5.8: Do not know

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"Honey, I have organized everything, so we are now Shall I take a shower first or go down to eat first?"

After packing up the two suitcases, Homan walked up to Lan Qin and asked softly, as if everything in this family was under his control.

Do you really listen to him in everything?

Lan Qin withdrew his gaze from the suitcase, and then landed on Homan's face. This man's expression was really sincere, as if he was really his lover, but that sneaky peek at the pretending A bathroom with translucent glass doesn't look really innocent.

However, Homan may also be his partner, so he needs to be cautious.

Lan Qin hid his remaining doubts in his heart, and then got up and said that he would go down to eat first. He just needed to observe whether there were other players and who Jenny was in the dungeon mission.

This is all information that can't be obtained in the room, not to mention that Lan Qin is also a little worried about what will happen if he stays in the couple's room. After all, the translucent bathroom doesn't look like a decoration.

Homan seemed a little disappointed that Lan Qin chose to go downstairs to eat first, but since he was going to listen to his wife's plan in everything, he naturally couldn't object.

"Okay, my wife wants to eat first, so let's eat first, we can't make my wife hungry."

Homan finished with a smile, and then took out a thin coat from the suitcase and put it on On Lan Qin's shoulder, "The temperature in this motel is a bit low. Wife, you are relatively weak, so don't catch a cold."

Lan Qin looked at the short sleeves on the man's body, and put on the thin coat with a slight expression , By the way, he pretended to touch Homan's hand casually. After finding out that Homan's body temperature is that of a normal human being, at most, he was angry and his temperature was a little high, so Lan Qin was relieved for the time being.

At least this Homan is a living person with human body temperature, not some copy monster.

Coming down from the third floor, Lan Chin and Homan happened to meet some guests who seemed to have just checked in with suitcases. Lan Chin saw that these people were patrolling cautiously, and felt that they might be the players of this instance.

It's just that now he has Homan, a non-player, beside him, so it's inconvenient to join these players who arrived later than him.

Along the way, Lan Qin also found a strange problem, that is, these players lived on the second floor or the first floor, and they were not seen on the third floor at all. Combined with the fact that the third floor has the most empty rooms, Huo Man chose the third floor again, which made Lan Qin have to doubt again.

Is there any special reason for Homan to choose the third floor?

Lan Qin didn't show any abnormality on his face, but his suspicion of Homan became more and more.

And Homan, who walked with his wife, didn't realize that he was being suspected by his own wife again. Although he knew that only himself and his wife lived on the third floor, it was true that the other rooms were empty and no players lived in them. It made people doubtful, but he still went his own way, and he didn't want to be disturbed by others on his honeymoon life with his wife.

In fact, no matter which room Lan Qin chooses, it will become a couple's room, but to Homan's surprise, his wife would let him choose!

Then of course He wants to choose the best room.

Although this best room also means the most dangerous, at the moment when the game master entered 301 just now, whether it was the water ghost hiding in the bathroom floor drain, or the kid hiding in the small refrigerator, or lying under the bed to prepare The female ghosts in red who came out to hunt in the middle of the night were all so frightened that they ran away from the door.

It's just that the horrific scene was covered up by the master of the game, so as not to frighten his darling.

Lan Qin didn't feel much, the only feeling was that the place was a bit gloomy, but after Homan opened the curtains and turned on all the lights, the room became extraordinarily bright.

It was early autumn, and the temperature of this weather was still very hot for some people, so the air conditioner was still turned on in the motel.

But this temperature was a bit too low for Lan Qin. When he first entered the hotel, Lan Qin frowned involuntarily, but he didn't expect Homan to notice it.

Now wearing a thin coat, Lan Qin, who went down to the first floor, felt just right in the face of the cold air.

Homan and Lan Chin walked to the front desk again. The wallet was with Homan, and there were no waiters in the hotel, so they had to talk to the woman at the front desk when opening a room and ordering food.

"Two chicken burgers, two cups of Coke with little ice, one French fries, one mashed potato, no salad dressing on the burger, just ketchup, slightly spicy, and just a little salt and black pepper on the mashed potatoes Wife, can I order like this? Or do you want to add something else, Wife? "

Homan looked at the menu on the counter, and after ordering, he asked Lan Qin if there was anything else he wanted to eat.

Lan Qin found that Homan hadn't brought the menu to him, so he suddenly felt that there might be something wrong with the menu, so he didn't reach for it, but looked down for a second, but found that apart from the few foods that Homan had ordered, , There is really nothing he likes to eat.

Moreover, the grilled herring steak, bacon and ham and blue cheese on the menu are typical dark dishes in Lan Chin's view, "Just what you ordered." Lan Chin glanced over the names of several dishes on the menu

, He answered without the slightest objection. At the same time, Lan Chin was also curious in his heart why Homan was so clear about his preferences. It couldn't be that the dungeon really copied and pasted all his preferences, right?

Thinking of this, Lan Qin frowned slightly.

However, Lan Qin has already denied the speculation that Homan was a gangster who broke in halfway. Unless Homan's identity has some meaning, otherwise Homan may really not do him any harm in this instance.

After ordering and paying the bill, Homan took Lan Qin to a relatively remote corner and sat down. Before Lan Chin sat down, Homan took out a pack of wet food from his arms very attentively. Paper towels, take a few to help Lan Chin wipe his place clean.

Lan Qin, who originally thought this place was a bit messy, was thinking about taking the food back to the room to eat, but seeing Homan's behavior, he was a little moved, and thought that this person really knew him too well.

At this time, Lan Qin was even more certain about the guess that Homan was his partner.

As for how to be 100% sure, Lan Chin also has his own plan.

Just after Lan Qin and Homan sat down, there was a sudden sound of footsteps upstairs. Lan Qin looked over curiously, and found that it was the strange guest he had seen on the second and first floors.

These strange guests all came to the motel after Lan Chin and the others. They might be players, or they might be NPCs like Homan.

But no matter what their identities are, Lan Qin thinks that these people will definitely bring some help to the completion of the dungeon mission.

Sure enough, when those people came to the front desk one after another, they began to tentatively get close to the woman at the front desk.

As the most beautiful female player in the team, Xu Wei got the first chance to order food as it should, and at the same time, she was also the first to talk to this woman at the front desk who was obviously an important copy NPC.

Her fingers with bright red nail polish clicked on the oily-looking old menu, and proudly ordered a hamburger, a blue cheese and a glass of Coke with ice.

Just after Xu Wei finished ordering, several male players standing beside or behind Xu Wei rushed to say that they would pay for Xu Wei, but Xu Wei lifted her chin slightly, not thinking that it was wrong for a man to pay for herself. what is the problem.

Xu Wei, who was enjoying the star-studded moon, and the male players who were vying to pay the bill didn't notice that when the woman at the front desk saw this scene, there was a flash of jealousy and hatred in her eyes.

Xu Wei stood aside a little after ordering, and continued to order for the people behind, but the male players who were already obsessed with beauty didn't care what they ate, but eagerly ordered the same as the goddess The food is good, but some with a bigger appetite ordered two burgers.

After these male players scrambled to pay for Xu Wei, they surrounded Xu Wei contentedly and sat down on the empty seat closest to the front desk.

Because these dining tables had stains that could not be wiped off even with napkins, when seeing the goddess frowning, some male players in coats immediately took off their coats and spread them on chairs for the goddess to sit on.

But Xu Wei didn't want to sit on a sloppy man's coat, but she never offended people easily, so she picked up the coat, thanked the male player very gently, and then pulled two napkins to put it on sit down.

This wave of players left, followed by two men and two women. Seeing Xu Wei's hypocritical behavior, the two female players almost rolled their eyes to the sky.

But because they are not familiar with this group of players, the two girls didn't say anything, and directly picked up the menu with one hand and started their ordering.

It's just that when she picked up the old-looking menu, the girl felt that the touch was wrong, but she didn't think too much, and ordered a few things at random.

This team of players did not leave the front desk after ordering, but began to chat with the woman at the front desk.

And it was straight to the point and asked the woman at the front desk if she knew a lady named Jenny.

The girl's bold question attracted the attention of all the players present, but what surprised everyone was the answer from the woman at the front desk.

"Jenny? My name is Jenny! I just don't know if it's me you are looking for? But I really don't know you."

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