5.11: Unusual

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but that is what Lan Chin will see from the perspective of a bystander Thoughts, if Lan Qin was facing his real biological parents, he would definitely not be so calm.

So Lan Qin closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then looked at Homan with sharp eyes, and asked very seriously, "Is the death of my parents really an accident? Did it really have nothing to do with you?" Homan faced his

wife With such a cold look in his eyes, he felt extremely wronged. You must know that he hadn't come to this world at that time, so how could it have any impact on this matter? !

So Homan didn't feel guilty at all, but said a little sadly, "This really has nothing to do with me! My wife, please believe me, in fact, this is all caused by the incompetence of that world consciousness! It is because it is too weak, Only then can it attract so many things, and at the same time there is no way to solve those things, and in the end we can only ask for foreign help."

Homan may feel that it is really difficult for Lan Qin to believe him with just a few words of his own, so he also suggested that the world Consciousness came over to prove his innocence.

"My wife, I really didn't participate in it, and it was indeed an accident. If you don't believe me, I can only pull in the world consciousness. But it has been controlling this game of salvation for a long time before, and it seems to be injured. Now He is sleeping and recuperating."

Homan really didn't want to hide anything from Lan Chin, and he even spoke out about the injury to the world consciousness. In fact, he felt that the injury to the world consciousness was quite serious.

After all, if it wasn't for the fact that the world consciousness was seriously injured, it wouldn't be rushing to the doctor.

The high-latitude race that Homan belongs to is not easy to get along with, because it is a long-lived species, so it doesn't care about everything in the world. And what's even more frightening is that as long as the creatures can be defeated by them, they can all be used as food for nourishment.

Of course, for a weak species like humans, it doesn't taste good and doesn't have much effect. The only use is probably to play with it.

However, as a relatively lazy long-lived species, Homan is not very interested in playing with people's hearts. The reason why he accepted the help from the world consciousness is because of a sudden whim.

But Homan was extremely thankful that he agreed to the request of the world consciousness on a whim at that time, otherwise he would have no chance to meet his wife woo woo woo!

Regardless of whether World Consciousness seeks the help of other immortals in the end, anyway, he will not have the chance to see his wife. Thinking of this possibility, Homan feels very uncomfortable.

Lan Chin didn't know that the thoughts in Homan's mind diverged again. He believed in his partner's explanation, but 'Lan Chin', whose parents died early, found it difficult to accept this matter.

However, Lan Qin can use another matter to divert each other's attention. Lan Qin frowned, as if considering something from Homan's words, "Since you said that only criminals and villains were drawn in, then Why did I also come in this game?"

Looking at the shaken look on Lan Chin's face, Homan knew that his wife was half-believing in his words at this time, so Homan hurriedly explained the current situation of the real world and world consciousness .

Even with the help (trouble) of high-latitude species like Homan, it doesn't mean that the real world is safe.

"The life of every world, or every planet is limited. It may be tens of billions of years, or it may be hundreds of billions or trillions of years, but no matter what, it will eventually come to an end. And those The thing that wantonly invades other worlds is that the planet you live on no longer exists, so you need to find a safe shelter quickly." "

No matter how long a planet can exist, life is always in a cycle, and the planet is constantly crashing and disappearing. , There will only be more and more homeless creatures like that, and my wife, the planet you are on is because it is full of vitality and too weak, so it will become the first stop of the invasion." Lan Chin said

Homan Listening carefully, although I feel a bit convoluted, Lan Qin probably understands what Homan means, that is, the planet is being destroyed, but the existence of life will not stop because of the destruction of the planet.

Therefore, in order to be able to reproduce, those lives that have lost their habitat will look for suitable planets in the vast universe.

"It's okay if it's a planet without most of the original inhabitants

, but the real world like your wife, as a planet that has carried countless lives and has been made a little dying by humans, it is very reluctant to use it to raise humans. If you add another A large number of extraterrestrial residents, the planet may be directly paralyzed."

And more importantly, alien life has nowhere to go, their nature is to plunder and invade, and they will not exist in the face of human beings who are several times weaker than themselves What a pity thought.

Since he can't coexist peacefully with humans and doesn't want to depend on others, he can only kill all humans and become the master of the new planet himself.

"Wife, your world awareness is very strong in that world. You just created a fake world to trap those things, but if you let those things realize that the world they live in is fake, and then wantonly go outside the copy world." I am afraid that the world consciousness will not be able to withstand aggression." "

It is precisely because of this that just bringing in some criminals and bad guys is no longer effective, so the number of people drawn in will expand. Now the old people, children, pregnant women and others are still removed. People with disabilities, but if the situation continues to worsen, it may be difficult to avoid these four types of people."

When Homan said this, he almost described his own identity, and of course he was able to attach consciousness to anything in the game. He still made a reservation.

After all, according to his study of human rules, his wife must not accept it easily.

We still have to wait for the relationship between him and his wife to become closer, and then find a suitable time to talk about it.

Homan thought so in his heart, and his eyes were a little erratic when he looked at Lan Qin.

But Lan Chin doesn't care about this, anyway, it's not a day or two that his partner is a pervert.

Lanchin said he adapted well.

Now Lan Qin only wants to ask one thing, and that is about his only relative.

"Then what about my brother? I still have a brother named Lan Yue who is still alive. Was he also drawn in by the game "Please close your eyes when it gets dark?"

Homan had already conducted a survey on everyone around his wife. Of course, he knew that Lan Yue had not entered the inner world, so he directly reassured his wife, "Don't worry, my wife, your brother is my brother, and I will definitely not let our brother come in and suffer." Lan Qin:

" ..."

Homan took his wife's hand affectionately and said, "My wife, if you want to leave this game, we can leave immediately and return to the real world. Whether it is marriage or love, I will always accompany you By your side, my wife!"

Lan Qin: "..."

Cooperating with his partner, he just wants to be in love with him, and doesn't even consider the agreement reached with the world consciousness.

Although he knew for a long time that his partner was a love brain who puts love first, Lan Qin still felt a little headache.

After all, his mission is to maintain the stability of the mission world. Now that the mission world is about to be destroyed, how can he still have the heart to fall in love with his partner!

I just looked at the details of the mission before, but I didn't see that the situation in the mission world is so serious.

At this time, Lan Qin just wanted to know how to deal with the alien creatures that invaded from other planets. Although they lost their own planets and were homeless, it was very pitiful, but when the planets inhabited by humans were to be preempted, Lan Chin really didn't have any energy and thoughts to sympathize with those strange alien creatures.

"Wife, wife, I've explained everything clearly. Can we go take a shower together now?"

Homan asked his dear wife expectantly. At this moment, his mind was full of romantic things.

As for saving the world and world consciousness, it simply cannot stay in his mind for two seconds.

Lan Qin can also understand his partner's mentality. After all, his partner is neither a human being nor a resident of this planet. It would be abnormal if he still cares about her all the time.

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