5.3: Scary Night

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Lan Qin feels that he has lived for so long, it is the first time he has taken such an adventure He tiptoed into the wooden house, and searched the limited space, but still found nothing.

He had already made sufficient mental preparations for the horror scene in the wooden house, but after seeing the players' heads placed on the four-story wooden cabinets as trophies, as well as the human torsos piled up in the kitchen and the pulled out Various organs, he still couldn't help turning his head and retching for a while.

Even though he had anticipated such a bloody scene in advance, he still felt that it was too cruel and terrifying.

After finding nothing in the wooden house, Lan Qin turned his attention to the dungeon boss who was lying on the ground and sleeping soundly. When they entered the dungeon on the first day, there were a total of ten dungeon bosses in the wooden house, but after three days of terrible During the hunt, six dungeon bosses were killed, and 24 players were killed.

Lan Qin's eyes fell on these ogres with flaws in appearance and body, but after looking at them for a long time, they still couldn't find any clues.

It would be great if he came to the dungeon on the first day, so that he can still cooperate with those 24 players instead of fighting alone for a long time...

Wait! Something seems wrong?

Lan Qin suddenly felt that something was wrong, but when he thought about it carefully, it was like a lively fish flying across his mind quickly, making him unable to catch it at all.

No matter how hard he tried to think about it, he couldn't recall it. Lan Chin's eyes were still on the ogre on the blanket on the ground. The fireplace in the wooden house was burning brightly, which made the whole room warm.

Suddenly Lan Chin's eyes fell on one of the ogres, what was that shiny thing?

Lan Chin walked over carefully and bent down to observe with his eyes, and then found that it seemed to be a key.

In case it was just an ordinary key, Lan Chin walked around to check all the other three ogres, and found that only the ogre holding a human leg and chewing raw had the key on him. So I decided to get this key of unknown use.

But how to get it?

Players cannot attack the sleeping dungeon boss, but a light touch should not count as an attack, right?

Lan Qin still didn't dare to bet on the danger of this infinite flow world, so he thought that he could not directly contact this instance boss.

After looking around, Lan Qin picked up a firewood from the pile of firewood that was randomly thrown by the fireplace, and then gently hooked the key.

It turned out that the key was tied to the ogre's belt. Using firewood to hook it in this way only hooked the key out, but it could not be untied from the belt.

Lan Qin turned his head and saw that there was a small knife used to cut barbecue on the grill, and when he was about to reach for the knife, Lan Qin stopped again.

If a player approaches the dungeon boss with a murder weapon, will he be judged as wanting to attack the dungeon boss?

Thinking of this, Lan Qin's breathing stopped for a moment, and he was almost fooled!

In case this key is just a bait and is of no use, it is just to lure the player to pick up something that can be judged as attacking the dungeon boss, then he will have to get the box lunch in a second.

He didn't think that his unarmed and weak appearance could beat this dungeon boss full of muscles, not to mention that the dungeon would also give the boss a berserk mode, which could kill an ordinary player with a single punch in minutes.

Although half an hour has passed in the dark now, and he is tired and hungry, it is precisely in such an emergency that he needs to be more calm.

Lan Chin put down the knife, took a few deep breaths, and calmed down his heartbeat that was so tense because of facing the ogre, and then bent down to unlock the key.

But it was just like this that Lan Qin realized that this key was not the red key he thought, but was soaked in blood before it turned red.

Lan Qin didn't want to think about the blood on the key. After successfully getting the key, he wiped the blood off with a blanket on the ground while

thinking about where the key would be used.

In order to prevent himself from missing the wooden house, there might be a basement or dark room that was missed, Lan Qin took the key and searched the wooden house again, but still found nothing.

It was just that when passing by the wooden cabinet full of human heads again, Lan Chin suddenly realized what was wrong with what he felt before, because there were only 23 human heads on the cabinet!

Lan Qin is sure that there are 25 players who entered the copy of "Snowy Night" in his memory, but now the number of surviving players displayed on the player's watch is only 1, so the number of players who were killed should be 24, so why was he killed? There are only 23 heads placed on the cabinet?

Before, because Lan Qin was afraid of this horrible and bloody scene, he just glanced at it casually, and didn't pay special attention to the number above.

But when he passed the cabinet again, he saw a vacancy on the top floor out of the corner of his eye.

There are four floors in the wooden cabinet, and there are 24 human heads that should be placed on it. There are six on the first floor, which should be placed neatly, but there are only five human heads on the fourth floor.

So where did the missing head go?

Or is that player not dead at all?

Or is it that Passerby A is actually among the 24 players who died?

But Lan Qin is very sure that Passerby A did not die, whether it is the story before or after the collapse, Passerby A has not yet reached the point of death.

So he must be the only survivor shown on the player's watch!

But what happened to the missing human head?

Could it be that these ogres disliked that human head, so they didn't put it up as a collection, or that the human head was accidentally lost?

Lan Qin had a hunch that the missing head, or the missing player, must be the key to clearing the level!

But where is he going to find that head or that player?

Lan Qin felt that he had found a way to clear the level, but there was still a key clue missing. If he could find this missing key clue, then the level would be cleared very quickly.

In order to find out who was missing, Lan Chin held back his fear and the feeling of wanting to vomit, and directly faced those heads that were frozen with fear and pain.

Looking from the first floor to the fourth floor one by one, Lan Qin is also comparing these faces with the faces of the players in his memory, and finally concluded that there is a lack of a young male player.

The young male player seemed to be called Si Mingxia. When he introduced himself, he said that he was a senior law student. He was originally writing his graduation thesis in the library, but ended up in this infinite stream game while going to the bathroom.

In my memory, this young male college student was not afraid, he could even be said to be very calm, calmer and more rational than Passerby A, a new player who had barely cleared two dungeons.

I didn't think there was any problem before, I just thought it was because of studying the Fa that I had a good psychological quality, but now I feel that something is wrong with him, and Lan Qin feels that everything is wrong.

Passerby A once heard from some old players who have cleared five or six dungeons that player watches are not completely trustworthy, because some special dungeons will arrange dungeon bosses to sneak into the player team as traitors, just to get the player Catch them all.

So could this Si Mingxia be such a dungeon character?

But thinking of Siming Xia's handsome appearance, personable demeanor and clear accent, which are completely different from the ogre who was sleeping soundly and snoring on the ground, and Si Mingxia's record of killing two ogres with his own hands, how could this be? It doesn't even look like a fake.

But if Siming Xia is really not a traitor, where is his body now?

During the time Lan Qin spent searching the cabin and thinking again, the night time passed for another ten minutes. Looking at the watch showing that there were only 11 minutes left, Lan Qin no longer had the mind to think about Si Mingxia.

Perhaps the most important thing now is to figure out where this key is used.

Lan Qin held up the wiped silver key and looked at it again and again. He really didn't expect that there was any place in the wooden house that needed a key


If the key is not used in the cabin, is it necessary to use the key outside the cabin?

Lan Qin tried his best to jump out of the scope of the wooden house to think about the use of the key. Just when Lan Qin was fascinated by the thought, the outside world slowly blew a strong wind.

With a 'creak' sound, the wooden door that was only half covered by Lanqin was blown open by a gust of cold wind.

The cold wind swept in from behind the wide open wooden door, quickly reducing the warm temperature in the wooden house, and even the cheerfully dancing fireplace was forced to become smaller.

And Lan Qin's sight also shifted to the outside of the wooden house, and then he saw a very old keyhole on the wooden door that was blown wide open.

Could this key be used to open and close this wooden door?

Thinking of this, Lan Qin immediately clenched the silver key in his hand, and hurried to the wooden door. At this moment, he was not in the mood to pay attention to the howling cold wind.

If he can't find a way to clear the level again, when the day comes again and these ogres wake up, he will definitely not be able to escape the seven-hour pursuit, and it is very likely that he will really have to say goodbye to his partner in the next mission world.

"...Bless me."

Lan Qin murmured, and then put the key into the keyhole. To Lan Qin's surprise, the key really fit the keyhole.

But it's still useless, because he still hasn't cleared the level.

Lan Qin glanced at the player's watch and found that it was still ten minutes before dark, so he tried to calm down and think about what was wrong.

"This is where the key is used. Is it wrong? Or is it because I used the key at the wrong time? Or is it because I'm standing in the wrong place..." Lan Qin was so anxious that he walked back and forth beside the wooden

door Well, he tried this key just now and it was indeed possible to lock and open the wooden door, but he still couldn't pass it.

"What to do? What to do?! What's wrong?"

"Lock the wooden door, open the wooden door, lock the wooden door... lock the wooden door!"

Lan Qin walked around in place for a few times, and suddenly realized To get this key is to lock this wooden door, or it can be said to lock this wooden house!

Could it be like this?

Lan Qin was so excited that his heart was beating wildly. He tried his best to calm himself down and glanced at his watch, only to find that there were only eight minutes left.

"Now it's time to gamble..."

Lan Qin said, and then went directly outside the wooden house, and closed the wooden door, then inserted the silver key in his hand, and finally turned it a few times, and it was successful Lock the cabin.

And just after the wooden door was locked, a dazzling light came down from the sky, and Lan Qin subconsciously blocked the strong light with his arms.

When he vaguely felt that the bright light had become dimmer, Lan Qin tentatively opened his eyes, and then saw the tree that the two protagonists saw in the task details.

This tree really has dense branches, a crown soaring to the sky, and it is full of vitality, and it appears not far from the wooden house.

This is how to clear the dungeon!

As long as he walked to that tree, he could leave this instance directly, then return to the player hall of "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark", and rush to the next instance after three days of rest.

This really makes me happy :)

Lan Chin has no energy to think about the next dungeon, he just wants to go back to the player lobby, eat something to fill his stomach, and sleep well, otherwise he will be tired Die or starve to death!

Because the dungeon is surrounded by vast snow fields, even the only living creatures are ogres, and there is no food for players to eat at all.

It can be said that his body has been hungry for almost three days, not to mention sleep, the safe time of three hours a day, it is true that no dog sleeps so little!

When Lan Qin exhausted his last strength and ran to the side of the tree, he felt another indescribable glare flashed by, and then Lan Qin found that he had left the instance and returned to the player lobby.

Accompanied by Lan Qin's return, there is also the congratulatory sound effect of "Please close your eyes when it gets dark":

["Player I569810 Lan Qin successfully cleared the D-level copy of "Snowy Night", welcome the player to return safely to the player lobby, and now settle the copy for the player Clearance reward..."]

In addition to the mechanical voice that could not be distinguished between men and women, Lan Qin seemed to feel that there was a voice calling him, but because it was too slight and ethereal, he took it as an illusion.

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