8.3: Black and White Shadow

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When Lanqin walked out of this luxury dress shop, it was the The waiter reluctantly watched him leave, but the distinguished guest he watched was merciless, not only refused his service request to deliver a dress to the door, but also didn't need his 10% discount!

The waiter recalled the unparalleled beauty of this distinguished guest, his noble and elegant temperament, and the cool aura of his gestures, and he was about to fall in love immediately.

If he is not very clear about his identity, it is impossible to have a relationship with such a distinguished customer, and the rules in the store prohibit the waiter from harassing the customer or the customer harassing the waiter, he will show love on the spot!

Just thinking of such a parting, he might never have the chance to see this distinguished guest again in his life, the waiter felt that he would regret it for the rest of his life.

When the waiter went back to work with a gloomy expression, Lan Chin left the shop directly wearing a cloak and carrying the packing box of the dress. If there were no accidents, he would not come to this shop again.

Or to be more precise, after he left the main city of Mesfant, he might never come here again.

After all, he really had no reason to come here again.

System 1122 is perfect at this time and has no intention of paying attention to the host's heart, because just now when the host came out after trying on the dress, its siren suddenly beeped non-stop.

This sign is obviously that there is some uncertain existence watching its host secretly, and it also has great mood swings.

System 1122 suspected that it was the murderer who killed the bard in the task details, and it is very likely that the host who became the bard was also targeted at this time.

And what worries System 1122 even more is that the siren will sound from time to time when its host walks out of that shop-there is only one possibility, that is, the enemy lurking in the dark is following its host !

System 1122 immediately told Lan Qin that there was someone following him. After Lan Qin heard the news, he paused for a moment with his relaxed movements and demeanor. After reacting, he pretended nothing had happened, and then chose a road with more traffic to go back. hostel.

After returning to the hostel, Lan Qin checked the hostel room at the first time, and the system 1122 also helped to scan. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, Lan Qin went to the window and opened the curtain to observe the situation outside the hostel.

Lan Qin chose the most expensive room, which was naturally the highest and had the best view. He looked at the street in front of the main gate of the hotel on the fifth floor. While observing the people coming and going, he didn't notice any abnormalities.

【"1122, can you tell who is following me? And could it be the waiter in the dress shop?"] It's not that

Lan Qin didn't believe the waiter, but when he left the dress shop, the waiter The waiter looked at him with an overly eager and weird look.

If he wasn't sure that the original owner was a straight man who would rather bend than bend, he would have suspected that there was some ulterior relationship between the original owner and the waiter.

The tone of the system 1122 is very serious, but it is difficult to hide the worry in the words, ["This is what I think is wrong, because I can't determine the exact location of the person who followed the host, I can only detect that he has been following the host Behind you, and keep a close distance throughout the whole process."]

Lan Qin was thinking about who the person who was following him would be, and according to system 1122, it was an abnormal situation detected in a dress shop, then Explain that this is likely to be a certain customer in the dress shop, or a certain waiter.

It's just that no matter how Lan Qin recalled the situation in the dress shop just now, he still felt that everyone was impossible, but he also felt that everyone was suspicious.

More importantly, according to the love atmosphere in this mission world, even if you see his face, your first reaction should be to show your love publicly, why would you follow him so strangely?

This is completely unreasonable!

Lan Qin also speculated whether it was the murderer who secretly killed the original owner in the distorted world plot, but since neither he nor the system knew who killed the original owner, the bard, it was difficult to be sure even if there was such a guess onto someone.

Lan Qin and System 1122 naturally also suspected

the dark witch who cursed the heroine, the little princess, but because there was no evidence, they could only shelve it for the time being.

Moreover, the dark witch has always been elusive, even if it is really the dark witch who killed the bard, they can only be vigilant instead of arresting the dark witch in advance.

Originally, in the task details, the dark witch was also going to appear on the stage to curse the little princess, but she was stopped by the fairy godmother.

But in the distorted world plot, the fairy godmother was directly injured by the dark witch.

Neither Lanchin nor System 1122 understood why there was such a big difference. What went wrong?

More importantly, why did the dark witch or the murderer kill the bard, the original owner? Obviously the existence of bards will not hinder anyone.

Lan Qin couldn't observe anything in front of the curtains, so he could only put down the curtains regretfully, and then sat back on the recliner. Of course, he had pulled the curtains very tightly before that.

What Lanqin didn't know was that after he lowered the curtains, a dark figure appeared indistinctly at the same height as his room.

And beside the black shadow, there is a more vague platinum figure.

"This is my domain. Isn't it a little rude for you to stare at my believers so presumptuously?"

Bai Ying withdrew his gaze from the dark green curtain. All things and existences will not escape His gaze, but it is a pity that there is no statue of His God enshrined in that hotel room.

What Bai Ying didn't know was that there was actually a god statue in that room, but because Lan Qin had a psychological shadow about the god statue, the waiter in the hotel took it away.

Of course, the reason is also impeccable. I already have better and more exquisite statues in my suitcase.

Hei Ying immediately sneered when he heard the hypocritical words 'self', and his eyes never left the curtain, because he knew that the treasure that made him fall in love at first sight was hidden behind the curtain.

"When you said this, if you didn't come with me, then you really have two or three points of credibility. And I don't think that little beauty is a believer of a hypocrite like you. After all, I am not on the little beauty. Found anything related to you."

Soi Ying's ironic words made Bai Ying silent for a moment, and after he recovered, Bai Ying said again, "Gosho's country is my domain, Mesfan Te is the main city of the Temple of Light, as long as he is here for one day, he will be protected by me for one day."

This meant that the shadow should not harass the human beings he sheltered.

But Black Shadow is not interested in wasting time with an old thing here, he can't wait to take the little beauty back to his palace, if the little beauty doesn't like the dark palace in hell, he can still take the little beauty to his treasure lair .

Sombra firmly believes that the treasure that can drown his huge prototype can capture the heart of the little beauty.

"You just watch here. Anyway, I'm going to take him back now. After more than ten years of estrus, it's just enough for me and the little beauty to develop a strong relationship. At that time..." Bai Ying didn't wait

. After Soi Ying finished speaking, he just flicked his sleeves over and mercilessly scattered Soi Ying on the spot.

And Soi Ying, who was so angry with Shiro Shadow's move that he wanted to jump, the last thing he heard was Shiro Shadow's cold warning, "This is my domain, and dark creatures are not welcome." Soi Ying: "...


He is Him. Although he has one soul and two bodies, he is essentially the same. This old thing is obviously the biggest dark creature, and he is farting here!

If it hadn't been broken up, Soi Ying would have to fight 'himself' for three days and three nights, to let Bai Ying know how powerful he is!

Bai Ying didn't care what Soi Ying was thinking, after he sent Soi Ying away from Ge Xiu, he stood there and stared at the dark blue curtain for a while, then turned and left with an unclear expression.

That was just half of his obscene and obscene thoughts, not from his original intention.

So there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

As the God of Light, He would

never have such an unbearable thought.


the black shadow and the white shadow left, the system 1122 immediately told the host that the person following him had left.

Lan Qin believes that the most important thing is not the person who followed him, but to solve the death incident tomorrow night first.

Maybe that's not something that can be resolved without eating or drinking anything at a banquet.

【"Who is going to have trouble with the original owner?"]

Lan Qin, who was comfortably sitting in the recliner, whispered, because he really couldn't find any enemies from the memory of the original owner.

If the original owner didn't offend anyone, could it be that the killing of the original owner was not his own fault, but aimed at the little princess, or more accurately, it was a conspiracy against the entire Kingdom of Goss?

["Or it was someone else who was going to be killed, but the original owner, a passer-by, just happened to be unlucky, so he was killed by mistake?"] System 1122

heard the host's analysis, and after thinking about it, he felt that it was not completely wrong. possible.

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