1.23: Capitalist

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On the second day, Lan Qin came to the company with a backache, if not He still has work to do, so he really wants to ask for a day off.

As soon as he came to the company, Lan Qin was surprised to find that Yang Jian, who had always been on the way to work, was sitting at his desk, and when he saw Lan Qin's figure, he called Lan Qin over with an expression of excitement on his face, saying that there was something wrong with him. Big gossip to tell him.

For a moment, Lan Qin really wanted to turn around and leave immediately, but reason prevented him from doing irrational things.

Yang Jian didn't realize that Lan Qin didn't want to hear gossip, because in his opinion, no one would not like to hear gossip.

And Yang Jian himself felt that Lan Qin would definitely want to know the gossip he was going to tell Lan Qin.

"Lan Chin, come here quickly, I know why the boss has been as violent as eating firecrackers recently! I have to tell you this in a low voice, but I can't let others hear it. This is the news that I worked hard all day and night. You must be very interested."

Lan Qin thought in his heart that I'm not interested in knowing, but he walked up to Yang Jian's work place honestly, there was no way, their work places were not far away.

Even if he didn't walk over, Yang Jian would probably bother him for a whole day. He firmly didn't believe that he would not be interested in the news, and insisted on telling him.

In order to prevent the talkative Yang Jian from interrupting his work throughout the day, Lan Qin could only act as if he was very interested and wanted to hear what Yang Jian had to say.

Yang Jian quickly told the boss's recent situation, because there were not many colleagues around them who arrived early, and Yang Jian's voice was only lowered.

"The boss has such a bad temper recently because his wife and daughter found out that he had a mistress to raise a mistress. Then the mother and daughter hit it up directly. Who would have thought that the mistress was actually a female college student, and she had already I gave birth to a son for the boss! And the mistress was even more amazing, she was actually a girl in the third year of high school, and she was still three months pregnant, but she had a miscarriage when she was confronted at the door." "The boss knew that the mistress had a

miscarriage After that, I was very angry, and the guilt towards my wife and daughter was directly diluted. Because the cheating was exposed, and the fact that my lover was hurt, the boss directly shamelessly said that he would take the mistress and mistress home , it happens to be able to better train the only son."

Lan Qin: "...The proprietress should be very angry."

Yang Jian slapped his thigh and said yes, "The proprietress is definitely unwilling, but the boss insists. I guess I am still very dissatisfied with the fact that the proprietress only gave him a daughter, and the daughter will marry off sooner or later, so she wants to raise the two-year-old son as an heir. Now the husband and wife are arguing every day, and I heard that there may be a divorce , but there may also be differences in the division of the joint property of the husband and wife." "

Especially our magazine was founded by the two of them together. If they really divorce, our place will definitely be seriously affected, and maybe there will be more There are layoffs or something. Sigh... My wife said that men will turn bad when they have money, and it is true. Fortunately, I handed over the salary card to your sister-in-law, so the problem should not be big. Although it has always been The boss works for a magazine, but if I really want to change the boss, I still hope that the proprietress will win."

Hearing this, Lan Qin also understood that the boss was in deep emotional crisis, but he deserved it.

Yang Jian also felt sorry for the proprietress, who helped her husband start a business and accompanied him through the ups and downs, but he was a heartbreaker.

"So don't trust men, especially men who often don't like to go home and make various excuses to work overtime. Let me state first, although I am also a man, I feel sorry for a man who is cheating and has no loyalty like the boss. Shameless and contemptuous. I and this kind of cheating scumbag are not the same species at all, Lan Qin, you can't look at me with strange eyes, I am a loyal and perfect true love to your sister-in-law." Lan

Qin : "..." He didn't say anything either.

Why does it feel like Yang Jian is a bit bluffing. Did this person also do something to be sorry for the other half during the marriage?

Lan Qin looked over suspiciously, Yang Jian who was watched shrank his shoulders, he was really guilty, even his wife didn't find out about his hidden money, could it be that Lan Qin saw it?

It shouldn't be!

Seeing colleagues from the morning shift arriving one after another, Yang Jian quickly found an excuse to drive Lan Qin back to his own station, and then pretended to be very busy.

Lan Qin squinted his eyes and observed Yang Jian for a while, then went back to his work station without saying much, and then glanced at the manuscript he had revised countless times, thinking that he might still be called back today.

Although he had no hope of submitting the manuscript, Lan Chin still printed out the revised manuscript, and then sent it to the boss for review along with the manuscripts of other colleagues. If the boss thought it was okay, the next edition of the magazine would be published in their magazine Manuscript.

What surprised Lan Qin was that everyone's manuscripts were approved by the boss this time, and everyone in the office cheered, saying that the boss seems to be in a good mood today, and the accumulated manuscripts that need to be reviewed are one after another. It was sent up again.

When such a big event happened, Yang Jian, who loves to liven up the most, would certainly not miss it. After coming up to know what happened, he smacked his lips and said something was wrong.

"I was still furious yesterday, why is the spring breeze blowing today? Something is wrong, this matter is absolutely wrong."

Lan Qin also thinks the same way, but whether the boss is in a good mood to criticize their work process is a good thing at present, so they don't need to delve into it as employees.

Yang Jian was very dissatisfied with Lan Qin's uninterested behavior, but when he saw Lan Qin returned to his work station and was busy with work, he didn't want to entangle him too much, but sat in his seat and thought detectively.

He felt that the matter with the proprietress should have been resolved, otherwise the boss who had lost a child and faced the farce of divorce with property division would definitely not be in such a happy mood.

So is the legal dispute with the proprietress over, or is it that the proprietress chooses to forgive the boss, and then the boss who successfully enjoys the blessings of Qi people is just happy?

Yang Jian held his chin, caring too much about this obviously abnormal matter. If he didn't figure it out today, he felt that he didn't even have the mind to work.

Lan Qin, who was writing a new manuscript, didn't know how strong Yang Jian's desire to gossip was, so he simply put his work aside, and then got together with his female colleagues to have various heart-to-heart gossip discussions.

It's just that the well-informed female colleagues also feel that the boss's mood has changed too quickly, especially after only one night, which is not normal no matter how you look at it.

But if you want to say why, no one can say it.

Yang Jian could only return disappointed in the end.

But Lan Qin saw Yang Jian scratching his head and ears while sitting at his work station, so he knew that this person must not give up, and maybe he would do strange and illegal behaviors such as following the boss to see what happened to the boss.

Lan Qin felt that he couldn't just watch Yang Jian go down the road of breaking the law and committing crimes, so he stretched out a finger and poked the butterfly on the table, which was pretending to be cold again-it was a very rare butterfly. Rose Crystal Eyed Butterfly, he has to go to work today, but Li Yan is worried about going to work alone with his sweetheart who just made out with him all night, so he insists on following Lan Qin.

In this regard, Lan Qin just reluctantly turned Li Yan into a small animal, so that he could bring the object to the company.

This is no longer a one-time or two-time thing, Li Yan has mastered the skill of turning into various small animals, and immediately turned into a butterfly and hid it in Lan Qin's pocket.

Lan Qin also found that Li Yan loves beauty, or it can be said that he cares about his own image, especially in front of Lan Qin, he is also carrying the burden of an elegant and dignified gentleman, so no matter what kind of small animal he becomes, he must be very careful. Rarely beautiful.

Just like the current rose crystal eye butterfly, which is also a very lovable and beautiful butterfly.

When someone approaches, the butterfly that Li Yan turns into is quietly playing the role of a butterfly specimen, but if no one is around, he will stick to Lan Qin's arm or thigh again, obviously with a look of inseparability. Kai Lanqin's appearance.

Lan Chin still felt a little troubled at first, but as time passed, he also got used to such intimacy.

Especially last night, they also had further contact. Although they haven't really had negative distance contact, they have done almost the same.

"Li Yan, do you know what happened to the boss of this magazine?"

Li Yan was depressed just now because Lan Qin refused to get close to him, but after Lan Qin took the initiative to talk to him, Li Yan became emotional again.

If it weren't for the inappropriate occasion, he would want to kiss Lan Qin again like last night, so that his beloved sweetheart can personally experience the surging love in his chest.

Although the sweetheart didn't talk to him because he wanted to talk to him, but because he wanted him to do things, but Li Yan was still happy that Lan Qin no longer had a cold war with him.

Lightly tapped on the fingertips of his sweetheart, the butterfly that Li Yan transformed into slowly flew into Lan Qin's pocket, and disappeared in the pocket into stars.

His disappearance was not because of anything else, but because he wanted to personally investigate why the owner of the magazine had such an abnormal behavior.

Lan Qin didn't know how Li Yan would investigate, but considering that Li Yan was a ghost, and there were all kinds of supernatural events in this mission world, it was estimated that there would be many ghosts who could be driven by ghosts and gods.

For ghosts and gods, this matter should be a simple matter.

And the reason why Lan Qin asked Li Yan to investigate this trivial matter was because he wanted to be alone to think about what happened last night. At least he had to think about the future of his relationship with Li Yan.

Li Yan also knew that Lan Qin should be given some time, so he was very happy to do this.

He really didn't want his sweetheart to focus on Yang Jianjian.

Even though he knew very well that Yang Jian was only Lan Qin's friend, this did not prevent Li Yan from feeling jealous about it.

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