2.14: Spouse Grabbing

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Lanqin also feels that there seems to be something wrong with this mission world, after all, it was originally in There are still many different species and plants in Lu Xingzhi's territory, but in a certain period of time, the number has decreased rapidly.

Lan Qin didn't notice it at first, but as the animals and plants in the territory became less and even the occasional wind became much stronger, he had to ask Lu Xingzhi if there was something wrong with this place .

Seeing that the greening situation is getting worse and worse, the owner of the territory must intervene to deal with it.

And Lu Xingzhi also looked a little strange when he heard the content of his lover Lan Qin's inquiry, but finally replied that those heterogeneous and heterogeneous plants were just looking for spouses.

Generally speaking, heterogeneous and heterogeneous plants are very casual about the territory, but if you find a spouse, naturally you can no longer bring your spouse to eat the "soft food" of the same or different species. You must have a territory that belongs to you alone, so that Spouses live their best days.

Alien species or heteroplants who bring their spouses to "eat soft food" are to be despised.

Therefore, in order to find a spouse, the alien species and alien plants who were leisurely staying in the territory of Lu Xingzhi, the boss of the alien species, had to move their nests and find a suitable territory as a place for them and their spouses. residence.

Lu Xingzhi roughly talked about this situation, and Lan Qin also reluctantly accepted the fact that heterogeneous and heterogeneous plants also need a spouse.

"Then where will they go to find a spouse?"

Because he is a human being but Lu Xingzhi's spouse, he is a little curious about what will happen to other heterogeneous species and heterogeneous plants.

Lu Xingzhi didn't hide anything, and directly said that he was probably going to the human base to guard.

Lan Qin, who couldn't understand why he was going to the human base at all: "???"

If he remembers correctly, in the task details, the relationship between heterogeneous plants and humans should be enemies, even to the point of going to the battlefield, how come they suddenly become spouses of each other?

Seeing Lan Qin's doubts, Lu Xingzhi coughed a little embarrassedly, but didn't tell Lan Qin that it might be his influence.

After all, Lu, who is probably the leader of the heterogeneity, often takes Lan Qin out to show off, which makes all the heterogeneities envy the boss for having such a beautiful and gentle spouse, wishing that his perfect spouse can also fall from the sky.

After thinking about it, if you want a spouse, you still have to act first.

So the heterogeneous species had several rounds of internal discussions, and decided to squat near the human base. After all, this world is very dangerous. If their spouses go out but are robbed or killed by other heterogeneous or heterogeneous plants, this is an extremely serious problem. terrible thing.

Moreover, it is not realistic to search for a spouse aimlessly. It is more appropriate to squat in a human base.

Just do what you say, the alien race with good strength immediately chooses the weakest human base to guard, and within a few days, each of them returns with a favorite spouse, and shows them to the same species with satisfaction, and finally carefully selects a good one. Territory, live a happy life with their spouse and beautifully.

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