4.9: Reborn

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Lao Ou promised to help Li Xingruo and the others find Lan Qin's whereabouts, but because Ganshui Town is very large, so we can only try to find it first.

But whether it can be found as soon as possible is another matter.

Lao Ou didn't say the latter sentence, and the news that Lan Qin is now in their Ganshui Township.

Anyway, the remaining six people who have not been selected will soon be guarded by the clansmen in Ganshui Town, and they will definitely not be able to do anything at all.

If these six people have thoughts that are not good for Ganshui Town, he will definitely lock them all into the cellar immediately.

As for whether they will be locked up, it depends on whether these people are obedient enough.

Lao Ou looked indifferently at the back of Li Xingruo, the guest who left in a hurry, and didn't say anything.

Li Xingruo, who hurried back, went to find his boyfriend Fu Ze and other companions, hoping to get some help from them.

When Fu Ze saw his girlfriend came back safe and sound, he was stunned for a while, then he quickly hugged her, and then said in a daze, "It's fine...it's fine..." Li Xingruo who was confused: "

... ..."

Could it be that her boyfriend drank too much last night and made his brain stupid?

Li Xingruo felt that there was no need to waste time caring about this issue, the most important thing now was to find Teacher Lan Qin first.

So she told the story that Teacher Lan Qin might have gone to sketch with a backpack first, and asked Fu Ze to go look for it with her.

When Fu Ze heard that his girlfriend was actually caring about a teacher who led the team, his expression froze. It took him a while to recall who the teacher named Lan Qin was, and his heart became even more serious. I was stunned.

The first thing that came into Fu Ze's mind was that beautiful face like a garden full of pear blossoms. Although it was slightly pale, it was covered with sweat, which added a bit of softness to that face.

Fu Ze opened his mouth, and instead of saying what he wanted to say before, he asked him what he should do.

"... Ganshui Town is very dangerous. Mr. Lan Qin is afraid that accidents will happen when he goes out with a backpack alone." Li

Xingruo nodded, expressing that he agrees with his boyfriend, "That's what I think, so we must Go to Teacher Lan Qin as soon as possible. I will go to other rooms to talk to Teacher Fan and Teacher Chen about the situation. You should brush your teeth, wash your face and change your clothes. When everyone is ready, we will go to Teacher Lan Qin together." Fu Ze

listened I was a little dazed, but I still nodded and said I knew it.

So Li Xingruo turned around and went to find someone else, while Fu Ze was still in a daze.

It seemed that he hadn't seen his girlfriend so anxious about being alone for a long time. After they fled Ganshui Town, the relationship between them became very weak.

But even so, witnessing the death of his girlfriend still caused great psychological harm to Fu Ze.

Now he suddenly saw a living and safe girlfriend again. He should have been his girlfriend all his heart and soul, but at this moment, what he was thinking about was... that male teacher named Lan Qin!

Fu Ze felt that his brain might be broken.

"This is so abnormal... Obviously that teacher named Lan Qin died a long time ago, and we are all dead too..."

Fu Ze thought for a while, and his thoughts suddenly drifted back to his previous life. He could already guess that he was reborn, it must be rebirth, otherwise he would not have met his living self, his living girlfriend Li Xingruo.

And many others who died in Ganshui Town.

Fu Ze looked at the several people who came in one after another after his girlfriend, and subconsciously smiled a little on his face.

Fu Ze felt that he should be very happy to see so many living companions again, but in fact he had worked very hard to resist the urge to shed tears.

"Teacher Fan... Teacher Chen... Yiming and Zhou Suyun..."

It's great that you are still alive!

Fu Ze quietly wiped the corners of his moist eyes, and followed everyone else to show his concern for that teacher Lan Qin.

But in fact, he

knew very well that this teacher Lan Qin, who had disappeared directly in the previous life, was more likely to be taken to that dangerous place by the tour guide Lao Ou.

Fu Ze and Li Xingruo were selected in the previous life. He naturally knew the location of that place, but Fu Ze was very worried that if they all ran over, let alone whether it would arouse the anger of the thousands of townspeople in Ganshui Town, And that place is very dangerous.

Graves and poisonous insects and snakes are everywhere. The reason why he and Xingruo escaped was just a fluke.

Now if it is really delivered directly to the door, it will be almost like asking for a dead end.

More importantly, there were only six of them, and it was impossible to beat the people in Ganshui Town.

Moreover, every townsman in Ganshui Town can use those very weird methods, which can directly drive poisonous insects and snakes.

If those townspeople find out that they already know the secrets of Ganshui Town, they may be killed on the spot.

Just like in the previous life, except for him and Xingruo, everyone else was bitten to death by the poisonous insects and snakes sent by the townspeople.

But Fu Ze was also in a dilemma, because in the last life they were able to find a way to escape from Ganshui Town, it was just luck, but now it is very difficult for him to find that way again.

So are they going to gamble on luck again this time?

Fu Ze's eyes fell on his girlfriend's youthful and soft face, he didn't want to see such a horrible scene again.

At this time, Fu Ze couldn't help hating himself, why did he have to be reborn at this time, but if it was earlier, for example, before they entered this place, or in the middle, he would also be able to give him a chance to escape with everyone.

But if he wanted to escape now, he could only bring someone he could persuade, and what was even more frightening was that he might have to escape alone.

After all, if someone came to him in the last life and told him that Ganshui Town was in danger, don't worry about others and run away together, he would never believe it.

So after observing that the other people present had not been reborn like him, Fu Ze made a decision.

Several people got together to discuss for a while, and then they thought of going in groups of two to search for Lan Qin's traces in Ganshui Town.

Fan Huaqing frowned tightly, his face was full of dissatisfaction with Lan Qin, a colleague.

Originally, I planned to go sketching together today, why did Lan Qin run out by himself? And I haven't talked to anyone yet, so it doesn't feel right no matter how I look at it.

Lan Chin, something happened to him, right?

It wasn't just Fan Huaqing who had such thoughts, other people also had such worries, and Zhou Suyun was even more anxious to walk back and forth, worried that something dangerous would happen to Lan Damei.

Chen Qiao felt that things would not be so simple. A group of people came to a strange place like this, and some people disappeared from the next day. It was really no different from the many horror movies she had watched.

I only hope that Lan Qin will not encounter such a terrible thing.

Chen Qiao thought about it in her heart, but she didn't say such a guess rashly. After all, saying it now would make everyone panic, and it would be of no use in finding Lan Qin.

If she had known that she would encounter such a thing when she came to sketch this time, she should not have watched horror movies a few days before departure.

"Perhaps everyone can think of a better place first. Mr. Lan just saw a good scenery, so he went to sketch alone first." Although the

female teacher Chen Qiao's words sounded a bit far-fetched, there was nothing else Even better, Xu Yiming quickly nodded and said yes.

"Teacher Lan Qin never likes to burden us. He must have seen that we all slept well, so he wanted us to have a good rest, so he didn't call us. Fu Ze, are you right?

" Brother Xu Yiming's words, Fu Ze showed a look that seemed to be smiling but not crying, and then said, "Well, Yiming, you are right."

Zhou Suyun also felt that it was not good for her to always think about the bad, but she just had a kind of feeling in her heart. Very bad feeling.

"I just hope that Lan Damei... Teacher Lan is fine, otherwise I will have to argue with that tour guide named Lao Ou."

Li Xingruo was listening

to everyone's discussion with a frown, and all kinds of good and bad guesses made him She was even more confused, and immediately wanted to go out to find Teacher Lan Qin.

At this time, the tour guide Lao Ou came to the door, bringing a hearty and steaming breakfast.

At this time, everyone realized that they hadn't eaten since they woke up, and now their stomachs were empty, and they really needed to have breakfast first.

"Let's have breakfast first. You can't make everyone hungry just because of looking for Lanqin."

Lao Ou asked his two children to serve breakfast with a smile on his face, and then said that it was some special products in the town. Guests can get used to it.

"I don't think you need to worry too much about that teacher Lanqin. Our Ganshui Town has always been very safe and peaceful. Even if that teacher Lanqin really went up the mountain alone to see the scenery, nothing serious would happen. Go, the biggest wild animals here are deer and roe deer, there are no ferocious animals like tigers."

Fu Ze's gaze shifted from the seemingly delicious food to Lao Ou, this middle-aged man who looked very honest and responsible, it was precisely in the last life that he brought them the most serious psychological shadow.

If he hadn't been blocked by this old Ou, he could have taken the others out of Ganshui Town safely instead of letting them all die here.

Fu Ze's hands under the wooden table were clenched into fists.

He knew very well that it was impossible for him to beat these people. Just because they could let those poisonous insects and snakes come and go freely, he couldn't bet his life with these weird townspeople for a moment of enthusiasm!

Moreover, he has to protect his Xingruo well, and he must not lose his head.

Thinking of this, Fu Ze slowly let go of his fist, and then reached out to pick up the wooden chopsticks, preparing to eat his fill first and then escape from this dangerous Ganshui Town by looking for the opportunity of Mr. Lan Qin.

Fu Ze, who was upset, did not notice that the smile on Lao Ou's face did not fall when these foreigners were eating breakfast with chopsticks. Instead, he watched them eating breakfast with satisfaction, just like watching a group of Like obediently eating pets.

Lan's gaze skimmed over these outsiders lightly, without staying too long.

Lan Qin was very sad when he found out that only Mr. Lan Qin had disappeared after one night.

It seems that the big witch really picked Teacher Lanqin...

In fact, she can certainly sense that there are Gu in these foods, but they are just some Gu that can make people sleepy.

Probably her father wanted to lock these people up, which seemed to Lan to be a very common thing.

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