1.20: Trapped

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Qin Ziwei was shocked by his guess, because if Li Yan really After recognizing him, why did he let him and Xu Yi leave? Could it be that there are dangers and traps in Shiling Village that he didn't perceive?

Thinking about it this way, it was difficult for Qin Ziwei to concentrate while observing the movements in the room. He subconsciously wanted to leave here, and then stay away from this dangerous place with Xu Yi.

But thinking of Qin Shiling, who would not be able to go out without the villagers leading the way, he held back the danger warning in his heart, planning to start with Chen Huyin.

It's just that Qin Ziwei obviously underestimated the hearing acuity of the villagers in Shiling Village and their perception of the fresh flesh and blood of living people.

In fact, when Qin Ziwei appeared near the house, they could smell the delicious breath of living people. It was only because it was difficult to distinguish one person, and there was a living person watching at the gate of the village, so they reluctantly held back and wanted to attack immediately. The impulse, intending to bring in another person before doing it.

But Qin Ziwei already knew that there was a problem in Shiling Village, so how could he let his boyfriend Xu Yi come in to take risks!

The three village chiefs waited in the house for a long time, but there was still no movement. The piece of human flesh that was treasured at home had been eaten up by competition, and now they urgently needed some fresh flesh and blood to fill their bodies.

The situation of Jianglong Fuhu's tomb could not avoid the villagers of Shiling Village. They knew that something was wrong when they saw that the water of Baigui River had been kept turbid.

Especially when they found that they couldn't leave the village yet, they were bound and imprisoned in this small Shiling Village.

This is definitely a disaster for their bodies that must eat fresh flesh and blood regularly!

The village chief knew exactly what happened, and Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin also drew a conclusion from their biological father's attitude, that is, they might really die in Shiling Village.

Thinking that they might be about to die, the brothers and sisters only regretted not saving Lan Qin at the ghost sacrifice, or simply said that they should have jumped down with Lan Qin like those people at that time.

This can be regarded as dying in the same place as my mother.

The Chen Hujin brothers and sisters were at their most depressed. When the village chief got up to arrest the outsider who somehow stumbled into Shiling Village by mistake, they had no intention of taking any action at all.

When Qin Ziwei noticed that the village head stood up from his chair, he knew that something had changed, so he turned around and left quickly.

But at this moment, Qin Ziwei saw the villagers who didn't know where they were hiding, but now they came out from various places in the village one after another.

Seeing how he was surrounded, Qin Ziwei guessed that this was a play to lure the king into the urn.

Qin Ziwei escaped from the encirclement of the villagers by relying on his nimble and strong body. Seeing that the fresh living person was about to run away, the villagers also chased after him.

Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin came out of the room with a sleepy look, and their eyes lit up when they saw Qin Ziwei, an outsider who followed Lan Qin and jumped down the Baigui River.

If this person can come out of the Hundred Ghosts River alive, then Lan Qin can definitely do it too!

So they also ran after Qin Ziwei like those villagers, even more aggressively and swiftly than those villagers who continued to eat human flesh.

"Hey! Who is that! Don't run, I ask you where Lan Qin is? Where is Lan Qin?"

Chen Hujin rushed forward and shouted loudly.

And Chen Huyin also ran behind his brother, frequently asking about Lan Qin's situation.

This kind of behavior made the village chief, who was slowly smoking dry cigarettes with a chimney behind him, stop. The bad behavior of this pair of children really made him, his own father, feel helpless.

But children are so big, they can't just throw them away.

We can only let nature take its course and resign ourselves to fate.

Thinking this way, the village chief didn't care much about chasing that outsider. After all, he was very old, and he was no longer the young man who could safely save his sweetheart by beating wild boars with his bare hands.

When the village head came to the Baigui River, he knew that the whole village had failed.

Because the outsider had fled to the entrance of the village, and the people of Shiling Village could not leave the village at all.

A large group

of villagers walked around the entrance of the village like ants in a hot pot, coveting the two people outside who were still alive.

Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi's expressions were still in shock. Looking at the crazy villagers at the entrance of the village who seemed to be separated by a transparent barrier, it felt like a zombie coming out of a cage, which made people feel cold for no reason.

Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin didn't want to eat people, but were eager to know Lan Qin's current situation.

"Qin Ziwei! How is Lan Qin? Did Lan Qin come out of the Baigui River safely?!"

Chen Hujin finally remembered the name of Qin Ziwei, an outsider, and Chen Huyin also recalled Xu Yi's name, Then they shouted together.

"Yes, yes, I promise you don't be afraid, everyone can't leave the village now, it's safe for you to stand there, and we are not interested in eating you, just want to ask about Lan Qin's situation.

" The villagers still wanted the crazy Chen Hujin brothers and sisters. Qin Ziwei didn't intend to communicate at all, but pulled Xu Yi to leave.

"Leave them alone, these are lunatics! We must get out of here quickly..."

Xu Yi didn't refute her boyfriend's suggestion, but obediently followed and left, but he still couldn't help looking back before he really left.

When Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin saw that these two people who might be the only ones who knew Lan Qin's situation were about to leave, they shouted louder and hissed.

Xu Yi is a person with a very sensitive heart, he can see from the expressions and actions of the two brothers and sisters that they are genuinely worried about Lan Qin's whereabouts, this is a rare true feeling.

He also recalled the terrible and pitiful scene in his previous life where Chen Huyin was coerced by them to lead the way, but ended up dying... "

Lan Qin has escaped from the river safely, you...don't worry."

Xu Yi felt that he might He hadn't finished thinking, but his mouth seemed to have his own thoughts, and he said this sentence directly.

Although Xu Yi's voice was not particularly loud, the brothers and sister Chen Hujin, who had keen hearing, could still hear these words clearly. After learning that Lan Qin was safe, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer tried to rush out of the village forcefully, but stayed there in a daze, muttering something.

Chen Hujin is a young guy who doesn't like to owe others. He shouted something to the backs of the two outsiders who left, even though the two people might not understand that sentence at all.

"The living people who have eaten human flesh here will not be able to get out of Qinshiling."

Chen Hujin did not specify who had eaten human flesh, and he also felt that the two people would not think that they would have eaten human flesh.

Although he didn't understand why Qin Ziwei had that familiar disgusting smell, Chen Hujin didn't care too much.

After all, human flesh is what one chooses to eat, so the consequences should be borne by oneself.

The village chief approached slowly. He had experienced many ups and downs, but when he approached, he heard a pair of sons and daughters say "safety is good, safety is good", his eyelids still couldn't bear it. Live ominously jump a few times.

Especially when he heard Chen Hujin, a brat, talk about cannibalism carelessly, he wanted to scold him even more.

These two unfilial children are really as unfamiliar as their own mothers!

Treating a stranger is better than treating one's own relatives. I didn't know that I thought they were raised by strangers.

Although the village chief felt that it was a pity that the outsider named Lan Qin did not die, but in the current situation, with the existence of this person, his son and daughter can still think about it a little bit.

But what the village head doesn't know is that his pair of sons and daughters don't want to live such a life for a long time, and they long to return to their mother's arms.

Although that, for them, is returning to death.


Ziwei and Xu Yi didn't take Chen Hujin's words to heart, but when they walked in the direction Lan Qin left, and finally reached the edge of Qin Shiling, they I understand what that sentence means.

Xu Yi easily crossed the dividing line between Qin Shiling and the outside world, but when he walked out of Qin Shiling, he found that his boyfriend did not keep up.


Xu Yi didn't think too much, but turned around and called out to her boyfriend

curiously .

Qin Ziwei's expression was ugly, his slightly lowered face staring at the ground was hidden in the thick shadow of the woods.

At this time, the sky was approaching dusk, and the sun slanted to the west, illuminating a clear dividing line between Qin Shiling and the outside. Where Xu Yi was standing there was still a little bit of sunlight, but Qin Ziwei was completely in the shadows.

"Ziwei! It's getting dark, we have to hurry up and go down the mountain, otherwise it will be unbearably cold in the mountains at night." Xu Yi

knew that it would take two hours to walk down the mountain from here at the fastest, and there might be no people, after all When they went up the mountain, they didn't see anyone near Qin Shiling.

After Qin Ziwei realized that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out of Qin Shiling, so he knew something was wrong.

Especially when he thought of what Chen Hujin said, that a living person who had eaten human flesh must never leave Qin Shiling, he finally understood what was going on.

Qin Ziwei found it ridiculous, he couldn't think of when he had eaten human flesh, especially in this life he had never eaten anything in Shiling Village!

At most, when they escaped from the Tomb of Subduing Dragon and Fuhu in Baigui River with Xu Yi in the previous life, they stayed in the mountains of Qin Shiling for three days and three nights. Food and water...

When Qin Ziwei recalled that he did bring a piece of fresh meat from Shiling Village in his last life, and shared the meat with his boyfriend, he realized that something was wrong.

If that piece of meat was really human flesh, then Xu Yi should be like him and couldn't get out of Qin Shiling...

Qin Ziwei thought about this, and the eyes he looked at Xu Yi became depressed and heavy. But then Qin Ziwei thought of another detail, that is, Xu Yi didn't really swallow the half piece of meat, because at that time Xu Yi had a high fever and couldn't eat anything at all.

So the last piece of meat was eaten by himself, and Qin Ziwei, who barely ate some food, relied on this piece of meat to control Chen Huyin who was following him, and walked out of Qin Shiling with Xu Yi.

"Impossible, impossible... I was able to go out last time, but I can't this time..."

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