3.6: Green Hat

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The opera is over, and the audience left contentedly, but Lan Chin He didn't get up, because he still had a surprise to give to Wu Miao.

The Lord of the Abyss saw that Lan Chin didn't move, so he didn't move. He had a premonition that his lover should have some gift that he wanted to give him.

Of course, he understands that human partners will often give gifts to each other, and they will also hold hands and kiss to make love... If Lan Chin really wants to give him a gift, will he just give him himself as a surprise gift for the rose love festival? to him?

If the lover really wants to take the most intimate step with Him, will He have to tactfully decline it, and wait for the lover to ask again and again before agreeing?

Moreover, the human race has always been very concerned about chastity, if he easily agrees to hand over the first chastity, wouldn't it appear that he is very frivolous and not precious?

Just when the Lord of the Abyss was still debating whether to spend the spring with his lover tonight, the stage was ready again, and when the red curtain came down, Lan Qin patted the back of Wu Miao's hand and told him to wait one time.

"I have a surprise for you, so please wait a minute, please?"

Lan Qin said with a smile, while the Lord of the Abyss still maintained an elegant posture, nodded slightly, and let Lan Qin do whatever he wanted.

There are not many words to reveal what the surprise is, and Lan Chin decided to use actions to confirm the content of the surprise.

The Lord of the Abyss didn't like to go out of the abyss before, because he felt that the outside world was too noisy. The bodies of those creatures were very noisy, and their souls were also noisy, which directly caused the Lord of the Abyss, who was the incarnation of the abyss, a headache.

And the abyss, as his territory, also disliked the arrival of these demons, even though that disgusting guy named Jody only built the palace on the edge of the abyss, and didn't have the guts to build it further inside the abyss.

But this time following his lover out, the Lord of the Abyss discovered for the first time that the outside world is also very exciting.

But this is only limited to the lover Lan Qin who is with him. If only the Lord of the Abyss comes out, then everything today, including the opera "Brad" just now, may also be destroyed by him.

The Lord of the Abyss casually thought about those dark soul behaviors. Even seemingly sweet and happy couples would have pink mist that symbolized cheating and infidelity, which made the Lord of the Abyss feel unhappy when he saw it.

Frowning, the Lord of the Abyss corrected his sitting posture and focused on the stage instead of thinking about other unpleasant things.

The red curtain was lowered and pulled up again. Lan Qin, who slowly appeared on the stage, had already taken off the light golden cloak at this time, holding a beautifully made violin in his hand, and he was not wearing the Holy See Instead of the platinum saint uniform, he bought a set of light blue silk robes after leaving the abyss.

The very well-cut clothes clearly reveal Lan Chin's figure, and the beam of light specially used to illuminate the protagonist also sets off Lan Chin's appearance, making people dazzled and blurred at a glance.

And the Lord of the Abyss, whose vision can cover all directions, can even see the scene at the end of the world at will, can see Lanqin's beauty clearly.

It is obvious that the abyss is not without breathing and heartbeat, but the Lord of the abyss still couldn't hold back his deep breath and heart beating violently for a moment when he saw his lover on the stage.

The melodious and melodious violin sounds slowly, reverberating in this large theater that can accommodate 2,000 people, directly immersing people in the beautiful violin sound in all directions.

The sound of the piano is beautiful, but the person playing it is even more beautiful.

In the eyes of the Lord of the Abyss, his lover Lanqin has beautiful legs, an elegant and upright figure, and even his hips are round and upright, not to mention his lover's appearance and temperament are as beautiful as the moon in the sky.

Especially at this moment, Lanqin's fair and slender fingers danced on the strings, and when playing, his body swayed appropriately with the ups and downs of the music. And the pale golden eyes that slightly opened to see from a distance are also full of deep love for his partner.

The sound of music full of love and affection keeps coming. Even the Lord of the Abyss who has no research on music can feel Lan Qin's love for him, and it is Lan Qin who makes the Lord of the Abyss look even more lingering. Chin looked over with affectionate eyes.

While playing

the violin to express love, while conveying love with eyes, all of this seems very romantic and happy.

At the end of a piece of violin music that also tells the beauty of love, Lan Chin gently put a hand on his chest, and then bowed to the audience like all the performers. Finally, the red curtain came down, and the performers step down.

As soon as Lan Chin took the stage, he returned the violin to the people in the opera house and said thank you. In fact, this performance was because he paid for an hour of use of the opera house before the opera started, and the violin was also provided by the opera house.

The people sent by the opera house are just a few stage managers. After all, they only want to raise and lower the curtain, and send and pick up the violin. There are not many things to do, and not many people are needed.

The few people who were sent here were originally very unhappy, but when they saw that they were actually going to work for such a holy and beautiful guest, they rushed to do more things.

But because there are not many things that need to be done, it is not enough to grab, and even if you grab it, there is only a little bit that can be done.

They were even more fascinated by this distinguished guest, especially when they heard with their own ears that this distinguished guest could play such a beautiful and affectionate violin.

Even the actor who is attracted by the sound of beautiful music-that is, the actor who often plays the role of Brad, the hero of the love opera "Brad", he feels even more addicted to this point.

In the past, he didn't understand that the hero in "Brad" would be so obsessed with a first love that he didn't even show up. He could attribute the success of this love opera to his dedication and dedication. ability.

But now after witnessing this guest's noble, elegant, incomparably beautiful appearance and talent, he really understands what it means to be "a person who is more dazzling than the sun, purer than the moon, and more beautiful than the stars!", if Brad's first love is also such a beauty, and it is normal to think about it day and night.

There was a light of falling in love at first sight in his eyes, but he never thought that the possibility of the person he deeply admired responding to him was even lower than the possibility of Brad's first love responding to Brad.

"Guest! Wait a moment, guest..."

The male lead snatched the violin that had been touched and played by the beautiful guest, touched the warmth that still seemed to be left on it, and thought for a while with a dazed expression. The leading actor still decided to be brave enough to pursue love.

So he took the violin and chased it out, completely ignoring the anxious shouts of the field staff behind him.

"Hey! That's the violin from the theater, you can't take it out of the theater..." "

I guess I went after that beautiful and noble guest, but I don't want to see what I look like, and I want to eat swan meat..."

" Maybe it's because I've played too many "Brads" and I really think I'm Brad..."

"Monte is crazy..."


The male lead Monte didn't even bother to care about what his colleagues were doing. Thinking about it, he just wanted to see the girl of his dreams right away, but when he hurried to the entrance of the Grand Theater sweating profusely, he didn't see that beautiful guest again.

Looking at the joyful scenes of people coming and going on the street, and the roses symbolizing love decorated everywhere, Monte felt that he had also become the hero in the opera "Brad", and he began to think about it day and night. The road to love.

He used to think that Brad was poor Brad, but now and even in the future, he will become poor Monte.


Lanqin finished playing and returned the violin, he immediately went to look for Wumuu, but the Lord of the Abyss was obviously more powerful than him. Just as he turned to leave the stage, his partner appeared in front of him instantly. behind him, and hugged him.

At this time, all the lights in the theater had been turned off due to the end of the performance. If it wasn't for the fact that the Lord of the Abyss didn't need light for illumination, he might not be able to hug his lover tightly now.

Lan Qin's original plan was to take the Lord of the Abyss to watch a relatively open love opera performance, so that the Lord of the Abyss can understand what romance and sentimentality are, and by the way, understand what normal human love looks like.

He doesn't want to be

like , where his partner is obsessed with using prototypes to make love with him. For Lan Qin, this is a happy and painful thing.

If possible, he hoped that there would be no need to continue this life, and it would be good to just use this blue-eyed, blond-haired human appearance to communicate with him in depth.

But at this time, Lan Qin obviously didn't know what it meant to be behind schedule, and his partner, who was obedient to him in many ways, was actually very tough in one aspect.

In addition, Lan Qin is also a very soft-hearted person towards his partner. As long as his partner acts coquettishly, he can immediately change his position and agree to many inappropriate requests from his partner.

For the waist that is tired and burdened every day, Lan Qin, the master, obviously has to pay a large part of the responsibility.

After hugging his lover, the Lord of the Abyss will leave the theater immediately, because next he will do something to his lover that is not suitable for outsiders to see, so naturally he needs to find a quiet place .

When Lanqin was walking out of the theater with his arms around his waist, he seemed to hear someone calling them behind them, but before he could hear the content of the shouting clearly, the Lord of the Abyss suddenly took him to a place in a teleportation. in a strange place.

And the moment he came to this big garden full of all kinds of roses, the Lord of the Abyss couldn't hold back the burning desire in his heart, said "offended", and then bowed his head to his lover kissed her red lips.

Lan Qin, who was kissed, no longer thought about whether someone was calling him just now. After all, as a guest who had already paid a high price, he obviously did not do anything wrong.

During this warm kiss that lasted three minutes, Lan Qin felt that his heartbeat and soul were in touch with the Lord of the Abyss, and after such an intimate touch, there was a deep love that was even more difficult to describe.

The Lord of the Abyss does not have a human form, but because he saw from the heart of his identified lover, Lan Qin, that Lan Qin had a lover, so he turned into that lover to please his lover.

But in fact, the Lord of the Abyss still has a feeling of jealousy and inferiority in his heart, thinking that his lover, Lan Qin, loves someone else, not him.

But now kissing his lover, the lord of the abyss can most directly perceive Lanqin's love for him. Although he doesn't have any understanding and involvement in love, the Lord of the Abyss can still tell whether it is true or to whom.

In particular, the abyss itself can best see the most essential state of everything in the world. His lover has the purest and most beautiful soul, as well as the most passionate and sincere love. How can the Lord of the abyss not walk into this turbulent love river? Woolen cloth?

Gently raised his hand to touch his lover's slightly swollen red lips, the Lord of the Abyss also made a decision in his heart, no matter who Lan Qin loved before, but now and in the future Lan Qin can love, will Only He can love.

Lan Qin didn't know that his partner still doubted his sincerity, and put a fake green hat on his head, otherwise he would have to bite his partner hard and laugh at him again .

At this time, Lan Qin just bit the finger of the Lord of the Abyss lightly, and the look in his eyes contained endless lingering love.

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