4.8: A Bed

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"Si, my name."

Si's tone hidden in the darkness Said his name lightly, only he himself knew how violent his heartbeat was at this moment, even he was a little worried that this outsider would hear it.

But Lan Qin obviously didn't have such a keen sense of hearing. When he heard that the stranger standing beside his bed who stayed awake most of the night was the villain-the Great Witch Priest, he let go of what he had been carrying all along.

While the villainous situation this time around is kind of... weird, at least he's found his mate.

Otherwise, relying on his luck as a passer-by, he might not be able to find traces of his partner even if he searched the whole world.

The big deal is platonic love, and Lan Chin thinks he can do it.

"Si, hello, my name is Lan Qin, Lan of Orchid, Qin of Admiration."

Lan Qin wiped his face in his heart, erasing the slight disappointment in platonic love, and then began to be himself in a gentle tone. introduce.

Si also quickly took over the conversation, "Hi, Lanqin..."

After saying hello, Si pursed his lips and fell silent, because he didn't know how to get along with a person.

This is something he has never had in decades of his life.

After the death of the former great witch, he has been staying in the clan land and never got along with others.

Si is really not familiar with the current situation.

Lanqin actually didn't know much about the villain's situation, but Si didn't speak, and he didn't urge him. After all, in the mission details, the villain was a taciturn person.

It should probably be considered a human being... right?

Lan Qin felt that his partner this time should be similar to the tour guide Lao Ou, at most he loves to raise Gu, and there is a high probability that there is no other situation.

But thinking of my partner's non-human identity every time, I hesitated to think.

According to the narration of the hero and heroine in the mission details, this seldom-appearing big witch looks very young, but because of the deterrence of the big witch, they didn't know much about it. After all, the hero and heroine were busy running for their lives at that time.

Only the protagonist who doesn't want to live will study the villain's past too much.

"Si, you came to see me in the middle of the night, but do you have something important to tell me?"

Seeing that Si was silent like this, Lan Qin felt that the atmosphere should not be made strange, so he took the initiative to ask Si why he came .

Although he already knew from the mission details that the great witch was here to select new Gu masters to experiment with new Gu, Lan Qin believed that his partner would never do such a thing to him.

Even judging from the experience of the hero and heroine, this new Gu has no lethality.

At most, it is to make people have no desires in a certain aspect, and the six faculties are directly purified.

After being reminded by Lan Qin, Si suddenly remembered that he came here to pick a Gu person. According to the usual practice, he should directly use the Gu insect to transport the outsider he picked back to the clan.

But now that Si is directly facing Lan Qin's friendly appearance, as well as those sincere and gentle eyes, Si can't say anything that wants Lan Qin to be a guru.

Although he didn't know how he was feeling now, he didn't want to be hated by this person.

It's just that the new Gu still needs to be tested, so he must bring this outsider back to the clan as soon as possible.

When this thought came to Si's mind, he approached the wooden bed in two or three steps, and then bent over slightly to hug Lan Qin, who was half sitting on the wooden bed, together with the quilt.

Lan Qin was already sure that this was his partner, and of course he was willing to go with his partner, but in order to maintain a normal personality, he still asked with a little doubt on his face, "Si, where are you taking me?" ?"

Si felt that when he hugged Lan Qin, he could only feel the softness and satisfaction of being hugged, as well as that faint feeling, which could make his always impetuous mood extremely peaceful. .

Taking a deep breath quietly and savoring the beauty of this fragrance carefully, Si felt that he wanted to keep this foreigner in the clan land.

Ganshui Town seems to be peaceful, but in fact, there are many dangers

everywhere .

If a foreigner who doesn't know anything just walks around Ganshui Town at will like this, he may not be able to lose nine lives.

So he had to take this foreigner named Lanqin to the clan land.

That's the safest place to be.

"It's dangerous here, I'll take you to a safe place."

Si thought for a while, and answered Lan Qin truthfully.

Lan Qin felt that Si must be a tall and strong adult man, otherwise he would not have picked him up so easily, and he walked very steadily with every step.

Lan Qin pretended to show a dubious look about the danger that Si said, and then asked his colleagues and students what to do with a little worry.

As a teacher, he must be more worried about the people who walk with him.

At this time, Si has no intention of checking other houses, he just wants to hide this stranger safely in the clan area as soon as possible, so that he can see him all the time.

Hearing that Lan Qin was still worried about other people, Si took a little time to think about how the clansmen dealt with the outsiders who were not selected, and then answered honestly, "Ou will deal with the people who brought you here. something."

After saying this, Si slowly added, "Ouhui will take good care of them, and will not put their lives in danger."

In Si's mind, of course, the outsiders who are locked up will not be affected by anything. Hurt, as long as you wait for half a month to test the new Gu, you can leave, and you will still be entertained with food and drink, which is already a very good treatment in Si's opinion.

You must know that when he was a child, he almost starved to death or froze to death many times.

So a life with food, drink and a place to live should be considered good.

Lan Qin felt a little skeptical when he thought of the plot of one missing, four dead and the male and female protagonists escaping after untold hardships in the mission details.

But even if Lan Qin suspected that there was something tricky in it, as a passer-by who knew nothing, he definitely couldn't say that he didn't believe Si's words as soon as he came up.

Although he was sure that no matter what happened, Si would not vent his bad temper on him, but he still had to be cautious.

Perhaps it is necessary to wait until the relationship between him and Si gets closer before mentioning the release of the six male and female protagonists.

Otherwise, even if he could save these six people, he would not be able to save other people who would be tricked into Ganshui Town next time.

So Lan Qin was carried away obediently, but before leaving the house, he also said that he would take the backpack, after all, there were all kinds of daily necessities and his drawing tools in it.

In addition, Lan Chin also wanted to leave a note for his companions.

But Si didn't have the slightest intention to stay, and just said lightly that Ou Hui told the others, so that Lan Qin didn't have to worry.

What Lan Chin could do about this, of course, was to express his trust on the spot.

In this way, Si directly abducted the outsider he liked into the clan land.

When Lan Qin entered the clan land of the Wu clan, his expression was very surprised, because the temperature here was completely different from the outside of the clan land, it was a very suitable temperature, and even the flowers and plants were more than outside nice.

Except there are a lot of graves.

But the priest obviously didn't think it was a problem to live next to a lot of tombs.

However, seeing that Lan Qin had been watching the movement of the cemetery, he explained that they were all the ancestors who had been buried here before, "Every January 1st, people from outside the tribe would come to the cemetery to visit their graves." Of

course There was an extremely grand and solemn sacrifice, but there was no need to tell Lan Qin about it.

After all, such a weird scene is not suitable for foreigners to watch.

He remembered that the man was so frightened that he ran away from Ganshui Town overnight because he had participated in a clan sacrifice.

The priest was worried that this foreigner named Lan Qin would also be frightened and wanted to leave Ganshui Town, so he decided not to allow Lan Qin to participate in the sacrifice of the clan in the future.

Although Si hadn't thought about how long he would keep this foreigner in the clan land, but the idea of ​​cherishing Lan Qin came to mind from the first moment he saw Lan Qin.

He will protect the stranger.

At the same time, Lan Qin will never be allowed to escape.

He will never be as stupid as that woman.

Lan Qin didn't realize that the moment he entered the clan land, Si made a decision to prevent him from leaving the clan land again.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't feel anything.

Si carefully placed Lanqin on the bed where he usually sleeps, and used all the quilts he usually used to cover as cushions. After all, this person's skin looks so white, so it must be very tender and easy to get hurt.

He somehow just didn't want to see this person get hurt.

Putting the person down, he covered the quilt that had originally covered Lanqin with a bit of unfamiliarity, and subconsciously tucked the corners of the quilt.

This was one of the few warm things his mother ever did for him.

Si has a very good memory since he was a child, and he can even remember things from when he was one year old.

Before being shown extreme disgust by the so-called biological father, his biological mother did treat him very well.

Although that kind of goodness may just be out of wanting to use him to tie back his beloved.

Si gently wiped away the little blood stains on the corner of Lan Qin's mouth, but found that the little blood stains had dried up, not only did not wipe off by him, but also attracted Lan Qin's attention.

Lan Qin didn't know that he had been fed blood by his partner before waking up. After waking up, he just felt a fresh fragrance of herbs in his mouth.

Because he didn't have the slightest guard against his partner, when Si reached out to touch his lips, Lan Qin even opened his mouth slightly, accepting his partner's touch very docilely.

It's just that Si's hesitant action later made Lan Qin wonder if there was some food residue on the corner of his mouth, so he quickly stuck out his tongue and licked it a few times.

But nothing was found.

Not feeling anything at the corner of his mouth, Lan Qin let go of his embarrassment for a while, and then asked Si what happened.

Si slightly curled up his fingers and retracted his hand, but he couldn't help rubbing his thumb and index finger a few times, because these two fingers were touched by Lanqin's extremely soft tongue just now.

Si suspects that his fingers may be contaminated with the scent of this stranger.

When Lan Qin heard Si say nothing, he knew that this person must have something to hide from him, but Lan Qinye was not in a hurry.

Observing the layout of the building by the dimly lit candlelight, after finding that there was only one bed, Lan Qin asked the priest with a full smile if he wanted to sleep in the same bed with him.

"There is only one bed here, and I may have to sleep in the same bed with you. As a guest, I certainly can't directly occupy your bed, but I don't want to sleep, so we have to sleep together." "Although

I Si's sleeping position is not very good, but Si, you shouldn't care, right?"

Lan Qin rolled into the innermost side of the bed while talking, giving half of the space to Si.

This wooden bed can be said to be relatively spacious, and there is still room for two adults to sleep, but if they want to sleep together, they must touch hands and feet.

Lan Qin praised in his heart that the person who made the wooden bed was very good.

And Si, who pursed his lips and lay on the bed with a slightly stiff body, also praised in his heart that he did not make the wooden bed too wide for some reason, otherwise he would not be able to share with Lan tonight, or even in the future. Chin was so close.

Lan Qin felt a little sleepy, but he still used the candlelight to appreciate the new appearance of his partner in this mission world.

It can be said that this is the first time that his partner has a face that is completely different from the appearance of the previous three mission worlds, which makes Lan Qin feel a sense of novelty.

Very short hair, almost wheat-colored skin, and a kind of sharp facial features, as well as a powerful and lethal temperament, this is very novel no matter how you look at it.

There are also two mysterious marks on the priest's face, which look like snakes and some kind of insect marks, Lan Qin is also very curious.

But obviously he is not such a curious person.

It seemed he was simply curious about his partner's new identity.

However, Si, who was watched by Lan Qin over and over again, was so stiff that he did not dare to move. When he watched Lan Qin several times while he was in the dark and sleeping peacefully, he never imagined that he would soon To be looked at.

And it's still a look with appreciation.

Even when he took off all kinds of gold and silver jewelry on his body, he kept looking at it, as if he was looking at his beloved.

This kind of look is also very familiar to Si, because many times, that woman also looks at the man intently like this.

It's just that the man never looked back at the woman.

This made Si feel extremely awkward!

If other people dared to look at him like this, Si must release the Gu worm, and then blind that person, but now the person looking at him is Lan Qin...Si was so nervous that he pursed his lips tightly, did not speak,

and He didn't move, but let Lanqin look at it several times in a daze.

Lan Qin not only looked at it, but also reached out to touch the mysterious mark on Si's face that he didn't know what to use.

These two imprints added a bit of mystery to Si's already handsome and holy face.

Especially when Xi Si was still wearing all kinds of simple and mysterious gold and silver jewelry, it carried a strange sense of mystery.

"What is this? Who painted it for you? And are these marks used for blessing?"

Lan Qin asked softly while touching those marks lightly.

Si's hand followed Lanqin's hand to touch his cheek, which was the mark on both sides of the face where the forehead was at the temple.

In fact, these two imprints are not painted on, nor are they used for praying, but are the status symbols of the great witch.

Every time the body is rebuilt, a mark like this will be left behind.

And he has already experienced two body reconstructions, so he only has two marks.

Touching the imprint on his face at this moment, Si suddenly realized that he was actually the same age as Ou, but he looked so young because of the reconstruction of Gu worms.

If he doesn't carry out the third body reconstruction after fifty years, he will age rapidly.

Si does not want to experience aging.

But he thought about it again, Lan Qin was just an ordinary person, and his life span was at most a hundred years, and he might die after fifty years.

Thinking of this, Si couldn't help but grabbed Lan Qin's hand.

When Lan Qin was held tightly by Si, he looked directly at Si.

Si only felt as if he had fallen into a pool of clear spring spring, and he just wanted to be immersed in the clear spring forever.

Lan Qin was the first to come back to his senses. Instead of looking for topics to chat, he smiled and said good night to Si.

"It's so sleepy! No matter what, let's discuss it tomorrow." After

Lan Qin finished speaking, he retracted his hands, then lay flat on his back, folded his hands obediently on his abdomen, closed his eyes and started quietly Brewing drowsiness.

And when he found out that Lan Qin didn't look at him and asked about the two imprints, Si Shi was relieved, but at the same time, he also felt a slight sense of loss in his heart.

It is difficult to explain the imprint, but he is still willing to be watched by Lan Chin.

But Si, who was not good at words, didn't know how to express his thoughts to Lan Qin, so he could only look at Lan Qin in silence, and fell asleep with Lan Qin.

But this time, in Si's dream, there was finally not only the figure of the woman, but also a smiling Lan Qin.


the second day, after Fu Ze woke up, he only felt that he had a splitting headache, but before he could figure out what was going on, he immediately called out to his girlfriend.

"Xing Ruo!"

Fu Ze didn't find his girlfriend in the house, but he already recognized that this was the place where they were imprisoned in the previous life.

"This is... Ganshui Town? Why did I go back to Ganshui Town? Isn't Ganshui Town destroyed? And me and Xingruo..."

We should all be dead!

Then why is he still alive? And haven't found his Xingruo yet?

Fu Ze stared blankly at his palm, the few scars that should have existed are gone, so what is going on?

At this time, Li Xingruo had already gone to the next room, but after finding out that Lan Qin was not in the room, and even the backpack was missing, she became a little anxious.

Of course, what Li Xingruo is worried about is that Lan Qin may be the protagonist who went to sketch alone, without even bringing the tour guide, Lao Ou.

This made Li Xingruo hurried to find Lao Ou, saying that Teacher Lan Qin of their team was missing.

Lao Ou, who was approached by Li Xingruo, sighed in his heart. It seems that he made a very correct decision to prevent Yu and Lan from going out last night.

Otherwise, his children may not be so healthy and lively today.

"Old Ou, can you please help us find Mr. Lan Qin? Maybe he got up early and saw some beautiful scenery, and suddenly became interested, so he went out early to sketch." Li Xingruo felt that his guess was very good

. Reasonable, after all, people who study art always like to do such things.

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