7.20: Cyanwood Mountain

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When I went back to Luohua Village with my partner to deal with those things, Lan Qin happened to Seeing the male protagonist Tan Qianhe, he found that his protagonist's aura was already left with a dim golden light.

However, Lan Qin never cared whether the protagonist's halo would become dim or even disappear, but under normal circumstances, this would only happen when the protagonist was dying or when the protagonist's halo was taken back by the world consciousness.

And the dimness of the protagonist's halo is irreversible.

But Lan Qin, who has experience, knows that this just proves that the world of this mission has tended to be stable, so the world consciousness does not need the protagonist to maintain the stability of the world.

Later, when he was a graduate student, Lan Qin accidentally saw the hero Tan Qianhe again, and then found that the halo of the protagonist on his head had completely disappeared.

This also means that the protagonist's aura of the heroine Lan Lan has disappeared. After all, the two protagonists are a body of destiny. No matter which protagonist loses the protagonist's aura first, the other protagonist will also lose the protagonist's aura.

Lan Qin has not paid attention to the life of the heroine Lan Lan's family for a long time, but it is nothing more than trivial matters in some parents' affairs.

But no matter what Lan Qin thinks, it is really unexpected that the heroine Lan Lan will actually participate in the illegal activities of human trafficking, and even become the leader of human traffickers in a few years.

When Lan Qin saw the heroine Lan Lan being captured by the police on TV, he couldn't believe his eyes.

After seeing this familiar family, Butler Liu also looked angry and surprised, and went to find out the activities of that family in the past few years without Lan Qin's order.

But even with the results of the investigation, Lan Qin still has a little difficulty understanding the illegal behavior of the heroine Lan Lan in human trafficking, "Isn't she already married and having children? Moreover, the suspected human trafficking in that village has long been reported to the police station. How could there be such a case?"

Butler Liu was also very puzzled by this, after all, the village where the family lived was indeed dealt with by the police station, and it stands to reason that there should not be such a serious case of human trafficking .

But things are so evil, even under the strict air defense of the police station, this village is still secretly engaged in illegal and criminal acts of human trafficking, even a young woman like Lan Lan has participated in it.

The result of the investigation is simply that due to the pressure of life, Lan Lan engaged in illegal and criminal activities of human trafficking with her husband, and then dragged her parents into the crime together.

As for how Lan Lan embarked on this criminal path of no return, and how she persuaded her parents, there is no detailed description, so it is difficult for outsiders to know how this matter developed to this point.

Lan Qin thought of the golden fingers of the heroine Lan Lan, and those yin and yang eyes that were not working at all times, maybe they could allow them to carry out these illegal and criminal activities safely under the attention of so many people.

It's just that as a law-abiding citizen, Lan Qin can't directly ask the police station for details of the case. However, Lan Qin himself has a trump card. He directly dragged his partner, who is an evil god, to the TV in the living room, and let his partner To identify whether the heroine is using evil spirits to carry out human trafficking.

The evil god who was pulled over by Lanqin just casually glanced at the suspect who was arrested in the news. Although the eyes were mosaiced, this did not prevent the evil god from identifying him.

Lan Chin only glanced at his partner for a second or two before giving a nod in reply.

This proves that Lan Lan really used the ability of ghosts to carry out human trafficking.

After Lanqin knew the inside story, he didn't know what to say-this could drive the evil spirits, no matter how the heroine let the evil spirits do things for her, but with the help of the evil spirits, the heroine was able to go Starting a business or running a business is a smooth sailing thing.

Why did you choose to do something illegal? Could it be that he has been born and raised in that trafficking village for too long, so he can't think of anything that has nothing to do with crime?

Lan Qin also thought of the task details, the first reaction of the heroine's family when they heard that they had a chance to get billions of dollars was to kill Lan Guanshan's family, and suddenly felt no surprise


Just like a kind and good person will not think of any way to harm others, it is impossible for a bad person with an ugly heart to think of any correct way. So good people and bad people present polarized life paths, probably because of this reason.

The follow-up of the case, Lan Qin, also attracted Steward Liu's attention. The heroine Lan Lan's family has been involved in the illegal and criminal activities of human trafficking, and it has lasted for four or five years. He was sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison by the court for the crime of human trafficking, and even the death penalty.

Because the heroine Lan Lan was also the leading figure in the illegal and criminal activities of abducting and trafficking women and children, and also abducted and trafficked as many as a hundred women and children, she was sentenced to death without any surprise, with a two-year reprieve.

Although it was a death reprieve, after Lan Qin knew the result of the trial, he knew that the heroine Lan Lan must be dead. Lan Lan will be sentenced so severely, maybe the family members of the two waves of victims in the past and the present are contributing to the flames.

In the past, Lan Lan was able to escape from those incidents alive largely because of her aura of the protagonist, but now that she has lost the aura of the protagonist, her life will continue to be unlucky according to the normal law.

In the end, Lan Lan's end was exactly as Lan Qin had expected, and he was still shot under the public opinion, and this could be regarded as a solution to one of Lan Qin's serious worries.

There is also the male protagonist Tan Qianhe, and Lan Qin also pays attention to it from time to time, and then knows that the male protagonist has become the new head of the Tan family, married a wife and had children.

It's just that after losing the aura of the protagonist, the male protagonist Tan Qianhe was seriously injured in a thrilling supernatural incident. Although he didn't die, his lower body was paralyzed and he would have to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

And the hero's master also died of illness not long after the hero's lower body was paralyzed.

Because of the loss of the most prestigious Fa Chanzi and the male lead, the most promising young generation, the Tan family quickly fell from the status of the top celestial master family. on a par.

Lan Qin didn't have much hatred for the male protagonist Tan Qianhe. After all, in the mission details, the male protagonist Tan Qianhe didn't seem to have a very happy life. But when he saw that the lives of the male and female protagonists were unlucky, he would inevitably feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

For the happy mood of the believers, the evil god has made great achievements and fame for this.

Comparing the gap between the previous life and this life, the evil god is naturally very resentful towards the culprit who caused the death of his beloved.

But based on the promise to Lan Chin that he would not harm anyone, the evil god did not directly attack those culprits, but used evil spirits to influence the luck of those people, making them more unlucky day by day until the culprits were destroyed the whole life.

This is the curse of the evil god.


this life, Lanqin will still be happy and in love with his partner for a lifetime, but the lifespan of human beings is limited, and even evil gods cannot prevent human aging and death.

The evil god once proposed to let believers eat its flesh and blood-this is something that can guarantee the immortality of human beings, but the price is to become similar to the villagers of Luohua Village.

Everything has a price, and Lan Chin and the evil god understand this very well.

But Lanqin didn't want to be something that used the flesh and blood of evil gods and living people to maintain his life. He didn't want to turn himself into that person who was neither human nor ghost.

"Instead of being distorted like a maggot, I would rather grow old and die naturally."

This is Lan Qin's very clear attitude, and the evil god can only reluctantly agree.

What it hates the most in its two lives is the things similar to the villagers of Luohua Village. It is just that it has to witness the death of believers with its own eyes, but the evil god can't help but want to cry.

Snakes don't shed tears, and evil gods don't.

But Lan Qin knew that his partner must be very painful, but they always have to go through this kind of parting.

Compared with the painful parting in each mission world, what Lan Chin remembers more deeply is the decades of happy time between himself and his partner.

"Don't be sad, don't be sad, my beloved partner, we will always meet and love each other again in the next life."

Lan Qin stretched out his trembling hand to touch the same old

face -this was changed for him of.

The evil god doesn't want to watch the loved one grow old, so he chooses to grow old with his believers and his loved one.

"We will meet again."

The evil spirit also said with a firm expression, and then gently put a nostalgic kiss on Lan Qin's face.

The evil god never blesses human beings, but if it meets its believers, the evil god is willing to use everything to bless.

Lan Qin's hand was also held tightly by the evil god, and he reluctantly held it back, but death was unstoppable, and finally Lan Qin's hand was unavoidably loosened.

The evil god accompanied his beloved to complete the last journey with a confused and empty expression. Lan Qin could only look at his partner with great distress, and was teleported back to the system space after ten minutes.

But he also knew where his partner would take his body. The property of the Lan family was divided into three parts, one part was given to Steward Liu's family, one part was donated to the country for free, and one part was used to buy a mountain. .

That was the mountain that Lanqin bought for his partner with a lot of money. It has beautiful scenery and is very suitable for building a temple for his partner.

And here is also the final destination of his mission world.

The evil god brings the lover's body back to this scenic mountain, and then places the lover's body in his idol.

The three-meter-high statue of the evil god with a human body and snake tail was placed high in the temple, and no one knew that there was a beloved person of the god in the statue.

And the evil god also completely attaches his soul to the statue, without the company of his lover, he simply disdains everything in the world.

The beautiful Cyanwood Mountain just fell silent day after day, only the wind, the flowers, and the trees knew the past of the love between gods and humans.


As soon as Lan Qin returned to the system space, he originally planned to pick a mission world to enter immediately. He didn't want to be separated from his partner for even a minute longer.

But before that, he had to spend two minutes sending a message to the system 1122, asking the system 1122 to send him some more tasks.

After all, as far as he has only two tasks on hand, it is still too few!

But what surprised Lan Qin was that less than two minutes after he returned to the system space, he directly bumped into the system 1122 who came to patrol, and the demeanor of system 1122 was still very solemn.

Lan Qin didn't know how he could see the solemn emotions from a glowing ball, but after cooperating with more than a dozen mission worlds, Lan Qin could magically perceive certain emotions of System 1122.

When he saw the very serious expression of System 1122, and was asked by System 1122 if he had encountered any unusual people or things recently, and if he had done any abnormal behavior in the task world, Lan Qin immediately felt a little bit in his heart: No Was it discovered that he was dating while working? !

At that moment, Lan Qin thought of a hundred ways to save his partner in a nervous mood.

It's not that Lan Qin is too pessimistic, but that he doesn't think he has any chance of winning against the center of the universe system.

It is absolutely impossible for him to tell the existence of his partner!

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