3.12: New Idol

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The master of the abyss thought that his treasure was just lost by him before, but wait for him After chasing after the baby's location, he found that things might be much more complicated than he imagined.

Because the master of the abyss found that there seemed to be something wrong with the world he lived in.

Hiding in the dark, witnessing another self doing things in the so-called temple of human beings, the abyss master only felt that something was very wrong.

When he saw that another self actually threw the statue of the God of Light into the wilderness, and then carefully carved a statue that was about the same size as the previous statue and put it back, the abyss master was silent.

Why doesn't He remember that he is such a stinky god? They actually demanded that the statue enshrined by humans be carved by themselves... Wait, the appearance of this statue seems a bit wrong.

This is not himself as the god of light at all!

What is this guy trying to do?

The master of the abyss frowned, thinking that the other self would not be a fool, and focused his eyes on this new statue.

The Lord of the Abyss at this time can naturally see that this stone statue is not a god statue, but both the appearance and temperament of this stone statue are very consistent with the image of the God of Light, and even in the eyes of the Lord of the Abyss, this new statue is better than the previous one. And let him like it.

But the Lord of the Abyss is not those gods who are easily eroded by beauty. Just looking at the fact that only the Lord of the Abyss has not fallen and is honored to be the only god in the world after hundreds of millions of years have passed, one can know who the Lord of the Abyss is. Stronger than other gods who fell early.

It's just that this incomparably powerful ruler of the abyss still couldn't escape the spell of love after all.

The master of the abyss looked at this idol, and saw with his own eyes that another self actually cast a spell to make everyone look down on the appearance of the idol. It seemed that he wanted this idol to receive worship and prayers from countless saints here, and he had no other objections Opinion.

Anyway, as the god of light, he has long since fallen, and there is only one god of darkness left. Even if this statue can really become a new god of light after being worshiped for hundreds of millions of years, it is completely impossible to threaten To the position of abyss master.

So for this god statue, the master of the abyss actually had a kind of expectation for the birth of a new god.

In fact, the reason why he knew that the God of Light was himself was also a coincidence. When he woke up from a weird dream, he found that the high-level demon who called himself the Abyss Demon Lord had messed up his place, and many were raped and abused. kill humans.

For such a lively scene, the master of the abyss only felt very noisy, and then directly killed the instigator of the abyss, Jody Tracy.

As for being able to remember the name of that high-ranking demon, it was also because the master of the abyss really encountered such a stupid high-ranking demon that couldn't be described in words for the first time.

After all, no matter how arrogant and unscrupulous the high-level demons were in the past, they would not dare to be so presumptuous in the abyss, and they would actually build their territory into the abyss, which really displeased the abyss master.

So the act of obliterating this group of abyssal demons was carried out naturally.

One could say that Jody Tracy died of its own stupidity.

But after killing that Jody Tracy, the Abyss Lord suddenly got a new memory and a broken godhead, and after careful inspection, he found that it was the God of Light who had fallen before.

Naturally, light and darkness can never meet, let alone the master of the abyss is too lazy to leave the abyss.

It was only after discovering that the God of Light was actually the clone that he separated out many years ago. It was only because the memory was not shared, and because too long time passed, He fell into a deep sleep again, so he didn't remember the things about the God of Light.

But obviously, in the case that the God of Light had already fallen, it was useless to have this memory. The Lord of the Abyss just left the godhood aside at will, and then continued to sleep soundly.

This time, he woke up in a short time because the abyss master had a nightmare. Although he woke up without any memory of the dream, the abyss master deeply remembered the lingering fear.

After tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, the abyss

master thought about going out for a walk, killing some abyss demons to vent his unhappiness.

But the master of the abyss really didn't expect that when he came out like this, all the sleeping treasures would be lost for no reason, and he also witnessed this bizarre scene during the search.

Could it be that this other self is the God of Light reappearing?

The master of the abyss had this guess, but looking at the divine power of the abyss that was exactly the same as him, he could only give up this guess.

As Umuu, who was focusing all his attention on the statue of his lover, he didn't find anything wrong. After all, he was going to face another self, and his strength might even be stronger than him.

Because this abyss master who traveled from another parallel world has already absorbed all the remaining divine power of the God of Light, but Wu Miao in this world only wants to use these divine powers after collecting the remaining divine power of the God of Light. To his lover Lan Chin.

So it's only natural that I didn't discover the existence of another self in time.

After Wu Miao left, the Lord of the Abyss appeared in front of the statue openly. After all, after all, this is still his temple, so there is no place he can't go!

The abyss master stood straight in front of the statue, and then wanted to stretch out his tentacles to touch it, to see if there was anything wrong with the details of the statue.

But as soon as he stretched out the jet-black soft tentacles, the Abyss Lord felt that his own body did not match the immaculate white statue.

So after thinking about it for a while, the abyss lord became similar to his previous self. It can be said that he was very similar to the statue of the God of Light, but his hair and pupils were the deepest black.

After all, the abyss is such a color.

And in the view of the abyss master, gold and black are obviously the best match.

After turning into a shape similar to the statue, the abyss master put his hand on the statue, and then stroked it carefully from the face to the feet. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything inappropriate.

It can be said that the other self is perfectly carved, without any flaws, and the most meticulous and serious attention can be seen in every place, as if the sculpture of this god statue is another self's lover... The master of the abyss is emerging

. After thinking about it, his expression involuntarily paused. If this statue is really another lover that he imagined, then it is indeed very suitable.

If this god statue can really come alive, it really fits his aesthetics and pleases him very much, so it seems that it is not impossible to become his lover.

The master of the abyss thought this way, and then he was stimulated by this thought so that his whole body became excited.

If he didn't know that it would take a long time to shape the godhead, the master of the abyss must have hidden this statue under his abyss, and kept it in his arms all the time, taking care of it carefully.

But to make this god statue come alive, it must be placed here and be enshrined by countless creatures, so that it can come alive and have the opportunity to become a new god.

After thinking about it for a while, the master of the abyss injected the divine power belonging to the god of light in his body, as well as the broken godhead, into the statue without hesitation.

With these two things, the idol's path to becoming a god will be greatly shortened.

And he can also get his own lover as soon as possible.

The master of the abyss was so excited by his own thoughts, and at the same time he was very impatient, because if he could do it, he hoped that the idol would come back to life immediately today.

Becoming a god can be a bit slower, but he hopes to see the idol come alive as quickly as possible.

The Lord of the Abyss knows that there is another shortcut to bring the idol back to life, which is to send divine power to the idol, but it is very difficult to find enough divine power to revive the idol, especially since there is only one god in this world...

Suddenly the abyss master stopped with a joyful smile on his face, and became thoughtful. At this point, the abyss master can certainly realize that something is wrong in this world, maybe two different worlds overlap, just now he saw The other self that we see can be said to be himself, or not.

The master of the abyss

doesn't care what the other self will be like, he just has a bold idea - if the other self is killed, then all the divine power is drawn out, and then converted into light divine power, injected into the statue , it is very likely that the idol will come to life immediately.

As for what will happen to the other self, the master of the abyss doesn't care at all.

On the contrary, in the view of the abyss master, there is a problem in the world, and let him meet a god statue that fits his imagination of his lover, as well as another self, which means that he is a very lucky god.

It seems that the dream he had before was not a nightmare, but a dream that predicted the future.

The master of the abyss planned everything, and then touched the face of the god with his hands very nostalgic, and said in a gentle tone.

"My lover, don't be afraid, soon you will come alive to be by my side..."

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