3.7: He Panicked

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just before Lanqin and his partner went to When the Central Holy See was in a hurry, the protagonist Shou Arthur who was in the Central Holy See was also working hard to win the trust of the Pope.

But because Arthur's ascension meant the death of the former son raised by the pope, he was actually very displeased with this new son who was not outstanding.

After all, compared with 'Lan Qin' who is like his adopted son, this new son is just like a joke. Except for his kind character that can barely be praised, there is really nothing outstanding.

But it is such a person who is not very outstanding in any way, but among those saints of the right age who were temporarily summoned from all over the place, he is already at the forefront of excellence.

This really made the Pope worry about the future of the Holy See for a long time.

Originally, the Pope strongly requested to put aside the matter of choosing a new Son because he did not believe that the Son was dead, but the ten bishops of the Central Holy See all agreed that the selection of a new Son must be carried out as soon as possible.

Because it is not known who leaked the news that the Holy Son was missing and may have died, the Holy Son is the most trusted person in the Holy See besides the Pope. Now that something happened to the Holy Son, but if the new Holy Son is not selected in time, it may cause panic among the people, and even if the news spreads to the Abyss Demon, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

Moreover, there is no contradiction between searching for the former Holy Son and selecting a new Holy Son. First establish a new Holy Son to reassure the public, and then send people to look for the former Holy Son. Replace the temporary new Son.

This is not a problem at all, after all, it is for the safety of the human world.

Under the strong request of the ten bishops, the pope alone could not be concerned about the safety of the people and the human world, so he had to hold his nose and agree.

Generally speaking, the Holy Son is raised by the Pope, so the relationship between the Pope and the Holy Son is close and stable, which is very meaningful for the stability of the power of the Central Holy See.

However, in order to prevent the pope from monopolizing the power, the ten bishops are the best people to supervise the power of the pope and the son. If the son is not there and the pope is alone, if the ten bishops agree, they can be evenly matched with the pope.

After confirming the new Holy Son, the Pope will naturally crown the new Holy Son. During this ceremony, the Pope has always maintained a solemn and upright expression, not even showing a half smile.

Arthur was very aware of the relationship between the Pope and the Holy Son, so he naturally understood the Pope's sadness at this moment, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Not to mention that the previous pope was successfully assassinated because of his negligence, and the human world also fell under his best protection, and even all human races were bullied and humiliated by demons... For these reasons, Arthur was very angry with the pope

. His attitude is very guilty and painful. He doesn't know if he can save the Pope this time, and whether he can protect the human world.

But he has taken the position of the Holy Son, and he can only use his life to perform his duties.

The Pope didn't know Arthur's thoughts at all, but according to normal people's thinking, being able to rise from the position of a priest to the position of a saint in one step is basically no less than ascending to heaven in one step.

The young man must be very happy.

Just as happy as Lanchin, who was only sixteen at the time, was at the coronation.

Only now the Pope is a little bit as happy and joyful as before.

The new son, Arthur, has no intention of thinking about the false wandering knight Jody, because he wants to get closer to the Pope as soon as possible, and then speak out about the conspiracy planned by the Abyss Demon King after gaining enough trust from the Pope.

But Arthur never thought that his behavior like this would be more likely to misunderstand the Pope.

The new Holy Son did not show concern for the former Holy Son's situation at all, and did not even ask a question. Instead, he acted extremely anxious and wanted to get closer to the Pope. The eagerness for quick success and instant benefits in one's own position.

The Pope didn't like it the most. Even some bishops who simply wanted the new Son to make up for the absence of the previous Son were muttering in their hearts. This new Son, who was highly recommended by several other bishops, really looked terrible How about it, it is a bit of an insult to the teachings of the Central Holy See.

It's just that the election was also elected, and the coronation ceremony was also held

. If there is another holy son in a short period of time, I am afraid that all the people will question the ability of their central Holy See.

Other bishops who were bribed and threatened by the Demon King Jodi with various advantages, or who were themselves sent by the Demon King of the Abyss, some people felt that they couldn't stand it anymore, so they directly found the new Son. It's better not to bother the Pope every day.

"If the Holy Son has anything he doesn't understand, he can come and ask us bishops. There is really no need to go to the pope two or three times a day." After being approached by the bishop and saying, Arthur realized that

he inappropriate behavior.

But when he realized that he was too anxious and left a bad impression in the hearts of the pope and the bishops, it was already too late.

If it was in the previous life, he would definitely work hard to find the holy son, but after Jodi told him that the holy son Lanqin was killed by him in the previous life, Arthur was sure that the holy son Lanqin was dead .

For a dead person, there is really no need to waste time and energy looking for it.

But it was such a reasonable attitude that made the image of Arthur, the new holy son, very bad in the Central Holy See.

After all, the former Holy Son was a very popular and powerful person, not to mention that the Holy Son grew up in the Central Holy See since he was a child. Not only did he have a good relationship with the Pope, but he was also very popular in the Central Holy See.

Therefore, knowing that the Holy Son was missing, many priests, deacons, and knights volunteered to find the missing Holy Son.

The pope was very pleased with this, and after discussing with the bishop, he sent some people out to follow the adventure route of the Holy Son Lanchin's team to find the Holy Son.

Although the Pope knew very well that Lan Chin brought out the elite saints of the Central Vatican, and the accompanying knights and priests were all the best. It may be useless work.

But before seeing Lanchin's body with his own eyes, the Pope was always unwilling to give up.

His most innocent and kind child may be in the most dangerous predicament in his life now, but as the pope of the Holy See, he can only sit in the central Holy See, unless there is a large-scale war between the human world and the devil, otherwise the Pope Those in power in the position cannot easily leave the central Holy See.

--On the other hand, after Arthur was clearly aware of his wrong attitude, he was really in a dilemma. Whether he cared about the search for his former son Lanchin now, or explained to the Pope that he was not eager for quick success. is very inappropriate.

In the end, Arthur had to stop all his thoughts, and decided to be cold for a while, and during this time, he had to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Only by obtaining the most powerful power of the Holy Light can we win the victory for the human race in the following wars!

After a period of depression and remorse, Arthur quickly regained his vitality, and was full of confidence to work hard to improve his own strength.

But Arthur didn't think about Jody, but Jody obviously wouldn't let Arthur go easily.

And in Jody's view, Arthur is his lover, not only in the previous life, but also in this life, he must get Arthur and Arthur's sincerity.

Of course, this time he will choose a more moderate method to unify the two worlds, instead of directly letting his lover face the fact that the human world has been captured.

Without being able to completely defeat or deal with the Lord of the Abyss, Jody, the Lord of the Abyss, urgently needs a victory to satisfy his heart.

So he went to the Central Holy See to look for Arthur under the shell of a Holy See knight.

And when Arthur heard the attendants say that someone outside the Holy See was looking for him, he thought it was some friends from Primus who had come to him, so he went to see him happily, and then he faced Jody with a smile on his face.

The moment Arthur saw Jody, the fake knight, he almost screamed out, but after realizing that this is a very deranged demon king, even so powerful that no one can stop him, if he really Shout out here, the first ones to be killed were himself and the knights at the gate of the Holy See, as well as the people on the street.

Don't be impulsive!

Arthur's mind was full of

such thoughts, but in fact, his whole body was so nervous that he broke out in a cold sweat.

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