8.16: Go to the Temple

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The deceitful devil is accompanying his sweetheart to the bustling streets of this seaside city, and After buying a lot of gorgeous clothes and food for my sweetheart, I took my sweetheart to Mesfant with a little satisfaction.

The Deceiver Demon King also hesitated whether to take Lanqin to meet the God of Light, but he thought that the God of Light was his only companion in this world.

Moreover, he went to the God of Light because of Lanqin's affairs, and the God of Light had no intention of coveting his sweetheart.

So the deceitful devil finally decided to take Lanqin with him, after all, he couldn't tolerate his sweetheart leaving his sight for too long.

Lan Qin didn't mind where his partner took him, but when he saw that they were heading towards Mesfant, and the dragon didn't mean to stop, he had to break the cold war in advance and ask if the dragon Go to Methfante.

The giant dragon didn't say his purpose directly, but just roared softly, which means similar to nodding, and if it roars twice, it means shaking his head to disagree.

Lan Qin has lived with the dragon for almost a year, and he can basically understand what certain actions of the dragon mean.

The partner in the form of a dragon can only speak the language of the dragon. Of course, it does not mean that all the dragons can't speak the language of humans. It's just because the proud dragon obviously doesn't bother to learn.

After all, if dragons and humans meet on a narrow road, it is obvious that humans need to know what dragons are thinking more urgently than dragons need to know what humans are thinking.

When Lanchin guessed that the dragon had some important business to do when he took him to Mesfant, Mesfant arrived.

What surprised Lan Qin was that the dragon did not find a hidden place to land, but flew directly towards the tallest building in Methfante in the form of a dragon.

Lan Qin's eyes fell on the very sacred and magnificent building. According to his memory, it was the temple built by the Kingdom of Goss for the great God of Light.

There is the most exquisite and solemn statue of the God of Light in the Kingdom of Goss. Generally, only the most devout and loyal believers can enter the temple and pray to the statue of the God of Light.

And the God of Light will only descend the real God into the statue of this temple. To pray to the gods for help to the greatest extent, you must come to the capital temple of the Kingdom of Goss.

This is also the main reason why Mesfant has become the highest center of political power.

Compared with the king in the palace, the subjects of the Kingdom of Goss still worship and believe in the God of Light most, after all, so does their king.

The reason why Lanqin knew the existence of the God of Light was because the original owner, passer-by A, was actually a believer in the God of Light, but because as a romantic bard, he was obviously not qualified to step into the temple.

That is to say, someone as powerful as the king of the Kingdom of Goss, and he went to the temple to pray for help for his subjects, so that he could get the accommodation of the God of Light.

But it is obvious that the king cannot pray for himself, but this does not prevent so many kings of the Kingdom of Goss from believing in the God of Light.

The Kingdom of Goss used to be a weak kingdom that was often bullied by neighboring countries, even other countries that were not even counted as neighbors. It was because of the mercy of the gods that it became a powerful kingdom that could compete with the Litulu Kingdom nation.

Some people may forget this point, but there are always many people who will always remember it.

As a bard, those hymns and hymns that once shone brightly in the long river of history must be the first to learn and master.

This is also one of the reasons why the original owner chose to become a follower of the God of Light.

Lan Qin returned to Mesfant again, but his mood was very different from the first time. At that time, he was closely guarded by the system 1122, and there was no whereabouts of his partner at all. Every minute and every second is so difficult.

But fortunately, he managed to reunite with his partner and fell in love in the end. As long as there is no system 1122 to make trouble, then their mission world this time can still end happily and satisfactorily.

And the successful end of this mission world also means the continuation of the next mission world.

Lan Qin was thinking about something,

but the dragon completely ignored anyone in the temple and the magic protective circle, and directly brought Lan Qin to land in front of the statue.

Every time he came to look for the God of Light, he had to look for it from the statue first. If the God of Light didn't give any reply, then he was asleep, and under normal circumstances the Deceitful Demon King would leave wisely.

Before meeting his sweetheart, there is nothing in this world that is worth waiting for the deceitful devil.

The deceitful demon king knocked on the statue of the God of Light a few times casually, but after waiting patiently for a few minutes, there was still no response.

At this time, the Deceiver Demon King felt that things were not very good-that guy, the God of Light, was still fighting with him a year ago, and he was still alive and well at that time, so why is he going to sleep now?

However, the Deceitful Demon King also likes to sleep very much. This is probably learned from the main body. The Deceitful Demon King thought nothing of it before, but now he is in a hurry.

Who knows how long this guy, the God of Light, will sleep in one sleep?

He was still thinking about solving the problem of Lan Qin's lifespan, so he took Lan Qin to honeymoon everywhere in the Yinzhou Continent. Although they were not married, the marriage relationship of the gods has always been arbitrary.

After all, it is impossible for a marriage certificate to bind a god, and only the god is willing to continue the marriage.

I knocked on the statue for the second time, but there was still no response. If it was the violent and deceitful demon king, he would either throw off his cloak and leave immediately, or directly smash the statue of the God of Light-the place where he slept was smashed , I don't believe that the God of Light is still awake!

But now that the Deceiver Demon King has an urgent matter to ask the God of Light, he can't choose either of the two options.

The deceitful demon king sighed leisurely in his heart. He only felt that the God of Light was really against him. When he couldn't sleep well, he was sleeping now!

I really can't sleep him to death!

When the deceitful demon stared fiercely at the statue, Lan Qin also raised his head to look at the statue, which was about three or four meters high. He vaguely felt that the statue looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't remember it, so Lan Qin blamed it on the small god statue he had seen before. It was made for the convenience of believers to pray, and it should not be much different from the god statue in the temple.

When Lan Qin thought about it, he stopped paying attention to the statue. He didn't have any thoughts about the God of Light. After all, the details of the mission were not mentioned about the God of Light.

And the partner he likes is the giant dragon family. Although it may have something to do with the God of Light, it looks quite familiar, but since he doesn't need to meet the God of Light or socialize, he can do whatever he wants.

"It seems that he is really asleep..."

the deceitful devil murmured angrily. He didn't want to offend the God of Light. Of course, it was impossible to smash this statue or the temple, but he didn't want to wait here forever. with.

In the end, the deceitful devil left with his sweetheart helplessly and regretfully, but he looked at the statue before leaving, as if the statue owed him a world.

Seeing his partner's frustrated expression, Lan Qin couldn't help laughing jokingly even though he didn't know his partner's purpose.

However, as a partner, you still can't laugh at this kind of time, so Lan Qin quickly cleaned up his funny look.

Well, they're still in the Cold War phase, so keep it serious.

Before he was about to walk out of the temple, Lan Qin felt as if some eyes were on him, and he was still very depressed and entangled, as if he was a crush who couldn't love him, watching his sweetheart away.

Lan Qin was taken aback by his own imagination, his partner was beside him, how could there be such a strong and fiery gaze looking at him again?

Not everyone can look at him with such affectionate eyes, just like not everyone can love him unconditionally.

Lan Qin suspected that the sight just now was his own illusion. After all, in this solemn and solemn temple, it is impossible for anyone with that kind of worldly desire to enter the temple to take office.

After all, this was discovered, but it was a death penalty for disrespecting the gods!

That is to say, his partner is a giant dragon who is somewhat friends with the God of Light, otherwise a person like him might not be able to

step here for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Lan Qin couldn't help being a little curious about the God of Light. What kind of god is it that can be admired by so many people?

Especially from the bard's memory of the original owner, knowing how powerful and benevolent the God of Light is, Lan Qin was very curious. In the original world plot, why was the mission world destroyed?

In the original world plot, the male protagonist Kadir, as the only crown prince of the Kingdom of Litulu, is a very standard careerist, as the only son-maybe it is not accurate to say that, because the king of Litulu is also the male protagonist. His father is actually very romantic. He has only one wife on the surface, but he has many lovers and illegitimate children in private, but those favored lovers and illegitimate children were all killed by the male lead.

When the hero's mother died of depression due to an unhappy marriage with her husband, the ambitious hero lost the reins. He took advantage of the fact that the Kingdom of Gos needed to save the heroine, and took the beautiful princess away. After killing the giant dragon, he brought back the heroine, and then the two kingdoms married.

And the male protagonist, who was assisted by the Kingdom of Goss, quickly executed his father and all his younger brothers under the name of "justice". After legally inheriting the throne of the Litulu Kingdom, the male protagonist began his unification. The grand plan of Yinzhou Continent.

After designing and killing the heroine's two elder brothers, the hero took advantage of the grief of the heroine's parents to annex the Kingdom of Goss.

But the Kingdom of Goss is only a part of the male protagonist's plan. After that, the male protagonist invaded many kingdoms in an attempt to unify all the human kingdoms on the Silver Boat Continent.

If it weren't for the limited life of human beings, the male protagonist died of a serious illness at the age of fifty-two, maybe the Yinzhou Continent could really be defeated by the male protagonist.

Of course, the most important thing is that the devil of hell also got involved. The notorious deceitful devil led countless demons to wreak havoc on the human world.

It is because the demons invaded the human world wantonly, causing three hundred years of chaotic wars, that the hero could take the opportunity to invade other countries and become the most powerful king.

What Ke Lanqin didn't understand was why the God of Light didn't do anything, but ignored the annexation of the Kingdom of Goss instead.

Couldn't it be because the God of Light still has some close relationship with the Deceitful Demon King, so he ignored the demise of the Kingdom of Goss?

This conjecture suddenly appeared in Lan Qin's mind, and he was laughed at.

One is the God of Light, and the other is the Demon King of Deceit. They are originally polarized between light and black. No matter how you look at it, it can't be related!

Half worried and half happy, the Deceiver Demon King took his sweetheart away from the Temple of the God of Light. He didn't like to come here, and he only came here once or twice in hundreds of years at most.

The God of Light cannot be found for the time being, so we can only postpone this matter first, and then bring up the matter of traveling around the world for honeymoon.

None of the gods and people who left sweetly noticed that the eyes of the God of Light projected from the eyes of the statue, and fell on Lanqin in a subtle but very upright manner.

And also linger.

If the deceitful devil saw the terrifying eyes of the God of Light at this time, he might hide his sweetheart immediately.

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