4.7: Know Him

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The high-hanging bright moon has more than half disappeared in the clouds, as if Can't bear to see what happens next.

    Si's figure is still very tall and mighty under the dim light of the moon. He goes down the mountain all the year round to find all kinds of insects and snakes suitable for making Gu, and his body has also been trained to be very strong. The appearance of falling down when the wind blows is different.

    It's just that as he grows stronger, the originally bullied person has become a thug who can decide the death of many people.

    But Si obviously didn't have that kind of revenge idea.

    Si thought that since those Gu worms like the stranger in this room so much, it means that this person is very suitable for refining new Gu, maybe this time the ruthless Gu will really succeed.

    But thinking that half of his body would actually like a foreigner so much, Si's mood became very irritable, and he even wanted to order those Gu worms to eat this foreigner who made him very emotionally unstable.

    But considering the next important trial Gu, Si barely held back the strong killing intent rising in his heart.

    Of course, the more important thing is that the Gu worms that crawled into the room simply ignored him.

    This kind of out-of-control also happened during the day, they were just some Gu worms sent out by him to patrol the mountains, but they didn't know what they saw or encountered, and when they were forcibly summoned by him, they looked like they had been soaked in strong wine. The dizzy appearance made Si very puzzled.

    Because the Gu worms who came back from the mountain tour couldn't explain what happened to them clearly, they just bit the back of the master's hand anxiously, signaling the master to get out of the clan quickly, there are important things to do.

    Si thinks that the most important thing for him now is to refine the Millennium Gu in the clan land, and by the way, successfully test the Ruthless Gu, and he doesn't care about other things at all.

    So Si, who was tired of being bitten by the Gu insects, directly fused the disobedient Gu insects into his body, and stopped letting them run around.

    After discovering that the master not only refused to go to find Xiangxiangruanruan wives with him, but also wanted to devour them, the Gu worms immediately ran away.

    But as the master, Si is naturally able to crush all Gu worms that belong to him.

    In a short time, all the rebellious Gu worms were integrated into the body.

    These are all highly poisonous Gu insects, and they have a wild and bad temper. If they run out rashly, they may bite or kill the Wu people.

    Although Si didn't care too much about the witch clan, at least the former great witch saved his life.

    As long as the Wu Clan didn't bother him, there was no need to waste time on those clansmen who didn't threaten him at all.

    And from Si's point of view, the entire Wu Clan combined is not as attractive as the ancient Gu worms in the clan land.

    Si thought about the Gu worms who wanted to escape before, the situation was very similar to the Gu worms in the house who didn't listen to his call now.

    He wondered if those Gu worms who went to patrol the mountain before encountered this person in the house.

    After all, the time of patrolling the mountain coincides with the time when these foreigners enter the mountain.

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