1.18: Go Home

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He cannot directly tell Xu Yi, although he has already seen Xu Yi It is also intended to be a reborn person like him.

"That man, that man in red, is a ghost."

Qin Ziwei had no choice but to tell the truth in the end.

And Xu Yi was indeed shocked by what his boyfriend said, he subconsciously wanted to call Lan Qin and the others, and wanted to remind them that the man in red was dangerous, but Qin Ziwei covered his mouth.

"Don't make a sound, let them take those two dangerous ghosts away."

Qin Ziwei said in a rough voice, and raised his hand to forcefully stop Xu Yi's actions.

Xu Yi watched Lan Qin's group walk farther and farther, until they could not see any figure at all, then Qin Ziwei let go of Xu Yi's hands.

At this time, Xu Yi didn't have any thoughts, because he really couldn't understand what Qin Ziwei said just now.

"What do you mean by ghosts and gods? Those two strange men in ancient costumes are both evil ghosts-! This...how is this possible?!" Xu

Yi didn't understand how her boyfriend knew that the man and male ghost were ghosts and gods. After all, nothing special can be seen from the outside.

And he remembered that they didn't see the ghosts and gods in the ancient tomb in the previous life, and they just escaped from the ancient tomb with many traps alive by luck.

Did Ziwei encounter other things without his knowledge?

Qin Ziwei didn't know how to explain clearly to Xu Yi, so he just fooled around, saying that he had seen the portraits and names of ghosts and gods by accident in his previous life.

Xu Yi also thought of the Prince Yan who had been mentioned by the villagers, and now it seems that the 'Li Yan' introduced by Lan Qin just now is that Prince Yan.

However, after knowing this situation, Xu Yi subconsciously looked up at the sky and found that the sky was still bright and sunny, so he was a little puzzled, "It's daytime now, so this ghost can come out and move around freely?" Isn't this a bit unreasonable


Qin Ziwei was very dissatisfied with Xu Yi's reaction, but he didn't have the heart to mind it, so he immediately pulled him in the opposite direction.

Just leaving in the opposite direction, Xu Yi hesitated.

"Ziwei, I think Lan Qin has a good relationship with that ghost and god, and they are a couple, why don't we go with them?" "

No!" Qin Ziwei vetoed and quickly gave a reason.

"That Lanqin only came to Shiling Village for a few days, and the sacrifice to ghosts and gods has only been in the past half a day. Even if they are really related, it is impossible for them to have too deep feelings. It is just a matter of leaving Qin Shiling. If we really follow the words of the evil spirits to confuse people, we may not even know how they died." "

Xu Yi, don't forget the last life, those two people died much earlier than us! And that After the ghosts and gods left Qin Shiling, there was never anything about Lan Qin, which means that this person really died in Shiling Village in the previous life, but do you see any special reactions and actions of the ghosts and gods?" Such words made Xu

Yi He was stunned, but thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was really the case.

Seeing Xu Yi's relaxed attitude, Qin Ziwei quickly took him away from the place in the opposite direction without stopping.

He couldn't guarantee whether those two evil spirits would suddenly remember his appearance, and then come to kill him, so they had to go back to Shiling Village quickly, kidnap the woman named Chen Huyin and bring them one way.

From Qin Ziwei's point of view, that Lan Qin and Yang Jian were obviously like sheep who fell into the mouth of a tiger, and they must be killed by evil spirits soon, and it is impossible to even keep their souls.

Thinking of Lan Qin's beautiful face like a spring flower, Qin Ziwei also felt a little pity.

But when it comes to Li Yan, and Li Yan has Gong Shuxin's loyal dog beside him, Qin Ziwei can only avoid them.

After recovering all the memories, Qin Ziwei immediately made a decision to ask Lan Qin and Yang Jian to attract Li Yan's attention, and then he took advantage of this time to escape from Qin Shiling.

Qin Ziwei felt that his plan was very careful, coupled with the experience of his previous life, this time he would definitely be in a much better situation than the one who almost died of starvation and freezing in his previous life.

Xu Yi also felt that with experience, they would definitely be able to leave

Qin Shiling .

Although I am a little sorry for Lan Qin and Yang Jian who are in danger, but now that things have developed to this point, they are powerless to save more people.

But Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi at this time did not expect that this choice would soon make them too regretful.


Jian was wearing half-wet clothes and walked behind Lan Qin afraid of getting tired, and the tallest strange man Li Yan was walking beside Lan Qin.

Regarding Li Yan's true identity, Yang Jian was very nervous and didn't think much about it, but walked forward while chatting with Lan Qin.

As for the fact that Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi didn't follow up, Yang Jian was the first to find out, but he really didn't understand why the two college students didn't follow up.

Unable to understand, Yang Jian hurriedly called Lan Qin to stop, and was a little worried that the two college students had lost their way.

Before Lan Qin could speak, Gong Shuxin burst out laughing.

No one knew what Gong Shuxin was laughing at, but Lanqin could indeed ask Gong Shuxin what he was laughing at.

Gong Shuxin glanced at Yang Jian, and did not call Lan Qin 'Prince Princess' very sensiblely, but answered directly.

"As for those two people, there is no need to worry too much, because this Qin Shiling is no longer in any danger. After you have successfully left here, they can leave whenever they want. If they are worried about the villagers in Shiling Village, that's okay. You can rest assured, because those villagers have been completely imprisoned in Shiling Village." "

So as long as they are not stupid enough to run back to Shiling Village, they are 100% safe."

Gong Shuxin finished speaking confidently, but for Some of the facts hidden in his own words were not mentioned.

Yang Jian didn't understand why they would be safe once they left Qin Shiling, but since Lan Qin didn't speak, he should keep silent too.

They and Qin Ziwei Xuyi just met by chance, the two didn't go with them, obviously they didn't trust them, so he didn't need to worry about the two healthy college students with normal IQ.

Yang Jian was relieved, and Lan Qin, who knew Li Yan's identity as a ghost and Qin Ziwei as the protagonist, would not bother.

After all, even if you come to a dead end, as the protagonist, you can probably find a shortcut to get out by relying on the protagonist's halo.

Seeing that Lan Qin didn't show concern for those two people, Li Yan only felt happy physically and mentally, so he said something.

"For living people, the most dangerous people in Qin Shiling are those villagers. Now the villagers have been trapped in Shiling Village. As long as those two people are not stupid enough to go to Shiling Village to throw themselves into the net or eat living people meat, then they can walk out of Qin Shiling by themselves at any time."

Lan Qin nodded, indicating that he understood.

Gong Shuxin listened to His Highness the Crown Prince's words, murmured a few words in his heart, and then suddenly realized that His Highness the Crown Prince was still a white and black character, which really didn't match His Royal Highness's beautiful appearance.

However, Gong Shuxin felt that there was nothing wrong with His Royal Highness having such vivid emotions. Qin Ziwei, the second prince's reincarnation, had already eaten human flesh, and there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers killed by him here, so it was absolutely impossible to leave Qin Shiling.

As for the reincarnation of the national teacher named Xu Yi, it depends on his fortune.

After all, these two people will fall into such a situation, which is inseparable from the sins they committed thousands of years ago.

Whatever happens to them is what they deserve.

The two continued on their way under the leadership of the two ghosts, and at this time they were very close to the edge of Qin Shiling, which was also where they parked.

Feeling physically and mentally exhausted, Yang Jian immediately jumped up for joy when he saw their car from a distance. If he hadn't been too impatient, he really wanted to fly over with a pair of wings on his body!

He didn't want to stay in this damn place for a minute longer!

Lan Chin also thought the same thing. Among other things, the compressed biscuits they brought were really bad.

After Yang Jian walked quickly to the car, he couldn't help but kissed the car with a smile on his face. If the situation didn't allow it, he would have wished to pick up the car and run home.

Lan Qin was used to Yang Jian's exaggerated style, and he walked behind with a completely calm expression. His attention was still on Li Yan, a ghost, and then he saw the provocative scene of the parting of master and servant.

Of course, there is a high probability that this is Lan Qin's own imagination, because both parties are very concise when talking.

Li Yan didn't speak first, but Gong Shuxin spoke first, "His Royal Highness, you have made a good journey, and the last general will send you and the princess here." "Yes, I know."

Li Yan nodded, seemingly His calm eyes fell on Gong Shuxin, and then he also asked a few words to let Gong Shuxin go well.

Lan Qin watched from the side, and did not speak hastily, but saw Gong Shuxin bow respectfully to His Royal Highness Li Yan, then bowed to him, and finally turned around and left very simply.

"Why don't you take him too?"

Lan Qin asked a little curiously. In fact, as a bystander, he could clearly see that in the long millennium, Gong Shuxin's status as a subordinate and a close friend was also very special to Li Yan.

To be precise, it is also an inseparable existence, so he was a little puzzled why Gong Shuxin didn't leave Qin Shiling with Li Yan.

When Li Yan heard Lan Qin's caring greetings to him, he just smiled sadly, and didn't talk about the public defeat, but briefly talked about some things that happened thousands of years ago.

"Gong Shuxin and those 100,000 soldiers have followed me for many years. They died here because of me. Now that I am free, they should no longer be bound, and they will have a new life again." "So they

are Will he be reincarnated soon?"

Lan Qin naturally understands what it means to have a new life, but he is still a little unbelievable, after all, 100,000 ghosts are not a small number.

"They are all free, so they shouldn't continue to accompany me, the prince who has been dead for thousands of years."

Li Yan was afraid to turn his head to look at Lan Qin when he said this, "Besides, I have already found someone I like, so of course I can't stop it." They are also looking for a new life and new happiness. Gongshu once had a fiancée whom he loved very much, and she hanged herself after his death." So Gongshuxin couldn't wait to reconnect with his

fiancée, Lan Chin understood the situation.

Of course, in his opinion, Li Yan, as a thousand-year-old ghost, should also be able to help Gong Shuxin realize his long-awaited wish.

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