- Crash the Evil in the Daylight - 7.1: Flower Village

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When the life of this task world comes to an end, Lan Qin will know him His partner will definitely leave with him.

After all, his partner is a human being older than him on the surface in this mission world, and it is already a miracle of love to live until he dies.

In the eyes of other people who don't know that Fu Zhizhang is a monster, things are indeed like this. Director Fu, who has retired long ago, has been holding on until his lover dies first.

After his lover, Dr. Lan Chin, passed away, Director Fu's health failed, and he stopped breathing quietly next to his lover's body that night.

After discovering that the lovers left together hand in hand, everyone in the 13th Base shed tears, even Dr. Ansi Kaimei, who came to see him off tremblingly and leaning on a cane, couldn't help but shed tears of both sadness and joy. tears.

The sad thing is that both Dr. Lanqin and Director Fu have passed away. The happy thing is that they can grow old together and live in the same bed and die in the same bed.

This is probably the most beautiful look of love.

After Lanqin's death, his soul still stayed beside the body, and then he saw with his own eyes that everyone in the base held a very grand funeral for them. Although he didn't have enough time to witness everyone help them to bury with his own eyes, Lanqin believed that he and his partner Must be sleeping in the same grave.

Another happy mission world passed, and Lan Qin returned to the system space contentedly, and at the same time was looking forward to the next mission world.

When choosing the mission world, Lan Qin found that the number of missions left for him by the system 1122 was actually only three. At that moment, Lan Qin felt a sense of uneasiness.

But after adjusting his mood, he left a message to the system 1122 saying that he hoped to arrange more tasks for him, after all, he just likes to do tasks (falling in love).

As for how gratified and happy System 1122 was when it received this message, and took this message to other systems to show off that it has a conscientious host, and then aroused the envy of countless systems towards System 1122, Lan Chin was absolutely right. I don't know.

As far as the three mission worlds were concerned, Lan Chin had nothing to choose from, so he randomly selected a mission world of "Crash the Evil by the Day" to confirm.

This should be a spiritual world similar to "Ghost Wedding Dress". Thinking of the mission world where he and his partner first met, Lan Qin always has a first love filter for the spiritual world.

Lan Qin felt that he was fully prepared for the strange things he would encounter in the new mission world, but after actually entering the mission world and receiving the memory of the original owner, Lan Qin was still taken aback.

The original owner's life before the age of eighteen was a true portrayal of smooth sailing, wealth and honor, but after the original owner's parents were killed by evil spirits, the original owner, a rich young master who grew up among all kinds of pets, became a poor little boy. The billions of dollars of property left by her parents was embezzled by the uncle's family, and even her life was lost in this remote mountain village.

Just after the college entrance examination, the original owner sent his classmates to this place called Luohua Village for a unique graduation trip. The original owner's parents didn't think this trip would be dangerous, so of course they agreed with a wave of their hands.

But at the time, no one knew that this would be the last time they would meet each other.

When the original owner was killed in Luohua Village, his biological parents were also killed by a thousand-year-old red demon female ghost, and the reason was just to give the hostess a chance to share the joys and sorrows with the male host.

The heroine of this mission world is named Lan Lan, who happens to be the daughter of the uncle who has received all the property of the original owner. Accidentally entangled the heroine Lan Lan who was pursuing the heroine.

But in the end, it was the parents of the original owner who were unlucky. The reason why the thousand-year-old female ghost attacked the parents of the original owner was that they thought they were the biological parents of the heroine, so she wanted to kill the parents to break the relationship between the hero and the heroine, but who knew that she would kill them? Wrong person.

When the hero Tan Qianhe saw that the female ghost could brutally kill two people at once, and even committed such a murder, he knew that this was not something he could handle, so he quickly contacted his master.

It's just that before the hero's master arrives, the hero and heroine have to survive the thousand-year-old female ghost's pursuit, so Lan Lan, who has been implicated by the hero many times but still works hard to save herself and the hero,

will successfully win the guilt and love of the hero. .

In the end, the thousand-year-old female ghost was suppressed by the hero's master, and the relationship between the hero and the heroine after several ups and downs has also been successfully cultivated.

Except that the innocent and involved original owner and the original owner's parents became the stepping stones of the relationship between the male and female protagonists, and the original owner also died in Luohua Village very unfortunately.

Originally, the original owner didn't have to die, because the male lead vaguely saw the black hair on the female lead and the original owner's forehead, so he politely told the female lead not to leave downtown A for the time being, but the female lead agreed, but did not tell the original owner about it.

So the original owner of the same class went to the graduation trip with the whole class as usual, but the heroine pretended to be sick to miss this graduation trip.

It is unknown whether the hostess deliberately did not tell the original owner, or just wanted the original owner to die, even at the expense of the entire class.

But just seeing that the final beneficiaries of the whole thing are the heroine's family, Lan Qin couldn't help but think a lot.

After all, compared to the original owner's father's outstanding ability and successful entrepreneurial experience, the original owner's uncle seemed to be doing nothing, and occasionally asked the hostess to come to fight the autumn wind, just to ask the original owner's father, the uncle, to help.

The heroine's grades in the high school entrance examination were not particularly good, and she had the opportunity to study in a key high school in city A because of the help of the original owner's father.

Although the heroine Lan Lan is unwilling to rely on the original owner's house because of her young girl's self-esteem, she will always have a share of the hostess when she comes over for dinner on weekends, or when the original owner's parents send things to the original owner.

Moreover, according to the task details, the heroine clearly knew that she and the hero were being entangled by a thousand-year-old female ghost, but she still went to visit the original owner's parents at this juncture, and even asked to stay overnight, which made Lan Qin think even more More.

But even if it is suspected that the death of the original owner and the original owner's parents were all carefully planned by the heroine, Lan Qin has to get through the current difficulties first.

Within two days of coming to Luohua Village, the classmate who proposed to come to Luohua Village for a graduation trip revealed his true face, and directly caused the villagers of Luohua Village to start a brutal massacre of these inexperienced high school students.

The scenery of Luohua Village in the daytime is very beautiful. Whether it is the fruitful orchards all over the mountain, the many crystal-clear streams, or the endless beautiful grass and flower fields, all the students who have just gone through the intense college entrance examination will linger and forget to leave.

But such a beautiful scenery takes on a different look at night, the moon is hidden behind the dark clouds, and the hot summer makes the nights very hot, but Luohua Village is windy and windy, and you can't even see your fingers.

The massacre happened on such a strange night. When the accompanying teachers and students realized that something was wrong, the 53 teachers and students who came over had already suffered numerous casualties.

The surviving teachers and students fled in all directions, screaming and running fast. If they were unlucky, they were caught and hacked to death on the spot. If they were lucky, they escaped from the siege of the villagers.

But the place was unfamiliar, and it was still a night when they couldn't see clearly. Not only the frenzied villagers, but even the students themselves didn't think they could escape alive.

And the original owner is also a student who escaped safely temporarily, but he has never been a young master from a rich family who does not touch the spring water. He doesn't know anything about survival in the mountains and forests and hiding hunters. Just separate the head from the body.

Before death, what the original owner missed most was his biological parents.

If the ax hadn't come down too fast, the original owner would probably have shouted 'Mom and Dad'.

When Lan Qin came over, the original owner just ran out of the encirclement of the villagers, but the next most important thing was where he was going.

In this strange mountain forest, no matter how he ran, it was impossible for him to outrun those native villagers.

So he had to find another way to survive.

Lan Qin licked his nervously dry and peeling lips, and finally decided to go to the back mountain where the villagers were very taboo to hide for a while.

It was the first time he encountered such a thing as escaping, but Lan Qin was not too anxious, because he knew the details of the mission and knew that his partner was in Luohua Village.

As long as his partner is around, Lan Chin will not be afraid.

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