4.4: Destination

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Lanqin did not rest for too long, of course the most important thing is the tour guide Lao Ou When the time comes, I will come to urge everyone to continue on their way, and the reason is very legitimate.

"There are a lot of poisonous insects and snakes here at night. We'd better arrive at Ganshui Town before dark. Otherwise, even if I bring some herbs to disperse them, it will be difficult to guarantee the safety of all of you."

Having said that, Lao Ou, a middle-aged man who looks very simple and honest, does not seem to be able to deceive people, so everyone has no objection.

Lan Qin also stood up and said that he had rested well, but he didn't hold back, he just said that he could bear it if he walked slowly.

Old Ou nodded in agreement.

As long as they are working hard and can reach Ganshui Town before it is completely dark, there is no big problem.

Old Ou knew that Dawu would definitely prefer a healthy living person to a corpse, so he didn't force himself to write about a pampered but frail city dweller.

In fact, if he didn't know that the big witch might send some Gu insects to monitor their actions, Lao Ou would not mind letting this gentle and good-looking male teacher rest for a while.

But if he angered the big witch, he might be in danger himself, how could he dare to sympathize with others!

So the seven members of the team continued to move forward under the leadership of the tour guide Lao Ou.

It's just that compared to the previous team formation that was scattered back and forth, everyone is now crowded around Lan Qin, and each of them has a very righteous excuse, that is, in case something happens to Lan Qin, they can be the fastest Give help.

Of course, Lan Qin couldn't refuse his companion's kindness, so he said thank you seriously.

But he didn't agree with the proposal of asking others to help with the backpack, after all, he thought he could do it.

In fact, the more important thing is that Lan Qin is worried that he will get separated from these people as described in the mission details. At that time, he will not have a backpack by his side, and he will be in a strange place. Before he could find his mate, he could starve to death in this deep mountain and wild forest.

Of course, the most likely thing is to encounter the poisonous insects or poisonous snakes that the tour guide Lao Ou mentioned, and then get bitten and you will reach bliss early.

Lan Chin looked away from the tour guide who was walking in the front, gripped the double straps of the backpack with both hands, and decided to keep an eye on his backpack no matter what.

There are not only painting tools in this backpack, but also his clothes, food and water, all of which are important things for survival.

Lan Qin's insistence made many people feel helpless, but since Lan Qin insisted, they could only agree.

It's just that Fu Ze still followed Lan Qin worriedly, fearing that the frail teacher Lan Qin would be blown faint by a gust of wind.

Although it is difficult to have any strong winds in this dense forest.

As Xu Yiming was walking, he quietly peeked at Lan Damei. The more he looked, the more he felt that he must have been blind before.

Otherwise, why is such a peerless beauty living by his side, but only now thinking about the rabbit eating the grass by the side of the nest?

If before he thought about it, or in the process of pursuing Lan Damei, Lan Damei was captured by others, wouldn't he want to regret it for the rest of his life!

Li Xingruo was also very worried about Teacher Lan Qin's physical condition, but with the passage of time on the road, Teacher Lan Qin's face did not turn pale again, so she was relieved in her heart.

It seems that Mr. Lanqin felt unwell because he had walked too long before, or suddenly walked too much mountain road.

Now that I am used to this way of traveling, I no longer feel uncomfortable.

Lao Ou, the tour guide who was at the forefront, also discovered this, because according to previous experience, their big witches seem to prefer to choose some living people with more outstanding appearance to test new Gu, so Lao Ou also treats each person accordingly. The guests with outstanding appearance in this team are more concerned.

But before the big witch decides who to test the new Gu, these people still have to abide by the rules of their witch clan, otherwise they break the rules and anger the big witch, but no one can save them!

After all, experimenting with new Gu does not necessarily lead to

death . Usually, the death rate of those living people is very high. Most of them either ran around disobediently and were stung to death by poisonous Gu insects, or tried to turn back and were killed by bad-tempered clansmen. up.

Old Ou didn't want the living people he brought back to die like that for no reason. Those clansmen didn't need them to go out and go around and say that they were dry enough to bring enough living people. They really didn't know him. hard work.

Lao Ou thought in this way, and then talked about some rules that must be followed in Ganshui Town for the second time.

"The townspeople in Ganshui Town are very hospitable, but they also pay great attention to etiquette, so when they kill chickens and geese to entertain you, you must not refuse. This is a waste of the host's enthusiasm..." In fact, this

is Because the people of the tribe have very strong tempers, if they lower their figures to entertain guests from afar, but are rejected by ignorant people, they may be able to release their darlings on the spot-all kinds of poisonous poisonous insects, and then take these People are all eaten up.

At that time, he will have a headache where to find a suitable gu tester for Da Wu again!

The tour guide, Ou Xu, talked non-stop. These words were said before entering the forest. You may have listened carefully for the first time, but now you listen to the repeated words, and you don't care much.

But Lan Qin continued to listen carefully. Although he had the memory of Passerby A, Passerby A was a little uncomfortable before, so he listened half and half.

Now the tour guide finally said it a second time, of course he couldn't miss it.

"The raw water in Ganshui Town can't be drunk directly, you have to drink boiled hot water, even if you can't see any problems, there may be something hidden in the raw water that cannot be seen by the naked eye. If you drink unboiled water rashly, your stomach and intestines will be damaged..."

Lao Ou actually wanted to say that the viscera might be eaten up or rotten by the poison, but considering these foreigners said Maybe he would be too scared to enter the town, so he always put it in a more tactful way.

Lao Ou said it tactfully, which also means that those who listen will not take it too seriously.

Lan Qin guessed that passer-by A might have died from drinking unboiled water. It might be difficult to find food here, but there must be no shortage of water.

Moreover, a person can barely survive seven days without food, but it is difficult to survive three days without water.

Lao Ou said a lot of precautions, Lan Qin also listened carefully, and before they knew it, they successfully arrived in Ganshui Town, although they took two or three rests on the way.

Lan Qin felt embarrassed, everyone was dragged down by him.

Ganshui Town looks like a tourist town with a sense of history, with beautiful scenery and simple folk customs.

The townspeople walking on the flat gravel road are dressed in simple and unsophisticated clothes, with cloth handkerchiefs wrapped around their heads, paired skirts, long and small sleeves, short and large trousers, and soft-soled cloth shoes.

It's just that the jewelry, clothes and shoes are all embroidered with various flowers, birds, fish and insects. The clothes are dark black and blue, which are very similar to the traditional costumes of the Miao ethnic minority that Lan Qin has seen. Habits are all alike.

These seemingly kind and simple townspeople, when they saw Lao Ou bringing people into the town again, some whispered to their companions, some were very bold and blatantly looked at outsiders, and some even came over to talk to Lao Ou. , even they say hello to these strangers.

If it hadn't been for Lao Ou saying that he was ready to entertain guests, those enthusiastic townspeople would be able to directly pull outsiders to their homes to entertain them.

Lan Qin's expression was very strange. Are the witches in the mission details so enthusiastic?

Lan Qin really didn't know, after all, the details of the task were not written.

But judging from the details of the mission, this is the continuation of the clothing of the Wu people in ancient times. Although it may have changed in the evolution of nearly a thousand years, the solemn and simple temperament is still passed down to this day.

Even the houses that ordinary people used to live in have a kind of quaint features.

The place where the Wu people live is also very similar to the stilted buildings where the Miao people used to live. The cornices are upturned, and there are corridor fences, and the fences are still carved with various patterns of flowers, birds, fish and insects.

It is also a two-story building, only the second floor is used for living, but the first floor of the stilted building of the Miao people is directly built empty to place things, such as storing food and domesticating

livestock, while the Wu people are used to raise various animals that they learned from childhood. Gu.

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