9.0: Real World

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After Lanqin reunited with his partner, it really has been a very long time awkward day.

Later, I don't know whether it was God's initiative to show his favor, or Lanqin's active approach. Anyway, he and God soon lived a sweet and loving life again.

It's just that both humans and gods enjoyed it, but System 1122 was so shocked that it couldn't even sustain the mechanical sound, and it turned into a screaming chicken.

This made Lan Qin's mind buzz, and it was only when God finally took System 1122 out of Lan Qin's mind that the matter was over.

"Damn! Host, Lanqin... How could you be Lanqin? How could such a thing happen? How could the gods like humans? And don't gods have emotions? Even if you really want to fall in love, then It has to be an elite system like ours... Although I am not in the elite ranks, this cannot be falling in love with you, this is not scientific at all!" "

And even if you are really good-looking, the aesthetics of the system are different For humans, the aesthetics of the gods should be different from the system or even humans, how could he like you?! This is impossible, I must be dreaming... But the system does not need to sleep, nor will it Dreaming!!! Help! My main hub is about to explode..." "

This must be the biggest news at the center of the universe system. Once it spreads, it will definitely shock the entire system center. Everyone will feel unbelievable..."

Before the system 1122 was caught, it kept uttering unbelievable words, but when it was really grasped by God, the system 1122 was speechless.

Lan Chin saw that the metal-colored circular exterior of System 1122 suddenly turned pink, as if shy that it would explode in the next second, and felt helpless.

It seems that System 1122 is really a fan of God, but fortunately he is not an extreme fan, nor is he a poisonous fan, otherwise he would be in trouble.

For Lanchin, partner is very important, family is also very important, and System 1122 is like Lanchin's family.

Well, of course the most similar is the boss.

But no matter what it is, System 1122 is an existence of extraordinary significance to Lan Qin.

System 1122 was very excited, and even became a little stutterer. The cute little hand made out of data was helpless on the finger of God, and said very nervously, "Dear God, Lord God! I, I am System, serial number, serial number 1122, it's a pleasure to meet, to meet, to meet you!!!"

In fact, system 1122 wanted to say more words of admiration, but when he realized that he was stuttering, he quickly shut up, Just use data ideas to express admiration and admiration for God.

It's just that God didn't have the heart to deal with an ordinary system, but because it was a system bound to Lan Qin, he paid attention to it.

It's just that such attention is negligible, but System 1122 is extremely excited, wishing to talk to God more, or just contacting like this is enough for System 1122 to be happy for a long time.

Lanqin can only take a helpless attitude towards what happened to System 1122. He is also very clear about the system's admiration for God.

But Lanqin doesn't care about inserting a system between them, but God doesn't like the existence of a third party, especially now that God is still integrating the distracting memory of Lanqin's last mission world.

Whether it belongs to the deceitful demon king Ausonia's grief of losing his loved one, or the happiness and joy of the God of Light, God is deeply impressed.

But what God can't let go of is the time when he grew up with Lan Qin - as Lan Qin's elder brother, he was only six years old when Lan Qin was older, so Lan Qin was busy making money for little Lan Qin when Lan Qin's father and mother were busy. He is busy running all over the world, just to find a doctor who can save Lanqin and a heart that can match him successfully.

It's just that what happened later was beyond everyone's expectations. Lan Qin's body became weaker day by day, and he even ended up lying in the intensive care unit.

Every time the current god recalls the despair of that period, his heart palpitates for a long time.

But now that God has woken up, and is fortunate enough to be with the boy whom he cared most about in the past, such a surprise has never happened in God's life.

God brought his beloved Lan Qin back to the

world he first met. For Lan Qin, this is the real world, but for God, it is also an ordinary task world.

It's just that such an ordinary person completely disappeared after meeting Lan Qin. The god who lost his memory began to be attached to this task world, and also wanted to transplant the protagonist's heart into Lan Qin's body, so that the eighteen-year-old Lan Qin could survive.

But the world consciousness can never let the role played by God kill the protagonist, even if the role played by God is the most powerful villain.

But at that time, the villains had to follow the rule that they would never be able to defeat the protagonist. As the villain, God could only watch Lan Qin die of illness, and then fell into madness. On the one hand, he recklessly confronts the two protagonists.

The struggle between the villain and the two protagonists lasted for more than 30 years, until the villain finally had no weakness for Lan's father and mother, and directly bankrupted the two protagonists at the cost of losing both. Let them all be ruined.

It's just that no matter how much you try to retain and make up for it, it's impossible to get Lan Qin back, and those happy times no longer exist.

This regret and grief made the villain played by God unable to let go, and finally made God unable to let go.

But now God has finally found the person he loves the most, and can return to the original time, so that all regrets will be rewritten.

Lan Qin looked at the biological parents who were exactly the same as in memory, and was so excited that he was incoherent. He rushed over with tears in his eyes, and then hugged his parents.

"Mom and Dad, I miss you so much..."

Lan's father and Lan's mother didn't know why the youngest son was so emotional all of a sudden, and he looked very sad.

Mother Lan hugged her youngest son, patted his back lightly with her hands, and said a little puzzled, "Your elder brother took you abroad for treatment, and now you are finally cured. We should all be happy, you Why is this child still crying?"

Father Lan touched the fluffy head of the younger son, and then looked at the older son, obviously he wanted to get an answer from the older son.

But the eldest son, whom Lan's father placed high hopes on, also came over, took away the younger son who was leaning on his mother's arms with his long arms, and then went to comfort Lan Qin who was about to cry.

Lan's father and Lan's mother didn't think there was anything wrong when they looked at the very close appearance of the two brothers. After all, the two brothers had such a good relationship since they were young, and their relationship was also very close.

It's just that Lan's father and Lan's mother's idea will be shattered by the two brothers together, and they didn't realize until after the brothers' wedding that this would be a couple who will be in love for a long time!

Remembering that the eldest son had taken the initiative to move his household registration out of the Lan family a few years ago, and then landed on his biological parents' household registration, Lan's father and Lan's mother knew why.

It turned out that the eldest son had planned it for a long time!

It's just that seeing the eldest son and the youngest son are very happy, of course Lan's father and Lan's mother can't object to anything, so they can only send the most sincere blessings.

The wedding ended successfully, and then the newlyweds left the company to Father Lan first, and the two of them went to spend their honeymoon all over the world.

Although it has been a long time since the honeymoon in the last mission world, Lan Chin and God are looking forward to this honeymoon.

After all, this was a wedding under the blessing of their two most valued relatives, so naturally it couldn't be compared with the mission world.

In particular, God still feels that the Him in the mission world is not the true and complete Him.

It is only in this world that He is complete Him, and happiness is complete happiness.

Lan Qin and his partner are on a leisurely honeymoon, but the two protagonists who came back from rebirth and vowed to defeat the Lan family can only look at each other, completely unable to understand what this operation is.

After the villain no longer troubled the protagonist, the two protagonists who also had no interest in fighting the villain also began to live a peaceful life.

It's just that in addition to the peaceful and beautiful life, the protagonists are still wary of the villain who may go crazy at any time, but the situation after the investigation surprised them. Who is this handsome man with a happy smile on his face?

It's completely two people with that cold-faced Hades who doesn't smile all the year round and makes a certain company go

bankrupt at every turn!

Is the magic of love really so powerful?

The two protagonists are a bit puzzled when they look at each other, but in the end they come to a conclusion that the magic of love is very powerful!


Qin sent off his favorite parents in a safe and healthy life. At that time, Lan Qin was only 39 years old. According to the story of the world told by his partner, his biological parents did die at this time, and they In the next life, they will also be reborn into a wealthy family and have a happy and complete life.

That's enough for Lanchin.

In the end, Lan Qin lived to be ninety years old under the help of his partner, and even sent away their lifelong enemies-the two protagonists.

Lanqin died with a smile. He felt that he had no regrets in his life, and after Lanqin's death, God quickly extradited Lanqin's soul to the center of the universe system.

This time, nothing can separate them.

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