1.13: Bride

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The wooden frame that bound Lanqin was erected, and Lanqin was forced to face It can be called a choppy river.

The water vapor with a bit of stench rushed towards his face, Lan Chin still didn't speak, but just looked at the river calmly.

Lan Qin already knew what kind of fate he would have. To be honest, he was no stranger to death. He would face death every time he went to the world. Whether it was a car accident or suicide by jumping off a building, he was quite used to it.

In fact, if it weren't for the pain shielding set by the system, Lan Qin didn't know if he could successfully complete the role-playing task about passerby A.

At this time, Lan Qin was also most worried about this matter, since the system 1122 was not there, he really had no idea whether his pain was blocked or not.

If it is really not blocked, this is likely to be the biggest obstacle to completing the role-playing task.

In the previous dozens of mission worlds, Lan Chin did not encounter many hardships. At most, he was ignored and looked down upon by others, and had to go to work as 007 occasionally. Other than that, he did not suffer much.

Now he is suddenly going to be sacrificed as a sacrifice, or even drowned alive. Lan Qin feels that this is too much a test of his professionalism.

The sacrifice of ghosts and gods is going on solemnly and strangely. Chen Hujin watched that the sacrificial ceremony is about to be completed, and Lan Qin will be thrown into the Baigui River as the bride of ghosts and gods, and then drowned in the Baigui River. Offerings to ghosts and gods.


Chen Hujin couldn't help shouting, still wanting to intercede for Lan Qin, but it was already too late at this time, because the sacrificial ceremony had already been completed.

The atmosphere was very oppressive, and the village head cast his oppressive eyes on his son. He felt that his son was really obsessed with ghosts, and he still didn't give up at this time. It seemed that the time in confinement was still too little.

Chen Huyin didn't accept the fact that Lan Qin would die, but compared to her more courageous elder brother, she was really afraid of her father's majesty, and she didn't dare to blatantly raise objections.

Especially after they have been locked up by their father for half a day.

Chen Huyin really didn't want to go back to that dead and cold little room for confinement.

So Chen Huyin, who didn't dare to resist, could only turn his eyes away, and couldn't bear to look at Lan Qin who was tied up.

The village chief didn't pause at all, let alone soften his heart, but directly shouted loudly and solemnly:

"Present the bride, send off the ghosts and gods-!"

As soon as the words fell, several villagers lifted the wooden frame that tied the ghosts and gods' brides.

"Lan Qin--!"

Yang Jian has realized that these villagers want to do terrible things, but he can't imagine the pain of Lan Qin being drowned alive, so he struggles frantically, but is ruthlessly suppressed by the villagers Come down, so I can only call Lan Qin hissingly.

Lan Qin had no chance to see Yang Jian's current situation at all. He was lifted up by six strong villagers, and then he was thrown into the river with force. The raging river quickly took Lan Qin and the wooden frame to drown.

After a moment of darkness in front of him, Lan Qin didn't feel the pain of suffocation in the water, but he felt a little dizzy for a moment, and had a feeling of breaking out of the cocoon. The environment he was in was completely changed.

All eyes are full of bright red silk and satin, the solemn but gloomy environment and the red silk cloth fluttering in the wind are really too weird, especially Lanqin can see many busy 'people' around.

With good eyesight, Lanqin clearly saw that those strange 'people' were floating without touching the ground, even though those 'people' didn't look at him, but kept their heads down and kept floating around, as if they were very busy.

Lan Qin looked around, but he didn't find Yang Jian's figure, so he became anxious immediately.

If he heard correctly, when he was thrown into the river, Yang Jian yelled in horror, "Lan Qin, I will accompany you!" ', followed by the sound of falling into the water.

Lan Qin knew that it was probably Yang Jian who also jumped off.

Lan Qin doesn't know what Yang Jian's situation is now, but he can't act rashly in the current situation on his side.

Lan Qin looked down at his own attire, and then found that the red wedding dress had also changed, similar to the most gorgeous and expensive Xiapei in ancient times, and even more

luxurious and beautiful than the previous one that was forcefully put on him by the villagers.

What's more, his head was still heavy, and it seemed that something was pressing on it. Lan Qin raised his hand to touch what he was wearing on his head, but was stopped by a hand that suddenly stretched out.

Lan Qin was not frightened by the strange environment, but was startled by this cold hand that suddenly protruded.

This hand is obviously the hand of an adult male, with well-defined joints, slender and powerful. Lan Qin couldn't help looking up the hand to see what the owner of the hand would look like, although he knew very well that this would definitely not be a living person .

The moment Lan Qin moved his gaze upwards, he was already mentally prepared to see all kinds of strange things, but when he really looked up, he found that the owner of this hand was actually a handsome man.

The reason why he is said to be a beautiful man is because this man in a luxurious red wedding dress has long hair. Although he is half-up with a jasper hairpin, he is still full of style. His face is handsome and elegant, his figure is slender and straight, but his eyebrows and eyes are indifferent and indifferent, and his whole body exudes the temperament of being in the upper class for a long time, strong and dangerous.

If one ignores the slightly bluish-white complexion of this man, he looks like a handsome and noble son like a solitary pine and jade mountain.

Seeing Lan Qin looking at him, the man suddenly pursed his lips towards Lan Qin, and smiled a little bit stiffly, suddenly he was as solemn as a pine.

"Bow to heaven and earth!"

It was like the 'person' of the wedding emcee was thinking about a pair of feet, and then shouted loudly, which directly attracted Lan Qin's attention.

At this time, Lan Qin knew that he was going to be married to the ghost. He really wanted to escape but found that he had no strength at all, and his feet could not move as if they were nailed in place. He could only perform the bending and bowing stiffly. salute action.

Thinking of marrying a man without knowing why... maybe a male ghost, I feel helpless and unwilling at the same time.

Perhaps it can be seen that the bride is resisting the wedding with all her heart,

"Lan Qin, don't be afraid of me. I will never harm you..."

The voice of the speaker is very gentle and tender, but on the contrary, this The male ghost held Lan Qin's hand, but it was full of irresistible toughness.

Lan Qin didn't speak, and the master of ceremonies said the last sentence, "Send it to the bridal chamber, and it's a gift!" ', then he heard the male ghost sigh, and then pulled him over.

But just like this, Lan Qin found that he was still hugged in the posture of a princess. This embarrassing situation made Lan Qin blush.

Probably because they were too close, Lan Qin felt as if he heard a heartbeat like a drum.

Do ghosts also have heartbeats?

Lan Qin expressed doubts about this, and felt that the violent heartbeat belonged to him.

But when his face was pressed against the ghost's generous chest, the ferocious heartbeat that almost reached his eardrums made Lanqin understand that it was the ghost's heartbeat.

This thumping chest heartbeat made Lanqin dazed, almost dizzy, and made him feel as if his whole body was surrounded by the surging excitement and joy every day.

Lanqin's figure is much slimmer than that of the tall ghost. When the ghost carried his bride to the main tomb, placed the bride on the soft bed that had already been arranged, and then leaned over to press his bride, this beautiful The bride is covered up tightly.

Even without candles, ghosts and gods can clearly appreciate the bride's rosy skin, correct facial features and beautiful eyebrows.

The ghosts and gods felt that his bride, his qinqin was born just right, exactly what he liked the most.

Worried that his bride would be afraid of the dark, this is the first time that this dark ancient tomb, which had been silently closed for thousands of years, was lit with candles all over the room, bringing light to the bride.

The ghost leaned down to kiss the bride he had been dreaming of for a long time, and who had just come back from the Ming Dynasty.

At this time, the ghosts and gods only felt that there was no place to vent their love and affection, so they could only gently rub their love into the kiss, hoping to let the bride understand what his heart likes and what he loves.

Lan Qin didn't respond, and the ghost in the red groom's clothes didn't care either.

He just kept kissing Lan Qin's face passionately, and the intimate movements all revealed the ghost's affection and love for the bride.

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