3.3: Find You

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Under the abyss is a very dark scene, there is nothing visible to the naked eye , but Lan Qin's heartbeat became more and more intense, and he knew that his partner was nearby.

Because he didn't know the name of the lord of the abyss, Lan Qin didn't call out, but groped forward with the dim light under the abyss.

After walking for a while, Lan Qin felt as if he had touched a soft unknown object, which reminded him of the soft and warm wolf fur on Lu's body, but before he could touch it carefully, the unknown object suddenly disappeared.

Lan Qin recalled the thing that protected him when he jumped down just now, and guessed that it should be his partner, or the Lord of the Abyss.

It's just that the Lord of the Abyss is avoiding him now, and Lan Qin thinks it must be because the other party is shy.

Lan Chin thought so, but the Lord of the Abyss hiding in the ubiquitous thick black mist was not. He was not shy, but a little annoyed.

What worries me is nothing else, but the difference between myself and this human being-this is obviously supposed to belong to Him, the lover who fell from the sky, his skin is as white as snow, his lips are bright red and moist, His appearance is unparalleled, his temperament is holy, and there is a kind of gentleness that makes him feel like a spring breeze... The

Lord of the Abyss takes a look at his lover who perfectly suits his preferences, and the troubles and inferiority in his heart will increase.

His lover is so beautiful and pure, but he is pitch-black, just a huge black mist with no concrete entity, and occasionally he can condense countless tentacles of black mist with strength, but that is for It is used to punish disobedient demons, so he does not have a body that can be happy with his lover.

Moreover, from the souls of human beings who have strayed into the abyss in the past, the Lord of the Abyss also knows that the aesthetics of human beings in choosing a spouse is generally only for people of the same race, and they also have very high standards for the appearance, conduct and ability of their spouses. An excellent young man must have a higher standard than others in choosing a spouse...

Now that he can't even match the standards of ordinary people, how can he be worthy of having sex with his lover?

The Lord of the Abyss doesn't know Lan Qin's thoughts, and Lan Qin is also unclear about the thoughts of the Lord of the Abyss, but Lan Qin understands that at the beginning of the general mission world, his partner always thinks a lot. To walk into the closest partnership, someone has to go first.

No matter how much his partner is entangled in his heart, Lan Chin always believes that his partner will come to him unswervingly.

And as his partner is always jealous and possessive anytime, anywhere, it is impossible to let him go.

But even if his partner in this world is really naive and let him leave safely, Lan Qin also thinks that his partner will sneak away with him. And then get involved in his life in all sorts of sneaky ways.

Well, although such a thing did not happen, Lan Chin just had this idea.

At this time, facing what seemed to be a stalemate, Lan Qin decided to take the initiative himself.

Lan Qin frowned slightly, and then groped forward, still calling out affectionately, "Is it you? Is it really you..." The

Lord of the Abyss looked at the frowning of this human being, and the slightly sad Suddenly, some unknown emotion appeared in his heart.

He felt that this human being was calling for his lover, as if he was calling for him, but the Lord of the Abyss knew very well that he felt that the human world was too noisy, and he had never been to the human world, let alone that he was sleeping under the abyss For decades, it is even more impossible to have any emotional relationship with such a young and beautiful human being.

This is undoubtedly what makes the Lord of the Abyss feel uncomfortable the most.

If his guess is true, then this human being may already have a lover, and he still misses his lover.

And how could he, a latecomer, be favored by his lover again?

The Lord of the Abyss is complaining about himself here, but he has never stopped paying attention to Lan Qin. After seeing Lan Qin's expression getting more and more anxious and painful, he also followed the pain, so he had an idea and decided to take advantage of this human mind. In an uneasy situation, go find out who the person he is thinking about is!

And when he stretched out his limbs to sense in this way, the Lord of the Abyss

got the name of this human being, as well as the appearance of the person he missed deeply.

The Lord of the Abyss experienced bitterness for the first time after learning that this human named Lanqin really had someone he was thinking of.

But as Lan Qin's shout became hoarse, the Lord of the Abyss resolutely decided to transform himself into a human form after some painful thinking.

He disdains to be exactly the same as the person Lan Qin missed in his heart, but he is really greedy for Lan Qin's attachment to that person, so the Lord of the Abyss finally turned into a man with blond hair and blue eyes.

In order to be able to distinguish it from the unknown man, the Lord of the Abyss has the same blond hair as Lanqin, and his eyes follow the color of his body, a kind of oppressive blue.

Facing this handsome man who suddenly appeared, Lan Qin heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, but there was a kind of hesitation on his face, but after carefully looking at the man's appearance, Lan Qin made a decision at that moment. Decide.

The most beautiful facial features are carved out of the deep eyebrows and eyes, just like the perfect male sculpture in Greece. Let capable people dare not take a second look because of its deterrence.

Lan Qin is not in this range, of course he can recognize this face which is half or six points similar to Li Yan and Lu Xingzhi, but now the hair color is the same as his blond hair, and the eyes have become rich and faint. Blue, as unfathomable as the abyss made him feel.

The handsome facial features, powerful and intimidating aura, stalwart and muscular figure, inverted triangle waist, smooth and sexy buttocks and two strong and powerful long legs, at first glance, condensed the supreme power, just standing There is a unique charm silently released.

Lan Qin didn't know what other people thought when they saw this scene, but he himself was relieved because he was 100% sure that he had found his partner again.

The Lord of the Abyss noticed that Lan Qin was looking at him for a long time, and then he showed a very surprised expression, and ran towards him, as if he was a loving little bird in the forest.

Such a reaction made the Lord of the Abyss purse his lips in an unhappy arc. If it was a demon who was being looked down upon at this time, the demon would almost be scared out of his wits.

But Lan Qin, who was facing the Lord of the Abyss, didn't show any fear at all.

In the eyes of the Lord of the Abyss, Lan Qin looked holy, beautiful, and pitiful. Although his figure was slender, he was much slender than him, but he was not much more than him, and his skin was fair, his eyebrows were good-looking, and his face was very beautiful. Xiao, those light golden eyes were even more reddish, revealing the sadness of being wronged.

This discovery made the Lord of the Abyss frown directly, thinking that he must have been bullied outside, after all, those demons have never been a good thing.

Facing the cold gaze of the Lord of the Abyss looking down, Lan Qin's pale red lips were slightly curved, and his voice was like a pool of clear lake water in spring.

"I finally found you..."

Lan Chin murmured, his thick and slender eyelashes trembled slightly, like the beautiful wings of a butterfly, fluttering gently, and like a lightly falling feather, directly flirting with the Lord of the Abyss His heart was itching unbearably.

And Lan Qin ran towards the Lord of the Abyss after saying such a sentence, he desperately wanted to fall into the arms of his partner.

The Lord of the Abyss involuntarily looked at Lan Qin's bright red and moist lips. He thought that he was mistaken for this human lover. Although he was very dissatisfied, he did not avoid this human being's embrace. hug.

If he avoids it, then this soft and beautiful human being will definitely be sad, and may even cry in front of him, which is the worst thing the Lord of the Abyss can bear to see.

So the Lord of the Abyss, who thought this way, opened his arms very calmly, and embraced Lan Qin, who was eager to run over, into his arms.

At that moment, not only Lan Qin, but even the Lord of the Abyss felt as if his heart had been hit by a cute deer.

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