9.3: Extra 3

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After Lanqin found out that something was wrong with Huang Xing, he began to proceed more carefully Observing the shooting, Lan Qin could only face the difficulties in view of the tasks required by the program group.

First of all, the first task is to interview an alien at random, and the location and time are not limited, but to do the second task, the first task must be completed first.

And if he wants to finish filming and leave Desolate Star, he must complete the ten tasks arranged by the program team.

Before Lan Qin decided to participate in this "Star Trek" program, he also knew the content of previous programs, so he probably knew what the ten missions were like.

It is nothing more than finding a strange alien to get to know after arriving on the alien planet, and then becoming friends, lovers, or enemies with him, and finally doing the remaining nine things together.

Because the ten tasks arranged by the program group are closely related to the selected alien, so the contestants must choose carefully.

Lan Chin once saw netizens disclose on the Internet that some star players would arrange an alien friend they knew in private, or simply use money to buy an alien to cooperate with their filming.

Of course, Lan Qin himself did not have the opportunity to meet aliens. In fact, Lan Qin was too poor to have been out of the planet, so he would not have any alien friends.

As for using money to buy an alien, Lan Qin didn't even have the financial resources.

Lan Qin had lunch in the hotel, and then planned to go out to find a suitable alien. He only hoped to meet aliens other than robots in the deserted star, otherwise he would have to rely on a pair of naked eyes to fight against humans. Choose one of the robots that is less hostile to humans.

That's too bad!

When Lan Chin set off from the hotel, God also prepared 108 backup options for His partner.

He didn't believe that none of the 108 choices along the way could satisfy his partner's pickiness.

Of course, before that, God has completely cleared this way in advance, so that His partner will have no other choice.

System 1122 watched the host walk on the road prepared by God, and was immediately excited. He wished to see the success of the host and God holding hands now, and then it would follow the host Lanqin to the pinnacle of success!

It's just that things didn't develop as expected by System 1122. At least System 1122 watched Lan Qin skip one handsome robot after another without making any choices.

This made System 1122 extremely anxious. If it wasn't for being unable to contact its host now, it would definitely have cheated on Lord Shenming immediately!

For example, say more good things about the gods in the host's ears?

But maybe the Lord God doesn't need its help... So far it seems to be going well.

Lanchin picked a passer-by who didn't look like a robot, but might still be a robot, and to Lanchin's surprise, the passer-by approached him.

Well, it's probably because he's being affectionate, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see the expectation and joy from the expressionless face of this passer-by.

Lan Chin: "..."

Why did he see so many strange emotions on such a face? But this is also a good thing. After all, if it is really a robot, there is a high probability that it does not have such rich facial expressions.

The robots that help humans and daily life are formatted to stay on the blue star to continue serving humans, while the aggressive robots that are specially used for war are all defected.

According to the speculation of uncertain netizens, the high probability is that human beings intend to completely destroy the robots that generate self-awareness, just to control those robots that are out of control.

But it is a pity that human beings were defeated in the end, and the robots escaped from the blue star on a large scale, and occupied the desolate star as the residence of the mechanical clan.

As a planet with no real resources, Desolate Star really deserves the name Desolate Star.

Except for robots that basically don't need anything and are very hardworking, probably no other race would bother to occupy a useless desolate star.

When Lanqin and the alien friend he

had just made were starting the second mission, the drone camera that Lanqin carried with him also transmitted his today's shooting back to the director team.

The entire program team didn't pay much attention to the shooting content of Lan Qin, the unlucky contestant. The chief director only sent an assistant director to take a look, and the counselor was more perfunctory. Just let the people below let it out for the audience to see.

Anyway, they shot a total of six groups in this issue. The group like Lan Qin is just an embarrassment for the little beauties that investors are looking for. Basically, no one will care about a starlet who is not even 18-line.

Even the person in charge of reviewing and shooting the video just checked casually. After confirming that there is no illegal content such as pornography, violence, blood, etc., they immediately clicked to broadcast live on the entire network.

An hour has passed since Lan Qin took pictures of the daily tasks and sent them back to the program team, and then the program team reviewed and checked them, and then uploaded them to the star network for live broadcast on the whole network.

Usually, it takes at least an hour to review and make appropriate edits before uploading to Xingwang for live broadcast on the whole network.

Lan Qin didn't expect that his live video would be broadcast live on the star network faster than other players.

So he didn't immediately check the barrage on the star network, but just carried out a series of tasks with his new friends very seriously.

"Mission 2: Go to a couple's restaurant with new friends? Is there a couple's restaurant on Desolate Star?! It's outrageous, this task is simply unreasonable!"

After reading the task content sent by the program team on the optical brain, Lan Qin frowned directly.

And those netizens who flocked in because other star players hadn't started the live broadcast yet, and there was only such a boring live broadcast of the starless star also thought it was incredible.

--Is the program group crazy? Where is there a restaurant for couples in Desolate Star? They only have production lines and military bases, after all, they are all lunatics who don't need to fall in love!

--That's right, that's right, finding a couple's restaurant in the territory of the mechanical clan is like looking for bones in an egg, it's impossible. Is the program team targeting this contestant?

--I think it should be obvious from the fact that this beautiful woman is being targeted by the show crew! It's just that I can't figure it out, if a big beauty can't succeed in doing something, she can become popular even if she just becomes an Internet celebrity! Of course, the online celebrity live broadcast I'm talking about must be the late-night one.

--According to the appearance of this star player, if I really do those special live broadcasts, I hope I can be the first in the list, so that I can make him do this, and then do that, and finally um... ...Of course, I must be talking about some eighteen forbidden things, please don't get me wrong.

--Is everyone so calm? Then I'm welcome! Big beauty, come and let me shashashasha! I'm a pervert, I don't need to be rational, I'm going to cum now. Explode! Although, I don't have that tool.

--Sister upstairs, I understand you! Let's hehehe together!

--Such a beautiful wife, how could the program crew be willing to throw him to the desolate star where chickens don't lay eggs and birds don't shit? Why not deliver it directly to my home, let me hug and hold my wife up close?

--Please stop saying such misleading words! Do you know how much effort it will take to coax me, the jealous king of the universe, when my beautiful wife comes back? !

--It seems that everyone is coveting my beautiful wife. For my wife's beautiful appearance and long white and slender legs, draw your swords!

- Bayonet fight, come if you have the guts!


--Hohohoho! It seems that everyone is crazy, but I am 28 centimeters, my wife, you choose me! ! !


The problem of the second task was finally solved by the new friends, because Lan Qin really didn't know and couldn't find the couple restaurant on the deserted star.

The new friend's name is Huo Ning, and it seems that his status in Desolate Star is quite good. Of course, it may be because of his money ability. Anyway, Lan Qin didn't wait long, and then Huo Ning took him to a restaurant with a very simple decoration.

Lan Qin looked at this restaurant, which was almost only in three colors of black, white and gray, and recalled the scene of the deserted star that he had seen before. Basically, it was from the spaceship base station to

every Three very minimalist colours.

"Maybe it's a bit presumptuous for me to ask this question, but I'm still very curious. Why are there only three colors of black, white and gray on the deserted star? Of course, if it's not convenient to answer, you don't have to answer." Horning's eyes were on Lan Qin's face

. Looking back and forth, probably only the system 1122 can know the deep affection.

But obviously after the live broadcast, there are still a large number of keen-eyed netizens who can find out.

--I always feel that there is something wrong with this robot, but I feel relieved when I think that the mechanical clan does not have such organs. I'm even glad that the little beauty got the Desolate Star instead of other planets.

--It is like this, although the blood-stained planet drawn by the Zerg may be treated as a mother to lay eggs on the spot, and then we will look at a large twisting mosaic; or the star of the birth of the Angel family , and then we can see the cold and ascetic appearance wearing a platinum holy robe and praying. Well, I probably want to express something, everyone understands, right?

--Not bad, but I still prefer the orcs and centaurs. I heard that they are all talented in a certain way, and they basically start two hours at a time.

--Although our human males are very short, they are actually quite good, and their best feature is that they can be the most confident men no matter how ordinary they are.

--I agree with the above statement.

--Agree + 1

--Agree + optical brain ID number.


-Let's change the topic to yellow... Ahem, let's go back to the serious topic. I think this robot named Huo Ning must have some special ideas about Lan Chin's beauty, otherwise how could it be possible to spend a lot of money to transform an ordinary restaurant into a restaurant for couples?

--I agree with the previous point of view, even if the robot's mobility can rank among the top three in the universe, it doesn't mean that they can get out the couple's restaurant in just ten minutes. This seems to be premeditated for a long time! Especially for the little beauty Lanqin to be so unlucky to draw Desolate Star, this cannot be regarded as a coincidence at all!

--The analysis is correct, continue next time.

--Well, I just came here to see the beauty, but what everyone said makes sense!


-Wait, what bullshit is this Horning talking about? There are only three colors of black, white and gray on the barren star, isn't it because robots don't like other colors? How is it that they give up other colors for efficiency? Just by looking at the robot with black hair and black eyes forever, you can know the truth, the beauty won't really believe it?

--No way, no way, I really believed it. Could it be that the big beauty I climbed over the wall to chase is still a stupid beauty? I have to say, I still like stupid beauties very much. She has a simple mind, and he will believe what you say, and will look at you with soft and clear eyes, as if you are his heaven and earth. so!

--If you are so good at metaphors, please use more metaphors, we can bear it!

--Support and support, in fact, I still want to read some sex. Great beauty... If you have any, please be sure to chat with me privately!

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