5.6: My wife

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Lanqin lived in the player dormitory for three days with peace of mind, because there are still With more than 400 points, he thought about it carefully, and decided to spend 300 points to buy a defensive item and an offensive item.

Since the only items that can be brought into the dungeon are items from the system store, Lan Chin looked at the food item card that required 300 points, but still didn't make up his mind to buy it.

Generally speaking, the game will not deliberately starve the player. If the game really wants the player to die of starvation, thirst or freezing to death, the goal can be achieved by simply stopping the supply of food and water. Let the player go into the copy and suffer such torture.

Therefore, there are not many dungeons that will encounter a food crisis. In the case of limited points, there is no need to spend a lot of money to buy food and water in advance.

After all, compared to other props that can save lives, such props as food are indeed expensive and useless.

Lan Qin looked greedily at the sky-high priced props hanging in the mall, such as bazooka with 10,000 points, and desert eagle with 3,000 points.

There really is no downside other than being expensive!

And what makes Lan Qin depressed is that strictly speaking, this shortcoming is still a shortcoming of the player, not a shortcoming of the weapon itself.

No matter how coveted the weapons in the mall, if you can't afford it, you can't afford it.

Lan Chin sighed, but he still tried his best to raise his spirits, changed his clothes for going out, and watered the five potted plants on the shelf. This should be regarded as his love for them.

"You have to bless my master and I return safely, otherwise you will be recycled to the special price area of ​​the mall, and you don't know when you will be bought by others to breathe again..."

Because no one talked to him, and there was no entertainment in the room, Lan Chin learned to talk to plants in these three days.

Although he knows that everything in the room will be properly taken care of by the system before the player is confirmed dead, Lan Chin is still very reluctant to part with his plants.

But no matter how reluctant, Lan Chin had to go out and download the copy.

This damn infinite stream game "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark", you'd better pray that you won't be his partner, otherwise you have to teach the mastermind behind this game a lesson!

There is no question about the player's wishes at all, and there is no salary, five insurances and one housing fund, etc., so that people are forced to come in to fight for survival, and I can curse 800 words just thinking about it.

As usual, he wears a windbreaker to go out. In order to save money on the mask, Lan Qin still uses it to cover his face. Anyway, there will be no unclear players asking to see his face.

Unbeknownst to Lanqin, who was full of reluctance, after he stepped out with heavy steps, the plants in the room that he had carefully cared for for several days began to writhe happily, and even waltzed silently on the spot.

No way, who made these five potted plants so happy!

If it weren't for worrying about scaring Lan Qin, they would want to stick to Lan Qin now.

But don't rush for a while, after they are familiar with Lan Qin in the dungeon, they can live in directly, and they will love each other and never be separated from Lan Qin!

Thinking of this crop, the plants quickly inserted their bodies back into the flowerpots, and then their conscious bodies immediately pulled away and returned to the game control room.

After detecting which dungeon Lan Qin entered, it quickly made a fake player identity for itself, and followed it in, waiting to be with Lan Qin for the rest of his life.


this time, Lan Chin was unaware of the fact that he and his beloved partner passed by.

From the dormitory to the player hall, Lan Qin was familiar with the first time and the second time. As soon as he saw an empty game cabin, he swiped it with his wrist watch, and then walked into the game cabin alone.

The game cabins are unified equipment that requires players to stand. When there are people in the game cabin, the game cabin will be set to be invisible to the outside world.

And after the current dungeon player dies or clears the level and leaves, the game cabin will return to a transparent state, allowing players who come to the dungeon to see which game cabin is empty at a glance.

After Lan Qin made sure that he was standing in the most

comfortable position, he decided to take the dungeon. The light screen lit up several times, and countless dungeon names passed before Lan Qin's eyes, and finally stopped on a dungeon name--"Dead End" .

Dead end? Is this implying that the player is on a dead end?

Lan Qin felt that the dungeon name must be revealing some kind of information, but he has not noticed it yet.

Without more time for him to think, Lan Qin decided to enter the copy, and after a burst of familiar light, Lan Qin found himself in the co-pilot of a small car, and beside him was sitting on the driver's seat Very handsome young man.

Lan Qin didn't speak rashly, but turned his head to the car window, looking through the glass to observe the situation outside.

But the surrounding situation seems to be nothing special. There are only two people on the scene. He and this strange man seem to be on a road leading to nowhere. On both sides of the road are deserts with little vegetation. According to The time in the car can be found to be 3:51 in the afternoon.

Lan Qin planned to keep the enemy from moving, but after sitting quietly for two or three minutes, the man in the driver's seat still didn't move at all. Lan Qin felt that he couldn't wait like this, so he decided to take the initiative.

"Where are we going now? It's almost four o'clock in the afternoon. I think we should find a place to stay?"

Lanchin didn't use the words 'hello' or 'excuse me' because he was worried that he and the young man in the driver's seat might know each other.

If this man is an instance NPC and has some sort of close relationship with him, if he says 'hello' and 'excuse me' as soon as he opens his mouth, he might be cheating.

Of course, the most important point is that according to Lan Qin's brief observation, this young man is very likely to be a Lianjiazi. Although his face looks very tender and young, his biceps cannot be concealed under a short-sleeved floral shirt. The head muscles, obviously, can knock him out with a single punch.

The master of the game, that is, he who is now acting as a fake player, immediately discarded Kevin's pseudonym and false identity.

At the moment when his wife pretended to know him, he was so nervous that he didn't know how to put his hands, so that he looked handsome and unrestrained, he suddenly came up with a very wonderful plan.

"My wife, you are right. We really need to find a suitable place to spend the night as soon as possible. Although it is very hot outside and the sun is very strong, the temperature difference between day and night is large here. It is fine if I am the only one, but I cannot let my wife Go hungry with me."

"But don't worry, my wife. I planned the route before I set off from home, and there will be a motel half an hour ahead. My wife, we can stay there tonight. I spent the night there."

Lan Chin didn't expect the man in the driver's seat to say such a thing: "???"

Although he was puzzled and shocked, Lan Chin was not stupid enough to express it directly on his face. When he came out, he nodded slightly, showing a look of approval for the young man.

"Then go according to your route."

Lan Chin finished pretending to be very calm, and then re-fastened the seat belt that had been untied before, and stared at the front seriously.

It turned out that he still thought that the young man in the driver's seat might be a player, but according to what the man said just now, it was probably a dungeon NPC who had a close relationship with him, so he could follow this dungeon before he figured out the situation of the dungeon. The people in the copy leave.

Lan Chin didn't think he was the only player in this dungeon, so the other players were probably on their way like him, or they were in the motel that the man mentioned.

And he doesn't know anything now, so he can only follow the aborigines in the dungeon.

After all, it was impossible for him to knock the man unconscious and then grab the car and leave, nor could he just get out of the car and walk on foot.

"Yeah, my wife, if you're sleepy, just squint for a while, and I'll call you when I get to the motel." The

man in the driver's seat looked gentle, and his end looked golden under the sunlight coming in from the side, as if it was real. He is a good man who loves his wife and is considerate to his wife.

It's just that this man is too young, he looks to be about twenty years old, no matter how you look at it, he should be in

college, how could he get married? And still found a same-sex wife?

This doesn't look right anyhow.

However, Lan Qin didn't say it directly, but kept all these doubts in his heart, and only waited to find more doubts before exposing the young man's identity.

And the game master who didn't know that his fake skin had been suspected was still complacent. Just now he called his wife several times, and his own wife didn't show any resistance.

what does that mean?

This obviously means that his wife also likes him and loves him!

Woooooo He is so happy!

Looking at his wife up close, she is really perfect everywhere, and her whole body is fragrant. He really wished that he could lick his whole body now, so that all of them could be tainted with His breath.

It's a pity that he was worried that he would scare his own wife, so in the end he could only take a few more glances to satisfy his greed, and did not dare to act immediately.

But he believed that one day his wife would be willing to be licked by him!

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