster who doesn't know etiquette and shame, of course wants to climb up the stick, and then devour his favorite prey in one gulp.

That's his style.

As for the slow dating style, he didn't think Dr. Lanchin would like it. Compared with dating in love, maybe Dr. Lanchin would prefer to go to the laboratory to dissect a few novel monsters.

"I need to ask Dr. Lanqin about something. I wonder if Dr. Lanqin is free for a while?"

Fu Zhizhang asked as gracefully as possible, but his expression and tone were always cold and stern, and he was more than Dr. Lanqin. His height and body shape are much higher, but it makes others feel that he is looking for Dr. Lan Chin to single out in private.

It's still the kind that can punch Dr. Lanchin's beautiful face until it's swollen into a pig's head.

Even Modi, the assistant who followed Dr. Lanchin almost every step of the way, couldn't help recalling exactly when Dr. Lanchin offended the director.

But under the worried eyes of everyone, Lan Chin nodded gracefully.

"I happen to have some questions that need Director Fu's advice. How about we find a secluded place to discuss it now?"

Dr. Lan Qin, who has always been weak, actually agreed to Director Fu's challenge, which is really shocking!

Now even the people who followed the director on a


How could the director be so cruel? !

If it weren't for the majesty of the previous director, these people would all want to intercede for Dr. Lan Chin.

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