8.12: Dark God

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["Host, don't you plan to do something?"]

System 1122 After witnessing that the host and the villainous dragon fell in love with each other for a few days, and the villainous dragon even went to find food and water for its host during the process, it was hard for System 1122 not to be suspicious.

But thinking that its host had only known this villainous dragon for two or three days, and it was also very clear about the bard's situation before, so it put aside these doubts for the time being, and began to urge Lanqin to run away quickly.

In fact, Lan Qin could also think that System 1122 might suspect him, but as long as there is no evidence, System 1122 can only spend time with him in this mission world.

It's just that Lan Qin still wants to do something else with his partner, so the most important thing is to get rid of the system 1122.

Lanqin has been acting all the time these days, and he doesn't even give the dragon partner a good face, and looks at his partner with fearful eyes from time to time.

But for some reason, his partner seemed to be able to hear his mental activities clearly, and didn't feel that he didn't like it at all, but really felt his liking for the dragon.

Occasionally, when Lan Qin saw the fiery look of the giant dragon looking at him, he always thought that he was going to play a half-push and half-finished scene.

It's just that he didn't know what his partner was thinking, and he still didn't make any offensive actions towards him.

When Lan Qin was wondering, it was the first time for the dragon to experience sweet troubles - staying with his sweetheart is so happy and sweet, but because it is difficult for a dragon in estrus to transform back into a human form, Moreover, his body is much bigger than his sweetheart, obviously he is not suitable for having sex with a soft human sweetheart.

But the sweetheart is right in front of your eyes, how can the dragon bear it?

The best way now is to stay away from the deadly temptation of your sweetheart, but how could the dragon be willing to do so?

From the first moment he saw his sweetheart to the time he successfully brought his sweetheart back to his lair and hid him, the giant dragon felt that he could no longer lack his lover in his life.

If one day the sweetheart dies, the giant dragon intends to lose the bet with the God of Light and die in the body directly, becoming a legend that once existed.

Maybe the cheating devil with an online IQ can think rationally about the current situation, but let the giant dragon who only has his wife think about it, he really wishes he could just stay in the lair with his wife and be sweet.

At this moment, the giant dragon doesn't even care about hell. Whether it is the God of Light or the Kingdom of Litulu, in the eyes of the giant dragon, none of his wife's hair is as important!

The giant dragon thought tenderly in his heart, and then gently pulled his wife into his arms with his paws-he had tried his best to shrink his body, but it was still about three times bigger than Lan Qin. You can still surround your sweetheart, but you won't hurt your sweetheart again.

When he took his wife away from Mesfant, the capital of the Kingdom of Goss, even though he was careful enough, his wife didn't resist much, but his action still caused her to suffer a slight injury to her elbow.

Even a minor injury is enough for the dragon to reflect on himself.

Especially in the past few days, his wife has been obediently staying in the lair to be licked by him, kept in captivity by him, even going out to take a bath in the hot spring, his wife has no thought of running away, which undoubtedly makes the dragon so happy The tails can be twisted into knots.

But fortunately, the dragon's tail is very hard and flexible. Even if it is knotted, it can be untied easily-but after asking his wife to help untie the tail once, the dragon became obsessed with asking his wife to help him. Untangle the tail game.

Especially the tail that was gently stroked by his wife, even the dragon scales would explode!

The giant dragon didn't have the heart to think about how much damage his frequent and intense mental activities would bring to another 'self'! Sensing the growing love and joy of the giant dragon, the God of Light was so annoyed that he no longer wanted to sleep.

After beginning to feel that the human being kidnapped by the dragon was a trouble, the God of Light decided to take this human away from the dragon-such intense and excessive emotions from time to time are really not what a god should have.

As a god, one should control the world

, be calm, and have no preference.

Between God's supremacy and God's love for all, the God of Light and the Deceitful Demon King both chose the former.

It's just that the God of Light is in control of the human world, but the Deceitful Demon King is in control of hell.

Compared with human beings who can only intrigue and engage in political struggles, the Deceitful Demon King still prefers to get along with demons with simple minds and well-developed limbs. In this way, he can directly kill anyone who feels uncomfortable, without being dissuaded by the hypocritical benevolent actions of the God of Light.

When the Deceiver Demon King was only the God of Darkness, he was thinking about his future path, but the God of Light wanted to direct his actions from time to time, which caused the God of Darkness to leave the human world and go directly to the most desolate hell.

Here, the God of Darkness found his own happiness, and while becoming the King of Deception, he also started an interesting bet with the God of Light that lasted tens of thousands of years.

Regarding the return to the original body, the Deceiver Demon King maintains a dispensable attitude. On the one hand, he despises the rules, and on the other hand, he follows the rules.

In the view of the deceitful devil, any game needs rules and must be followed, otherwise the game will become completely uninteresting.

Boredom is a powerful weapon that can bring down gods.

Many old gods who are older and more powerful than the God of Light and the God of Darkness have lost their divine power and broken their godheads because they are too boring, or even so boring that they have no interest in living.

Because the bodies of the God of Light and the God of Darkness are Gods of Destruction, as long as there are living beings in the world, as long as there is life, destruction will be everywhere.

And the God of Destruction will live forever!

It is also based on this that when the human beings who can bring great destruction are facing extinction, the God of Light came forward to save some smart and brave human beings.

It's just that after tens of thousands of years, human beings who were very smart and brave at the beginning gave birth to many hypocritical villains who are very popular with the deceitful devil, but disliked by the God of Light.

The deceitful demon king has ridiculed the hypocrisy of the God of Light more than once. He is clearly a god wearing a mask like that, but he doesn't like humans who also live with masks.

If humans, elves, and orcs who believe in the God of Light are just like their gods, they may lose their faith and lose all reason.

The God of Light doesn't care about the sarcasm of the Deceitful Demon King, because He also has something that can mock the Deceitful Demon King-that is, the Deceitful Demon King inherits the dragon form of the body, and those too vulgar, obscene, and obscene estrus periods are not reserved. Inherited by the Deception Demon Lord.

The Deceiver Demon King is also very angry at the fact that he will fall into a brain-dead state every few hundred years, but it is something that even the main body is difficult to avoid, let alone his distraction.

What the Deceiver King hates and likes the most are creatures with simple minds and well-developed limbs, probably because he will become like this for a while.

This estrus period is always out of the control of the deceitful devil, sometimes it is a week, sometimes it is half a month, and sometimes it is a year.

In fact, the Deceiver Demon King can use sex to solve this dilemma, but for some reason, the Deception Demon King has the same idea as the God of Light regarding sex.

Sex is the filthiest and filthiest thing in the world, and only the lowest beings are addicted to it.

Now the deceitful demon king who has become an empty-headed one is just like the most loyal big dog, directly holding his treasure, or it can be said that his master is in his arms.

It still remembers very clearly that the other self doesn't like its wife. Although this attitude is considered a good thing from another aspect, it also means that the other self is likely to attack its partner.

A dragon cannot lose a mate any more than it can lose its treasure.

Therefore, the giant dragon that treasured the baby was always staring at the place outside the lair, always vigilant for all kinds of movements, for fear that the hypocritical God of Light would suddenly come and snatch its mate.

The dragon is more worried that the God of Light will kill his partner than the God of Light will love his partner equally.

The God of Light is always so strict about betting contracts and chastity, even to the point of being meticulous.

Lanqin is an unpredictable accident for the two gods. The dragon is

delighted by the happiness brought by his partner, while the God of Light is wary of the influence of the dragon's partner.

Although the God of Light doesn't think that the Deceitful Demon King will allow this human to survive after waking up, if the next estrus comes and the giant dragon suddenly knows that his partner has been killed by "himself", I'm afraid it will be another farce.

But thinking that an ordinary human will die within a hundred years at most, and only the old gods know how to prolong human life-for example, the main body is such a powerful old god.

So it doesn't seem to make much difference whether you choose to let human beings die of old age or be killed by the deceitful demon king.

And more importantly, if the dragon really hates the deceitful devil because of a human being, it is estimated that very interesting things will happen then.

The God of Light guessed whether there would be another distraction between the dragon and the deceitful devil.

With this interesting guess, the God of Light is not in a hurry to go to the dragon's lair.

Compared with the deceitful demon king who likes to sow deceitful seeds throughout the Silver Boat Continent and defraud the souls of some creatures one by one, the God of Light prefers to watch the infighting.

Especially when such infighting involves gods, it becomes more interesting.

--Those old gods who were either arrogant, kind, or evil all fell down because they were provoked by the God of Light to a civil war.

But the God of Light sits firmly behind the scenes, kills all the old gods together with the God of Darkness, and then appears in front of the surviving creatures as a savior and becomes their new belief.

Every time he thinks of this incomparably exciting killing game, the Deceitful Demon King gets very excited.

The Deceiver King always thought that it was the most exciting and pleasant experience for him, but he never thought that he would have a more exciting experience in the future.

And as a low-IQ black dragon, it is actually a deceitful demon king, but a not-so-intelligent deceitful demon king-it doesn't even know how to have sex with the sweetheart, so it can only wrap the sweetheart in its arms, greedy Just lick it.

But more can't be done.

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