1.5: Be a Bride

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After breakfast, Lan Qin and Yang Jian will walk around the village together, Trying to get more information about ghosts and gods.

But it was at this time that they discovered that all the villagers avoided talking about the sacrifice of ghosts and gods. Even when Yang Jian asked too much, the villagers still spoke vigilantly at each other, claiming that if they inquired about ghost sacrifices casually, they would drive him out.

In order to prevent being kicked out, Yang Jian had no choice but to give up learning the details of ghost sacrifices from these villagers.

Because of the lack of cooperation and vigilance of the villagers, neither of them got any progress in their work this morning.

When it was lunch time, Yang Jian felt his already hungry stomach and decided to go back for lunch first.

"If you don't eat actively, you have a brain problem."

Yang Jian said this, but he didn't feel much nervous about the work that hadn't made any progress. Instead, he began to guess what delicious food he would have for lunch.

Lan Qin understood why Yang Jian would only take him on a business trip alone. Obviously, other people in the magazine couldn't cope with Yang Jian's negative work attitude, so he arranged for a workaholic who loved work to follow him.

At least it can guarantee that this business trip is not in vain.

On the way back to the house, they passed the big river. Yang Jian sighed to the big river that the fish in this river must be delicious.

"I ate wild boar meat last night, why don't I have a fish today or tomorrow? The water in this river is so clear...Although it doesn't bottom out, it's still very clear, and it's also a good thing. The depth of the water means that there are many types of fish. At the same time, it is more tender and delicious."

Yang Jian squatted by the river watching, as if he still wanted to go down to the river to catch fish.

Lan Qin's gaze moved back from the dizzy river surface, and then fell on Yang Jian's half-squatting back. He felt that with Yang Jian's body size, it was a bit dangerous to fish in the river .

Yang Jian is obviously also very self-aware. He stared at it for a while, but regretfully got up and turned around to go back.

"I haven't seen any fish after looking at it for so long. This river probably has no fish. That's why those villagers didn't come to catch fish, so we don't have any fish to eat." Lan Qin: "..." This person is


thinking Lanqin only felt a little helpless to eat fish.

When Lan Qin was about to leave with Yang Jian, he suddenly saw a very fat fish jumping out of the river. Lan Qin subconsciously wanted to call Yang Jian, but in the blink of an eye, he saw the fish jumping back into the river , and disappeared under the vast river with a flick of its tail.

Now Lan Qin stopped planning to call Yang Jian, and pondered in his heart that there were really fish in the river, but the river was wide and deep, and he didn't see wooden boats and bamboo rafts in Shiling Village, probably here The villagers of the village should not come to fish.

In fact, Lanqin also had his own ideas about the so-called sacrifices to ghosts and gods. In this Shiling village, the only suitable places for large-scale sacrifices were the ancestral hall in the village and the side of the river.

Because there was a place similar to an altar by the river, Lan Qin felt that it would be more suitable for worshiping ghosts and gods.

And there is another point, that is, this river is really too weird.

Lan Qin didn't tell Yang Jian his guess. Although their job here was to find out the weirdness of this village, he felt that safety was the most important thing.

This is a dangerous place even if you think about it with your fingers. If they want to leave Shiling Village alive, they still need to be a little more sensible.

Lan Qin and Yang Jian, who left together, did not notice any abnormalities in the river water and the bottom of the river, but the fish that Lan Qin saw with his own eyes turned into a black air current after swimming to a certain depth in the river. It rushed straight to the bottom of the river, and mixed with the darkest river water at the bottom, and finally disappeared without a trace.

After lunch, Lan Qin and Yang Jian had the energy to think about the sacrifice of ghosts and gods. Yang Jian even thought of finding a breakthrough from Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin.

Lan Qin didn't have any objections, after all, Yang Jian was still his boss to be precise.

But when they came to the village chief's house, they found that there was no one here.

At this time, all the villagers of Shiling Village gathered on the side of the wooden bridge on the river bank, waiting numbly for the

newcomers .

The village chief was still standing at the front, with brothers and sisters Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin standing on both sides.

Compared with the gloomy look of the village chief looking at the strange outsiders, Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin's brothers and sisters looked listless and restless, and didn't care about these four strange outsiders who seemed very nervous.

And Qin Ziwei, as the invisible boss in their team, naturally had to be responsible for communicating with the village head, so that the village head would agree that they would stay in the village for a few days.

The village chief didn't show doubts about what these young people said about getting lost in Qinshiling and needing to stay overnight, but looked at them for a while with gloomy eyes full of vicissitudes, and then agreed.

Xu Yi looked at the villagers who were obviously very hostile, and his mind was full of the scenes of Chen Tiao and Jiang Yang being eaten alive by these villagers in the previous life. That extremely terrifying scene once made Xu Yi so afraid that he couldn't sleep for more than a month.

If it weren't for Qin Ziwei, a boyfriend who was always by his side and gave him the most intimate comfort, Xu Yi would have thought that he would become a mentally weak lunatic.

At this moment, facing these villagers so directly, Xu Yi couldn't help but tremble all over his body, the chill of being stared at by the strange thing went from his head to the soles of his feet.

If he didn't know that it was impossible for them to avoid Shiling Village, and to leave Qin Shiling, he had to go through Shiling Village, and even needed the villagers to lead the way, he would definitely never step into this sinful and bloody village again.

The eyes of Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin flicked over the faces of the four people impatiently, and when they found that there was no one more beautiful than Lan Qin, they felt very disdainful.

At the same time, there is also an inexplicable sense of pride. There is no such thing as a beautiful living person like Lanqin, and there is no such thing as Lanqin in a thousand years.

That's why they couldn't bear to watch Lan Qin being sacrificed to that ghost, marrying such an unknown ghost, and being drowned alive in the Hundred Ghosts River.

But it is not so easy to save Lan Qin from his stubborn and old-fashioned father.

Every year, Shiling Village chooses a bride with the best appearance to sacrifice to the ghosts and gods, and the remaining living people are used as food to maintain the vitality of all the villagers.

Chen Hujin knew very well what the people in their village were like. He was usually very satisfied with his status as a living dead. After all, he only needed to eat living people from time to time, and there was no other trouble.

If you don't look at the fact that they can't leave Qin Shiling, the people in Shiling Village look like immortal gods in the legend.

And Chen Hujin always thought so, but when he saw the vivid Lan Qin for the first time, it was hard for him not to feel like a walking dead.

The feeling of inferiority lingered in Li Hujin's heart, which made him even more impatient to keep Lan Qin intact.

The ghost sacrifice had to be held within these two days, so it was necessary to find a suitable sacrifice for the bride from among the four strangers, so that Lan Qin, who was the most eye-catching, could be replaced.

Chen Huyin and his elder brother Chen Hujin had the same thoughts in their hearts, but after looking over and over several times, they still couldn't find a suitable candidate for the bride.

After weighing and comparing several times, Chen Huyin's eyes fell on Xu Yi. Although she felt that this person was not as good as Lan Qin at all, among the four, this handsome outsider was considered pretty good.

And more importantly, the sacrifice of ghosts and gods is imminent.

Obviously, in just two days, no other living people will come over.

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