1.19: It's a dead end

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Yang Jian did not pay attention to the conversation between Li Yan and Gong Shuxin at all, he The person in charge of driving, sitting in the driver's seat, excitedly called Lan Chin to get in the car.

Lan Qin and Li Yan walked over. If Lan Qin was the only one, then he would definitely choose to take the co-pilot, but considering that Li Yan, a ghost who has been sealed in Qin Shiling for thousands of years, would not be used to it, he directly followed Li Yan sat in the back seat together.

Yang Jian has no objection to this, after all, it is only natural for husband and wife to sit together.

"Where is Gong Shuxin? Why is he missing?"

Yang Jian asked a little puzzled. He thought that Gong Shuxin would be the co-pilot, but he didn't expect that this person would not follow.

Lan Qin glanced at the ghosts and spirits before getting into the car and closed his eyes, knowing that he was going to explain.

"Gong Shuxin has other things to deal with, so he won't come with us."

As a reporter, Yang Jian is obviously a very curious person, but he also tried his best to be considerate to those who saved him and Lan Qin Do not go too much research.

After all, he had experienced the law that curiosity killed the cat not long ago, and he still has lingering fears, so he didn't want to make any further complications.

"Since Gongshu still has things to do, let's go first."

Yang Jian said, then started the car, drove slowly on the mountain road, and headed down the mountain.

"It's been a long time since I listened to music. Shall I play some light music?"

Yang Jian asked in a low voice while driving. He also saw that Li Yan was resting with his eyes closed. He was really not sure if he was sleeping.

Lan Qin glanced at Li Yan, a little hesitant to call him.

As if aware of Lan Qin's gaze, Li Yan opened his eyes, exchanged glances with Lan Qin, and then nodded.

When Yang Jian saw Li Yan nodding, he knew that he agreed, so he chose a soft and gentle music to play.

The pleasant light music sounded, and the strange atmosphere in the car was also dissipated.

According to his previous habits, Yang Jian always had to talk to Lan Qin, whether it was about work or daily life, he always had a lot to say. And he didn't need Lan Qin to listen carefully, as long as he replied occasionally, he could say that he didn't feel tired for the last four or five hours.

There is some food and mineral water in the car, and Yang Jian can speak even more when he is full of food and drink.

It was just because there was Li Yan who was not familiar with him, and he still had such a posture of closing his eyes and resting his mind, even Lan Qin only looked out of the window, and had no intention of talking to him at all.

So Yang Jian could only keep quiet and drive carefully.

Drive without talking, talk without driving.

Yang Jian convinced himself in this way, so the journey was spent in the quiet atmosphere of two people and one ghost.

Fifty kilometers outside Qin Shiling, there is no human habitation. Although Yang Jian is driving seriously on the surface, he is actually thinking about what Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi will do now, and whether the things that Gong Shuxin will do when he goes back will follow Are those two related?

Lan Qin didn't care about Yang Jian's quietness. To be honest, he was quite satisfied with Yang Jian's current situation, but when observing the scenery along the road outside the car, Lan Qin also paid attention to Li Yan's situation in his peripheral vision.

After all, this is a thousand-year-old ghost, and his strength must not be underestimated. If Li Yan becomes dissatisfied with the modern society because of his slackness, and then brings danger to the already bad world, it is him, a passer-by. It's wrong.

And under such attention, Lan Qin found that Li Yan would frown from time to time, as if feeling a little uncomfortable.

It doesn't look like he is dissatisfied with the light music playing now, because when the light music played before, Li Yan's brows and eyes stretched a lot, but as the road conditions got better and Yang Jian's speed increased, Li Yan His expression became more and more indifferent.

Could this ghost be motion sickness?

Lan Qin thought uncertainly in his heart, as a prince who was born in ancient times and had never seen a car, or even ridden in a car, it seems that it is not impossible to suffer from motion sickness.

But can a ghost really get motion sickness?

Lan Qin wasn't sure, but he opened the car window on his side calmly

to let the fresh air outside the car blow in.

Although there is a little bit of cold wind now, Lan Qin felt that the smell in the car was much better after opening the window.

Even if he doesn't get motion sickness, he feels comfortable.

Lan Qin glanced at Li Yan without any trace, and found that the slightly frowned eyebrows really eased a lot.

It seems really motion sickness.

But ghosts and gods still get motion sickness, which is really a rare thing.

After thinking for a while, Lan Qin asked Yang Jian to open the windows of the car for a good reason.

"This car has been parked outside for so long, and it smells a bit stuffy. Let's open the window to let the smell out."

Although Yang Jian was driving with two purposes, he didn't pay much attention to the situation behind the seat. When Lan Qin said this, he took a deep breath, and also felt that the smell in the car was not very good, so he directly opened the windows everywhere.

"That's right, we'll be returning to the city soon, and we'll be smelling of car exhaust. How much we cherish the fresh and pleasant smell of the countryside."

Lan Qin didn't refute Yang Jian's words, but only looked at Li Yan's side. After the window was opened, I felt a little relieved.

It's just that Lan Qin really didn't expect that when he spoke like this, Yang Jian seemed to have turned on a certain chattering switch, and started talking non-stop.

"Lan Qin, we are idle on the way back now, why don't we talk about you and Li Yan, that is, the process of meeting, getting to know and loving each other between you! It just so happens that you also know the whole process of me and your sister-in-law, so I just want to make up for you now Yes, when your sister-in-law sees that you have left the singles, I can answer you if you ask me!"

Lan Qin: "..."

What is sister-in-law asking you to answer, it is obviously to satisfy your own curiosity Heart and gossip desire.

Lan Qin didn't speak, Yang Jian was still listening, and Li Yan beside him slowly opened his eyes again, as if he was also curious about what Lan Qin would say.

But Lanchin had nothing to say at all.


when Lan Qin had safely left Qin Shiling, Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi on the other side rushed back to Shiling Village.

It's just that the quiet situation in Shiling Village in front of him caused Xu Yi to feel fear involuntarily, and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Shiling Village was dead silent, there was no sound, even the river under the wooden bridge was so slow that the sound of flowing could hardly be heard. Seeing this really weird village with his own eyes, Xu Yi was a little afraid to go in, feeling that once they went there, something very bad would happen.

"Ziwei, I think there's something wrong here, why don't we go in?"

Qin Ziwei felt that his boyfriend was a little timid at this time, after all, victory was at hand, they just had to go in and find that Chen Huyin, or someone else What are the villagers who are easier to be controlled by them, then they can leave this ghost place quickly.

It was already the most critical step, Qin Ziwei didn't want to give up all his previous efforts, let alone allow Xu Yi to retreat.

But looking at Xu Yi's pale face full of fear and anxiety, Qin Ziwei's heart softened for a moment, thinking that in his previous life, he involved Xu Yi, who was a national teacher, into the court, and directly ruined the Great Qin Dynasty. He proposed to travel to the mysterious Qin Shiling, and it was really difficult for him not to feel guilty.

Maybe he has been holding back Xu Yi all along.

If he hadn't met him, Xu Yi's life would have been the brightest.

Qin Ziwei had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and finally he decided to let Xu Yi wait for him outside the village, while he returned to Shiling Village alone as before, looking for a suitable guide and also looking for opportunities from the village. Food to fill them up.

Xu Yi still felt very uneasy. He looked at his boyfriend and suddenly felt that this would be the last time they met.

"Ziwei, I feel very uncomfortable, why don't you go in...Actually, we can go back to find Lan Qin and the others..." Before

Xu Yi could finish speaking, Qin Ziwei interrupted and refused.

"To get out of Qin Shiling safely, we must rely on ourselves! Others are untrustworthy, Xu Yi, don't you

believe those two strangers who may be in danger now, and don't want to trust me? I know more about the situation in Shiling Village."

Whether it was Shiling Village during the Great Qin Dynasty in the previous life, or the current Shiling Village.

After all, the three hundred people who were sent to Qin Shiling to guard the tomb were all sinners carefully selected by Li Wei, Qin Ziwei, and each of them had committed heinous crimes.

Only such sinners and villains can best suppress the Tomb of Jianglong Fuhu, so that Li Yan will never see the light of day.

But the only thing he missed was that the Great Qin Dynasty would perish so quickly...

Between boyfriends and strangers, Xu Yi of course trusts him more. Facing his boyfriend's tough attitude, he can only nod his head , and told her boyfriend to pay attention to safety.

Qin Ziwei hugged Xu Yi tightly, then kissed Xu Yi's cheek again, and then resolutely sneaked into this extremely quiet Shiling Village.

Xu Yi looked worriedly at the back of her boyfriend going further and further away until he disappeared behind those old houses.

Xu Yi still felt very uneasy at this time, but at the same time he also believed in his boyfriend's ability, and sincerely prayed and wished him a safe return.

But the situation in Shiling Village was directly beyond their expectations.

Qin Ziwei didn't find anything wrong when he first entered Shiling Village, but when he touched the village chief's house and saw that the village chief and his two adult children were in the house, and they were robbing a piece of raw meat face to face, he know the seriousness of the situation.

Other villagers may not have the awareness to chase outsiders, but as the village head, he will definitely not let escaped outsiders go.

So what caused them not to go out of the village to chase outsiders, but just stay here, and then fight for a piece of raw meat that doesn't seem to be fresh anymore?

Qin Ziwei's eyes fell on the very familiar piece of raw meat, and his inner thoughts were ups and downs, because he had eaten such raw meat with Xu Yi in his last life because he almost starved to death.

It's just that he didn't pursue whether the raw meat was human flesh or something else, because at a certain moment he guessed that these villagers might no longer be able to leave the village.

After all, when Li Yan and his lackeys can move freely, these villagers obviously will not have good fruit to eat.

But in this way, it is impossible for any villagers to take them away from Qin Shiling.

So did Li Yan already recognize him? !

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