7.7: Unresponsible

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Butler Liu's actions are more anxious than Lan Qin's, the police and heaven Not long after the teacher left, he had already invited a celestial master who was free to come to Lan's house to protect Lan Qin.

Lan Qin felt that Steward Liu was really loyal to the Lan family, and he was equally outstanding in terms of connections and abilities. No wonder the hostess' family fired him on the first day Jiu occupied the magpie's nest in the mission details.

Although he didn't intend to have a heart-to-heart talk with Steward Liu, Lan Qin was very moved and said that he would give Steward Liu a salary increase. This is the only benefit that the Lan family can give Steward Liu.

Butler Liu wanted to resign, but was blocked by Lan Qin's two or two thousand dollars. In the end, Butler Liu's salary was still doubled.

The principal was the third batch of people who came to Lan's house. Because the matter Lan Qin said involved too much, the principal even called the two vice principals over.

Lan Qin didn't think there was anything wrong, and told the principal what he said to the police in a concise and concise manner, of course to remove his doubts about the hostess' family.

The principal frowned on the spot after hearing the whole incident. It was the lives of dozens of teachers and students. Now that something goes wrong, it will be difficult for him as the principal to deal with it!

He didn't stay for a sip of water, and the principal came and left in a hurry, obviously to do emergency public relations and appease the families of teachers and students.

Lanqin involved the principal in order to get the case investigated as quickly as possible.

Although the heroine's family is ordinary people, the protagonist's halo has always been very unreasonable, and it is still necessary to let professional people handle this matter.

Lan Chin believes that the school's public relations will give him a satisfactory answer.

After seeing off the principal and his party, Lan Qin went up to the second floor and saw that the child in the second bedroom was sleeping soundly. He gently tucked the quilt for the child, and then turned and went downstairs to take Steward Liu out of the gate of Lan's house. .

He is now going to settle the funeral matters of the original owner's parents first. Of course, it is also very important to track down the murderers who killed them.

With the intervention of the police, Lan Chin felt that it would not be difficult to investigate the truth about the murder of the original owner's parents by the evil spirits, but it was also impossible to bring the hostess's family to justice.

Even if the heroine Lan Lan came to visit the original owner's parents seemingly by coincidence, she could also argue that she didn't know that there was a thousand-year-old female ghost staring at her, and when the thousand-year-old female ghost murdered her violently, she was only because of a celestial master Tan Qianhe She escaped with the safety talisman given, but she can say she doesn't know anything else.

There is also the most criticized matter that Lan Guanshan and his wife moved happily before they were buried. Strictly speaking, it is a character problem of insatiable greed. If you really want to connect it with buying. .

But Lan Qin didn't think about knocking down the heroine who has the halo of the protagonist all at once. He just wanted the reputation of the heroine's family to become rotten, so Tan Qian, the hero who claims to be from a famous family of celestial masters Of course, Crane would not be interested in such a woman.

Even if the male protagonist Tan Qianhe really wants to be tempted, the male protagonist's family will not allow him to marry an ordinary woman with questionable character, especially if this woman is suspected of using evil spirits to kill relatives, this is completely heavenly. The taboo of the Shi family.

After all, the celestial masters are most exposed to all kinds of evil ghosts. If everyone is so low-minded that they use ghosts to eradicate dissidents, then the world will definitely be in chaos!

This is a shameless behavior that touches the bottom line of morality and makes people cast aside! Whoever has such a person who flouts the law and tramples on conscience will be brought to justice.

And Lan Chin made such a plan.

The heroine Lan Lan used to come into contact with people of the same class as her family. Now that she encounters a problem, she will definitely ask Tan Qianhe, the most capable hero in her social circle, for help.

The former hero Tan Qianhe may be able to help because he indirectly killed the heroine's relatives, but now the heroine is the suspect who killed her relatives. Even if the hero Tan Qianhe is blinded by love again, he is willing to help the heroine. Lord, the male lead's family is absolutely not allowed.

As for whether the hero will not receive news from the Lan family, Lan Qin is even less worried. After all, the most important thing for a celestial master is to be well-informed.

Moreover, the Lan family just died indirectly because of the hero Tan Qianhe's mistake. If the hero does

n't even pay attention to this matter, it means that there is a problem with the justice of the hero's seal.

According to the actions of the male protagonist Tan Qianhe in the task details, Lan Qin felt that it is still necessary to have some confidence in the male protagonist.

The hero and heroine dated for a few years before going to Luohua Village, but they never got married because the hero kept mourning for his master for three years. This also proves that there is no problem with the hero's character.

Lan Qin also knows that the heroine Lan Lan has gone to the hero Tan Qianhe for support, but now the hero is busy solving the matter of the thousand-year-old red ghost, and maybe even the hero's master is involved. So no matter whether the hero master will be seriously injured and die in the end, it means that the hero will not be mentally disabled to trouble him in a short time.

Lan Qin understood this matter clearly, and went directly to the funeral home with Steward Liu. Of course, those celestial masters who were hired by the Lan family at a high price also followed. After all, the funeral home can be said to be one of the most haunted places.

"Young master, the appearance of the master and wife may be a little damaged, you, you still have to be mentally prepared."

Lan Qin also felt very sad when he thought of the tragic death of the couple in the plot where the world cheated on the heroine. Such a passer-by exists to serve as a stepping stone for the protagonist.

Although it was just a one-time task, Lan Chin still felt a little uncomfortable.

Steward Liu was the first person to inspect the remains of Lan Guanshan and his wife, so when he lifted the white cloth for the young master this time, he was mentally prepared for the situation under the white cloth.

Lan Chin knew one word from the mission details: beyond recognition, but now seeing these two frozen corpses in this cold morgue, he was still shocked by the tragic situation.

The four words "unrecognizable" look simple and clear, but when it falls on the real corpse, it is another terrifying scene.

From the faces of Lan Guanshan and his wife who seemed to be scratched by sharp claws, and even these horrible scratches continued to the neck, we can see the tragic situation at that time, and the thousand-year-old female ghost's love for the male protagonist. deep hatred.

While feeling heavy, Lan Qin was also thinking about one thing, that is, what did the male protagonist do to that thousand-year-old female ghost to make her hatred so deep.

Lan Guanshan and his wife, the master of the male lead, in the mission details, the thousand-year-old female ghost killed three people in a row. If the male lead hadn't decisively lured the thousand-year-old female ghost back to his family and let his master handle it, the person who was about to die would still be killed. There will be more.

However, these are all matters that he does not need to bother to investigate. Naturally, the police station will be busy. As a legal tax-paying citizen, he should wait for the investigation results from the police station.

Lan Qin maintained a sad expression. From Butler Liu's point of view, it was because the young master hadn't reacted to the huge blow. Although his eyes were moist, tears didn't have time to flow down.

Moreover, the young master has also experienced such a horrible escape. He escaped from Luohua Village after traveling thousands of miles, and he learned the news of the death of his wife on the way. He must have shed all the painful tears on the way.

The young master escaped from the terrible Luohua Village after going through untold hardships. He wanted to get the warmth of his family when he came back, but he could only face the tragedy of his family being destroyed, and even his only relatives--the family of his uncle and aunt might be The murderer who killed his parents even entered the room happily.

Oh, his poor master!

It's really hard for the young master to work hard to seek justice for the old lady in such a painful mood! It's so sad woo woo woo.

Butler Liu was moved by the strong young master he imagined, if he was not worried about offending the young master, he would have wanted to lend his arm to the young master.

"Master, the most important thing now is to let the master and wife go to the ground first, and then find the murderer for the master and wife! You have to take care of your health, master. The huge Lan family can only be supported by you! Butler Liu

looked at Lan Qin with concern and concern, and comforted him softly.

Lan Qin nodded numbly, indicating that he knew.

But when he opened his mouth to speak, his hoarse voice still revealed that he was in a very bad state, "Butler Liu, you can find some good embalmers to restore my parents' remains, don't care about money and time, as long as

you I can restore my parents' faces... Mom and Dad have always paid attention to appearance, and my mother loves beauty even more, I can't let them leave with such a tragic face." Liu Butler nodded solemnly when he heard the words, saying that he

knew of.

In fact, even if the young master didn't tell him, Steward Liu would still do this.

Lan Qin was supported by Butler Liu to leave the morgue, and the white cloth covering the body was naturally covered back by Butler Liu himself.

Lan Qin walked outside the morgue, and accompanied by Butler Liu, met the forensic doctor in charge of the autopsy, and the forensic doctor's opinion was that the two deceased died of excessive blood loss caused by carotid artery rupture.

That is to say, if someone made an emergency call or called the police at that time, the Lan Guanshan couple might still be saved.

But the scene of the first crime was in the master bedroom on the third floor. Lan Guanshan and his wife were both killed in the master bedroom at two o'clock in the morning. At that time, no one knew what happened in the master bedroom, so the deceased had no help The door is closed.

After Lanqin knew this fact, he thanked the forensic doctor and asked the forensic doctor to submit the death report to the police station.

The forensic doctor looked at this young master of the Lan family who was pale but still very handsome, and thought of the two dead who had been completely disfigured. He sighed in his heart and said that they knew it very professionally.

Regardless of whether this is a murder of a living person or a murder of a ghost, the fact that the deaths of the two deceased are criminal cases is beyond doubt.

After coming out of the funeral home, Lan Qin returned to Lan's house with a sleepy expression accompanied by Butler Liu.

This time, Lan Qin can finally get a good night's sleep first, while Butler Liu has to attend to other things, and the relationship between Lan's family and other families has to be handled by Butler Liu, who will be invited to the funeral Butler Liu had to draw up a list first.

The importance of Butler Liu to the Lan family is self-evident. Anyway, Lan Qin will not allow the simple funeral that was briefly mentioned in the mission details to appear again.

I have to say that the hostess's family are all top-notch with very shallow eyelids, and they all got a huge inheritance from the Lan family in the task details, but they still don't even want to hold a decent funeral for Lan Guanshan and his wife. 'Our family has problems' written on his face.

It's no wonder that when the heroine died in Luohua Village, the heroine's family couldn't get into the circle of friends of the upper class.

With such a stupid and poisonous family, whoever takes them to play must be prepared to be dragged down.

Many of the interior decorations of Lan's house were touched by the hostess' family. As for the room of the original owner and the original owner's parents, it was even more messy. Lan Qin didn't bother to wait for the servants to tidy up, but chose to sleep with the little boy. one room.

After escaping from Luohua Village together, Lan Qin felt that he had established a special connection with the child, and he planned to propose adoption when the child woke up.

Anyway, there is no one else in the Lan family now, and he wants to fall in love with his partner. Anyway, it is impossible to leave offspring for the Lan family, so he might as well adopt a child for the Lan family.

And this kid also looks like Yuxue is very smart and well-behaved, so he is a very good choice.

Lan Qin barely slept for two hours before waking up, and lay on the bed with his face propped halfway to see the peaceful sleeping face of this child, the more he looked at it, the more adorable he felt.

As for the pair of red pupils that would look a bit creepy to others, it would be fine to have a pair of contact lenses at that time, and it would not be a problem at all.

If you really want to adopt this child into Lan's family, shouldn't you give him a name? It can be combined with his own name to form a word, for example, Lampe can make up an admiration.

Or let the child decide what name he wants?

This child has never spoken, and the villagers have never called the child's name. Could it be that the child has no name at all?

Did he look through the dictionary more? After all, this is the first time he has named someone else!

Lan Qin fell into the excitement of raising a baby here, while Butler Liu had already done everything, and when he learned from the servant that the young master hadn't had dinner, Butler Liu's heart immediately arose.

Although on the surface it looks like the young master is sleeping in the room, but maybe the young master has already swollen his eyes from crying.

And the young master has been busy all day, if he continues to cry like this, without eating dinner, his body will definitely not be able to bear it!

Thinking of this, Butler Liu immediately went to the second bedroom on the second floor and carefully knocked on the door. If it weren't for the sound insulation effect of the Lan family's room, Butler Liu actually wanted to put his ear up to hear if the young master was crying .

"Master, dinner is ready! You should have dinner first, no matter how sad you are, you have to eat first, otherwise the master and wife will leave without peace of mind." Liu Butler said earnestly, and then remembered what the servants

said The young master also brought back a thin and thin child from outside, and added, "Master, even if you don't have an appetite for dinner, you have to think about that child. He is so young and so thin, and it is time for him to grow up." , it will be bad for your health if you don't eat it."

The warm atmosphere in the room has long been dissipated by Butler Liu's nagging. Lan Qin looked at the child's distressed expression as he stretched out his hands and rubbed his eyes, and didn't explain anything to him. He just gently hugged the child from the bed stand up.

"Wash your face first, and then you can go down to have a big meal."

Lan Qin carried the child to the bathroom, where a caring servant had placed a baby chair so that the child could brush his teeth and wash his face.

The child had already learned how to brush his teeth and wash his face under the guidance of the servant before going to bed. Lan Qin saw the child's decent movements, and looked at the very cute little yellow duck pajamas on him, so he went out with confidence. Open the door to Steward Liu.

Liu Butler looked him up and down immediately after opening the door of the second bedroom. Although he didn't find any signs of his eyes being swollen from crying, he still understood the discomfort and pain in the young master's heart.

"Master, it's already seven o'clock in the evening, let's have dinner first." Liu Butler said with concern.

And Lan Qin nodded, "Wait for the child to wash his face before we come together."

The child quickly finished washing his face and came out. In order to make the child more suitable for living in this room, the servants also thoughtfully paved the whole room. Putting on the blanket, the child didn't get his feet dirty when he came out.

Before Lan Qin could speak, the child went to the bedside to put on his shoes, then obediently walked to Lan Qin's side, and looked up at Lan Qin eagerly, obviously looking forward to the next big meal.

Lan Qin pinched the child's tender face, said "little greedy cat", and then led the child's hand downstairs.

At this time, Steward Liu, who was walking at the back, saw this warm scene, and was very glad that there was a child to comfort the young master's wounded heart, and it could also divert their young master's attention, so don't be immersed in it all the time. In the pain of losing his parents.

At first, Butler Liu wanted to ask about the child's background. If the background was wrong, it would be better to hand it over to the police station, but now seeing the relationship between the young master and the child, he immediately changed his mind.

It is true that the popularity of the Lan family is too deserted, maybe it would be better to have a child.

Moreover, Butler Liu could also tell that this child was now a consolation for the young master.

How could he have the heart to take this child away? !

Lan Qin didn't know that Steward Liu still had the idea of ​​sending the child away. He also knew that it was impossible for the child to live well in other places like this. This kid must have played an important role in the original mission world as well.

It's just that if he brings it out now, then naturally the child will not be allowed to encounter the things in the task details.

Although there were only two people eating dinner, the chefs in the kitchen still made a lot of tricks, just worried that they would lose their jobs in Lan's family.

Lan Qin didn't intend to fire anyone, after all, these servants didn't do anything wrong. The heroine's family was able to enter the house so easily, largely because the original owner's parents were so kind to the family and would often invite them over for dinner. As for the heroine, she even knew the password of the Lan family's alarm system. Clearly.

The original owner's family was so defenseless against the heroine's family, but they ended up in such a miserable end,

which really confirmed the truth of "Dou Mi En Sheng Mi Qiu" and "People are good and are bullied".

After Lan Qin returned to Lan's house, of course he asked Steward Liu to change all the important passwords in the house, and he also made sure that only he and Steward Liu knew it. A moth.

When Lan Qin was sleeping, Steward Liu had already arranged the board and lodging for the invited celestial masters, and now one of the celestial masters who had eaten and drank enough to stay with Lan Qin, the master, for protection, while the others surrounded him. Lan's house started a blanket search.

After all, no one can guarantee whether there will be any pre-set traps in Lan's house. After the two hostesses and hostesses were killed in the master bedroom, the most important thing is to invite a celestial master to eliminate the danger of ghosts claiming their lives. .

And the hostess's family who happily moved in without doing this matter, in the eyes of outsiders, they are either fools or lunatics.

Those celestial masters checked the inside and outside of Lan's house, and found that this mansion of Lan's house was cleaner and more thorough than many mansions, and there was no trace of ghost at all.

At most, the master bedroom has a bit of a ghostly aura left, but with the passage of time, it has become very weak, and it can be regarded as non-existent.

This was beyond Steward Liu's expectations, but it's a good thing that the house is clean, after all, this is the place where the young master lived since he was a child, not only the young master was unwilling to move out, but he was also reluctant.

Lan Qin is not surprised that the house is very clean, because this is the house where the protagonist will live for several years, how could there be dirty things left? Moreover, after the death of the original owner's parents, the male protagonist Tan Qianhe also came here, and any dirty things must not escape his eyes.

This is also the basis for the heroine's family to move in happily. Otherwise, no matter how bold they are, it is impossible to move in immediately in a house where a murder occurred.

But now that the hostess' family is suspected of being the murderer, it is inevitable that the male host who once handled the mansion for the hostess' family will also be involved.

Lan Chin wanted to see how important the hero's backstage was.

And Lan Qin didn't believe that at this point, the hero Tan Qianhe, a smart person, still doesn't understand what the heroine is.

If you understand that the hero is still willing to love each other with the heroine, then Lan Qin can't say anything more.


matter of the Lan family has come to an end for the time being, and Tan Qianhe is indeed caught in a dilemma as Lan Qin said.

Tan Qianhe's master, Fa Chanzi, was even more furious when he knew that his apprentice had caused such a disaster, and that two lives were lost.

But seeing that his apprentice was seriously injured for suppressing the thousand-year-old red demon ghost, Fa Chanzi could only feel sorry for his apprentice first, "Since you owe the karma of two lives to the Nalan family, then you can get back in the future." Find an opportunity to return, otherwise you will find it difficult to cultivate the Dao in this life."

After returning from rebirth, Tan Qianhe, who was in a hurry to exchange himself before the master was seriously injured, heard the master's advice, and thought of Lan, who had already made a private decision with him for life. Lan was a little hesitant to speak.

In his previous life, his master was seriously injured and died because of the catastrophe he caused. This is Tan Qianhe's lifelong regret. Now that he can save his master, it is already a great fortune.

Since the master hopes that he can cultivate the Dao more, and he has never established a marriage relationship with Lan Lan in his life, then he should just cut off the world of mortals!

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