8.11: God of Light

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Unikaven Kadir, as the Kingdom of Litulu, is also the strongest The only crown prince of the Great Kingdom, in Litulu, a country that does not believe in gods, is naturally the most noble and powerful person.

But that was all from the previous life, and in this life, Kadir is only a four-year-old child. Although he has great ambitions, he still has to be bound by his young body.

After being reborn, Kadir was most concerned about the situation of the Kingdom of Goss, because this kingdom was the first stop for him to rule the Yinzhou Continent. He used his marriage to erode and annex the Kingdom of Goss, which is protected by the God of Light. My proudest achievement.

Naturally, Kadir, who was reborn, couldn't wait to complete this achievement again!

It's just that he is constrained by the four-year-old juvenile body, he still has to coax the mother who is not very good at thinking as he did in the previous life, otherwise he will really wait for his father and the so-called true love to meet, get acquainted and fall in love, and give birth to the next crystallization of love , I'm afraid things will be very difficult.

In the last life, Kadir indirectly eliminated those younger brothers who might compete with him for the throne through the hands of his own mother. Even the illegitimate younger brother who was hidden and raised by his father for seven or eight years died in his hands. inside.

Kadir can even abandon his father, king and mother, let alone his wife in the previous life.

As long as he successfully completes the great cause of ruling Yinzhou Continent, then he will be the greatest and most powerful man in human history!

Kadir is extremely confident in his own strength, and believes that if the God of Light hadn't left before he took full control of the Kingdom of Goss, he would definitely be able to accomplish the feat of killing God.

Kadir, who died when he was at his best, is now more confident than ever, even to the point of arrogance.

If he is not very clear that he still has a lot of things to worry about now, and he is indeed too young, it is impossible to be the new king of the Litulu Kingdom, otherwise he would have given up his father who has no achievements and no ambitions. to kill.

Only a mighty king can sit on that supreme throne!

If the king of the Litulu Kingdom knew what Kadir was thinking, he might just pick up the king's scepter and beat the traitor to death. Could it be that their Litulu Kingdom did not want to believe in the God of Light? That's not because the God of Light ignored their prayers at all, and only favored the Kingdom of Goss!

As long as it can be favored by the God of Light, it is definitely a symbol of the rise and strength of a kingdom. Litulu became the most powerful country because of the war, but the war brought Litulu Kingdom not only victory and honor, but also There is death.

Countless deaths are staged in the Kingdom of Litulu every year, but if it wants to maintain its position as the number one.powerful.state, it must be filled with human lives!

The Litulu Kingdom dares to do business that other countries dare not do. The Litulu Kingdom dares to deal with powerful races such as dragons, elves, and orcs that other countries dare not mess with. The profession of dragon knight also emerged from the Litulu Kingdom.

In this country that has evolved into a killing machine from top to bottom, emotions such as kindness, sympathy, and weakness should not be present.

It is also because of this that the Litulu Kingdom, where all the people are soldiers, can become the most powerful country in the Yinzhou Continent.

All the countries in the Yinzhou Continent think that the subjects of the Litulu Kingdom are lunatics, and they really don't understand why the people of the Litulu Kingdom are so desperate?

In a situation where even life is threatened, no matter how much profit and money can be created, it is no blessing to enjoy it!

Why did the Litulu Kingdom become such a crazy state? Probably only the God of Light and the Deceitful Demon King know the real reason.

Because the Kingdom of Litulu and the Kingdom of Goss, these two places are the game fields of the God of Light and the Deceitful Demon King, and the bet is the absolute control of the entire Silver Boat Continent and the main body.

As long as the Kingdom of Litulu can annex the Kingdom of Goss, or the Kingdom of Goss can annex the Kingdom of Litulu, there will be a loser between the God of Light and the Deceitful Demon King, and the loser will have to pay a heavy price !

Whether it is the God of Light or the Deceitful Demon King, they don't want to be the loser, just because their strengths are equal, it is not easy to decide the winner immediately.

But fortunately,

the lives of both him and the Deceitful Demon King are long enough, and this gamble will inevitably result in a winner.

Perhaps even the God of Light could not have imagined that in the game between the two gods, there would be two accidents.

The God of Light sat on the cold and white throne with an indifferent expression. He was sleeping with his eyes closed in his divine domain. This was something he would do often, because it would calm his impetuous heart again.

It's just that the constant prayers and calls for help from the believers fell into the consciousness of the gods, and the God of Light had to open his eyes again.

He originally planned to sleep for twenty years this time. On the one hand, he wanted to avoid the black dragon who was probably in estrus of brain damage, and on the other hand, he wanted to give the Kingdom of Goss a little more time.

The growing strength of the Litulu Kingdom in recent years is naturally seen by the God of Light, and this is obviously inseparable from the various plans of the Deceitful Demon King. There is also a clever, but in estrus, deceitful demon king, which is definitely in line with the typical characteristics of the dragon family.

That is, the mind is simple and the limbs are well-developed. If it is not for the hottest temper and the strongest strength, any human being may be able to kill him with a sharp sword.

The God of Light was never willing to look up to that stupid dragon that made him frown.

But the God of Light will not worry about the other 'self' encountering misfortune. After all, although the stupid dragon is really stupid, even so stupid that he came directly to the Kingdom of Goss to play with him, and suddenly met an ordinary human on the way. Cross-eyed, but fortunately, the stupid dragon's strength is still acceptable.

Although he is only half as strong as the Deceiver Demon King, it is enough to look down upon all creatures in the entire Yinzhou Continent.

The God of Light is thinking about many things, and he casually responds to the prayers of some more devout believers, so that they don't have to worry about the black dragon, and He will take care of it.

The God of Light tried his best not to think about that ordinary human being, but for some reason, he always recalled the scene when they met for the first time.

In fact, it wasn't just the stupid dragon who couldn't take his eyes off the human being. The God of Light knew that he was the same, but compared to the simple thoughts of the dragon, the God of Light was more restrained and forgetful.

Many gods on Yinzhou Continent were all killed by his body tens of thousands of years ago, and in order to kill all the old gods, his body even split into two completely different avatars. , so that the gods of the two camps of light and darkness can be eliminated.

It's just that the main body fell into a deep sleep in the end due to serious injuries. Only when the two clones return to the main body at the same time can the main body really wake up.

But returning to the original body means that the avatar will die, which is something neither the God of Light nor the Deceitful Demon King can accept.

So the two new gods unanimously decided to let the main body sleep forever.

The bet with the deceitful devil is just an interesting thing in a long life. As for whether he will really return to his original body after the bet is over, it is still an uncertain thing.

The main body of the God of Light and the Deceitful Demon King is the God of Destruction who controls the power of destruction, and as their distraction, they are also destruction in nature.

It's just that compared to the deceitful demon king who prefers the destruction of deceitful souls, the God of Light prefers to stand behind the scenes and direct everything, and then savor the destruction in the whole process.

The Kingdom of Litulu and the Kingdom of Goss are not the first playgrounds of the God of Light and the Deceitful Lord, nor will they be the last.

It's just that the God of Light at this time thought of the human being who was obsessed with the black dragon, and knew that the stupid dragon was so obsessed with robbing people on the spot, he knew that something uncontrollable had happened in this bet.

"It's just how long can He maintain this obsession?"

The God of Light sighed in a low voice. The estrus period of a dragon is usually one or two years. Although the estrus period of the black dragon has been advanced now, it also means that will end early.

Once the estrus period is over, I am afraid that the human being who was once so infatuated with by the black dragon will be torn to pieces by the angry black dragon.

The deceitful demon king who is more proud than the God of Light will not allow an ordinary human to deceive his feelings. I am afraid that the entire Kingdom of Goss will be implicated.

However, it is not troublesome to choose another kingdom to participate in the game.

After the God of Light lowered his eyes and thought about it, he decided to continue to close his eyes and meditate for a while. Maybe when He wakes up, this absurd matter can be settled.


king who was fortunate enough to be answered by the God of Light immediately smiled. He took the queen's hand and said that the supreme god had decided to deal with the black dragon, and the Kingdom of Goss would no longer be infested by evil dragons.

The queen was also happy, but besides being happy, she was a little worried.

Whenever something bad happens in the Kingdom of Goss, it will only pray to the God of Light for help, and the God of Light seems to always respond to requests, but because of this, the subjects of the Kingdom of Goss gradually rely on the God of Light, and are no longer willing to work hard on their own to get stronger.

If one day the God of Light detests the Kingdom of Goss, then the Kingdom of Goss, which has the largest population and wealth, will definitely be invaded and annexed by other kingdoms, and what awaits the subjects of Goss must be the most miserable life in hell.

Every time the queen has such a prediction, she will be terrified. After all, their neighbor Litulu Kingdom has been eyeing them all the time, so it is really hard for people to rest assured.

But maybe only the queen who was not born and bred in the Kingdom of Goss would have such worries. Everyone else has great trust in the God of Light. Even the queen occasionally talks about her worries with the king, but the king never takes it to heart. superior.

He even laughed and comforted the queen not to have unnecessary troubles. After all, the God of Light used to save the ancestors of all human beings with a huge silver boat. It is impossible for humans to exist in Zhou Continent.

Of course, in addition to this, the God of Light has also saved other races, such as elves and orcs, and only races with rough skin and strong flesh like dragons and demons do not need the salvation and protection of the God of Light.

The queen didn't know why she had such worries, but she hoped that her worries would never come true.

Lanchin didn't know anything because he was still sleeping with the dragon.

And the system 1122 is so worried that it almost loses all the hair that needs to be done with data!

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