4.17: Outlander

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The second day, the sun was shining brightly, and Lan Qin was not in bed when he woke up Seeing Si's figure, although he knew that Si was an early riser who often got up at five or six o'clock, but last night they were noisy until two or three o'clock in the morning.

Si didn't need to rest yet, Lan Qin felt that it was a bit embarrassing for him to sleep until noon and still have back pain.

But when he saw the breakfast left for him by the priest on the wooden table, Lan Qin felt that the pain in his back was nothing at all.

Lan Qin is not the kind of person who will be broken after being drunk, on the contrary, he can still clearly remember everything after he was drunk.

So all these things were caused by himself, so of course he couldn't blame Si.

But thinking about the smooth progress of this matter, Lan Chin felt that there might be a little trickiness in it.

But after thinking about it, according to Si's nature, it doesn't seem like he can do such a thing.

Lanqin struggled for a while and didn't hold on to this matter anymore. After all, even if his partner really played a trick, it was just a little fun for him.

It's harmless.

Lan Qin's identity in the details of this mission is an orphan whose parents died young. He thinks that setting up such an identity is most likely to prevent the relatives of passerby A from grabbing him after the hero and heroine escape.

After all, if Passerby A really has relatives or friends who really care about him, then the unlucky ones will only be the hero and heroine who survived and escaped.

World awareness generally will not cheat the protagonists they choose.

However, there should be accidents, otherwise such a powerful villain would not have been arranged.

Lan Qin walked out of the house, and saw that Si was still taking care of his jars filled with various new Gu.

The place that was bitten by the snake Gu had completely healed. Lan Qin touched the back of his hand, and then called Si's name. Now he has something to discuss with Si.

When Si heard his sweetheart calling him, he couldn't help recalling the lingering scene of last night in his mind, and he was so shy that his whole face turned red, even his ears were red.

Of course Si could feel the heat on his face, but because his sweetheart kept calling his name, Si still couldn't hold back his steps and hurried up the stairs, and then Lan Qin pinched his ears without any surprise.

"You look so cute with your blushing face and ears!"

Lan Qin sincerely praised Si, then put away the smile on his face, and then seriously began to discuss a very serious matter with Si.

In the past few days, Lan Qin saw that Si left the clan land, and when he came back, he brought some new clothes, bedding, and a few jars of wine. He knew that Si might be a Wu clan member who went out to do errands, and was probably working for Si. It is the tour guide Lao Ou.

So after confirming the relationship between them, Lan Qin felt that he could discuss with Si about the fate of the protagonist group.

Lan Qin knew very well that if he discussed this matter with Si before his relationship with Si was confirmed, Si would definitely not agree, and would even suspect that he wanted to leave Ganshui Town with the protagonist group, and leave him, the Wu clan. the big witch.

Lan Qin didn't want to cause such a misunderstanding, so he took the time to wait for a few days, and only made this request after the relationship between himself and Si had warmed up and stabilized.

When Sizai heard Lan Qin talking about those outsiders, he felt very displeased. He naturally knew that Lan Qin came here with those outsiders. If he really wanted to let those outsiders go, then Lan Qin Definitely want to follow along.

So in order to keep his sweetheart, he can only make Lao Ou pay close attention to those outsiders, and absolutely not let them have a chance to escape.

Although it is difficult for outsiders to find a way to enter Ganshui Town without the guidance of the Wu tribe, but this matter involves his sweetheart Lan Qin, Si still hopes to be safe.

So under Si's suggestion and Lao Ou's indulgence, Fu Ze and his party outside the clan had already become Yu and Lan's Gu people, and now they are facing the ultimate test of whether they will be bald.

Lan Qin knew that the protagonist group must suffer a little bit if it fell into the hands of the Wu clan, but generally speaking, there should be no danger to their lives.

But thinking that the protagonist group didn't do anything harmful, and even took good care of him, Lan Qin hoped to help them once again.

"...My companions all have family members and friends, unlike my parents who died a few years ago, and I have no close friends. Although I have found a companion now, I don't need to follow them around to sketch, I don't need to go to work from nine to five, but I'm still very worried about their situation. So Si, can I ask you one thing? Can you let them go?" Lan Qin finished speaking as tactfully as possible

. His appeal, and then he emphasized several times that he would never leave Ganshui Town, let alone Si's side. In order to strengthen his persuasiveness, he also cited the hardships he had suffered at work, such as heavy snowfall in winter I have to get up at seven o'clock in the morning to go to an internship, and I am excluded by the entire office because of my withdrawn personality.

Anyway, it means that "I" used to be a laborer's bitterness and tears, and directly expressed Si's originally unhappy tough expression into anger.

"How dare they bully you?! I must..."

Lan Qin put his finger on Si's lips again to prevent him from saying something inappropriate.

"Those people who have hurt me have become a thing of the past with me. I have you now, so I don't need to care about them anymore. As for those companions, I just want to help them, and you are not It is said that this batch of new Gu has passed the opportunity of testing, so there is no need for Gu people at all? Then why not let them out? Wouldn't it be a waste of food to keep them like this?"

Lan Qin took himself into Si's arms very actively, while circling the little snake he named 'Little White' with his fingers, and promised Si that he would never see those companions again.

"We've been staying here for the two of us, and we don't have to go out again. As for my companions, you just let that tour guide, Lao Ou, take them out. I believe you will be able to do this! After all You are so powerful, so powerful..."

Lan Qin racked his brains and piled up all the praise words he knew on Si, and directly said Si to fascination, and agreed to his request with a casual mouth.

"Great! Si, you are indeed the most powerful and kind-hearted person!"

Lan Qin smiled and praised Si, and took the initiative to kiss Si on the lips.

Lan Qin knew that as long as it was something his partner promised, he would definitely do it!

Originally, Si thought that it might be inappropriate to agree to let those foreigners go out like this, but since Lan Qin hugged, kissed and praised him for this, he couldn't just keep his word.

And if those outsiders are in Ganshui Town for a day, his sweetheart will worry about them for a day, which is absolutely unacceptable to Si.

Besides, sending the foreigners away is just a waste of a few worrying Gu, so it's not troublesome.

Originally, his batch of new Gu missed the best test time, and he didn't need foreigners to be Gu masters, so he really couldn't let them stay to eat and drink for nothing.

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