8.7: He is a Dragon

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Maybe except for Lan Qin, there is no black dragon coming inside or outside the palace happy people.

Of course, Lan Chin was also a little worried that the black dragon that came here might not be his partner, but no matter what, as long as he saw it, he could tell the difference.

System 1122 was speechless in the face of the beeping beeping alarm. If it didn't have limbs, it would have been terrified and at a loss what to do.

System 1122 is just an ordinary passer-by system, and the tasks it comes into contact with are some important but not so important tasks of passer-by, so it can be said that system 1122 has never seen any big world at all.

It really doesn't understand the details of the mission, the black dragon that appeared because of the heroine's beauty more than ten years later-that is, why the big villain came here at this time!

Even if something goes wrong, it will have to wait for its host, Lan Qin, to recite the hymn to the heroine before reappearing! In this way, even if its host dies in the melee, it doesn't count as the mission not being completed at all.

System 1122 has always been very good at comforting itself, half of the task can be completed, at least the submission will not be too ugly. But if the mission doesn't make any progress and the host burps and goes back, it will definitely be criticized by the superior.

It has been criticized many times. After it is bound to many salted fish hosts who love to show off and be lazy, it is commonplace for system 1122 to be criticized by superiors.

After finally having such a conscientious host like Lan Chin, System 1122 thought he would be able to feel elated once, but he didn't expect to encounter an unprecedented blow before the peak period began.

In an instant, the system 1122 will be suspicious!

["Host, find a safe place to hide quickly, and don't die easily! Even if we can't sing hymns to the heroine this time, we can have another chance! The heroine of this mission world can live at least seven Nineteen years old, there will always be a year when the heroine's birthday will allow you to complete the task!"]

Of course, the prerequisite for the completion of this task is that the heroine must be alive, otherwise everything is empty talk.

Lan Qin was really looking forward to the appearance of the black dragon, but he was in the palace, and no one dared to run out at will. After all, compared with the dragon, human beings are like ants, in case they are trampled to death by one paw , that would be really embarrassing!

There is no reason to go out to find out, and Lan Qin is not particularly anxious. If there is no accident, the black dragon is likely to come for the little princess, the heroine, so the black dragon will definitely come in.

But Lan Qin thought that the person who followed him might also be his partner. Could it be possible that the black dragon came for him?

Lan Chin couldn't hide his joy when he had this idea in his heart, and it became more and more intense-if it wasn't for the presence of System 1122, he would definitely take the risk of going out quietly to take a look.

No one could detect Lan Qin's thoughts, except the system 1122, but after detecting the host's heartbeat is very intense, it only thought that Lan Qin was afraid of the failure of the mission. After all, the host has never failed in so many mission worlds before. of.

Thinking of the other hosts I bound, it was just like going to work. If you do seven tasks, you will fail two. When you criticize them, you also say that this is the rule of doing five days off and two days off.

System 1122 is almost scolding human beings, what kind of broken rule is this? !

I just don't know why, but the hosts bound to System 1122 are basically like this, they always ask to take a break, and if System 1122 disagrees, the host will take a rest on their own initiative.

Directly unbind the system 1122, and then re-select the host.

But every time this happened, the system 1122 also became enlightened, and began to adapt to the hosts' task rules in turn. At the same time, it also developed the habit of facing the criticism of the superiors, the data receiver on the left came in and the data garbage processor on the right went out. .

At this time, System 1122 and its hosts have become old fritters at the center of the universe system. No matter how the superior system criticizes, it is just verbal criticism and education.

But after meeting Lan Qin, who is hardworking and conscientious, system 1122 remembered his dream again - to cultivate an excellent host,

so that all the superior systems would admire him!

It's just that now it seems that the teacher died before the teacher...

Lan Qin couldn't understand why the system 1122, which was originally high-spirited, suddenly became depressed and pessimistic, but now is not the time to care about the system.

At this time, everyone at the banquet could hear the roar of the dragon coming from far and near - the speed of the dragon is always fast, even if the palace area is very large, it may not be enough for the dragon's wings to gently flap twice. Three times.


The queen, who held the little princess in her arms again, yelled worriedly. She could only pin her hopes on the fairy godmother.

If the palace really can't withstand the attack of the black dragon, then she can only die for the country with her husband. As a queen, her duty is to live and die with her subjects!

But her youngest daughter, Amelia, is only one year old! If the fairy godmother can't save the palace, then save her little daughter!

Her two sons are both the crown princes of the Kingdom of Goss, so naturally they can't run away, but her youngest daughter is just an immature little princess, and everything should not be related to her life.

The queen prepared for the worst the moment she heard the roar of the dragon, and some of the other people present were also considering their last words.

Tonight is bound to be a restless night.

When the dark witch heard the anger in the dragon's roar, a chill came to her heart. The dragon is the endorsement of violent destruction. Even if she knew that the purpose of the black dragon was probably the treasure of the Kingdom of Goss or the little princess, But the dark witch is also worried about being angered by the unreasonable dragon.

When the time comes to kill her, all that is needed is a jet of black flame from the giant dragon. This black flame that can destroy everything is also exclusive to the black giant dragon. It can burn everything with life and soul in the world.

Thinking of this, the dark witch already had the idea of ​​running away. If her enemy, the fairy godmother, hadn't been staring at her, the dark witch didn't want to show cowardly and admit defeat in front of this person.

And she just said that the black dragon is her partner, if she flees, she will definitely be ridiculed by the fairy godmother for the rest of her life!

The Dark Witch reached into the black cloak with one hand, and squeezed the teleportation magic coupon she had prepared long ago. Once the black dragon attacked and attacked her, she would definitely run away immediately.

A fight can be lost, but her life must not be lost!

The fairy godmother became even more vigilant when she saw the dark witch put her hands in the black cloak. She felt that this woman must be trying to sneak up on her despicably!

Since the Dark Witch directly targeted the little princess as soon as she came out, half of the fairy godmother's attention was on the little princess.

As for the other half, it is used to warn the dark witch and the black dragon coming from far and near.

According to the regulations of Yinzhou Continent, the giant dragon appears either for the precious treasure or for the beautiful princess.

Everyone knew this rule, and the king was no exception. He had already decided in his heart that he would donate all the treasures of the Gos Kingdom to the black dragon, so that the dragon could keep them alive.

But the king also has a faint worry. If the black dragon's target is his little daughter, how should he choose between countless subjects and little daughters as a father and a king?

Everyone in the palace has their own thoughts and plans, but the menacing black dragon doesn't care about the thoughts of these weak people at all. After flying away the 'ants' blocking the way with one wing, the black giant The dragon flies past, following the wonderful scent of his beloved mate.

After being sent back to hell by that despicable and hypocritical "self", he immediately rushed to the Kingdom of Goss in the form of a dragon day and night, of course, he still fought a few times with the lingering "self" during the journey.

That damn light! If I don't want a wife, I want him to have no wife. It's abominable!

In the eyes of the deceitful devil, the other self was simply fooled by those bright teachings.

But that's okay, if 'I' don't come to rob him of his wife, then the wife will be his.

Thinking of this, the black dragon was so happy that he wanted to roar a few more times, so that the hypocritical guy who hid back to recuperate could feel his excitement and happiness.

It's just that I don't know if that hypocritical guy has done something wrong, he can't feel the emotions from the light at all.

The deceitful devil suspects that Guangming has fallen asleep, or is planning some big conspiracy.

In the past, he would happily get involved, but now the deceitful devil only has his wife on his mind.

When he finds his wife, he must let her visit the treasures he has accumulated for thousands of years. When his estrus period comes, he can make love with his wife in the treasure pile.

It's best to piss off that pretending God of Light by the way.

The black dragon became more and more complacent, and in the blink of an eye, it arrived above the palace where the birthday banquet was being held. Its huge figure enveloped the entire palace and cast a huge dragon-shaped shadow on the ground.

This scene was seen by the knights who originally wanted to stop the black dragon from approaching the palace where the king and queen lived, and it was simply the most desperate scene.

Some knights had already been blown away by the black dragon's wings, but they still tried their best to come over and attack.

And what is even more desperate is that the black dragon didn't even use the black flame.

It's just that such an attack fell on the black dragon, but it was like scratching an itch.

Because he himself came from the same source as the God of Light, and he is still the same soul, those light spells are of no use to him.

Seeing the palace where his beautiful wife was hidden, the black dragon was already very excited.

I saw the black dragon lightly paw down, and the originally gorgeous and strong palace spire was lifted to the side garden, and its huge head squeezed into the palace whose roof was knocked out. Two blood-red eyeballs He even looked down directly, trying to find the beautiful wife he was thinking of among a lot of villains.

What the black dragon didn't expect was that before he found his wife, a human being full of light raised his hand and cast a spell, filling the entire palace with thick fog.

In an instant, the palace with the roof off was covered with thick fog, making it even more difficult for the dragon to find his wife.

This undoubtedly made the dragon very angry!


the black dragon roared at the palace, shaking the entire floor of the palace. Compared with this lethal roar, the previous roar seemed conservative.

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