8.8: Looking for a Wife

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Lanqin also heard the roar of the black dragon, he even took advantage of the System 1122 didn't pay attention, and quietly poked its head out to see the appearance of the black dragon.

He doesn't need the system 1122 to determine whether this is a villain, he can recognize it, this is his partner!

When the system 1122 determined that the black dragon that suddenly appeared was the villain in the mission details, it directly shouted 'It's over, it's over'. After all, in the mission world, as long as a villain appears, nothing good will happen!

Especially its host is the most common passerby! What is a passerby? Passerby A is the one who died the fastest and the worst among the group of people. This time, the mission of its host is likely to be finished.

System 1122 quietly wiped away the tears from its own data flow, very unwilling and sad, and chose to comfort the host first.

【"You have successfully completed so many tasks, although this time it is very likely that you will fail, and you will lose the selection of the hardworking host, but at least you have failed for the first time, and you will definitely have better results in the future. Woohoo...don't be disappointed in yourself, woooooo, it's just a failure, it's not a big deal, woooooo...]

System 1122 was about to cry as he said it, and he thought he could rely on Seeing Lan Qin, the host, turn around, I didn't expect that the mission world would turn over.

Let's not talk about Xianyu turning over now, it will have no hope at all! And what makes the system even more sad is that even if Xianyu turns over successfully , is still a salted fish.

Lan Qin, surrounded by the wailing mechanical sound of system 1122: "..."

There is no need to be so pessimistic.

After confirming that the black dragon above his head is his partner, Lan Qin began to ponder What should be done to be 'kidnapped' by his partner, but before Lanqin could think of a way, the fairy godmother over there began to resist.

Using a magic wand to create a fairy mist that can confuse the black dragon for a few minutes, the fairy godmother quickly walked to the queen. She and the queen looked at each other, and they both understood what to do next.

The fairy godmother took the little princess from the queen's hand, looked at the queen with sorrow in her eyes, then turned and left.

And before the fairy godmother left, she still said the last sentence very softly - "Sister, I'm leaving." When the

queen heard her sister's words, she smiled subconsciously, and then saw the serious situation now , his expression immediately became solemn.

The black dragon roared above the palace, and the fog was quickly dissipating.

And the black dragon didn't take the next step, which means that there is something the dragon cares about in this palace, otherwise, with a mouthful of black flames, it is estimated that even the gods will be hard to resist.

The queen didn't dare to think about whether the thing that the black dragon cared about might be her little daughter, but no matter what, she would never let her one-year-old little daughter fall into the hands of the dragon.

Where would a dragon care for a tiny human baby? If the youngest daughter is really taken away by the black dragon, she might not survive even a day.

The queen didn't dare to bet on whether her husband would choose to hand over the little daughter, so she immediately decided to let her sister take the little daughter away.

Even if there is a fairy godmother here, it is impossible to defeat a black dragon, so it is better to save those who can be saved first.

Giant dragons like treasures and beauties. The queen doesn't think that her one-year-old daughter will attract the dragon's covetousness. She prefers that the black dragon comes here for other purposes.

There are still many treasures in the Kingdom of Goss. At such a critical juncture, the Queen believes that no one will choose to give up their lives for the treasures.

Just as the queen and the king were thinking about how many treasures the Kingdom of Goss could offer to the dragon, the fog created by the fairy godmother had all dissipated.

Before the fog dissipated, the black dragon sensed that the light force was escaping with a little life in its arms, but he didn't care about it at all, so he didn't pursue it.

When the dark witch found out that the enemy fairy godmother had run away, and was afraid of the power of the black dragon, she immediately used the teleportation spell to teleport herself away before the fog dissipated.

The black dragon didn't

pay attention to the other lives in the palace at all, he only had his sweetheart in his sights-if it wasn't too difficult to find a sweetheart among a lot of villains, he would never have put the huge dragon head Turn around.

This action obviously made everyone under the shadow of the dragon feel palpitations and panic, for fear that they would be the unlucky ones being targeted by the black dragon.

Look at the gigantic figure of the dragon, the powerful wings, the sharp and tough claws, and the anger in the blood-red pupils, they will all die with one claw.

When the king saw that the fairy godmother and the dark witch had disappeared, and his little daughter with him, he knew what was going on with a glance at his queen.

The king who didn't have to choose between the little princess and his subjects was secretly relieved. He tried to look up at the terrible dragon, shouted as loudly as he could, and promised to give all the treasures of the Gos Kingdom to the black dragon. I just hope that the dragon can spare his subjects of the Kingdom of Goss.

The black dragon didn't have the heart to listen to the king, a human who was like an ant, because he had already found his beautiful wife in a corner, and what made the dragon feel elated was that his wife looked up at him!

My wife must be able to see him at his most mighty and powerful now, and then be fascinated by his heroic figure!

oh my god! His wife actually smiled at him!

My wife must love him too!

The black dragon knows very well that some human beings are particularly obsessed with dragons, thinking that dragons are the most powerful and perfect creatures in the world, and deeply desire to have something to do with them.

It's just that many dragons completely ignore the praise and worship of humans. At most, some dragons would like to go to some kingdoms to capture the most beautiful princesses to prove their strength.

But dragons generally don't have sex with humans, and think it's a fun game to kidnap a beautiful princess and fight a lot of knights.

In the past, the black dragon thought that this game was too naive and not difficult at all, but now if he put his wife on the human side, he would suddenly understand the fun of this game.

Of course, the black dragon's attitude is very serious. He just wants to be with his wife for a lifetime and not be disturbed by anyone.

If any knight came to make trouble, he would definitely not show mercy.

Of course, the black dragon is still very confident about the safety of his lair. It is possible for those knights to find other dragons' lairs, but it is absolutely impossible to find his lair!

Imagining the happy married life with his wife, the black dragon was so happy that he raised his head and roared, and then flew towards his wife.

Giant dragons usually use their claws to catch people, but it is difficult to control the strength in this way, and it will easily hurt the poor human being caught. A little gravity may kill the human being caught on the spot.

The black dragon has never had any experience in catching people, so he was also very afraid of accidents, so he decided to use a softer mouth and tongue to catch his sweetheart away.

As for the king's chattering voice, the black dragon just took it as the wind, and he couldn't hear it anyway, even if he didn't want to hear it.

System 1122 was so anxious that it was about to jump. If it had legs, ["Come on! The host, the black dragon, is rushing towards you, host, get out of the way, or you will be killed by this bloody mouth!" Eat it! My God, the villain actually still eats people? Why is this never mentioned in the mission details?!"] ["Ahh! Why don't

you run away, host? Everyone else ran to the other side? Damn it Those two fellows who are even worse than Passerby A dare to push you! You, the host, are their half-brother! Sure enough, you are a vicious cannon fodder who has not even been mentioned by name! This heart is so vicious!"] ["

Terrible It's so scary! Host, you're about to be eaten by the villainous dragon! Our mission is really going to fail, woooooo! Are you scared, host, and your legs are so weak that you can't run? It's okay, I'm the same, big deal Let's work harder in the next mission world..."]

["Wait! Why is something wrong? Why didn't you get eaten, host? Why were you kidnapped by the villain dragon

? ... The villain dragon He actually brought you back to the lair, the host? What does this villainous dragon want to do..."]

System 1122 went from the black dragon flying down to snatching Lan Qin away, and then to the black dragon screaming in the crowd Crying for help, he took Lan Qin away from the Goss palace, and finally returned to the black dragon's cliff lair that was shrouded in heavy black mist, and kept yelling in Lan Qin's ear.

Lanchin felt that the sound of a screaming chicken was nothing more than that.

If he hadn't had to pretend to be in front of System 1122, Lan Qin would never have screamed for help like everyone else, but what Lan Qin didn't expect was that the smile in his eyes and mouth had already betrayed him.

Fortunately, System 1122 was too busy yelling and didn't find anything wrong with its host.

But the black dragon was very keen to discover that although the wife who was taken away by him was panicking and calling for help on the surface, the emotions conveyed to him were happy and active.

The Beautiful Passerby A and the Non-human Villain HEWhere stories live. Discover now