7.15: Snake Tail Now

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First Hospital of City A.

After dinner, Lan Qin went to the next ward to visit the driver, the two celestial masters, and the two surviving bodyguards.

It's just that none of them were as lucky as Lan Chin, or it can be said that none of them had the favor of evil gods, so they were all seriously injured.

But fortunately, there is no fear of life, plus there is a large amount of compensation from the Lan family, it is definitely much better than those two innocent bodyguards who died in vain.

In addition to visiting the five survivors, Lan Qin also asked Steward Liu to visit the homes of the two bodyguards who died unfortunately, and the compensation must be implemented as soon as possible.

This is the only thing the Lan family can do for them.

Lan Chin felt very guilty about the death of the two bodyguards, but his guilt was useless. According to the Tan family's investigation, the two bodyguards were killed by the evil spirits before the car rushed out of the cliff.

As for the other two bodyguards who survived because they were sitting in the front car with a celestial master, they had a chance to escape from the car before it was blown up.

As the most powerful middle-aged celestial master in the team, in fact, facing the inquiries of the Tan family and the police, he didn't quite understand how they survived the encirclement of the four evil spirits.

According to his strength, at most he can save the young master of the Lan family, the patron who gave money. As for others, such as drivers and bodyguards, he is probably about to die at the hands of evil spirits.

But the strange thing is that there are many more people who survived than he calculated, which is also what the elders of the Tan family feel puzzled.

"According to the investigation at the scene, you shouldn't have survived so many people. Did something special happen at that time?"

The elders of the Tan family carefully questioned the two celestial masters who were seriously injured. In their opinion, those evil spirits must have killed two people and then kidnapped a child before leaving calmly.

If they want to investigate the matter clearly and rescue the child named Lan Mu, they must understand all the circumstances at that time.

It's just that the survivors couldn't give too many clues, and even the two celestial masters couldn't figure out why those evil spirits who had the upper hand suddenly withdrew.

"Ghost mist permeates the entire field, and all of us are blocked in that temporary ghost creature. It is really difficult to discern the movements of evil spirits." The young celestial

master actually wanted to speak when he heard his master say these words. , but he was scratched by the kid all over his face, and the wound spread to his neck, making it difficult for him to speak normally.

Therefore, the elders of the Tan family and the police did not let the young celestial master talk too much, but just asked some questions routinely, and he only needed to nod or shake his head.

The elders of the Tan family couldn't get the clues they wanted from their peers, and of course they didn't think they would get any important information from an ordinary person like Lan Qin, so they could only leave the hospital frowning.

In fact, the young celestial master has nothing to explain, he just thought of the young master of the Lan family, he saw Lan Qin's care and love for his younger brother with his own eyes, and when he heard that the child was missing, he was very anxious to help find the child.

Lan Qin must be very anxious and worried now, he only hated himself for not being able to accompany Lan Qin immediately.

Because many things are not what he wants to do.

In Lan Qin's heart, maybe he is the most ordinary celestial master, and he is still a rookie celestial master with insufficient ability, otherwise why can't he help Lan Qin protect his younger brother.

Thinking of this, it was hard for the young celestial master not to feel depressed.

Now his face is injured by ghost energy, he has to rest on the hospital bed for a month to recover, and there is another point, the physique of the celestial master is special, it is best to go back to his sect or family retreat to recuperate his wounds is the most correct choice .

Therefore, the middle-aged Tianshi did not intend to stay in the first hospital for a long time. As he has been single for most of his life and plans to continue to be single, he does not have the delicate mind to detect the worries of his apprentices.

From the perspective of the middle-aged celestial master, they were hired by the Lan family to protect Lan Qin, and then they also tried their best to protect that young master Lan. Now that they were seriously injured, they were paid and compensated. Then the next step is to settle the transaction, what? It's time to go.

The young celestial master

didn't know what reason he could have to stay, and in the end he could only follow the master out of the hospital in a depressed mood.

The middle-aged celestial master thought that his apprentice had encountered such an evil incident when he just graduated from the teacher. His confidence was hit, so he comforted him with a serious expression, "You are still young, come out with Master and me to see more in the future, and you will be able to It's normal to know this kind of thing. But generally speaking, we don't encounter such evil things in broad daylight. This time, our master and apprentice are not lucky." After speaking, the middle-aged celestial master slapped his

apprentice The back of his head, let him not be so lifeless as if his parents died, "Young people should be like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and young celestial masters should be full of vigor, otherwise they will be killed by those evil spirits if they don't have enough yang energy." I took advantage of it!"

The young celestial master was beaten up by his master, and he quickly cheered up, "Yes, master, good master." The

middle-aged celestial master saw that his apprentice was still in a low mood, He just shook his head and decided to let him go first, after all, it was really unlucky to run into evil in the daytime this time!

But fortunately, the money they earned was not too small. The remuneration plus compensation was already five or six hundred thousand, which was enough for him to enjoy a luxurious life for a long time.

As for what to do after the money is spent, the middle-aged Tianshi said that let's wait until the money is spent first. In the worst case, I will go to the master to get some funds for action. In short, I won't starve his apprentice no matter what.

Patriarch: Huh? Right, right, just because my son is your apprentice, so you are so confident, right? ! Not only embezzled my son's salary, but also asked me for money in turn, I really convinced you, the sixth child!


was already seven o'clock in the evening when Butler Liu came back after dealing with the two bodyguards. He was still worried about his young master, so he insisted on staying with him in the hospital. By the way, he also said that the two celestial masters had left with money .

For the departed Celestial Master, Lanqin only had one impression of conscientiousness, and the others were not that impressive. But Lan Qin, who has no injuries at all, doesn't want an old man to take care of him, and more importantly, he doesn't need to take care of him either!

And Lan Qin had a premonition that Lan Mu, who didn't know where to chase the evil spirit, would definitely find him tonight.

Lan Qin is still very confident about the extent to which Lan Mu relies on him.

Maybe something happened to Lan Mu, so he disappeared for an afternoon.

At the same time, after going through the details of the mission carefully, Lan Qin felt that this time's encounter with evil spirits was not an accident, and it was very likely that someone else was attacking the Lan family.

And the purpose is to kill everyone in the Lan family.

If the hostess Lan Lan's family has this ability, Lan Qin will doubt the hostess's family without hesitation.

But according to Liu Butler's monitoring results of the hostess' family, it is very accurate proof that the hostess's family has been beaten back to their original shape like a fox pretending to be a tiger, not to mention that they are here to continue to frame Lan Qin. It is difficult to change the bad status quo.

So who on earth would have such animosity against the original owner's family? The key is that he still has the ability to drive so many evil spirits to kill him.

In City A, where there are many celestial master families, there are not many people who have the courage and ability to do such a thing.

It's just that no matter how much Lan Qin analyzed the several big families in City A, he couldn't find a suitable enemy.

Lan Guanshan and his wife were able to spend more than 20 years in urban area A to build such a large foundation, which is not low in ability. Could it be that they made enemies during this entrepreneurial process?

Lan Qin lay on the bed in the high-end VIP ward, while using the computer to handle various company affairs, while thinking about the enemy hiding in the dark.

In the end, Lan Qin focused on the fortune-telling master who told the heroine's family in the mission details. This master's origin is unknown, but he is an important figure in the mission details who pushed the heroine's family to kill Lan Guanshan and his wife.

It's just a pity that the details of the task did not describe the master's situation in detail, which made Lanqin a little unable to find out.

Lan Qin also guessed whether it would be the Tan family, but considering that the male protagonist Tan Qianhe's family would not use such a devious and insidious method if they wanted to deal with Lan Guanshan, an ordinary businessman.

Moreover, as the Tan family is

one of the , it is obviously difficult to get involved with the Lan Guanshan family.

Lan Qin also thought that Lan Guanshan was a child who was lost or abducted since he was a child. Could it be that Lan Guanshan's real identity is related to the world of celestial masters?

Lan Qin started guessing wildly, but didn't realize that he had already guessed half right.

After dealing with the business and watching the news to relax, Lan Qin went to take a shower at nine o'clock on time, and then went to bed on time at half past nine.

He thought that Lan Mu would come back to look for him tonight, but he didn't expect that Lan Mu came back, but he had completely changed his appearance.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Lan Mu has completely digested all kinds of evil thoughts that he got by accident this time, because those evil spirits backfired and killed the entire Xin family who participated in raising evil spirits, so the evil thoughts that Lan Mu received did not only come from Devil's.

Compared with those ferocious-faced evil spirits, the relatively small number of Xin family exudes more evil thoughts. This is really beyond the expectation of the evil god, but it makes sense after thinking about it casually.

Human beings are afraid of evil spirits, and evil spirits are also afraid of evil spirits.

Compared with the evil ghosts who are full of killing, the evil thoughts of human beings are multi-layered, even so complicated that even human beings cannot explain them clearly.

And what's even more outrageous is that evil spirits are transformed from human beings after death.

Lan Mu has no interest in killing people. It is useless to kill good people, and it is not interesting to kill bad people. Killing evil spirits is more interesting to the evil god.

After absorbing a huge amount of evil thoughts, the evil god incarnated by evil thoughts soon ushered in another growth, and this time the evil thoughts were enough to make it look like

nine years old.

It just absorbed too many evil thoughts at one time, causing its snake tail to become extremely restless, and it was almost difficult to hide.

It takes some time to adapt to these evil thoughts, but it feels that it has no extra time at all, and it wants to meet its believers immediately!

After the evil god found that he had grown up, he couldn't wait to show his followers a new look of himself-only the lively and swimming snake tail stopped his desire.

Originally, it could follow the believer's breath to the No. 1 Hospital in City A at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, but in order to allow time to control the disobedient snake tail, it could only wait quietly outside the hospital.

Until those human beings came and went, wave after wave, among them were the few celestial masters it disliked the most.

If it weren't for the fact that these celestial masters neither hindered its actions, nor made its followers treat them any special way, the evil god was targeting a few celestial masters who didn't mind killing them.

These celestial masters are unpleasant existences in the eyes of any evil spirit, and the evil god happens to be the biggest evil spirit.

Lan Qin didn't know that the "child" he was thinking of had already come to his side, and it was only because the snake tail was very disobedient that he stayed outside temporarily instead of coming in directly to scare its believers.

In the previous life, when many human beings saw the appearance of the evil god with a human body and a snake tail, they would be so frightened that they screamed and screamed. This is an extremely displeasing behavior of the evil god.

It didn't want to get such a reaction from Lanchin, but as time passed bit by bit, its snake tail was still very active, and it didn't mean to be obedient at all.

This made the evil god feel extremely irritated.

After patiently waiting until eleven o'clock at night, the tail of the snake still did not change at all. The evil god finally decided not to hibernate, but went directly to meet its believers.

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