7.5: Impossible

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The train is driving to City A, and Lanqin barely sleeps halfway After a few hours, when the train arrived in City A, it happened to be around twelve noon.

Lan Qin is not in a hurry to go back to the Lan family, after all, if there are no accidents, the Lan family must now be occupied by the hostess' family.

If he wanted to take it back to Lan's family, he had to fill his stomach first, then take a bath and change his clothes, so that he could beat his best relatives when he was refreshed.

And when Lan Qin took the little boy to lunch, the atmosphere on the side of the hostess Lan Lan was also not very good.

The parents of the heroine Lan Lan didn't understand why their daughter had such an ugly face in the morning, they obviously lived in a big mansion, and it was a time of prosperity, so it was bad luck to have a dead face!

Not interested in facing the eldest daughter's pale face with a trace of blue, Lan's father and mother were all smiles at their youngest son, and even made the servants of the Lan's family dizzy. For a while, I feel that this dish is not tasty, for a while, I feel that the vase is placed in the wrong place, and for a while, I need to change a chair.

The servants were very dissatisfied with this new customer, and the bodies of the original master and wife of the Lan family were now placed in the funeral parlor, and this elder brother and sister-in-law were smiling happily, looking like they had made a fortune. question.

But as salaried servants, even if they had a lot of doubts in their hearts, they were not stupid enough to say it out. After all, it was hard to find a job with easy and high wages like in Lan's house.

They don't have the confidence to resign like the housekeeper. As long as the new master doesn't make things too difficult, they won't consider resigning for the time being.

"The butler surnamed Liu really doesn't know good from bad. We resigned as soon as we arrived. Do we really think that he is the only qualified butler in the world? I think he resigned casually, and he doesn't look like a good butler. It's just right to resign, I'll find a better housekeeper tomorrow."

Lan's mother frantically peeled the shrimp shells for her son, while complaining incessantly.

But Father Lan didn't think there was anything wrong, and even nodded, "It's up to you to find a new butler when the time comes, and you must find a decent butler. Our Lan family is a big family, so we must have one Excellent housekeeper."

The twelve-year-old Xiaobawang didn't understand the use of a housekeeper, but the peeled shrimp in the bowl was not enough to eat. He looked at his father who was leisurely reading newspapers like his uncle, and the one who just sat without eating. Sister, in the end I still called my sister to help him peel the shrimp shells.

But his elder sister Lan Lan didn't respond after being called out several times, which made Lan Hao feel so wronged that he directly pulled his mother's skirt to complain.

Lan's mother was caught by her son's oily little hands, she quickly put down the shrimp in her hand, and reprimanded softly, "You brat, this skirt is very expensive! It can only be dry-cleaned! If you have something to say, don't dirty your hands." Always touch your mother and me casually!"

Lan's father raised his younger brother's glasses with his hand, looked at his wife with a blurred vision, and frowned a little displeased when he found that the skirt on his wife was actually his younger brother and sister Said, "The family is so rich now, why don't you buy new clothes? It's not bad luck to wear a dead dress!" But

Lan's mother thought it was all right, "These are all luxury brands, and my younger brother and sister have the most I only wore it once, and she is dead now. I read it this morning, and many of them didn't even remove the hang tags. Just don't waste it, anyway, my figure is about the same as hers."

Lan's father looked at his wife in such a natural way, his lips moved, but he still didn't say those hurtful words - although his figure was about the same, his face and temperament were quite different. It is because his ten wives are no match for one younger sibling.

But thinking of the two unrecognizable corpses parked in the funeral parlor, Father Lan felt that a fresh wife would look better, at least it wouldn't make people have nightmares at a glance.

After peeling the prawns for her son for a long time, Mother Lan stopped to wipe her hands carefully with a napkin, then picked up the knife and fork to eat lunch awkwardly, and told her husband to visit their company after lunch.

But Lan's father was very dispirited, "I don't know anything about the company, so I'd better leave it to a professional manager. Our family gets a bonus

every year to live a happy life. Anyway, the whole company belongs to us. Do whatever you feel comfortable with."

After thinking about it, Lan's mother felt that this was the way. Her husband knew all about six senses when it came to managing a company-that is, he didn't know anything about it. In case the company goes bankrupt, the whole family will have to drink Northwest Wind.

Lunch was almost finished, and Mother Lan was in the mood to pay attention to her eldest daughter. She wondered if her daughter had a nightmare on the first day of moving to a new house last night. After all, her daughter had witnessed the tragic death of the unlucky couple.

As a young girl, she must feel cruel, and she will have to spend some time comforting her daughter later.

In this matter, she and her husband have the same attitude. The death of her younger brother Lan Guanshan and younger brother Dong Jianqiu is just their bad luck. Who knows that there will be evil spirits breaking in and killing them so cruelly.

Alas, although their family survived, they are still very sad. But now that the brothers and sisters are dead, and their only son, Lan Qin, is also missing, they can only reluctantly handle the funeral for the poor couple, and take over all the Lan family's property by the way.

After all, they were brothers and a family, so they couldn't watch their younger brother and sister lying miserably in the morgue of the funeral parlor without anyone looking after them.

Lan's mother was thinking about something, and the smile on her face was much less. She didn't see the death scene of her brother and sister, and she didn't go to the funeral home with her husband, so she was still in a good mood.

But when she thought of her husband who was still busy with a lot of things, and her daughter who was obviously frightened, she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Lunch was over soon. Although Lan's father didn't need to go to the company to manage things, he obviously needed to take care of the affairs of the younger brother and his wife, and Lan's mother also had to take care of all the affairs of the Lan family, such as human relations and so on.

As for the 12-year-old Lan Hao, he is preparing to study in a noble school in the new semester.

The most idle person in this family should have been Lan Lan's, but after Lan Lan found out that she was reborn, the joy and happiness of moving into the mansion were far away from her.

Lan Lan now desperately hopes to stay with her boyfriend Tan Qianhe, but her boyfriend is still on the way back to find the master to deal with the thousand-year-old red ghost, obviously he can't take care of Lan Lan's fragile psychology.

And this rebirth also brought bad news to Lan Lan, that is, she is not in a boyfriend-boyfriend relationship with her male god yet!

But Lan Lan was not in a hurry, because she knew very well that she had to wait until the male god invited her master down the mountain this time, and then the male god's master was seriously injured in the process of dealing with the thousand-year-old female ghost, and she took the risk of saving the male god After the master, it is the real opportunity to have a better relationship with the male god.

It's just that the highly respected master was still injured too badly, and unfortunately died in the end, but at the same time, it also gave Lan Lan a chance to comfort the male god.

Lan Lan is out of her mind now, just worried about the next thing, whether she will save the master of the male god Tan Qianhe, after all, that is not a degree of injury that she can control, what if the thousand-year-old female ghost strikes too much this time? Seriously, what if we beat her to death?

And the more important point is that the master of the male god is about to die, so it is better to die with the thousand-year-old female ghost, then neither she nor the male god needs to be injured.

Although the recovery process is very good for her to cultivate a relationship with the male god, but the injury is too painful!

Not to mention the severe pain of being beheaded with an ax by the villagers of Luohua Village in the previous life is still vivid in my memory. This is the time when Lan Lan cherishes his life the most.

In order to think about this matter, Lan Lan couldn't fall asleep all night, but in the end she didn't think of a suitable regulation.

Lan's mother proudly asked the servants to make a pot of tea. This was something she had seen her younger brother and sister Dong Jianqiu often do. It was really an extremely elegant hobby.

Thinking that she is now a high-class lady, Lan Mu decided to learn aristocratic etiquette and some noble skills such as flower arranging, which would be more conducive to her entering the circle of high-class ladies.

Lan's mother planned like this, and soon forgot that she still had to talk to her eldest daughter


It was at this time that Lan Qin took the little boy back to Lan's house by taxi. When he saw the young master who was rumored to be missing suddenly appear, the security guard at the door was so surprised that his jaw dropped to the ground.

"Eldest, young master? You, you are back-!"

The security guard yelled in disbelief as he hurriedly opened the gate, and then used a beeper to notify other people in the mansion to let them all know that the young master is back. !

The young master Lan Qin is still alive, and the news that he has safely returned to Lan's house spreads quickly in the mansion, and even the hostess's family, who are still planning what to do this afternoon, know later than the servants this matter.

Mother Lan was so shocked when she heard that someone from her younger brother's house had come back alive, she knocked down the glass tea pots on the ground, and there was a burst of crackling glass pots, just like their family's dream of becoming a rich man. The sound of foam.

Lan's father didn't even notice that the newspaper in his hand was crumpled. He just tore off the glasses on his face, stood up abruptly, and asked with disbelief, "Isn't Lan Qin dead... Isn't it missing?!"

Lan's mother also wanted to ask this question. Obviously the fortune-teller said that Lan Qin's boy must never return, and there is no way he will come back alive! Their family also paid the fortune teller a huge sum of 100,000 yuan for this. How could it be possible that Lanqin is still alive now? !

Lan's mother thought that if Lan Qin came back alive, her family's prosperous life would turn into bubbles, and she was so frightened that she couldn't stand still. The husband muttered, "Someone must have faked it! It must have been faked, Lan Qin... Our Lan Qin will never come back..."

Lan's father also wanted to say this, but now there are so many servants around him Being present, he could only try his best to maintain his decent image, so he decided to see if Lan Qin at the door was really Lan Qin.

When the heroine Lan Lan heard that her cousin was able to come back alive, her first reaction was to frown in disbelief.

After all, according to the trajectory of her previous life, her cousin Lan Qin really died in Luohua Village, and she also saw his head at the village chief's house in Luohua Village, which was the most satisfying collection of the village chief's son Hua Xueliang .

Thinking of that wretched man Hua Xueliang who had a crush on her secretly, Lan Lan felt very unlucky - if she had a crush on her, she would have a crush on her, but it was useless at all, and she couldn't even save her and her boyfriend. waste!

Now Lan Lan and her mother have the same idea, that is, the Lan Qin who came back must be a fake! She had actually seen Lan Qin's corpse in her previous life, and it was absolutely impossible for her to bring Lan Qin back to life once she was reborn.

Thinking of this, Lan Lan's heart that was so nervous that it was thumping was relieved a lot.

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