2.5: Is a Fool

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What is in the boyfriend's mind Xiang Hua is not clear, but he can see her boyfriend With a strange look on his face, he thought it was because his boyfriend didn't believe him, so he wanted to tell more evidence to prove that he was really reborn.

Du Wenhan interrupted Xiang Hua's excited words, and then said that he believed in him.

"Xiang Hua, of course I believe in you, because I have also been reborn."

Hearing this, Xiang Hua's eyes widened in surprise, and after realizing that her boyfriend was also reborn like him, she was extremely pleasantly surprised.

"Wenhan! So you are also reborn? That's great!" Xiang Hua hugged Du Wenhan's arm very excitedly, and then said passionately that they must hurry up and exterminate those alien species.

"If we don't act now, our odds of winning will be lowered when the strength of the alien species increases."

Du Wenhan: "..."

Resignedly pulling Xiang Hua's hand, Du Wenhan said Ask Xiang Hua if he really understands the situation of human beings, and the strength gap between human beings and alien species.

"Do you know how many supernatural beings there are in our ten bases? Do you know how big the difference in strength is between us humans and heterogeneous plants? And in the last life, didn't you ask how high the level of those heterogeneous species was? The hope base that wanted to cooperate to kill was wiped out in that battle, and our Shuguang base also suffered heavy casualties."

"Even if we and that Lu Xingzhi died together in the end, there are still a lot of heterogeneous and heterogeneous plants. Their reproduction is extremely fast, but the number of human beings with supernatural powers has decreased sharply, and the situation of human beings will only get worse."

"Xiang Hua, have you really thought about this matter?"

Du Wenhan looked on Asked seriously and word by word, Xiang Hua was immediately stopped by the question.

"I, I don't know either..."

Xiang Hua really didn't know the number and level of heterogeneous species and heterogeneous plants. I was also worried about my boyfriend, so I actively signed up to participate.

But even if he really signs up for the battlefield, he is also responsible for the logistics, and there are not many opportunities to face alien species or alien plants.

This also makes it impossible for Xiang Hua to predict the number and strength of heterogeneous species and heteroplants.

However, based on his status as a high-level animal and human being, Xiang Hua felt that it was just some low-level animals and low-level plants, and they were nothing to be afraid of by humans.

But now, after hearing what his boyfriend Du Wenhan said, he felt as if he was being drenched from head to toe by a bucket of ice water, and his expression also became disturbed.

At this time, Xiang Hua already knew that his previous thinking might be a bit too simple, he was used to following his boyfriend's decision, so he had to ask him for help again.

"If our strength is so much different from that of the alien species, then, what should we do now? I hope the base should have sent a notification, should we pretend we didn't see it?" Du Wenhan heard Xiang Hua's words

. The weak words made my heart soften, and then I put my hand on his hair and stroked it, and comforted me, "In the last life, it was because we humans attacked the alien side first, if we don't take the initiative to attack in this life , maybe there will be no attack on our base by the alien species."

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