1.8: Hurry up

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For Lan Qin's question, Chen Hujin faltered for a while, Still haven't been able to give a definite answer.

Chen Huyin didn't know how to look at his brother's face, so he led Lan Qin to the small compartment behind the memorial tablet with a proud face.

Naturally, Lan Qin would not give up such a good opportunity, and followed Chen Huyin decisively. Anyway, as a passerby, he would go to the more dangerous places, and occasionally had to drop his IQ when necessary.

Now that the two protagonists have appeared, he, a passer-by, has not been offline yet, so he is obviously unqualified.

Even if the system 1122 is not there, Lan Chin feels that he has to stick to his professionalism.

After entering this relatively spacious cubicle, the first thing Lan Qin noticed was the red wedding dress on a wooden shelf. What made him even more concerned was that besides the wooden shelf on which a red wedding dress was neatly hung, there were many wooden shelves in other parts of the small cubicle. Roughly, there were about twenty dozen of them.

It's just that those wooden shelves are all empty, and there is no red wedding dress hanging on them.

In fact, according to Lan Qin's eyesight, he felt that these wooden shelves seemed to have some historical ideas, especially the wooden shelves were engraved with some strange and weird patterns.

"These wooden shelves should be hundreds of years old, right?"

Lan Chin asked, while raising his camera to take a few photos.

Chen Huyin nodded and shook his head again, smiling to let Lan Qin guess.

Lan Qin really made a serious guess, "I just said that this ancestral hall was built thousands of years ago to enshrine Prince Yan of the Great Qin Dynasty, so these wooden frames also have a thousand years of history?" Chen Huyin clapped his hands and tilted his head

, Then he happily smiled and praised Lan Chin for guessing right.

Chen Hujin, who came in a little later, was very dissatisfied with her sister's behavior of deliberately pretending to be good, and even rolled her eyes behind Lan Qin.

Chen Huyin didn't pay attention to his elder brother Chen Hujin at all, he just focused on Lan Qin and only wanted to see Lan Qin.

Lan Qin took a few photos of the gorgeous red wedding dress, and then prepared to end the trip to the ancestral hall. He, brother and sister Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin all sincerely thanked each other. After hearing such a piece of history today and taking pictures of various places in the Chen's ancestral hall, this business trip has basically come to a successful conclusion.

If he can leave Shiling Village alive.

Lan Qin looked at the red wedding dress, at first glance, he saw the large expanses of red as flowing blood, and the birds, fish and flowers embroidered on it seemed to come alive, let Lan Qin see Feel very uncomfortable.

Lan Qin, who quickly looked away at this time, never imagined that this red wedding dress, which looked very weird, would be forcefully put on him one day, and he would be thrown as a sacrifice to ghosts and gods. Down the Hundred Ghosts River.

After leaving the cubicle, Lan Qin looked at the highest tablet on the altar again. He couldn't understand the words on it at all, but it was obvious that the name of Prince Yan would be engraved on it, just because it was so long ago. , it is basically impossible for people nowadays to recognize it.

When leaving the Chen's ancestral hall, Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin insisted on sending Lan Qin back to the place of residence, but Lan Qin politely refused.

In the end, the siblings had no choice but to leave reluctantly again.

But before leaving, the brothers and sisters also promised that they would go to Lan Qin when they had time tomorrow, and they would bring something more interesting to Lan Qin.

Although he didn't know what the brothers and sisters would bring that would interest him more, Lanqin still thanked them seriously.

Lan Qin's reaction made the brothers and sisters not only reluctant to part with each other, but also a little bit more anticipation and sweetness that they will meet again tomorrow.

But when they returned to their home, such emotions were completely wiped out.

The father of the brothers and sisters, that is, the village head, was smoking dry tobacco with a big bamboo chimney. When he saw the two children coming back, he looked at them carefully for a while with his gloomy and indifferent eyes, and then raised the chimney and pointed at them. Point to the things on the dinner table, indicating that it is time for them to eat.

Their eyes moved with the chimney, and then fell on the fresh bloody piece of meat. The villagers in Shiling Village are all living dead, and the blood on their bodies is dark red and smelly. It is impossible for such fresh blood to flow out.

This is obviously what the four strangers who came to Shiling Village today have.

There are three hundred people in Shiling Village, and it is impossible to divide the flesh and blood of the four people. Even the head of a village can only get three pieces of meat the size of a palm, followed by a bowl full of fresh blood. .

The living dead are extremely eager and fond of the flesh and blood of the living, and they feel that half of their liking for Lan Qin is due to this uncontrollable nature.

But the strange thing is that they didn't want to eat Lan Qin alive, but wanted to protect Lan Qin well.

"Don't hurry up to eat? Be careful that your flesh and blood will fall off, and you will directly scare that Lanqin to death." The

village chief's tone was not good, and it was obvious that the two children liked an outsider with an outstanding appearance. Things are dissatisfied.

When Chen Huyin looked at the piece of flesh and blood in the old porcelain bowl, and swallowed involuntarily, she also inevitably felt a sense of self-loathing-at this time, she deeply felt that she was not worthy of Lan Qin, a monster like her , even Shiling Village is inseparable. He has lived in a daze for more than a hundred years, but he has never been anywhere.

Chen Hujin looked at the bloody piece of meat with a little fear and a little desire at the same time. The last time he had a meal was a few months ago. Now that the sacrifice of ghosts and gods is approaching, the people in the village are even more eager for flesh and blood.

Although it is unclear how many outsiders were killed, since there are only a few outsiders in the village, the only one who will not be attacked by the villagers is Lan Qin, who is most likely to become the bride of ghosts and gods. The flesh and blood that come down cannot be wasted, otherwise they will become completely irrational walking dead if they don't eat in time.

That's when the real disaster strikes.

Moreover, Shiling Village treats the villagers who lose their minds by throwing them directly into the Hundred Ghosts River, which will be the burial place of the craziest villagers.

It is impossible for the village chief to let his two sons and daughters fall into such a sad end, so eating regularly is nothing more than a normal thing.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that this time his children would actually have the idea of ​​not eating.

The village head's thoughts couldn't help but go back to more than two hundred years ago. At that time, he was not the village head, and at the same time he fell in love with a young woman who unfortunately broke into Shiling Village. Later, that young woman became his wife and the mother of his two children...

It's just that he forced her to do all of this, or used her fiancé to make her submit...

The village chief knew that he was a character Despicable person, he did such a thing at the time because of his love, but later things proved that he was wrong, and he must not allow his children to fall into that end.

So that Lan Chin must die!


this time, Lan Qin, who was walking back to the dormitory alone, didn't know that the village chief had murderous intentions, but even if he knew, he wouldn't panic.

After all, passerby A is destined to die early, and there is a problem if he does not die early.

Lan Qin thought that Yang Jian was still squatting by the river to see if there was any fat fish delivered to the door, but when he entered the room, he saw Yang Jian sitting on the wooden bed with his back to him, dripping water from his body.

In the empty room, there was a wet person sitting on the bed with his back facing him, dripping water dripping down, which seemed a bit scary no matter how you looked at it.

It's just that Lan Qin didn't feel scared, but walked up directly, patted Yang Jian on the shoulder, and asked if something happened.

Yang Jian turned his head slowly with a stiff body, Lan Qin was already mentally prepared to see the scariest and bloodiest scene.

But what surprised him was that Yang Jian's front face was very normal, but his expression was slightly dull, and his eyes were full of numbness from excessive shock.

Is this something terrible happened by the river?

Lan Qin frowned slightly, thinking so in his heart.

Faced with Lan Qin's concern and inquiries, Yang Jian's pale lips trembled a few times in fright, but he still didn't say why, because his whole body and mind were still immersed in the horrible scene he saw by the river, and he was so scared to react even now not come.

Lan Qin did not force Yang Jian, but took out a set of clean clothes from Yang Jian's backpack, and asked Yang Jian to change the wet clothes quickly, so as not to catch

a cold .

Hearing Lan Qin's words, Yang Jian's whole body trembled. He didn't care about his physical condition at all, but grabbed Lan Qin's hand violently, his voice trembling badly.

"Lan, Lan Qin! We... we must leave quickly! Get out of here quickly... we must get out of here quickly! Otherwise... otherwise we will die, we will all die!"

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