10.2: Extra Special 2

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Lanqin knew everything from the system 1122, and was a little flustered at first His mood became extremely calm, and he even wanted to see his partner have bad luck.

But to see his partner's misfortune, he had to appear in person.

In fact, Lan Qin was not too angry with his partner's behavior, but if he didn't act a little angry this time, he would definitely go too far next time.

It may even exceed the limit of his body's tolerance.

Of course Lanchin couldn't let this happen, so he had to act out a scene in front of System 1122, and also in front of his partner-of course he was a little bit angry.

The auction will not be postponed because of Lan Qin's silence. Although the thugs responsible for transporting this precious cargo don't know why this cargo that has been making a lot of noise suddenly stops talking, but if the cargo is not noisy, it will be even more difficult. Good for handling.

The purpose of letting the goods shout naturally before is to maintain vitality, so that the distinguished guests who come to the auction can directly understand the preciousness of the goods.

Push the iron cage containing the precious goods onto the lifting platform, and carefully lift the black cloth to check if there is any problem with the goods. After finding out that the goods are still exactly the same as before, it just looks more refreshed and more Beautiful, but also can be auctioned for a sky-high price.

The owner of the auction house also attaches great importance to this final pure-blooded human treasure. If not for the fact that there are too many pure-blooded human beings among the distinguished guests who participated this time, it would not have given away the pure-blooded human it originally planned to treasure. Come out for auction.

After all, this will be its favorite and most valuable collection.

Just for the future of it and this auction house, it must please these difficult and high-minded customers.

It only hopes that such a precious auction item can satisfy the desires of these distinguished guests, at least not to let it produce more treasured items.

Otherwise, he would really be heartbroken like a knife. Of course, he also felt that his collections hung on the wall might not arouse the unstoppable desire of these distinguished guests.

Before the lifting platform responsible for transporting the auction items came up, there were whispers in the VIP boxes and seats. They will take time out of their busy schedules to participate in this auction tonight, just to satisfy their desires. The pure-blooded humans were bought away.

With so many alien races walking freely in the world, probably only humans, or more precisely, only pure-blooded humans can attract the attention of all alien races.

After all, apart from the hobby of pure-blooded humans, they have nothing else in common.

Numerous distinguished aliens sat in their respective boxes and seats, but they were all very afraid of the distinguished guests in Box 1, but their desire for pure-blooded humans still made them sit here, waiting for the auction with great reluctance. start.

Their idea is actually very simple, they are holding that maybe the boss who exclusively occupies the No. 1 box may not be interested in the last auction item, so that they can compete to pick up the missing item.

It was just a fluke, and soon disappeared after the lifting platform was raised and the black cloth was taken down.

Because this time the auction house's auction items are so beautiful!

"Look at the white and translucent tender skin illuminated by the light. This skin is as beautiful as the legendary merman pearl! There are also those beautiful half-covered legs, round and clean feet, and beautiful arches." Lines, this is the very popular human white porcelain with a touch of pearl powder, so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off!" "If possible,

I really want to use my eight limbs to hold those feet , and then sent it to my lips to kiss, kiss, lick, and tease, and lick this little baby directly..."

"Damn it! Why am I so stupid to take out this collection? Obviously I can choose other collections..." "Oh, it turned out

that I hung all the other collections on the wall! Damn it!"

The qualified employees standing behind the boss have to remind the drooling boss to avoid the embarrassing incident where the boss grabs the goods from the distinguished guests at the auction house on the spot.

"Boss, this is the finale for distinguished guests."

The boss-a big octopus about three meters high and two meters wide wiped the drool from his lips immediately when he heard the words with a pink foot, and took another look at the auction with resentment. The treasure on the stage illuminated by a beam of light alone should be its most perfect treasure!

The big octopus quickly withdrew its fiery gaze, because it also felt the fiery eyes of the distinguished guests. It is true that it is not the only treasure that can see the value, and the

boss can only pay attention if he cannot be with his favorite treasure. Concentrate on the sky-high price this treasure will sell for.

It will definitely get rich overnight because of this peerless treasure!

The employees were also very excited, because this finale was actually bid for a sky-high price of 300 billion star coins! This has never happened before! The previous highest price was 100 billion star coins!

"Boss, we are going to make a fortune!!!"

The employee shouted happily, but the boss corrected it seriously, "I am going to make a fortune, and it has absolutely nothing to do with you."

Employee: "... ..."

Seeing the frustrated look on the staff's face, the boss felt a pang in his conscience, and then added, "Maybe I can give you a salary increase of ten star coins." The staff: "...Thank you so much

, Boss."

Damn miser! Damn capitalists!


Luo Ming originally came here to take a look around, but unexpectedly met his destined partner, but this process was obviously a bit problematic, because what he liked was a pure-blooded human being that he had never regarded in his eyes.

Woohoo! Maybe starting today, it can start to change the view of pure-blooded humans.

As the king of the centaur race, Luo Ming's thoughts will be directed at the sword of the entire centaur race, and in this world, no race has ever been willing to fight against the centaur race that can fight well.

Because the races that had the courage to fight against them have been exterminated.

And Luo Ming, as the most powerful king among the previous kings of the centaur race, obviously made all races more afraid.

Lan Qin looked at the seats under the auction table without fear. He couldn't find his partner in these strange things, but he believed that it was because his partner was not here, not because of these so-called Guests are really weird.

Thinking of this, Lan Qin looked at those private boxes, maybe there was his partner in one of the boxes, but now it is impossible for him to see through it casually with his naked eyes.

Of course, Lan Chin can also see some normal 'people' in this auction house, but that's compared to other existences.

If it is to be compared with humans, it will become abnormal again.

After all, even the most human-like vampire's eyes are as red as two red lights, and the long hair that probably belongs to a bat is protruding, and the two strong-looking wings are really not normal.

System 1122; ["But vampires are indeed the most normal and most human-like species here, but now they are a bit difficult to control themselves, because you, the host, are really delicious!"] Lan Qin: "???


【"I know that pure-blooded human beings are delicious, otherwise passer-by A would not be eaten alive by these things, and it only took ten minutes. Now he prays that he did not participate in that cruel corpse-dividing meeting, otherwise I He will never forgive him!"]

System 1122: ["..."]

["God is in the top box, which is also the front box, Box 1."]

Lan Qin sneered in his heart, 【"He often comes to auction pure-blooded humans, of course he likes to sit in the front box!"】

System 1122: 【"..."】

What can it do? It can only bless the Lord God, and hope that the end of the Lord God will not be too miserable.

Without any accident, Lan Chin was successfully bought by his partner in this mission world, spending 300 billion star coins.

Just when Lanqin was about to be untied from his collar and sent to Box No. 1, the employees and thugs of the auction house discovered that the

distinguished guest of No. 1 actually came down in person with his own entourage.

Looking up at the distinguished guest who was two meters taller than him, the employees and thugs just wanted to run away on the spot.

Looking left and right, I found that the boss who was supposed to entertain the distinguished guests was gone, and they could only face the powerful distinguished guests very pitifully.

"Ghost, honored guest, I, we..."

The employee who originally followed the boss of Octopus only felt regretful. If he knew it, he would leave with the boss instead of staying here, just for the possible rewards.

Now it doesn't ask for a reward, it just hopes to leave a whole body for it.

As soon as Lan Qin's collar was taken off, the fragrance of pure-blooded humans immediately filled the entire auction house. If it weren't for the powerful centaur king who quickly covered the pure-blooded humans with a wide cloak, and Just pick it up and go.

The distinguished guests present are afraid to go crazy!

Once the distinguished guests of the auction house go crazy on the spot, it will definitely not be a matter that the auction house can solve.

If you have the foresight to run a little farther, you are worried that you will be reluctant to part with the delicious and very beautiful treasures, and then irrationally compete with the distinguished guests.

When Lan Chin was carried on the back by his partner, he was still looking curiously at the auction house employees and thugs, because they were really strange.

Although he had looked many times before, he couldn't help but look at it again and again.

["1122, don't you think they look like a ball of jelly? And they are like slimes."]

System 1122: ["...Host, I think the most important thing now is not that these slimes look like It's not like a slime, but God looks very wrong!"]

Lan Qin took the time to glance at his partner, the cloak did not block his line of sight, so he clearly discerned the current situation.

The current situation is similar to the situation many times before, and he is already very familiar with it.

["Don't worry about him, your god is just in estrus."]

System 1122: ["...Wow."]

Well, let's wish the god good luck!

After all, its host is not in a good mood now.

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