3.11: The Second

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Lan Qin, who is discussing matters with the Pope and others, does not know his partner at all He is already engaged in a major incident, otherwise he would have to go over and pinch Wu Mu's ear to let him deal with each other separately.

But at this time, Lan Qin was busy and had no time and energy to take care of Wu Miu. Although he saw Wu Miu leaving, he just felt that Wu Miu was not interested in discussing how to deal with the abyssal demons, so he left.

Moreover, Lanqin believed that Wu Miao was always paying attention to him, and if there was any danger on his side, he would definitely be there as soon as possible.

Lan Qin focused on discussing matters with the Pope and the others, while Umuu was paying attention to his lover while starting to implement his bold ideas in the temple.

He thinks that instead of letting these saints kneel down to worship a god of light who has fallen long ago, it is better to kneel down directly to his lover-in this way, the Lord of the Abyss will give him power instead, and he will get more benefits than praying to the god of light.

And more importantly, the power given by the Lord of the Abyss is definitely more capable of restraining the Abyss Demon than the holy light given by the God of Light.

After all, compared to the number of demons killed in the abyss, no one will kill more than the master of the abyss.

It is precisely because of this that although the abyss demons have no mercy and cruelty, they are extremely afraid of the abyss lord, because the abyss lord does not make a move, and if he makes a move, he will kill countless abyss demons in one move.

What's even more terrifying is that there is nowhere to escape!

Many abyssal demons are eager to enter the bustling and noisy human world, even at the risk of being killed by the Holy See, they just want to avoid the ruthless, cruel and powerful abyss master.

After all, the abyssal demon can pretend to be or cry for mercy in front of the saints, but in front of the abyss master, it is absolutely impossible to see the figure of the abyss master clearly, and then he is completely obliterated by the body and soul together.

No matter how good the abyss demon is at disguising, hiding or escaping, it is impossible to escape the awakened abyss master.

But fortunately, the abyss master likes to sleep very much. Most of the time, he hides his huge body under the dark abyss, and doesn't come out often. Survive between the cracks.

Of course, what is more important is the innate vitality and reproductive ability of the abyssal demons. Just give them a night, and they can grow a lot of strange newborn demons, and they can kill and eat people as soon as they are born.

It is precisely because of this that the abyssal demons can never be killed or eliminated.

Even an existence as powerful as the Lord of the Abyss, there is no way to kill the Demons of the Abyss, so they can only be treated as small flowers and grasses on the roadside, and they will be cleaned up if they are not pleasing to the eye, but they are usually treated as if they do not exist.

At this time, the abyss is extremely noisy because of the departure of the abyss master. Basically, all the abyss demons are carnival. After all, knowing that the abyss master is not at home, they must hurry up and enjoy the most refreshing bliss in the world.

Of course, regarding the holy son of the Holy See who was taken away by the master of the abyss, the demons of the abyss are also discussing internally, but they dare not name them. If the master of the abyss hears about it, I am afraid that they can go back and kill them in the blink of an eye. .

"I just said that there is no devil who doesn't like a fresh beauty, and it seems that that one is no exception hehehe..." "

Yes, that beauty is really the most noble and beautiful I have seen in hundreds of years , look at that beautiful white neck, how suitable it is to be bitten by us, and that beautiful face, with beautifully shaped and colored lips, how suitable it is to be bitten by us...

" I'm not interested because the beauties that appeared before were not beautiful enough, but now that I meet such a unique beauty, I'm still tempted hahaha..."

"Oh, it looks like it's really liked, but it's a pity that we can't taste the meat of the beauty of the Holy Son, the white skin and faint blood vessels, I know it must be delicious at a glance! It's a pity. It's a pity..."

"It would be great if that person could get tired of playing, after all, that person doesn't seem to have a hobby of eating human beings, maybe throw it away if he gets tired of playing, we can still climb up to lick a few mouthfuls, and then eat again." Eat him, I think it will definitely be the sweetest and most charming

taste ...

" "Don't talk about it! My saliva is about to be seduced by you, saying that there is nothing wrong with it every day It's better to eat a few more young and beautiful humans while that person is not in the abyss..." "Yes, yes,

this is the most important thing hehehe..."

A lot of demons are stronger than low-level demons. The stronger higher demon was drooling while talking, and then stretched out his seven or eight heads, biting the human body that had been completed like a rag doll on the ground, and couldn't see clearly Appearance is a human evaluation with only one breath left.

"Obviously I have tried to pick the best-looking and youngest humans to catch, but the taste is still not delicious enough. Sure enough, the most delicious humans are all in the Holy See, alas..." Although there was a lot of dissatisfaction in the tone, the seven or eight

heads However, the speed of eating did not slow down at all, but began to gnaw and eat frantically from the lower body of the human being who could not tell the difference between male and female.

And the other high-level demon sitting next to this demon has only one head, but has more than a dozen tentacles, and now they are all tied to a thoroughly played human being lifted up, each one has to bite and taste. Taste the taste, and throw it out angrily when you find that the taste is not to your taste.

And the human beings who were thrown out did not end well, and were quickly pounced on by the low-level demons not far away, and were eaten up within a few seconds.

It wasn't until the high-ranking demon picked out his favorite flavor that he hugged the human who had been played so hard that he couldn't move with his tentacles, and started to eat without paying attention to table manners.

As for the other high-ranking demons, they didn't have much table manners, but each carried one or a few humans to eat wildly.

Human flesh and blood always have a great attraction to them, as if if they don't eat a meal, they will be so hungry that they can't even make up for it by hunting their own kind.

Some abyssal demons like to eat alive and kicking humans, some abyssal demons like to eat half-dead humans, and some like to eat humans that have been dead for a long time.

But no matter what the taste is, the scene of a large group of abyssal demons eating always makes humans feel horrible and disgusting to the extreme.

This is a fear that even human beings who are served as table food cannot avoid. It can be said that they are even more afraid, because the feeling of being eaten bite by bite is too painful.

They no longer expect someone to save them, they only hope to die immediately, or these disgusting abyssal demons bite their throats directly, making them die as quickly as possible.

This is the best relief for them.

Just when all the unfortunate human beings were suffering and all the abyssal demons were feasting, the sky of the abyss suddenly twisted for a moment, and quickly became darker and gloomy.

Such an ominous scene did not attract the attention of any abyssal demons. After all, the weather in the abyss is always so changeable, and they have sent many low-level demons to patrol the abyss. Once they find signs of the abyss master appearing, they will report immediately .

When the master of the abyss is obliterating the low-level demons, it happens to be able to provide the high-level demons with the opportunity and time to escape.

Generally speaking, high-level abyssal demons enjoy the wailing and pain of their prey, which will make the food in their mouths more delicious.

Because the abyssal demons themselves are things born from the evil thoughts of human beings, they are born to desire and enjoy the pain of human beings, which seems to be endless pain, which is their supreme happiness.

But today is obviously a bad day for this group of high-level demons, because just after the sky of the abyss twisted for a few moments, the huge and indescribable abyss master suddenly appeared above the abyss, and it happened to be above the high-level demons' carnival party.

This made the Abyss Lord, who had just woken up and was in a bad mood, be the first to attack the high-ranking demon directly below. He only had time to let out a final cry of his life, and he didn't even have time to throw away the 'food' on his mouth. These high-level demons were directly wiped out.

Followed by the cruel obliteration are the surrounding low-level demons, as well as the poor humans who were unfortunately captured into the abyss.

Although the human who had been eaten to the abdomen by many high-level demons was only breathless,

he still witnessed the death of these high-level demons, which made him ignore the severe pain in his body, and subconsciously showed a happy feeling. smile.

--These harmful high-level demons are dead, and the younger brothers and sisters hidden by him, and many, many others of the same kind can be safe.

This was his last thought, and he was also relieved, leaving this dark abyss where the sun was never seen, and the soul that had suffered all kinds of difficulties would be able to return to the side of the great God of Light.

After dealing with the unsightly and filthy scene, the abyss master suddenly heard a tiny voice of prayer. He cast his eyes casually, and then saw a white and transparent soul, and a dozen gray people around the soul. soul.

This is the soul of human beings, not the abyss.

The master of the abyss thought for a while, then sent these human souls back to the human world with a wave of his hand, allowing them to reincarnate freely.

As for the remaining abyss demon souls, they were crushed mercilessly by the abyss master, and then thrown under the abyss at will.

These stinking and useless demon souls belong to the bottom of the abyss.

As for the soul that goes under the abyss and can no longer be reincarnated, the abyss master doesn't care about this matter.

In His view, they themselves are not qualified to be reincarnated.

After the master of the abyss finished dealing with the 'dirty things' in the abyss, he felt a little better. Although the abyss will soon be filled with demons again, but fortunately it is still quiet and clean at this moment.

After thinking about it with satisfaction, the master of the abyss was about to go back to sleep under the abyss again, but just like this, he found something was wrong when he went back.

Because this sleeping lair seems to be a bit too empty, for example, the soft feathers that were painstakingly collected in order to obtain the best sleep quality are gone, and his favorite pile of precious gemstones that emit soft light has also disappeared. , basically not a single one was left.

This discovery made the master of the abyss frown directly.

He doesn't think anyone has the courage and ability to come to the abyss to steal his things, so after spending a little time thinking about it, the abyss master can only come to one conclusion: that is, only he can move his things.

Although this conclusion is absurd, and he himself doesn't remember touching anything in the lair, after ruling out all possibilities, this most incredible possibility is the truth.

Without those sleeping babies, the Lord of the Abyss would not be able to sleep.

So even though the master of the abyss was very irritable and didn't want to go out of the abyss, he still left the abyss very angry and impatient for his baby.

--If you let him know who the treasure is now, he will have to crush his body and soul, and throw him under the abyss to stay with those dirty demons!

For the existence that dares to offend him, he will use the most ruthless means, just like dealing with the so-called Abyss Demon Lord Jody Tracy not long ago.

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